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International Geographic

Thailand 🇹🇭, Similan Islands

The Similan Islands are an island archipelago in the Andaman Sea. A group of picturesque islands is located northwest of Phuket in the Phang Nga province located in the south of Thailand. Since 1982, they have been part of the National Park "Similan" (Mu Ko Similan).

According to UNESCO ratings, the Similan Islands are among the ten most beautiful islands on the planet. They attract tourists with impeccable cleanliness, azure sea, snow-white beaches, groves of palm trees and exotic animals.

Many people come here for snorkeling. And divers from all over the world consider the underwater landscapes near the islands to be one of the most popular places for exciting underwater dives.

The Similan Islands stretch for about 20 km . They consist of nine free-standing islands that are stretched in a line parallel to the mainland. The highest point rises 244 meters above sea level

The best period for a visit to the islands is considered to be the end of December – the end of March.

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International Geographic

Turkey 🇹🇷, Lake Salda

Only a lazy person does not compare the Turkish Lake Salda with the Maldives. This analogy is actually not without reason: azure water, white coast and the prevailing tranquility.

Atypical landscapes for Turkey have become popular thanks to photos of the lake on social networks. There are more and more people who want to see this miracle of nature live every year.
In order to preserve the lake in its original form, the Nature Conservation Association of Turkey is thinking of banning movement along its coastline in shoes.

The surface of the coast of Lake Salda is really unusual, because it is formed not from fine sand, but from deposits of hydromagnesite (the waters of the lake are rich in this mineral). A special flavor of this mixture is given by black inclusions, beautifully shining in the sun.

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International Geographic

Russia🇷🇺, Karelia, Ruskeala

The Ruskeala Mountain Park is the main pride of Karelia. This is an amazing combination of marble mountains, turquoise lakes and lush greenery.

The main asset of the park is the combination of marble rocks coming to the surface with the greenery of the surrounding vegetation and turquoise lake water. The water-filled marble quarry in Ruskeala is a lake, above which rise 25-meter marble rocks, going deep under the emerald water. 

The canyon consists of mining workings that create amazing arches, halls with marble columns, as well as caves, although man-made, but looking like natural.

The deposit of marble was discovered in the middle of the XVII century. It was developed by order of Catherine II, when St. Petersburg needed material for the construction of palaces and temples. For these purposes, a huge amount of marble was required, and the nearest deposit turned out to be on the site of the current Ruskeala.

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International Geographic

Belarus🇧🇾, Mir Castle

Mir Castle is one of the most important tourist attractions of Belarus, an outstanding defense structure of the XVI century, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The castle today is a complex that includes a museum, two conference halls, a hotel, and a restaurant. Festivals, exhibitions and concerts, scientific conferences are held in the castle, tourists constantly come here, wedding ceremonies are often held within the walls of the castle.

Inside the Mir Castle, you can see a lot, namely 39 expositions of historical and cultural content that tell about past events in this castle. There are armor, installations, paintings, and scenes from life.

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International Geographic

Italy 🇮🇹 ,Scala dei Turchi

Scala dei Turchi is a stepped rock on the coast of Realmonte near Porto Empedocle in the province of Agrigento. The cliff, prominent in the sea, became popular after being mentioned in Andrea Camilleri's novels about Commissioner Montalbano.
The name of the rock can be translated from Italian as "Turkish staircase". This picturesque place attracts many tourists who love the sea and Sicily.

The white rock consists of soft limestone. Nature, a great artist, created smoothed steps and terraces with the help of wind and water. Climbing these steps, it seems that you find yourself at the top of a giant meringue. Against the background of the whiteness of the steps, the sea seems even more azure-blue.

In summer, the sun bakes very much here, but the rocks do not overheat – you can walk barefoot on them. You just need to be careful not to slip, especially on wet stones. The bravest cross the entire cliff and swim on the sparsely populated western beach.

