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Intensive English

At the Dentist’s - Tish doktori huzurida

I have a toothache - Mening tishim og’riyapti

I have a loose tooth - Mening tishim qimirlayapti

The filling has fallen out - Tishning plombasi tushib ketdi

Will you fill or pull out the tooth? - Siz plomba qo’yasizmi yoki tishini oldirib tashlaysizmi?

Open your mouth, please - Marhamat og’zingizni oching

This tooth can’t be treated .It must be pulled out - Bu davolanmaydigan tish. Uni oldirib tashlash kerak

Rinse your mouth - Og’zingizni chayqab tashlang

Spit please - Tupuring


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Intensive English

ZAYN - Dusk Till Dawn (Official Video) ft. Sia


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1) money; (davlatning pul birligi) currency;

naqd pul — ready money, cash;

mol naqd pulga sotiladi — the goods are sold for cash down;

qog'oz pul — paper-money;

mayda pul — (small) change;

muomaladagi pul miqdori — amount of currency in circularion;

pul qilmoq
a) (yig'moq) save money;
(ishlab topmoq) make money
b) (sotmoq) sell smth;

pul ishlamoq — earn money;

2) (tanga, arzimas pul) penny, farthing;

bu narsa bir pulga qimmat — it is not worth a brass farthing;

hamma harakatlari bir pul bo'ldi — all his efforts came to nothing


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⚜️Vocabulary TIme⚜️

✅Phrasal verbs

▪️drum up—o’ziga jalb qilmoq
▪️die out—qirilib ketmoq
▪️dig up—qozib chiqarmoq
▪️dry up— qurimoq; yaroqsiz xolga kelmoq
▪️dry up—aytmoqchi bo’lgan gapini unutmoq
▪️dive in— biror ishni ishtiyoq bilan boshlamoq
▪️do away with—dan xalos bo’lmoq
▪️draw up—yaratmoq, tuzmoq
▪️dress up bezanmoq
▪️drop off—uxlab qolmoq
▪️drown out —biror kishini gapini eshtmaslig uchun yoki boshqalarni eshtishini hohlamaslig uchun undanda baland ovoz chiqarmoq
▪️do without … siz yashamoq
▪️dawn on—birdaniga tushinib yetmoq
▪️deal with—eplamoq
▪️drop in (on)—kutulmaganda tashrif buyurmoq
▪️drop off—mashinada tashlab qoymoq
▪️do up—tuzatmoq
▪️do away with—xalos bo’lmoq
▪️die down—pasaymoq
▪️do up—tuzatmoq


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🚩 Antonyms - Antonimlar

1. A long way from - near \ not far from -- uzoq - yaqin. 
2. Abandon- return to -- tashlab ketmoq - qaytmoq 
3. Abbreviate - lengthen -- qisqartirmoq - uzaytirmoq 
4. Ancient - modern -- qadimiy - zamonaviy 
5. Bad - excellend -- yomon - a'lo. 
6. Barren - fertile -- unumsiz- serhosil 
7. At the top - at the bottom -- tepada - pastda 
8. Arrogant - modest -- mag'rur- kamtar 
9. Agree to - reject -- rozi bo'lmoq - rad etmoq 
10. Alone- adapted-- yolg'iz - kirishimli 
11. Ally - adversary -- ittifoqdosh - raqib. 
12. Brave - coward -- jasur - qo'rqoq 
13. Busy - free -- band - bo'sh 
14. Chubby - skinny -- semiz - oriq 
15. Comfortable - uneasy -- qulay - noqulay 
16. Complex - simple -- murakkab - oddiy 
17. Conceal - exhibit -- berkitmoq - ko'rsatmoq 
18. Confidence - doubt -- ishonch - shubha 
19.conflicts - concords -- to'qnashuv - kelishuv 
20. Cruel - kind -- qo'pol - mehribon.


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🟢 Vocabulary notes:

🔰 arm-chair - kreslo
🔰 bedding - to’shak anjomlari
🔰 bed-sidetable - karavot yonida turadigan stolcha
🔰 bed-spread - choyshab
🔰 blanket - odeyal, kampal
🔰 blanket-cover - choyshab
🔰 book-case - kitob javoni
🔰 book-shelf - kitob tokchasi
🔰 broom - supurgi
🔰 carpet - gilam
🔰 central-heating - markaziy isitish
🔰 chest of drawers - komod, past javon
🔰 china - chinni
🔰 to consist of - ... tashkil topmoq, (...dan iborat bo
🔰 construction - qurilish
🔰 cot, crib - bolalar karavati
🔰 creadle - beshik
🔰 cupboard - bufet, javon
🔰 desk - yozuv stoli
🔰 dinner-table - ovqatlanish stoli
🔰 dish - tarelka, idish, ovqat, taom
🔰 door-mat - oyoq artgich, poyandoz
🔰 door-step - ostona
🔰 double-bed - qo’sh karavot
🔰 drawer - tortma stol, shkaf
🔰 dressing table - kiyinish stoli 25
🔰 duster - latta (chang artish uchun)
🔰 dwelling house - turar joy
🔰 electricity - elektr quvvati
🔰 entrance - kirish
🔰 entrance-hall - vestibyul
🔰 floor-lamp - torsher
🔰 fork - vilka
🔰 furniture - mebel, jihoz
🔰 to furnish - jihozlamoq
🔰 furnished - jihozlangan
🔰 gas-stove - gaz plitasi
🔰 glass - stakan, ryumka
🔰 ground-floor - birinchi qavat
🔰 hedge - to’siq, panjara
🔰 housing construction - qurilish
🔰 to improve - yaxshilanmoq, tuzatmoq
🔰 inconvenient - noqulay, nobop, o
🔰 kettle - chovgum (choy qaynatadigan idish)
🔰 kitchen-table - oshxona stoli
🔰 lamp-shade - abajur (lampa qalpogi)
🔰 lavatory - hojatxona
🔰 living-conditions - yashash sharoitlari
🔰 living-room - mehmonxona
🔰 looking-glass - kozgu, oyna
🔰 to make one's bed - karavotni tartibga keltirmoq
🔰 to move to a new house - yangi uyga kochib otmoq
🔰 mustard-pot - gorchisadon
🔰 napkin - salfetka, qogoz sochiq
🔰 neighbour - qoshni
🔰 neighbourhood - qoshnichilik
🔰 to overlook - ... ga qaragan bolmoq
🔰 pail - chelak
🔰 bucket - chelak
🔰 pan - kastryulka
🔰 to paper the walls - devorga oboy (gul qogoz) yopishtirmoq
🔰 papered walls - oboy yopishtirilgan devorlar
🔰 parquet-flooring - parket pol
🔰 pepper-box - murchdon
🔰 piece of furniture - mebel, jihoz
🔰 pillow - yostiq
🔰 pillow-case - yostiq jildi
🔰 plate - tarelka
🔰 porcelain - chinni
🔰 pot - qozon
🔰 quilt - ko’rpa
🔰 radio-set - radiopriyomnik
🔰 refrigerator - xolodilnik (sovutgich), muzlatgich
🔰 rolling pin - uqlogi, juva
🔰 running water - vodoprovod
🔰 roof - tom
🔰 chemney - tutun chiqadigan truba
🔰 staircase - narvon (zina poya)
🔰 blind - parda, darparda
🔰 to pull down the blinds - pardalarni tushirmoq
🔰 curtain - parda
🔰 to draw the curtain - pardani tushirmoq
🔰 bedroom - yotoqxona
🔰 nursery - bolalar xonasi
🔰 kitchen - oshxona (ovqat tayyorlaydigan xona)
🔰 bath-room - vannaxona 27
🔰 water-closet - hojatxona
🔰 washing-machine - kir yuvadigan mashina
🔰 sewing-machine - tikuv mashinasi
🔰 vacuum cleaner - chang yutgich
🔰 set of furniture - garnitur (bir turda bulgan narsalar yig’indisi
🔰 to have a house-warming party - uy toyi o’tkazmoq
🔰 shutters - deraza eshigi
🔰 store-room - ombor, omborcha
🔰 dresser - idish-tovoqlar shkafi
🔰 utensils - oshxona anjomlari
🔰 mincer (mincing machine) - gosht qiyma qiladigan asbob
🔰 refuse-chute - axlat tashlaydigan quvur
🔰 court (yard) - hovli
🔰 shed (born) - ogilxona (mol saqlaydigan joy)
🔰 bungalow - bir qavatli dala hovli
🔰 electric bulb - elektr lampasi
🔰 pendant lamp - osma chiroq
🔰 chandelier - qandil, chilchiroq


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Miqdor(qism)ni bildiruvchi otlarning qo'llanishi I

✅ bag - a bag of groceries/chips
✅ bar - a bar of chocolate/soap
✅ barrel - a barrel of wine/beer
✅ basin - a basin of cold water
✅ bit - a bit of information/advice
✅ block - a block of ice
✅ bottle - a bottle of wine/milk
✅ bowl - a bowl of rice/soup
✅ box - a box of chocolates/matches
✅ bunch - a bunch of flowers/grapes/bananas/berries
✅ can - a can of beer/cola
✅ carton - a carton of juice/yoghurt
✅ chunk - a chunk of bread/bacon
✅ clap - a clap of thunder
✅ cloud - a cloud of dust/smoke
✅ crew - a crew of sailors
✅ crowd - a crowd of people
✅ cup - a cup of tea/coffee
✅ drop - a drop of blood/rain
✅ fall - a fall of snow
✅ flash - a flash of lightning/anger
✅ flight - a flight of stairs/steps
✅ flock - a flock of sheep/bird
✅ game - a game of tennis/chess
✅ gang - a gang of football fans
✅ glass - a glass of wine/water
✅ group - a group of students/children


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✅Abituriyent uchun test formulalari

Bu yerdagi ma'lumotlar hammaga kerakli sababi agar ingliz tilini umuman bilmasangiz buyerdagi ma'lumotlar bilan ko'proq yechasiz.
Agar ingliz tilinib bilsangiz bu malumotlar siz uchun eslatmadek bo'ladi

‼️Bu maqola orqali hech kimni kirish imtihonlarida tavakkalga asoslanib test bajarishga undamoqchi emasmiz. .

⚠️Ingliz tili testlarini tavakkal bajarishda quyidagilarga e’tibor bering:


Ingliz tili grammatikasidagi asosiy qoidalarga ko’ra deyarli har doim ON, IN, OFF, UP, DOWN, UNDER, OF, ABOUT va boshqa predloglardan keyin oxiri “-ING” qo’shimchasi bilan tugagan fe’llar ishlatiladi. Agar savol “He is afraid of … ” ko’rinishida bo’lsa, ya’ni “…”dan oldin predlog bo’lsa, demak berilgan javob variantlaridagi fe’llarning “ING” bilan tugagani to’g’ri javob hisoblanadi. Bu usul 80% holatlarda to’g’ri.
▪️without laughing, afraid of losing, angry about walking


Ularni yodlab oling va “…” dan oldin Siz yodlagan shu fe’llardan birini ko’rsangiz, darhol TO yuklamasi bilan boshlangan fe’lni to’g’ri javob sifatida belgilang. O’zindan keyin “-ING” qo’shimchasini olgan fe’l (gerund) keladigan fe’llar ham bor.
🔹agree to do, afford to buy, wait to hear
🔸mention going, risk losing, quit trying


Bu 90% testlarda to’g’ri natija beradi. Ingliz tili testlaridagi matnli savollarning to’g’ri javoblari eng ko’p hollarda eng yozuvi ko’pi, uzun yozilgani bo’ladi. Testlarni tavakkal bajarayotgan ekansiz, bu tanlov Siz uchun eng yaxshisi hisoblanadi!


