Sanatana Dharmi aus Österreich 🇦🇹 Austria 🌸🌷🌞 ☸️
"Die Weltanschauung von Dharma besteht aus einem Kodex metaphysischer Prinzipien, die universell, ewig, axiomatisch und in ihrer wesentlichen Natur unveränderlich sind.
Mehr noch, Dharma ist das universelle Ordnungsprinzip, welches in der Struktur unseres Kosmos selbst liegt. Kosmisch gesehen gibt Dharma unserer Welt Ordnung, Stabilität und Bedeutung; und im sozialen Bereich lehrt uns Dharma
entsprechende Konventionen für Verhalten und Benehmen. Dharma ist eine
wissenschaftlich validierte, empirisch überprüfbare und philosophisch
ableitbare metaphysische Realität. Es geht damit über die "Religion" im
normativen Sinne eines bloßen Systems menschlicher Überzeugungen oder Meinungen hinaus. Dharma
bezeichnet die unveränderlichen Naturgesetze und ist daher nicht von unserem Glauben oder Unglauben an seine Wahrheit oder Wirksamkeit abhängig. "
- Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
(The Dharma-Manifesto)
"The worldview of Dharma consists of a code of metaphysical principles that
are universal, eternal, axiomatic, and unalterable by their essential nature.
More, Dharma is the universal ordering principle that lies inherent in the
very structure of our cosmos. Cosmically, Dharma gives our world order,
stability, and meaning; and in the social realm, Dharma teaches us
corresponding conventions of conduct and behavior. Dharma is a
scientifically validated, empirically verifiable and philosophically
inferential metaphysical reality. It thus transcends “religion” in the
normative sense of any mere system of human belief or opinion. Dharma
denotes the unalterable laws of nature, and thus is not conditioned by our
belief or disbelief in its truth or efficacy. " - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
(The Dharma Manifesto)
"All the places of the world are mine, I am with you all the time. You can worship and meditate at any time in every place." ~ Devi Gita: The Song of the Goddess
Читать полностью…😻💭 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐮𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐊𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭, 𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐤-𝐘𝐨𝐠𝐚 🥰😄 ❤️
A good man commits to his woman and gives her safety.
A bad man leaves his woman in uncertainty and gives her great fear.
Umarmen wir die Weisheit unserer Frauen, ihre Weiblichkeit und ihre Schönheit, die von der KultUR unserer Vorfahren veerbt wurde.
Читать полностью…"Foische Wohl baam maun losst a fraa kindslos blam un ohne Zukuaft.
Owa midn rechn maun, wiad se blian"
"Wrong choice in men lets a woman be childless and without future.
But with the right man she will blossom."
↟ Motherhood is one of the most noble and pure job a woman can do in this world, mothers nurture our future 🌿
Native Scandinavian mother and child from Sweden. Repost from: @_julia._b_ 🇸🇪
Follow @NativeScandinavia ⬅️
„Wir wurden systematisch einer Gehirnwäsche unterzogen, um zu glauben, dass die traditionelle Weisheit der historischen Vergangenheit ein unterdrückerischer Feind ist, der überwunden und zurückgewiesen werden muss. Das Gegenteil ist tatsächlich der Fall. Unsere Vorfahren gehören zu unseren größten Lehrern und Wohltätern. Unser vergangenes Erbe ist ein tiefer Schatz Fundgrube an unentbehrlichem Wissen, Schönheit, Kultur und spiritueller Nahrung, aus der wir lernen und wachsen können. Die Vergangenheit ist ein integraler Bestandteil unserer gegenwärtigen Gemeinschaft. Lerne von der ewigen Weisheit der alten Weisen und den heiligen Schriften, die sie uns hinterlassen haben sowie dem Beispiel deiner eigenen Vorfahren, und du wirst Weisheit, Verbundenheit und Zufriedenheit erfahren." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
Читать полностью…°🦋°❈°🍃°❈°💙°❈°🍃°❈°🦋°
ℬℯ𝒾 𝒢ℯ𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁ℯ𝓃 ℊℯ𝓇𝓃ℯ 𝒯ℯ𝒾𝓁ℯ𝓃 𝓋ℴ𝓃 ℋℯ𝓇𝓏 𝓏𝓊 ℋℯ𝓇𝓏 💕
So wie ein Feuer von Rauch bedeckt ist, ein Spiegel von Staub verdunkelt ist, wie der Embryo tief im Mutterleib ruht, wird die Weisheit durch selbstsüchtiges Verlangen verborgen. Nur die Würdigen erhalten ihr Geschenk des höchsten roten Elixiers. Du wirst sie als deine Mutter kennenlernen. Im unendlichen Schwarz ihres Leibes nimmt unsere Wiedergeburt Gestalt an.