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International Geographic

Brazil 🇧🇷 , Rio de Janeiro, Sugarloaf Mountain

It rises above Guanabara Bay, reaching 396 m. It got its "sweet" name because of its similarity to a piece of sugar, which is extracted by manual production from local cane. Literally translated, the name of the mountain sounds like "sugar bread".

The Indians, who once lived at its foot, considered Sugar Loaf to be the guardian of the bay. There is almost no vegetation on it, as it is an igneous rock. But there are a lot of tourists who want to admire the beauty of Rio de Janeiro from the peak of one of the main attractions of the city

From the top of the Sugar Loaf, there are stunning views of Guanabara Bay and islands in the ocean, the Niteroi Bridge, a strip of famous Rio beaches and, most importantly, the statue of Christ on Mount Corcovado. Panoramas are so beautiful that they may seem unreal!

In the tropical forest of Urca, you can see a lot of interesting things — small cappuccino monkeys, exotic birds, huge breadfruit, reed thickets, etc.

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International Geographic

Venezuela 🇻🇪, Mount Roraima

Roraima is one of the main attractions of the Latin American continent. "Roraima" translates as "big blue-green mountain". The flat top of the tepui rises high above the clouds. 

It seems to the traveler who conquered Roraima that they were on another planet: the views opening from the top of the mountain look so unrealistic. Being on Roraima can be compared to being on a desert island. Only instead of the blue waters of the Tepui sea, an ocean of milky-white clouds surrounds it

In the low-lying areas of Roraima, the climate is almost the same as at the top of Table Mountain. The seasons of drought here are replaced by rainy seasons. The higher you climb the mountain, the colder and wetter the air becomes. In the morning, the temperature does not exceed 0 ° C.

The rainy season lasts from May to October. During this period, fog descends on the plateau, which does not dissipate for weeks. It is not recommended to visit Mount Roraima during the rainy season.

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International Geographic

USA 🇺🇸, Zion National Park

 Zion National Park is an area with a unique ecosystem, natural landscape and climate. The park complex is located in the southwest of Utah. The protected area is located in the Colorado River area. The most famous place in the reserve is Zion Canyon, which is located in the floodplain of the Virgin River.

The landscape and nature of the park annually attracts a large number of visitors from different corners of the earth. In 2018, more than 4 million people visited the protected complex. There are rivers, canyons, natural arches, mountains and hills on the territory of the US National Park. The fauna and flora of the reserve is interesting for the variety of species of flora and fauna.

The rock formations of the canyons of the National Park are represented by Navajo sandstone of red-brown color. On the territory of the complex there is an opportunity to try hiking along specially equipped trails, take an excursion program with a ranger or stay overnight at a campsite.

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International Geographic

Slovenia 🇸🇮 , Socha River

The emerald Socha River, the magical Socha River, the fabulous Socha River ... well, what else can you say, looking at this unreal color of water, in which the blue sky of Slovenia is reflected like an echo. Due to its color, waterfalls, rapids, gorges and fantastic landscapes that accompany the river throughout its entire length, Socha is considered one of the most beautiful rivers in Europe. No wonder the film "Chronicles of Narnia" was shot on it — the fairy tale is everywhere here.

The Socha River (it. Isonzo) originates from a karst spring under the Vrsic Pass, at the slopes of Velike Stine in western Slovenia. Flowing through the glacial Trent Valley, and then through the Bov Valley, Socha flows southwest towards the city of Kobarid
and, flowing under the Napoleon Bridge, spreads widely at the town of Most on Sochi.

Many who are fond of fishing have probably heard of marble trout. But this is where it is found.

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International Geographic

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International Geographic

Germany 🇩🇪, Hohenschwangau Castle

The Bavarian Hohenschwangau Castle stands on a hill among dense forests opposite the Neuschwanstein Castle, towering on a high cliff. It is located in Germany, near the town of Fussen.