Ingliz tilida THE aniq artikli ma’lum otlar yoki boshqa so’z turkumidagi so’zlar oldidan doimiy ishlatiladi. Ularni yodlab qolish juda oson. Masalan, dunyoda yagona bo’lgan otlar; quyosh, oy, yer va hokazolar oldidan har doim THE ishlatiladi. Sifatning orttirma darajasi oldidan ham aniq artikl ishlatiladi. Demak, “… smallest” (ohiriga -est qo’shimchasi qo’shilgan), yoki “… most important” (ko’p bo’g’inli sifatdan oldin most so’zi qo’yilgan) sifatlardan oldin har doim aniq artikl qo’yiladi. Bunaqa qoidalar ko’p, lekin qisqa vaqtda o’rganishga ulgurmasligingiz darajasida juda ko’p emas. Tahminan 3-4 soat yaxshi shug’ullanish orqali THE ishlatiladigan so’zlarning hammasini o’rganib olishingiz mumkin.


Hozirda TO BE fe’lining shaklini tanlashni talab qiladigan testlar ko’pincha bir hil usul asosida tayyorlanayapti. Ya’ni, savolda “…”dan oldin ko’plik shaklidagi ot bo’lsa, TO BE fe’lining birlik shakli to’g’ri javob, aksincha, “…”dan oldin turgan ot birlik shaklida bo’lsa, TO BE fe’lining birlik shakli to’g’ri javob sifatida tanlanayapti. Bilmadim, bu balki test bajaruvchilarni chalg’itish uchundir, ammo shaxsan men bunaqa testlarning juda ko’piga duch kelayapman. Demak, “…” dan avval ko’plik shaklidagi ot bo’lsa TO BE fe’lining IS yoki WAS shaklini tanlang. Agar “…”dan oldin birlik shaklidagi ot bo’lsa, TO BE fe’lining ARE yoki WERE shaklini tanlang. Tanlovingiz ko’p hollarda to’g’ri bo’ladi.

Twenty-five people looking for Tom … here.

A. is B. are.
Tabiiyki, TO BE fe’li bilan tanish bo’lgan kishi nuqtalar o’rniga “Tom”ga nisbatan TO BE fe’lining “IS” shakli qo’llaniladi, deb A javobni belgilashadi. Hozirda ko’pchilik testlar aynan shunday chalg’ituvchi usul bilan tuzilayapti. Yaxshilab qarasak, yuqoridagi testda TO BE fe’lining shakli “25 people”ga nisbatan qo’yilishi kerak. Shuning uchun ham nuqtalar o’rniga TO BE fe’lini qo’yish kerak bo’lganda nuqtalardan avval turgan ot birlikda bo’lsa (yuqoridagi vaziyatda TOM), TO BE fe’lining ko’plikdagi shaklini tanlashni maslahat berdim. Bu testning to’g’ri javobi ham (tavsiyaga asosan) ARE!


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Most commonly used phrases for speaking 🗣👥

1. How is it going? Ishlaring qanday?

2. Long time no see! Anchadan beri ko’rishmadik!

3. What have you been up to? Nimalar qilib yuribsan?

4. Can’t complain. Hamma ishlarim joyida.

5. How do you know? Qayerdan bilasan?

6. That’s a good one. Zo’r hazil.

7. It is very kind of you. Yordamingiz uchun rahmat.

8. Thank you anyway. Nima bo’lganda ham rahmat.

9. Thank you in advance. Oldindan rahmat.

10. No worries! Tashvishlanmang.

11. What’s going on? Bu yerda nima bo’lyapti?

12. Did I get you right? Sizni to’g’ri tushundimmi?

13. Don’t take it to heart. Ko’nglingga yaqin olma.

14. I didn’t catch the last word. Oxirgi so’zizni eshitmay qoldim.

15. Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Uzr, sizni tinglamayotgan edim.

