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"It is true and always will be true that virtue is the highest wisdom."

~Søren Kierkegaard


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The Christmas Tree by Henry Mosler

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“for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,

“Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”

Ephesians 5:14-17

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"Lovely Lady dressed in blue" poem by Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen

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"If you understand Teach, if you know Act."

- A European thought -

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@𝐍єØⓃ 乃𝑜𝕆𝕄乃ᵒχ

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“Love makes duty a pleasure.”
— Thomas Watson

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"The real man smiles at trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection."

~Thomas Paine


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Kulning in a winter forest. 🌲


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“If we would please this Divine Infant, we too must become children, simple and humble. We must carry to Him, flowers of virtue, of meekness, of mortification, of charity. We must clasp Him in the arms of our love.”

~ Saint Alphonsus Liguori

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Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God

John 1:12

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We still lack many things, so that we may not lack God.

St. Ignatius of Antioch, Epistle to the Trallians V.ii

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And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,
knowing that from the
Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you
serve the Lord Christ.

Colossians 3:23

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Christmas Trees

(A Christmas Circular Letter)
The city had withdrawn into itself
And left at last the country to the country;
When between whirls of snow not come to lie
And whirls of foliage not yet laid, there drove
A stranger to our yard, who looked the city,
Yet did in country fashion in that there
He sat and waited till he drew us out
A-buttoning coats to ask him who he was.
He proved to be the city come again
To look for something it had left behind
And could not do without and keep its Christmas.
He asked if I would sell my Christmas trees;
My woods—the young fir balsams like a place
Where houses all are churches and have spires.
I hadn’t thought of them as Christmas Trees.
I doubt if I was tempted for a moment
To sell them off their feet to go in cars
And leave the slope behind the house all bare,
Where the sun shines now no warmer than the moon.
I’d hate to have them know it if I was.
Yet more I’d hate to hold my trees except
As others hold theirs or refuse for them,
Beyond the time of profitable growth,
The trial by market everything must come to.
I dallied so much with the thought of selling.
Then whether from mistaken courtesy
And fear of seeming short of speech, or whether
From hope of hearing good of what was mine, I said,
“There aren’t enough to be worth while.”
“I could soon tell how many they would cut,
You let me look them over.”

“You could look.
But don’t expect I’m going to let you have them.”
Pasture they spring in, some in clumps too close
That lop each other of boughs, but not a few
Quite solitary and having equal boughs
All round and round. The latter he nodded “Yes” to,
Or paused to say beneath some lovelier one,
With a buyer’s moderation, “That would do.”
I thought so too, but wasn’t there to say so.
We climbed the pasture on the south, crossed over,
And came down on the north. He said, “A thousand.”

“A thousand Christmas trees!—at what apiece?”

He felt some need of softening that to me:
“A thousand trees would come to thirty dollars.”

Then I was certain I had never meant
To let him have them. Never show surprise!
But thirty dollars seemed so small beside
The extent of pasture I should strip, three cents
(For that was all they figured out apiece),
Three cents so small beside the dollar friends
I should be writing to within the hour
Would pay in cities for good trees like those,
Regular vestry-trees whole Sunday Schools
Could hang enough on to pick off enough.
A thousand Christmas trees I didn’t know I had!
Worth three cents more to give away than sell,
As may be shown by a simple calculation.
Too bad I couldn’t lay one in a letter.
I can’t help wishing I could send you one,
In wishing you herewith a Merry Christmas."

Robert Frost

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Do not let the glory of the world or the pleasure of the flesh lead you astray; the wisdom of Christ should become sweeter to you than these.

The light of Christ should shine so much for you that the spirit of lies and deceit will not seduce you.

Finally, Christ as the strength of God should support you so that you may not be worn down by difficulties.

~ St. Bernard of Clairvaux

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IMPERIVM presents Forward Friday from 1pm-7pm.

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Lumiere snowball fight, 1896.
Lyon, France
. ❄️🤍❄️


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"Reason is a tool, a machine, which is driven by the spiritual fire. When human reason (which would demand a chapter for itself) penetrates into the domain of knowledge, it works independently of the feeling, and consequently of the heart. But when our aim is the understanding of love or of nature, we march towards the very citadel of the heart."

~Fyodor Dostoyevsky


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The Census at Bethlehem, 1566.

~Pieter Bruegel the Elder


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