The name of the favorite residence of the Bavarian kings literally translates into Russian as "high swan land". The castle seemed to have grown up among dense vegetation, here the members of the royal family took a break from state affairs surrounded by amazing nature.

In the 12th century, a fortress was built on this site for the great knights of Schwangau. In the 16th century, after the extinction of the knight families, the Schwanstein fortress turned into an unnecessary structure.

In 1829, the Bavarian Crown Prince Maximilian II, arriving in these places, was completely fascinated by the beauty of forests and lakes. The panorama opening from the ruins of the fortress struck him so much that he immediately bought this territory and began construction.

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International Geographic

Iran 🇮🇷 , Kandovan village

It is located in the Sekhend volcanic massif at the foot of Mount Sahand, between Tabriz and the city of Osku. Tourist attraction. 

The village is known for its dwellings, streets and staircases cut into igneous rock. Many of the houses are located both inside the mountain and protrude beyond it. The oldest buildings date back to the XIV century. The settlement was founded by people who fled from the Mongol invasion. 

Some of these cave dwellings are more than 700 years old, and they are still inhabited. Due to the composition of the breed, the houses maintain a comfortable climate all year round. The village is registered with the National Heritage Society of Iran

The width of the walls in houses varies from 2 to 3 m, and good insulation is the main factor of energy saving. There is a very low temperature difference inside the structures, since in winter the temperature in the room is higher than the air outside, and in summer vice versa.

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International Geographic

🇳🇴, Senya Island

Norwegians, if they want to admire the breathtaking landscapes and look at the ocean from the tops of the rocks, choose a trip to the island of Senya. The landscapes here are in no way inferior to Lofoten, and in many ways even surpass: the mountains are higher and sharper, and the photos will go beyond the banal angles.

Plus, the Senya is in the variety of local landscapes: if the western part of the island is rocky, with crazy peaks and walls of rocks resting on the open ocean, then the eastern part is more gentle, with hills, lakes, deer and a national park.

The hundred–kilometer Norwegian Scenic Route Senja runs through the entire western part of Senja - it is on it that all the main photo spots and wow spots are concentrated.

Only 7000 people live on the Senya permanently, and there are very few tourists here even in the highest season – therefore, the island will become a real paradise for introverts.

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International Geographic

Australia 🇦🇺, Roebuck Bay

Roebuck Bay is a bay on the coast of the Kimberley region in Western Australia. Its entrance is bounded on the north by the city of Broome, and on the south by Capes Bush and Sandy. It is named after the ship HMS Roebuck when it explored the coast of Northwest Australia under the command of William Dampier in 1699.

Roebuck Bay is a colorful tropical sea bay with an area of 550 km2. The bay is "famous" primarily for its bright red-orange sandy beaches, with mangroves, which are partly located in the azure waters of the Indian Ocean.

This incredible contrast between the red rocks and the stunning blue sea will impress even the most sophisticated travelers. And the photographers will be even more delighted.

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International Geographic

Saint Martin 🇧🇶 🇫🇷, Maho Beach

Maho Beach is notable for the fact that a giant passenger liner such as a Boeing 767 or Airbus A320 can fly over your head at a height of only a couple of tens of meters. And the plane can fly over the beach at any time of the day or night. As you know, planes flying over the beach are not an attraction for tourists at all. Flying over a small beach, the plane lands literally behind its fence.

The beach and the beginning of the landing strip are separated by a highway and a fence made of mesh. The airport, located just behind the beach, has a fairly limited strip with a length of only 2,300 meters and ends with Simpson Lagoon. This is a fairly short stretch for large aircraft.

It turns out such a narrow tie, surrounded by water, on which the plane should get. He has to descend as much as possible to land at the very beginning of the lane. Therefore, planes fly over the beach, almost clinging to the heads of tourists with their landing gear.

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International Geographic

USA 🇺🇸, Boldt Castle

At the beginning of the twentieth century, a castle was built on the island of Hart Island, with its outlines slightly resembling the shape of a heart, of the Thousand Islands archipelago in the delta of the St. Lawrence River, where the border between the south of the Canadian province of Ontario and the north of the US state of New York runs.

