By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks,
Bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight,
Stand like Druids of old, with voices sad and prophetic,
Stand like harpers hoar, with beards that rest on their bosoms.
Loud from its rocky caverns, the deep-voiced neighboring ocean
Speaks, and in accents disconsolate answers the wail of the forest.
This is the forest primeval; but where are the hearts that beneath it
Leaped like the roe, when he hears in the woodland the voice of the huntsman?
Where is the thatch-roofed village, the home of Acadian farmers,–
Men whose lives glided on like rivers that water the woodlands,
Darkened by shadows of earth, but reflecting an image of heaven?
Waste are those pleasant farms, and the farmers forever departed!
Scattered like dust and leaves, when the mighty blasts of October
Seize them, and whirl them aloft, and sprinkle them far o’er the ocean.
Naught but tradition remains of the beautiful village of Grand-Pré.
Ye who believe in affection that hopes, and endures, and is patient,
Ye who believe in the beauty and strength of woman’s devotion,
List to the mournful tradition still sung by the pines of the forest;
List to a Tale of Love in Acadie, home of the happy."
"𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓷𝓸 𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓮 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽 𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓪 𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓲𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓰𝓮."
- 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓑𝓾𝓻𝓴𝓮
“Fairy tales are more than true — not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten.”
~G.K. Chesterton
“Few places in this world are more dangerous than home. Fear not, therefore, to try the mountain passes. They will kill care, save you from deadly apathy, set you free, and call forth every faculty into vigorous, enthusiastic action.”
~John Muir
Sonnet 73
"That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see'st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
Consum'd with that which it was nourish'd by.
This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long."
~William Shakespeare
The Twilight Rain
By Matsuo Bashō
"In the twilight rain
These brilliant-hued hibiscus -
A lovely sunset."
"Remember this. When people choose to withdraw far from a fire, the fire continues to give warmth, but they grow cold. When people choose to withdraw far from light, the light continues to be bright in itself but they are in darkness. This is also the case when people withdraw from God."
~Saint Augustine
Job 38:7
"When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"
"Properly, we should read for power. Man reading should be man intensely alive. The book should be a ball of light in one's hand."
~Ezra Pound
"I have never thought of writing for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out; that is the reason why I compose."