Читать полностью…“The so-called Left Hand Path (Vāmāchāra) has never been recognized as a legitimate Vedic path by any of the rishis, Acharyas, or truly legitimate gurus in the history of Sanatana Dharma as having any meaningful connection with authentic Vedic spirituality. It is for this reason that the Left Hand Path has always represented such a infinitesimally tiny percentage of persons that, until only recently, it was barely even noticed as a phenomenon of any significance among legitimate Dharmis. It has only been in recent decades, with the exponentially increasing need for infantile titillation in the name of spirituality, that it has now been an increasing subject of curiosity among some Western spiritual tourists. Our sages, our scriptures (Shruti and Smriti), as well as even the Vedic population in general, have always viewed the corrupt Left Hand Path as a hopelessly degenerate, anti-Vedic (avaidika) and asuric aberration cynically employed by morally perverted and qualitatively low class persons as an excuse to engage in debauchery, sociopathic behavior, and sexually predatory - and even pedophilic - conduct. Indeed, despite any self-serving protestations to the contrary, when one scratches even a half millimeter below the surface of a Left Hand cultist, it is almost guaranteed that what you will find is nothing much more than a pedophile. Despite the fact that these demonic cultists employ much of the terminology and some of the external cultural accoutrements of the Vedic tradition, the Left Hand Path has as much of a connection with the authentic Vedic tradition as the Church of Satan has with Christianity! Sanatana Dharma and Left Hand Path are irreconcilable opposites – and this is eternally the case. As long as there are ego-enslaved beings reveling in their own illusion, the presence of evil will be a dark reality in the material world. All sincere followers of Sanatana Dharma, and especially those who are members of the International Sanatana Dharma Society, ardently reject the evil of Left Hand Path degeneracy in any and all of its forms. Upon this oath, there will never be any compromise. Evam Bhavatu – May It Be So.” – Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Founder-President: International Sanatana Dharma Society)
Читать полностью…Sewing a jacket. Cat Johannisbär is "helping" 😊
Читать полностью…"To hope for change without doing something yourself is like waiting for a ship on a train station."
Читать полностью…Geh', o Mensch, und säe Thaten
In den Acker deiner Zeit,
Deines Wohlthuns edle Saaten
Reifen für die Ewigkeit.
Darfst du heut' nicht Früchte schauen,
Lerne auf die Zukunft bauen;
Wenn schon lang dein Hügel grün,
Kann dir noch die Ernte blüh'n!
-Karl von Gerok, 1815 – 1890-
“Most members of Vedic societies lived very active and productive lives. The four traditional ‘Aims of Man’, or purusharthas, are the following:
1) dharma (following Natural Law)
2) artha (seeking prosperity and success in the world)
3) kama (sattvic sensual enjoyment in the world)
4) moksha (spiritual liberation)
Thus, the Vedic goals consist of a balanced mixture of both spiritual and material aims.” - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
Remember to always do the opposite of what the media tells you to do.
Читать полностью…Wenn wir Gott vergessen, fallen wir zurück in den Teich der Maya (Unsicherheit, Illusion, Angst).
Wenn wir uns an Gott erinnern, zeigt er uns alle Liebe und allen Schutz, den wir jemals brauchen.
When we forget God we fall back down into the pool of maya (uncertainty, illusion, fear).
When we remember God he shows us all love and protection we ever need
Sċerīman Nārǣġeana and Sċerī Laksċemi æaron ānnes ānes Godhādes.
Sriman Narayana and Sri laksmi are a unity of one Godhead.
Es fließt ein Strom in tiefem Rot,
entsprungen vor endlosen Tagen.
Pulsierend, lebendig, besiegt er den Tod -
in sich Ahn und Enkel tragend,
denn nur das Blut bleibt, wenn man geht -
in seinen Kindern und Erben
pflanz' dich hinauf, ein ewiger Weg -
und du wirst niemals sterben.
Every woman shall blossom. With children and without. With a husband and without. God Mother wants her children to be happy.
Читать полностью…Without men wanting to become fathers, there is no future.
Читать полностью…Criscna, Tinga Eallra Tingena.
Krishna, Cause Of All Causes.
"We are facing so many difficulties. We don't care for it. We never compromise. All my students, they will never compromise. Why shall I compromise? If I am confident that I am speaking the truth, why shall I compromise? Those who are not confident of his position, they will compromise. One who does not know where he stands, he will compromise. And if I know where I am standing, why shall I compromise? Let others do whatever they like. This is our position." - A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ( Biographies and Glorifications of Srila Prabhupada, "My Memories of Srila Prabhupada" Bhakti Vikas Swami"
Читать полностью…Bhagavad Gita, Kapitel 2, Vers 38
Читать полностью…language itself must be purified of all debased words and expressions, brought to the heights of poetic expression, and verbally uttered in a beautiful manner by the People.
- Principles of Perfect Leadership 3.29
Garuda sculpture at the Channakeshava temple in Karnataka, India. Garuda is the vahana (mount/vehicle) of Vishnu, a renowned protector of devotees, and destroyer of demons, especially adharmic Nagas.
Jaya Sri Garuda!
"Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons, do not surrender unto Me."
Bhagavad Gita Ch.7, V15
Читать полностью…Living in a village in the countryside is most dharmic 🇦🇹 peaceful, calm, no hurry
#Austria #country #countryside #village #rural
Ǣwfæste earon þā tīwas, hī weorþiaþ hēahdrihten Uiscnu.
Pious are the Gods, they worship supreme Lord Visnu.