George Boldt, a well-known architect and owner of a chain of fashionable hotels in the USA, decided to make his beloved wife a gift for Valentine's Day. He designed it himself and construction began.

A 6-storey building in the style of ancient German castles was erected. It was supposed to have 127 rooms, 365 windows, a swimming pool, an elevator, and running water. They also built a children's play tower, laid tunnels, and laid out a park.

The castle has found a new life. It was restored, everything was put in order. Now it is not only a local attraction. People come here from everywhere to admire this creation of human hands.

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International Geographic

Chile 🇨🇱, Easter Island

Easter Island, or Rapa Nui, is an island in the Pacific Ocean in Chile, famous for its giant stone statues.

Easter Island has a unique landscape with volcanic craters, lava formations, shining blue water, beaches, low hills, cattle farms and many archaeological excavations, and most of them are devoted to the study of moai figures. They reach a height of 10 m

The sailors, when they first saw the island, were amazed by these colossal stone statues lined up along the coast of the island. What kind of people were they who were able to install multi-ton stone giants? Why did they settle in such a secluded place? Where did the stone from which the sculptures are made come from?

The first settlers on the island were Polynesians in the V century . Their culture has been preserved to this day in the form of giant stone figures (moai). Carriers of this culture were also called "long-eared", because it was customary for them to stretch their earlobes to their shoulders.

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International Geographic

Seychelles 🇸🇨, La Digue Island, Anse Surce D'Argent Beach

The whole coast is not a single beach, but some kind of small “pocket” beaches. They are separated by giant granite boulders. They form beach pockets.

The beach itself is small, the sand here is shallow. Here, of course, you will not ride the waves, but the beach is ideal, for example, for snorkeling. Here you can just relax, sunbathe or splash in the warm Indian Ocean.

And Anse Surce D'Argent is best suited for a creative photo shoot. It is believed that this is the most photographed beach in the world. A picture with soft white sand, crystal clear turquoise water, and framed by huge granite blocks…

By the way, the blocks under the influence of the sun, water and wind have already turned into futuristic sculptural elements. The photos are simply cosmic!

The beach is quiet. Here the waters are reliably protected by a reef, the descent is gentle, the ocean itself is very calm and shallow. Anse Surce D'Argent beach is safe for children.

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International Geographic

USA 🇺🇸, Mount Rushmore 

The mountain with the portraits of 4 US presidents carved on it is located in the state of South Dakota. This memorial has become one of the symbols of the country, perpetuating the memory of outstanding politicians — George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, who made a significant contribution to its development. 

The height of the bas-reliefs is 18 meters, for 14 years about 400 workers worked on their creation under the guidance of sculptor Gutzon Borglum, for some it was just a job that brought income, while others realized that they were the creators of a grandiose memorial, reminiscent of the glorious pages of the history of the country's development.

Every year, the attraction is visited by about 3 million travelers from different countries, the largest flow of tourists is observed in the summer months.

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International Geographic

China 🇨🇳, Jilong Castle Country Club

On a small island in China in the middle of a lake there is a beautiful castle, a landscape as if taken from a fairy tale. This is a beautiful four-star hotel "Sleeping Beauty Castle".

Have you ever dreamed of living as a king and queen in a magnificent castle?

Well, a dream can come true if your trip takes place in China, at a hotel called Jilong Castle Country Club or as it is also called Jilongbao Resort.

The hotel is a luxurious European-style castle building. Decorated in pink, cream and red tones, this hotel stands out among the green rocks and the surrounding magnificent lake. The unique location of this castle connects an equally majestic bridge. Very suitable for those who like to take pictures.

Such a picture is most likely expected to be found in a European country like Germany or France. where medieval castles still exist, but the Chinese have tried to surprise once again.