16. It doesn’t matter. Farqi yo’q.

17. Fingers crossed. Omad!

18. Oh, that. That explains it. Ha, tushundim.

19. Things happen. Bo’lib turadi.

20. Sorry to bother you. Uzr, bezovta qilgan bo’lsam.

21. I’ll be with you in a minute. Bir daqiqa!

22. Where were you? Biz nima deyayotgan edik?

23. You were saying? Nima deyayotgan edingiz?

24. Lucky you! Qanchalar omadlisiza!

25. I freaked out! Juda jahlim chiqdi!

26. Good for you! Omadingiz keldi!

27. You’ve got to be kidding me! Hazillashayotgan bo’lsangiz kerak!

28. Cheer up! Kayfiyatingni ko’tar!

29. Come on, you can do it! Qani, sen buni eplaysan!

30. Keep up the good work! Yaxshi ishlashda davom eting.

31. That’s lit! Zo’rku!

32. There you go! Aytgandimku!

33. Not a bit. Umuman unday emas!

34. There is no room for doubt. Shubhaga o’rin yo’q.

35. I’ll text you! Sizga xabar jo’nataman.

36. It’s not worth it! Xafa bo’lishga arzimaydi.

37. You rock! Siz zo’rsiz!

38. You should go the extra mile… Siz qattiqroq ishlashiz kerak.

39. Step up your game. Qattiqroq ishlang.

40. Pull yourself together. O’zingni qo’lga ol.

41. You sold me! Siz meni ko’ndirdingiz!

42. Couldn’t care less. Bu juda zerikarli.

43. This is a no-brainer. Bu juda oson ish.

44. I screwed up! Men xato qildim.

45. Can you cover me? O’rnimga ishlay olasizmi?

46. I’d be better be going! Man ketishim kerak.

47. Take care! O’zingizni ehtiyot qiling.

48. Thank heavens it’s Friday/Saturday! Xudoga shukur, bugun Juma/Shanba (dam olish kuni ma'nosida).


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Intensive English

🔆in - ichida
🔆inside - ichida
🔆into - ichiga
🔆near - yonida
🔆next - yonida, atrofida
🔆of…. - ning
🔆on - Ustida, ichida
🔆opposite - qarama-qarshi
🔆out….- dan
🔆outside - tashqarida
🔆over - tepasida, o’stida
🔆per - uchun
🔆plus - qo’shuv
🔆round - taxminan
🔆since…- dan beri
🔆than… - dan ko’ra
🔆through - orasidan, orqali
🔆till - gacha
🔆to….- ga
🔆toward…- ga
🔆under- tagida, pastida
🔆unlike…- ga o’xshamasdan
🔆until - gacha
🔆up…- ga, …da
🔆with - bilan
🔆with in - ichida
🔆without… - siz
🔆two words - ikta so’zlar
🔆according to…- ga qaraganda
🔆because of - sababida, tufayli
🔆close to - yaqinda
🔆except for - dan tashqari
🔆far from - dan uzoq
🔆inside of…. - Ichida
🔆instead of…- dan ko’ra
🔆near to….- ga yaqin
🔆next to… -dan keyin
🔆outside of… - dan tashqari
🔆prior to….- Gacha
🔆three words - uchta so’zlar
🔆as far as… - gacha
🔆as well as… - ga o’xshab
🔆in addition to…- ga qo’shimcha
🔆in front of… - qarshisida
🔆in spite of…- dan ko’ra
🔆on behalf of…- nomidan
🔆on top of… - tepasida


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📌Idiom Time 📚

🔵 Bookworm 🔵

Ⓜ️Ma'nosi: Ko'p kitob o'qiydigan insonlarni ' Bookworm ' deb atashadi.

❇️Tom doesn't like when others call him 'Bookworm'

❇️Tomni 'Bookworm' deb chaqirishligi unga yoqmaydi

🔵 Copycat 🔵

Ⓜ️Ma'nosi: Biror kimdan biror narsa ko'chiruvchilarga qarata ishlatilinadi.

❇️Hey Tooom! Do it yourself don't be a copycat 🙍🏻

❇️Ey Tooom! Buni o'zing bajar ko'chirmachi bo'lma

🔵 Teacher's pet 🔵

Ⓜ️Ma'nosi: Hamma ustozlariga imkon qadar yoqadigan talaba va o'quvchilarga nisbatan ishlatilinadi.

❇️Tom is a teacher's pet

❇️Tom ustozning erkatoyi


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Allow - ruxsat bermoq
Disallow - rad qilmoq, qabul qilmaslik
Allowance - yordam puli
Allowable - ruxsat berilgan

Associate - bo'glamoq
Disassociate - ayirmoq, ajratmoq
Association - hamkorlik
Associated - bog'langan, dahldor
Unassociated - bog'lanmagan

Compete - raqobatlashmoq
Competition - musobaqa
Competitor - musobaqachi
Competitive - raqobatga doir
Competitively (adv) - raqobatdoshlarcha

Enjoy - rohatlanmoq
Enjoyment - rohat
Enjoyable - rohatbaxsh

Equip - jihozlamoq
Equipment - jihoz
Equipped - jihozlangan

Fortune - omad, baxt
Misfortune - baxtsizlik
Fortunate - omadli, baxtli
Unfortunate -1) baxtsiz, omadsiz (inson); 2) achinarli (holat)
Fortunately - yaxshiyamki
Unfortunately - baxtga qarshi

Interest - qiziqtirmoq
Interesting - qiziqarli
Uninteresting - qiziqarsiz
Interestingly - qiziq tarzda
Uninterestingly - qiziqarsiz tarzda

Know - bilmoq
Knowledge - bilim
Knowledgeable - bilimli
Unknowledgeable - bilimsiz

Lose - yo'qotmoq
Lost - yo'qolgan
Loss - 1) yo'qolish; 2) zarar (pul); 3) o'lim

Maintain - ta'mirlamoq
Maintenance - ta'mirlash

Medal - medal
Medalist - medal sohibi
Medalion - medalyon

Oppose - qarshi bo'lmoq
Opposition - qarshi
Opponent - raqib
Opposite - qarama-qarshi
Opposing - qarshi

Practice - mashq
Practise - mashq qilmoq
Practical - amaliy
Impractical - amaliy emas
Practically - amaliy tarzda
Impractically - amaliy tarzda emas

