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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Happy Sunday ☺ Schönen Sonntag

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Portrait of a Gaul; 2nd century AD Roman copy of a (probably much older) Greek original. On display at The British Museum in London.

Celtic Europe - channel link (please share!): /channel/rjOekyqBmgxiZjcx

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

New video with a lengthy reading!

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

This isn’t an accident or mistake. This is intentional! The food manufacturers deliberately put heavy metals in baby food, just like they put other toxins and harmful chemicals in all food. This is the kind of people we’re dealing with, and I’ve learned this many years ago. I’ve already known a while back that those who run the whole system, run the industries and institutions want the opposite of a healthy, happy, intelligent public. knowing this about them made me mistrust the government and all institutions and industries, and be very suspicious of them. This is what saved me, and most of my family from being willingly injected with the toxic Covid vaccine.

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Es ist Zeit, das wir uns an die Urkraft der weiblichen Liebe, das Mitgefühl, die Fürsorge, die naturverbundene Heilkunde und die wahre, kraftvolle Urnatur, die Wildheit, des wissenden Mannes, der mit seinem Schutz über das Leben der Familien, der Vegetation, der Tiere wacht, erinnern und diese Kräfte in unser Leben zurückzuholen. Für die Erde, Mann und Frau und alle Menschenkinder.

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

"The great rishis said: The male is a plenary expansion of the power of Lord Vishnu, who maintains the entire universe, and the female is a plenary expansion of the goddess of fortune, who is never separated from the Lord." (Srimad Bhagavatam, 4.15.3)

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

You are your ancestors

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Man muß seine Arbeit Viṣṇu (Gott) als Opfer darbringen, denn sonst wird man durch sie an die materielle Welt gebunden. O Sohn Kuntīs, erfülle daher deine vorgeschriebenen Pflichten zu Seiner Zufriedenstellung; auf diese Weise wirst du immer frei von Bindung bleiben.
Bhagavad Gita, Kapitel 3, Vers 9

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Großer Geist,
gib uns Herzen, die verstehen
nie von der Schöpfung mehr zu nehmen als wir geben,
nie mutwillig zu zerstören zur Stillung unserer Gier,
nie zu verweigern unsere Hand, wo es gilt, der Erde Schönheit aufzubauen,
nie von ihr zu nehmen,
was wir nicht bedürfen.

Indianische Weisheit
(Aus einem Gebet der Indianer)


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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️



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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Slawischer Götterhain in Iznota, Polen.

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

“A People consists of an ethnically, linguistically, culturally and spiritually homogenous grouping of autochthonous persons, historically tied to the land upon which they thrive. The present morphological and physiological structure of any specific People has been determined by the geographical terrain that they inhabit, by the climatic conditions in which they matured, and by the social, psychological and spiritual circumstances that genetically molded them as a distinct People. A People, defined in a healthy state, is united in social identity by a common sense of community and tradition, stretching across the expanse of history, and united by a common sense of folk kinship. A people is a family writ large.” (The Dharma Manifesto: A New Vision for Global Transformation, pg. 34)

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Beautiful murti of Lord Shiva

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Das Germanische Weib ...

Das Germanische Weib ist eine Hüterin (Bewahrerin/Beschützerin). Hüterin des alten Wissen - Sie weiß die Runen zu raunen & zu raten was zu tun ist - was es Bedarf. Jammern ist ihrer nicht würdig. Denn Sie weiß sich zu helfen.
Sie ist Hüterin des Feuers - trägt sogar die Energie des Feuers in sich.
In alten Zeiten war das Feuer der zentrale Mittelpunkt des Hauses. Sippenmitglieder versammelten sich dort und Stammesmitglieder wurden dort empfangen.
Sie ist Hüterin der Kräuterkunde - In ihr steckt das Wissen ihrer Ahnen zu heilen, um das Überleben ihrer Sippe zu sichern.
Sie ist Hüterin der weiblichen Mysterien - ist sich ihrer Urkraft bewusst. In Ihr steckt das alte Wissen einer Göttin.
Sie ist eine treue warmherzige verständnisvolle liebende Gefährtin des Mannes um ihn mit ihren Gaben zu unterstützen. Das Germanische Weib bettelt nicht um Wertschätzung denn sie kennt ihren Wert und ein wahrer Germane erkennt auch ihren Wert.
@cheruskerin Sari Hagazussa

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

↟ The greatest of warriors know how to battle them self. Go outside and reconnect with nature - heal your soul 🌲

Native Scandinavian man from Sweden, photo of: @a.nordic.nomad 🗡

Follow @NativeScandinavia ⬅️

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Christianity of today has little to do with the original teachings of Dharma Master Sri Issa Putra - Jesus Christ.
Jaya Sriman Narayana, Jai Issa Putra 🙏🏻📿

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

This is well put, and an excellent post. Indeed, throughout all Dharmic societies, wherever we may find them, the importance of women is found.