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International Geographic

Northern Ireland 🇬🇧, Dark Hedges Beech Alley 

The most beautiful beech alley Dark Hedges is located in the Irish county of Antrim. Fans of the popular TV series "Game of Thrones" probably remember the picturesque Royal Highway.

The beech alley was planted by the Stuart family in the 1750s, so the age of the ancient trees today is more than 250 years old. It was planned that the luxurious natural tunnel would be a "prelude" for visitors to the Gracehill Estate. However, over the years it became clear that the alley is so good in itself that it can be considered a real landscape work of art. 

The branches of the trees growing on both sides of the road were so tightly intertwined with each other that they formed an arched vault. Dark Hedges looks mysterious, almost mystical, when the rays of the setting sun shine through the crowns and trunks of these giants. Photographers are happy to come here to enjoy the magical atmosphere and try to capture the miraculous beauty.

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International Geographic

Switzerland, Appenzell

Appenzell is located at the foot of the rocky Alps, south of Lake Constance. As in all of Switzerland, nature here pleases the eye with excellent views and panoramas. However, from gentle and colorful mountains, landscapes very quickly turn to formidable rocks and sharp cliffs. However, this does not prevent you from enjoying the pristine nature.

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International Geographic

Thailand 🇹🇭, Wat Rong Khun

Wat Rong Khun is a white Buddhist temple located near the city of Chiang Rai in Thailand. The author of the project of this unusual temple was Thai artist and designer Chalermchai Kositpipat. Wat Rong Khun is very beautiful: it glows brightly in the sun, resembling the Snow Queen's castle or a fabulous sugar house. Many travelers coming to Thailand specially go to the north of the country to see this sparkling snow-white miracle

 It is believed that the best time to explore the White Temple is the sunset hours or the time at dawn. In the soft pinkish-golden light of the sun's rays, Wat Rong Khun looks especially impressive. No less magical is the reflection of a Buddhist temple in the surface of a nearby decorative pond. 
The White Temple in Thailand is unique, and therefore it has long become a Thai national landmark. Tourists need to be prepared for the fact that it is almost always crowded near the White Temple, and in order to get into it, they will have to stand in line.

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International Geographic

Russia🇷🇺, Sochi, Agur waterfalls

They are located 13 km from the center of Sochi in the Khostinsky district. The distance to the shore in a straight line is only 3 km.

On the Agura River, nature has created three groups of waterfalls located not far from each other.

The lower waterfall is a two—stage waterfall: water falls from a height of 18 and 12 meters. In the high-water season, two streams with splashes intersect. Under these streams, a pool was formed, the water in which is distinguished by a pure blue hue.

The average waterfall is located about 500 meters upstream of the river. Stairs lead here, you need to overcome the ascent of many steps. The waterfall is quite wide, the stream is often divided into several streams flowing into a natural pool from a height of about 23 meters.

The third, Upper Agursky waterfall can be confidently called the most photographed. Its powerful stream noisily falls down from a height of 20 meters.

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International Geographic

Portugal 🇵🇹, Algarve

The Algarve is a small region, even by the standards of Portugal, which stretches in the south of the country. The territory is very different from the rest of the country in nature, climate, and atmosphere.

Here guests will find an amazing mix of Europe and North Africa, a drop of the signature Portuguese style "Manuelino" in architecture and endless sun, and ocean, and tiny towns with white houses, and very beautiful, hospitable people! You can talk endlessly about the Algarve!

Interestingly, even the ever-growing flow of tourists does not spoil the region and does not kill its charm. Here luxury hotels are side by side with fishing houses, and bright, painted boats lie upside down on the beaches, waiting for them to be taken back to the ocean.

Portugal is one of the most affordable countries in Europe. And despite the fact that the Algarve is considered its most expensive region, the prices here are still very pleasant. For example, it is much lower than in neighboring Spain.