Train - shug'ullanmoq
Retrain - qayta shug'ullanmoq
Trainer - trener


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✅Vocabulary time

💠 Against - qarshi, qarshichilikda

🔸 to lean against smth. – biror narsaga suyanmoq
🔸 to strike somebody’s foot(head) against something – -ga to’qnashmoq
🔸 to proceed (to take proceedings, to bring an action) against smb. – kimnidur sudga bermoq
🔸 to weigh smth. against smth. – taqqoslamoq, tenglashtirmoq
🔸 to row against the current – oqimga qarshi suzmoq
🔸 to protect against smth. – -dan himoya qilmoq
🔸 to be up against smth. – biror muommosi bo’lmoq
🔸 against the contract – shartnomani ijro etish maqsadida
🔸 against a rainy day – ehtiyot shart(qora kunga)
🔸 against the end of the month – oyning oxiriga
🔸 against the temperature – haroratga nisbatan
🔸 against her will – uning ixtiyoriga qarshi
🔸 against documents – hujjatlarga ko’ra
🔸 against the hair/the grain – oqimga qarshi


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✅Vocabulary time

🔸annoyed- jahli chiqqan
🔸annoying- jahli chiqqan
🔸depressed- g’amgin
🔸disappointed -ko’ngli sovigan
🔸fascinated - mahliyo bo’lgan
🔸announce - e’lon qilmoq
🔸award - mukofot
🔸invent - ixtiro qilmoq
🔸performance - ish, faoliyat
🔸urban - shaharlik
🔸goldfish - oltin baliqcha
🔸lizard - kaltakesak
🔸get ill - kasal bo’lib qolmoq
🔸breathe - nafas olmoq
🔸headache - bosh og’rig’i
🔸suffer - aziyat chekmoq
🔸throat - tomoq
🔸treatment - munosabat
🔸prove - isbotlamoq
🔸boot - botinka
🔸fit - moslab tushurish
🔸awful - daxshatli
🔸bargain - kelishuv
🔸branch - bo’lim
🔸chain - zanjir
🔸employee - xizmatchi
🔸enormous - bahaybat
🔸garage - garaj
🔸judge - sudya
🔸roof - tom
🔸shape - shakl
🔸wheel -g'ildirak
🔸coast - qirg’oq, sohil
🔸field -maydon
🔸flood - toshqin
🔸foodie - ovqatparast
🔸silly - ahmoq
🔸apply - murojat qilmoq
🔸be fired - bo’shatish (ishdan)
🔸earn - ishlab topmoq
🔸ability - qobiliyat
🔸contain - ega bo’lmoq
🔸benefit - foyda
🔸attach - odat bo’lgan
🔸button - knopka
🔸highlight - asosiy moment
🔸software - programmali ta’minot
🔸tool - instrument
🔸illegal - g’ayriqonuniy
🔸legal - qonuniy
🔸usual - odatiy


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Miqdor(qism)ni bildiruvchi otlarning qo'llanishi I

✅ bag - a bag of groceries/chips
✅ bar - a bar of chocolate/soap
✅ barrel - a barrel of wine/beer
✅ basin - a basin of cold water
✅ bit - a bit of information/advice
✅ block - a block of ice
✅ bottle - a bottle of wine/milk
✅ bowl - a bowl of rice/soup
✅ box - a box of chocolates/matches
✅ bunch - a bunch of flowers/grapes/bananas/berries
✅ can - a can of beer/cola
✅ carton - a carton of juice/yoghurt
✅ chunk - a chunk of bread/bacon
✅ clap - a clap of thunder
✅ cloud - a cloud of dust/smoke
✅ crew - a crew of sailors
✅ crowd - a crowd of people
✅ cup - a cup of tea/coffee
✅ drop - a drop of blood/rain
✅ fall - a fall of snow
✅ flash - a flash of lightning/anger
✅ flight - a flight of stairs/steps
✅ flock - a flock of sheep/bird
✅ game - a game of tennis/chess
✅ gang - a gang of football fans
✅ glass - a glass of wine/water
✅ group - a group of students/children

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🚩 Antonyms - Antonimlar

1. A long way from - near \ not far from -- uzoq - yaqin. 
2. Abandon- return to -- tashlab ketmoq - qaytmoq 
3. Abbreviate - lengthen -- qisqartirmoq - uzaytirmoq 
4. Ancient - modern -- qadimiy - zamonaviy 
5. Bad - excellend -- yomon - a'lo. 
6. Barren - fertile -- unumsiz- serhosil 
7. At the top - at the bottom -- tepada - pastda 
8. Arrogant - modest -- mag'rur- kamtar 
9. Agree to - reject -- rozi bo'lmoq - rad etmoq 
10. Alone- adapted-- yolg'iz - kirishimli 
11. Ally - adversary -- ittifoqdosh - raqib. 
12. Brave - coward -- jasur - qo'rqoq 
13. Busy - free -- band - bo'sh 
14. Chubby - skinny -- semiz - oriq 
15. Comfortable - uneasy -- qulay - noqulay 
16. Complex - simple -- murakkab - oddiy 
17. Conceal - exhibit -- berkitmoq - ko'rsatmoq 
18. Confidence - doubt -- ishonch - shubha 
19.conflicts - concords -- to'qnashuv - kelishuv 
20. Cruel - kind -- qo'pol - mehribon.