The opposite of that, and indeed wherever respect and reverence is not found, is due to what Sri Dharma Pravartaka has termed Virodha-Vardhana-Vada, or Conflict Theory. Conflict Theory "accurately convey[s] the very heart of Abrahamism in terms of its metaphysics , its social-political methodology, and it's end-goal objective". Further:

Perhaps the starkest and most prevalent example of Conflict Theory that has wrought havoc upon the modern era has been the ersatz philosophy of Marxism. Marxism marks a sharp departure from the earlier forms of Abrahamist Conflict Theory in several ways. Marxism attempted to take this root essence of Abrahamic philosophical-praxis that I call Conflict Theory and transform it into an exacting "science" of social change with pseudo-philosophical aspirations. [The Dharma Manifesto, Conflict Theory (Virodha-Vardhana-Vada), Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, Pp. 56].

Part of this exacting science has been to pit men and women against each other, perverting traditional, dharmic roles and fostering an economic environment that is an afront to both sexes. The need to exasperate male-female relations stems from a desire to "progress". Such "progress" is, in reality, nothing but the artificial exacerbation of "otherwise natural and reconcilable differences that are found among people, and to forcibly level such differences in a consciously and deliberately horizonal fashion. It is the goal of Conflict Theory to replace natural differences, such as the natural harmony of vertical hierarchy, along with the inherent psycho-physical differences that exist between people, with a monotonous, enforced uniformity of thought." [The Dharma Manifesto, Conflict Theory (Virodha-Vardhana-Vada), Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, Pp. 57].

The answer is to once again honour the Feminine Principle, the Shakti, the Divine Mother. The violence to nature and women are linked, and they are both symptoms of the subjugation of this feminine principle. This should not be done at the expense of the masculine principle, but rather alongside it. In so doing, we can end the dominance of Abrahamic Conflict Theory and embrace Dharma.

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

It is time to remember the primal power of feminine love, compassion, care, nature-based healing and the true, powerful primal nature, the wildness, of the knowing man who watches over the lives of families, vegetation, animals with his protection, and to bring these powers back into our lives. For the earth, man and woman and all human children.

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Eine Frau, die im Einklang mit ihrer Weiblichkeit steht, ist unaufhaltsam
A woman in line with her femininity is unstoppable

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Celtic hero and demigod Cú Chulainn and his bride Emer.

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Ġif man ne wāt þæt þe biþ gōd, þonne hū hē wille gōd fremman?
- Srila Prabhupada

"If one does not know what is good, then how he'll do good?"
- Srila Prabhupada

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Ancient Slavic Gods⚡️

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

Nie sollte man Liebende voneinander trennen. Nie sie getrennt betrachten und voneinander getrennt behandeln, als gehörten sie nicht zueinander. Heißt du den Einen in deinem Hause willkommen – so heiße stets auch den Anderen willkommen; hegst du Vertrauen zum Einen und teilst Geheimnisse – so habe genug Vertrauen auch zum Anderen, wenn derjenige es erfährt. Denn merke dir Eines: Wahrhaft Liebende haben keine Geheimnisse voneinander. Es gibt heilige Bündnisse, die an sich schon unantastbar und unverhandelbar sind.

Es ist ein so selbstverständliches und universelles Prinzip, welches erschreckenderweise von den Allerwenigsten in dieser Gesellschaft verstanden und zu Gemüte geführt wird.

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

A wise woman chooses a husband and a future father of her children.

A foolish woman chooses a man that wants to just play games with her until she is too old to have children.

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

"Kämpfe um des Kämpfens willen, ohne Glück oder Leid, Verlust oder Gewinn, Sieg oder Niederlage in Betracht zu ziehen – und dadurch wirst du niemals Sünde begehen."

(Bhagavad Gita, 2.38)

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

"Mohrenkopf" is not politically correct. We use "Merkels Guest" now

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

SHIVA SAVES YOUNG MARKANDEYA One day, many years ago, a barren married couple prayed for a son. The god Brahma appeared to them, and gave them a choice. He said, he would grant them a son, who was healthy but very dumb, who would live for a 100 years, or he could grant them a brilliant child, full of wisdom and grace, but would only live to be 16 years old. The couple chose to have the short lived brilliant son. This son was named Markandeya, and grew to be an ardent devotee of Shiva and dedicated student of the Veda. On his 16th birthday, Yama, the God of Death, came to take Markandeya away to his next life. Markandeya stopped in his tracks and wrapped his arms around an idol of Shiva, Shiva appeared out of that very idol and prevented Yama from taking Markandeya away. To this day, Markandeya is celebrated as learned sage and author of the famous text called Markandeya Purana.

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

The Germanic Woman ...

The Germanic Woman is a guardian (keeper/protector). Keeper of the ancient knowledge - She knows how to murmur the runes & advise what to do - what it takes. Whining is not worthy of her. For she knows how to help herself.
She is the guardian of fire - even carries the energy of fire within her.
In ancient times, the fire was the central hub of the home. Members of the clan gathered there and members of the tribe were welcomed there.
She is the guardian of herbalism - she has the knowledge of her ancestors to heal in order to ensure the survival of her clan.
She is the guardian of the female mysteries - is aware of her elemental power. She contains the ancient knowledge of a goddess.
She is a faithful, warm-hearted, understanding and loving companion of the man to support him with her gifts. The Germanic woman does not beg for appreciation because she knows her value and a true Germanic man also recognises her value.
@cherusker Sari Hagazussa

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Ingestochter☀Europäische Sanatana Dharmis ☸️

New song in Old Saxon!

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