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International Geographic

Japan 🇯🇵, Kawachi Fuji Gardens

Kawachi Fuji gardens in the Japanese city of Kitakyushu surprise with a variety of flower arrangements: the park territory covered with a lush waterfall of plants makes it possible to see flowers not only in picturesque flower beds, but also literally hanging over your head.

The pearl of the gardens are the flowering tunnels of wisteria, or wisteria, - large deciduous lianas with a woody trunk. Multi-colored wisteria brushes - white, blue, lilac, purple, lilac-purple and blue shades - grow on specially created frames, creating unique flower tunnels. Flowers hang in clusters over the tunnels - and sometimes so low that their subtle sweet aroma can be felt without turning your head. The height of the plant can reach 15 meters, which allows you to create flower arrangements of various shapes: not only wisteria tunnels, but also tents and hinged roofs, as if created by nature, are found on the territory of the gardens.

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International Geographic

Russia 🇷🇺, Dagestan, Irganai reservoir

The Irganai reservoir is an artificial water body created on the Avar Koisu River as a result of the construction of the hydroelectric power station of the same name.

This is one of the most beautiful places in Dagestan, represented by picturesque landscapes, an emerald water surface with majestic black rocks reflected in it.

The maximum depth of the Irganai reservoir is 100 m .

The coastline of the Irganai reservoir, which is about 43 km long, is heavily indented. The average width exceeds 500 m, the maximum is 1.5 km. The water surface area is 18.0 km2.

There are enough observation decks from where you can see the reservoir next to the reservoir. The most accessible sites are by the road and in villages along the northern shore. In one of the places on the highway there are places of recreation: cafes and tables where you can have a snack while admiring the magnificent view.

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International Geographic

Canada 🇨🇦, Lake O'Hara

O'Hara is an unreal beauty lake located in the Canadian Yoho National Park (British Columbia). Surrounded on all sides by mountain peaks, O'Hara is constantly fueled by melting snow, which is why its waters have such a bright blue hue.
 Lovers of amazing landscapes from all over the world come here to live in wooden houses on the shore. However, the Canadian authorities protect the natural beauty of this place in every possible way, so the number of tourists is strictly limited.

Officially, you need to sign up for a bus tour to the lake several months in advance, and cottages on the shore are almost always sold out for six months in advance.

O'Hara and its surroundings are like the scenery for a fairy tale — murmuring streams, bizarre snowy mountains, majestic pines and sunlight breaking through the clouds.... The beauties of these places are literally created in order to be captured on canvases.

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International Geographic

Germany 🇩🇪, Cologne Cathedral

The cult structure of impressive size ranks third in the list of the world's tallest Christian cathedrals and is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites by three criteria at once. The building is unique and harmoniously integrated in its architectural appearance, it testifies to the steadfastness of the Christian faith and marks the highest, unsurpassed point of development of the Gothic style in Europe.

The main temple of the city is considered its main attraction and unofficial symbol. At the time of completion in 1880, the building was the tallest in the world.

The first mention of the laying of a Christian temple of enormous size dates back to 1248, and the construction was completed only in 1880.

The work was carried out taking into account the preserved medieval drawings. In total, the construction of the building lasted 632 years.

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International Geographic

Italy 🇮🇹 , Dolomites, Puez-Geisler National Park (Italian name Odle)

The Odle di Funes massif with its famous peaks Sass Rigas and Furchetta protrude in the north of the park, the western peak of Sass Putia.

Together they call the peaks of Odle. Translated means "needles".

One of the features of these mountains is their ability to change color under the influence of sunlight, during sunrise or sunset. They can be pale orange or pink in hue. They are also called pale mountains because of the amazing reflection of the bright light of the moon.

The Dolomites are inhabited by a people who call themselves Ladins. They do not consider themselves Italians, even though they live in this state. The people speak Ladin, an interesting combination of adverbs, Italian and German words. Ladin people have their own national cuisine, traditions and customs. The people belong to the Romanesque type, there are about 35,000 Ladins in total, they also live in Switzerland.

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