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So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at

⚡️ Kunlik iboralar

🎯 Anyway - Har qanday holatda ham
🎯 Always at all - Umuman
🎯 Therefore - Shu sababga ko'ra
🎯 Though - Garchand, garchi, ... ga qaramasdan
🎯 Although - Garchand, garchi, ... ga qaramasdan

🎯 Mean - Ungacha, hozircha
🎯 Nevertheless - Lekin, shunday bo'lsada, baribir
🎯 Perhaps - Balki, bo'lishi mumkin
🎯 Probably - Balki, bo'lishi mumkin
🎯 To put it mildly - Yumshoq qilib aytganda

🎯 At all - Umuman
🎯 In any case - Har qanaqa holatda hanlm
🎯 To tell the truth - To'g'risini aytganda
🎯 So - Ho'sh

🎯 How awful! - Qanday yomon!
🎯 On short time - Tez orada
🎯 Come up - Paydo b’lmoq
🎯 Fortnight - Ikki hafta
🎯 Condition - Shart

🎯 Now and then - Onda sonda
🎯 Moreover - Undan tashqari


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🔖 Munozaralar uchun kerakli bo’lgan aqlli iboralar

💠 Ask me another - Osonroq narsa so‘ra!
💠 Eat one's words - gapini qaytib olmoq
💠 Enough of it - Bu yetarli bo‘ldi
💠 Go into details - tafsilotlarga urg‘u bermoq
💠 I don’t care - Menga ahamiyati yo‘q
💠 I have no idea - Men tushunmayapman
💠 I mean it! - Men jiddiy gapirdim!
💠 I wish I knew - Buni bilishni xohlardim!
💠 It doesn’t matter - Bu muhim emas
💠 It doesn't make sense - Bunda ma'no yo‘q
💠 It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani isbotlamaydi
💠 It' s none of your business - Bu sizning ishingiz emas
💠 It's a lie - Bu yolg‘on
💠 It's all the same to me - Menga farqi yo‘q
💠 It's beside the point - Buning dahli yo‘q
💠 It's new to me - Birinchi marta eshitishim
💠 It's out of place - Bu o‘rinsiz
💠 It's up to you - O‘zing hal qil
💠 It's waste of time - Bu vaqtni bekorga sarflash
💠 Let's clear it up - Keling oydinlashtirib olamiz
💠 Let's drop the subject - Keling mavzuni o‘zgartiramiz
💠 Mind one's own business - Birovning ishiga aralashmaslik
💠 No matter - ahamiyati yo‘q
💠 Point of view - nuqtai nazar
💠 Pro and con - rozi va norozi
💠 Say one's say - fikrini bildirmoq
💠 Side against - qarshi tomonni qo‘llamoq
💠 So what? - Nima bo‘libdi?
💠 Speak one's mind - fikrini bildirmoq
💠 Stand one's ground - o‘z fikrida qolmoq
💠 Stand to reason - ma'noga ega bo‘lmoq
💠 Take a side - bir tomonni (gapni) qo‘llamoq
💠 Take a stand - muhim o‘rinni egallamoq
💠 Take into account - diqqatga kirmoq
💠 That's not the point - Gap bu haqda emas
💠 That's very well, but - Bu juda yaxshi, lekin...
💠 To one's face - yuziga (ochiqcha aytish)
💠 Up against - qarshilik qilmoq
💠 Use your own judgement - O‘zing hal qil
💠 What are you driving at? - Nimaga sha'ma qilyapsan?
💠 What are you talking about? - Nima demoqchisiz o‘zi!
💠 What for? - Nega?
💠 What of it? - Bundan nima foyda?
💠 You can take it from me - Menga ishonishing mumkin

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💮How to Say No in a Nice and Professional Way💮

😒Do you often say yes when someone asks you for a favor?

To be an effective leader 😎 sometimes you have to put your foot down and say no, even if it means turning down a good offer or a teammate’s idea.

4 different ways to say no that still make you likeable

🔹 "Let me think about it."

🔹"The idea sounds great! It's just that . . . "

🔹"I can't today. How about...

🔹"I'm sorry, but I can't."

⭕️Even you can say no after saying yes⭕️

Step 1
Acknowledge that you've agreed to commit to the request.
🔸I know that I offered to take on this project 2 months ago

Step 2
Apologize and explain that you have to cancel the commitment.
🔸... but things have changed since then and I feel I may not have the time to give your project my 100%. My sincere apologies for this.

Step 3
Offer a solution or alternative. 

🔸 I don't want to leave you hanging, so I can recommend a few people who have the skills to handle your project. I can also .

Step 4
Be open to questions, concerns, and positive or negative feedback

🔸If you have questions or concerns, I'm free and willing to listen.


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✅Vocabulary time

Relationship 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

🔸 get on with somebody - have a good relationship

🔸 look up to somebody - respect somebody

🔸 be in touch with somebody - be in communication with somebody

🔸 fall out with somebody - argue and stop being friendly with somebody

🔸 grow apart from somebody - gradually have a less close relationship with somebody

🔸 take after somebody - resemble somebody in your family [in appearance or personality]

🔸 grow up together/with somebody - have many childhood and adolescent experiences in common with somebody

🔸 be close to somebody - know somebody well and see or talk to them often


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British English va American Englishda spelling qoidalarda farqlar

✳️ Buyuk Britaniya va Amerikada bitta so'zning yozilishi va talaffuzida farq bo'lishi mumkin, ammo bunday so'zlar ko'p emas. Inglizlar mazkur so'zlar o'zlashtirilgan tildan (masalan, fransuzcha) qanday olingan bo'lsa, shunday saqlab qolishga intilishsa, Amerikaliklar so'z qanday talaffuz qilinsa, shunday yozilishi kerak deb hisoblashadi. Shuning uchun Britaniya va Amerikada bir so'z har xil yozilishi va talaffuz qilinishi mumkin.

⚠️Agar siz xat yoki matn yozayotgan odamlar Britaniyalik bo'lsa, British English, Amerikalik bo'lsa American Englishdagi talaffuz va shaklda yozgan ma'qul.

1️⃣ –re bilan tugaydigan so'zlar: BrE da -re bilan tugaydigan so'zlar AmE da -er bilan tugaydi.
▪️centre - center
▪️fibre - fiber
▪️litre - liter
▪️theatre - theater or theatre

2️⃣ - our bilan tugaydigan so'zlar: BrE da -our bilan tugaydigan so'zlar AmE da -or bilan tugaydi.
▪️colour - color
▪️flavour - flavor
▪️humour - humor
▪️labour - labor
▪️neighbour - neighbor

3️⃣ -ize yoki -ise bilan tugaydigan so'zlar: BrE da -ize yoki -ise bilan tugaydigan so'zlar AmE da -ize bilan tugaydi.
▪️apologize or apologise - apologize
▪️organize or organise - organize
▪️recognize or recognise - recognize

4️⃣ - yse bilan tugaydigan so'zlar: BrE da- yse bilan tugaydigan so'zlar AmE da -yze bilan tugaydi.
▪️analyse - analyze
▪️breathalyse - breathalyze
▪️paralyse - paralyze

5️⃣ ae yoki oe juft unlilar qatgashgan so'zlar: BrE da ae yoki oe unlilar kelgan so'zlar AmE da -e bilan yoziladi.
▪️leukaemia - leukemia
▪️manoeuvre - maneuver
▪️oestrogen - estrogen
▪️paediatric - pediatric

6️⃣ –ence bilan tugaydigan so'zlar: BrE da -ence bilan tugaydigan so'zlar AmE da -ense bilan tugaydi.
▪️defence - defense
▪️licence- license
▪️offence - offense
▪️pretence - pretense

7️⃣ -ogue bilan tugaydigan so'zlar: BrE da -ogue bilan tugaydigan so'zlar AmE da -og yoki -ogue bilan tugaydi.
▪️analogue - analog or analogue
▪️catalogue - catalog or catalogue
▪️dialogue- dialog or dialogue

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↪ Likewise- shuningdek

There is never the perfect time to tell someone something unfortunate, likewise, no one is ever ready to receive bad news.

↪ In the same way- shu bilan birga

Using painkillers will heal you of a headache in the same way cough syrups gets rid of a cough.

↪ Similarly- shu o'rinda

Italian painters are renowned for their innovation, similarly so are the Greeks for their philosophies.

↪ Also- Bundan tashqari

I walked out of the meeting, also, why was John going off like that? That is no way to talk to an employee.

↪ Correspondingly-bilan bir qatorda

I think mathematics is quite challenging, correspondingly, so is physical science.

↪ Simultaneously- bir vaqtning o'zida

I walked out of the train, simultaneously, my ex-girlfriend walked in.

↪ In the same breadth- shu bilan birga

I advocate for equal human rights, in the same breadth, I believe that we must all tolerate each other’s differences


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✅Vocabulary time

🔸annoyed- jahli chiqqan
🔸annoying- jahli chiqqan
🔸depressed- g’amgin
🔸disappointed -ko’ngli sovigan
🔸fascinated - mahliyo bo’lgan
🔸announce - e’lon qilmoq
🔸award - mukofot
🔸invent - ixtiro qilmoq
🔸performance - ish, faoliyat
🔸urban - shaharlik
🔸goldfish - oltin baliqcha
🔸lizard - kaltakesak
🔸get ill - kasal bo’lib qolmoq
🔸breathe - nafas olmoq
🔸headache - bosh og’rig’i
🔸suffer - aziyat chekmoq
🔸throat - tomoq
🔸treatment - munosabat
🔸prove - isbotlamoq
🔸boot - botinka
🔸fit - moslab tushurish
🔸awful - daxshatli
🔸bargain - kelishuv
🔸branch - bo’lim
🔸chain - zanjir
🔸employee - xizmatchi
🔸enormous - bahaybat
🔸garage - garaj
🔸judge - sudya
🔸roof - tom
🔸shape - shakl
🔸wheel -g'ildirak
🔸coast - qirg’oq, sohil
🔸field -maydon
🔸flood - toshqin
🔸foodie - ovqatparast
🔸silly - ahmoq
🔸apply - murojat qilmoq
🔸be fired - bo’shatish (ishdan)
🔸earn - ishlab topmoq
🔸ability - qobiliyat
🔸contain - ega bo’lmoq
🔸benefit - foyda
🔸attach - odat bo’lgan
🔸button - knopka
🔸highlight - asosiy moment
🔸software - programmali ta’minot
🔸tool - instrument
🔸illegal - g’ayriqonuniy
🔸legal - qonuniy
🔸usual - odatiy

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✅IELTS Speaking

💠 Useful interview expressions

🈴 Agreeing with somebody - Biror narsa, yoki biror odam uchun rozilik bildirish.

🔹 Yes,I agree
🔹 I can't help thinking the same
🔹 True enough
🔹 That's right
🔹 I couldn't agree more
🔹 That's just what I was thinking
🔹 that's my view exactly

🈴 Disagreeing with somebody - Biror narsa yoki Biror kim uchun norozilik bildirish.

🔹 I'm afraid I disagree
🔹 Well,as a matter of fact.. (followed by opinion)
🔹 I'm not so sure about that
🔹 I see things rather differently myself
🔹 I don't entirely agree with


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Bitta qo'ng'iroq va sen TALABASAN!

❗️Shoshiling qabul tugashiga oz qoldi! Hech qanday imtihonlarsiz va hamyonbop narxlarda talaba bo'ling.


▪️Kontrakt narxi - $450
▪️Shahar - XO'JAND

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Shoshiling joylar soni cheklangan❗️⚠️

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Hoziroq bizga qo'ng'iroq qiling fursatni qo'ldan boy bermang.

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Vocabulary 📝

🎁 Fed up with = joniga tegmoq
🎁 Famous for = mashxur
🎁 Frightened by =qorqmoq
🎁 Envious of = ichi qoralik qilmoq
🎁 Exhausted from = charchagan horigan
🎁 Dressed in = kiyinib olgan
🎁 Disappointed by = dan norozi bolmoq
🎁 Confused by = yanglishmoq
🎁 Capable of = ga qobilyatli bolmoq
🎁 Bored by = charchagan bolmoq
🎁 Angry with = achchiqlanmoq

🏷 After all = ga qaramasdan
🏷 All along = har doim
🏷 All of a sudden = tosatdan
🏷 All the same =bir xil
🏷 As a rule = odatda
🏷 As far as I am concerned = mening fikrimcha
🏷 As for me = men oylashimcha
🏷 Be about to = tayyor bolmoq
🏷 Be back on ones feet = healthy again or better financially
🏷 Be beside oneself = juda havotirlangan, achchiqlangan
🏷 Be in the red = qarzga botmoq
🏷 Come across = tosatdan korib qolmoq
🏷 Catch ones eye = etiborini tortmoq


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Grammar time

🔸 Still better
🔸 Better still
🔸 Better yet

💠 Still better

Biror narsa avvallari yaxshiroq bo’lgan va hozirda ham shunday davom etayotganida ishlatiladi

I am not good as I used to be but I'm still better than you.

Biror narsa hanuz yaxshiroq ekanligini hatto biroz yomon tomonga o’zgarganda ham shundayligini ifodalashda ishlatiladi

The chicken is dry but it's still better than what I cooked yesterday.

💠 Better still

Kimdir yaxshi taklif bildirganda va sizda undanda yaxshiroq taklif bor bo’lganda ishlatiladi

You can send them your resume or better still try contacting the hiring manager directly.

💠 Better yet

Yomon fikrni yaxshirog’I bilan o’rnini almashtirganda ishlatiladi

If I'm late I will call you and inform better yet why don't you take responsibility and leave earlier next time.



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🚩 Antonyms - Antonimlar

1. A long way from - near \ not far from -- uzoq - yaqin. 
2. Abandon- return to -- tashlab ketmoq - qaytmoq 
3. Abbreviate - lengthen -- qisqartirmoq - uzaytirmoq 
4. Ancient - modern -- qadimiy - zamonaviy 
5. Bad - excellend -- yomon - a'lo. 
6. Barren - fertile -- unumsiz- serhosil 
7. At the top - at the bottom -- tepada - pastda 
8. Arrogant - modest -- mag'rur- kamtar 
9. Agree to - reject -- rozi bo'lmoq - rad etmoq 
10. Alone- adapted-- yolg'iz - kirishimli 
11. Ally - adversary -- ittifoqdosh - raqib. 
12. Brave - coward -- jasur - qo'rqoq 
13. Busy - free -- band - bo'sh 
14. Chubby - skinny -- semiz - oriq 
15. Comfortable - uneasy -- qulay - noqulay 
16. Complex - simple -- murakkab - oddiy 
17. Conceal - exhibit -- berkitmoq - ko'rsatmoq 
18. Confidence - doubt -- ishonch - shubha 
19.conflicts - concords -- to'qnashuv - kelishuv 
20. Cruel - kind -- qo'pol - mehribon.


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💢Xarakterni Ifodalovchi so'zlar

🔻 decent — odobli, yaxshi xulqli
🔻 indecent — beadab
🔻 honest — to‘g‘riso‘z
🔻 fair — to‘g‘riso‘z, adolatli
🔻 sincere — samimiy
🔻 dishonest — g‘irrom, noinsof
🔻 innocent — aybsiz, begunoh
🔻 guilty — aybdor
🔻 criminal — jinoyatchi
🔻 kind — mehribon
🔻 hostile — adovatli, dushmanlik
🔻 gentle — yuvosh, beozor
🔻 polite — odobli, xushmuomalali
🔻 rude — qo‘pol
🔻 generous — saxiy
🔻 close-fisted — qizg‘anchiq, qurumsoq
🔻 talkative — gapdon, ko‘p gapiradigan
🔻 sociable — kirishimli, dilkash
🔻 reserved — vazmin
🔻 docile — itoatli
🔻 disobedient — itoatsiz, gapga kirmaydigan
🔻 strict — talabchan
🔻 mild — yumshoq, muloyim
🔻 reliable — ishonchli
🔻 changeable — o‘zgaruvchan
🔻 brave — mard, jasur
🔻 courageous — mard
🔻 coward — qo‘rqoq
🔻 timid — jur'atsiz, tortinchoq
🔻 reasonable — ongli, idrokli
🔻 prudent — mulohazali, o‘ylab ish qiladigan
🔻 light-minded — yengiltak
🔻 cautious — ehtiyotkor
🔻 incautious — beparvo


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"Get" fe'li bilan keluvchi sifatlar:

Get married - turmush qurmoq👫
Get devorce - ajrashmoq🧍‍♀🧍‍♂
Get engaged - unashtirilmoq👩‍❤️‍👨
Get dark - qoronģu tushmoq🌒
Get hot - isimoq🌝
Get cold - sovuq tushmoq❄️
Get better - yaxshilanish(ahvoli)✨
Get lost - adashmoq🤯
Get excited - hayajonlanmoq😬
Get worried - xavotirlanmoq 😨
Get hungry - och qolmoq 😋
Get ready - tayyorlanmoq🙇‍♀
Get dressed - kiyinmoq🙎
Get wet - ho'l bòlmoq💦
Get ill - kasal bòlmoq👨‍🦽
Get accustomed - odatlangan bòlish🚶‍♂
Get tired - charchash💆‍♂
Get upset - xafa bòlmoq😒
Get worse - yomonlashmoq🥴
Get old - qarimoq👵
Get young - yasharmoq


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