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📦 AirDrop $KINGY

After 20 days, the airdrop token $KINGY has been paid in full to the 109 wallets who participated in the activity earlier. Many, received and sold to the market immediately, many are holding and waiting for .

The token's liquidity now stands at 5133 TON, with a combined value (TVL) of $24023. More than 1 million tokens are blocked in liquidity. This is equal to the amount issued for the airdrop.

What does that tell you? If the big token owners stay on hold as they are now, the price won't drop below 0.005 TON. You may also notice that 4 large holders have locked in their liquidity for 3 months at 12% APR (+3% of invested).

Ads on the channel are selling, fair review orders are coming in, merch for $KINGY is selling, many people now join the private channel for $KINGY by buying a token on People both win and lose their $KINGY in the lottery, thus there is a competent distribution between the owners.

If you refer to the service TONalytica: Jettons Market Data, you can see that the distribution of $KINGY holders is the most competent and even, among all tokens on TON.

It's time to raise the volume of trades! There is a lot of news to come. Stay tuned and thank you for your trust 🥰

You can buy $KINGY: DEX, TON Rocket.

@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter

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🙈TONUM - channel or catalog?

The TONUM project came to me for an honest review, namely the Telegram channel, which is a directory of projects and sites on TON.

In general, the thing is useful. You can search for information about this or that project without leaving Telegram. Especially the links to Github repositories. But the implementation, of course, leaves much to be desired.

In the channel, you jump here and there; you get lost while using tags; you cannot always return to the place you were while using links; and so on. All the same bots with navigation buttons could easily fix this situation.

As for the content. I saw there not all projects on the TON. For example, there is no, and descriptions of projects want better. For example in TON Rocket is not written that it works with tokens. But, for example, there is information about TON programming languages and FS Labs site. 🤷‍♂️

There are English and Russian versions of the channels. And as I understand it, posting there is a fee. Accommodation post about your project from 15 TON, and placing the project itself from 50 to 100 TON. Not bad for such a directory.

If you compare with the directory TON App, it is constantly improving the design and adds filters for quick search applications. It is unlikely that the Telegram channel can boast of this.

The idea is good, but the implementation is not so good.

@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter
$KINGY: DEX, TON Rocket.

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👛 Test GRAMs are NOT WELL worth the real money!

After an article from the White Rabbit team, I was contacted by their representatives and offered to dig into TON's past together.

But it's no wonder, you can immediately see the connection with the Telegram team in November 2019. Firstly, they held contests and distributed TON to everyone who wished, secondly, they launched givers, and thirdly, it was a test network and GRAMs were not worth anything.

I looked at what the WR team had found and looked a bit further. For example the YY9 address was sending out test GRAMs to those who requested them from Telegram helpdesk to test the TON blockchain. And the amounts there are from 25 to 200k TON.

You can also clearly track interesting giveaways by transaction comments. For example, there were 358 transactions worth 8,574 TON with the comment "Test GRAMs are NOT worth real money! @notoscam." Yes yes, not worth it, but right now it's $20,579.

Unfortunately, not all tools on TON can dig into 3+ years' worth of data and it's hard to keep track of such. But hopefully the White Rabbit team won't stop and keep looking. It will be interesting to read their investigations, and I will help with my findings 🤫

@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter
$KINGY: DEX, TON Rocket.

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🤨 Megaton Finance DEX. I'm spinning it, I want to confuse it.

AirDrop MEGA. Megaton Finance, previously featured on the TON Community channel, held the largest Airdrop in the history of the ecosystem to the tune of $500,000.

How did it go? People were told to do tasks, put in liquidity, etc. No promises and no strings attached. What was going on was simply the accrual of points. Most just ignored it and did nothing, and in the end some were able to get a nice sum of $MEGA.

And everything seemed fine, but recipients began to sink $MEGA in the market and the rate fell from 4 TON to 0.4 TON. People from TON community poured everything they got and closed about Koreans, which participated in a lot thanks to Twitter, and did not appear on this exchange.

What is on DEX now? There is nothing but $MEGA. Only Orbit wrapped tokens and MEGA. What to do there? Unknown.

Megaton, however, is:
- The largest TVL DEX on the TON.
- DEX with the highest trading volume.

They achieve the volumes by small exchange manipulations. If you need to exchange TON for oUSDT, they offer you the way TON -> KAI -> oUSDT or even worse TON -> KAI -> oAPM -> oUSDT. And while you make such a way, someone else can leak a lot of tokens and bring the price down by 10%. In the end, the price will "slip" by 10% and you'll get 10% less. And in two pairs or three, you get double or triple slippage.

And okay, all this would happen automatically, but they force the user to confirm each transaction manually. for example, exchange $KINGY to TON goes by TON -> JTON -> $KINGY, but you confirm transaction once. And on Megaton Finance you have to confirm 2 to 6 times. 🙈

In addition to the long exchange paths offered by the exchange, the interface hangs, you refresh the page, you get kicked out of your profile, you go in and sit and look at the changed price oKAI and suffer losses.

And there are such ways: TON -> WTON -> oAPM -> oUSDC -> META. Here you can just close your eyes and watch as you lose TON and intermediate tokens on commissions and slippages. 🤦‍♂️ You might end up spending half your deposit in favor of Orbit tokens.

Why is the trading volume high? They marketmake the rates of each token, buying and selling them every day for 200 thousand TON from themselves. That way they're getting the maximum possible trading volume, and then they're boasting in Twitter that they're the biggest trading volume on TON. But if you remove all the inflated volume, I think they will be even lower than Tegro (and they are very bad now).

And why TVL first? Because investors and Orbit poured $15 million in liquidity and keep those complex exchanges running that I described above, earning on commissions of ordinary gullible users.

I think the mega has done its job. Mega can go.

@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter
$KINGY: DEX, TON Rocket.

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Investment kingyru 💎 EN

🦆 Hack-a-TONx w/ DoraHacks

I looked through all 109 projects uploaded to DoraHacks as part of the hackathon. What can I say:
- A lot of projects with crooked links, deleted repositories, and nothing behind them. The authors create an empty site, put standard FunC smart contracts without changing anything and that's it.
- Many projects have nothing to do with TON at all. For example, several projects are deployed on Solana and they are just served under the sauce that someday they will be made on TON.
- There are several projects in Russian. Presentations, descriptions and comments in the code are in Russian.
- There are projects where just a Telegram bot makes exactly the same functions as in the bots, which are already full on TON.
- there are interesting projects (!), but they are just a few and without implementation. Purely thrown the idea, described and everything. Implementation is planned apparently only after the grant.
- Several people have submitted several projects from one person.

I want to sympathize with the jury. After all, they have to do the same work. I spent 3 hours on it.

The projects I would rate are TON NFT Bazaar, and DAO zkTON. These are my favorites out of all of them.

Zeya and TON Play are also likely to get grants, purely because they are close to FS Labs and they are sponsors.

That's the way it is. Where to distribute the $300k... Even if you distribute it equally, that's $2,750 each.

@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter
$KINGY: DEX, TON Rocket.

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🐰 Who owns 76% of the TON validators?

The White Rabbit team has posted another article about whiterabbit_hq/ton-blockchain-a-group-of-related-whales-mined-85-of-ton-supply-2e3300cc93bc">TON blockchain, in which they finally did some major research (their previous article was not very good at all).

What did they do? They took the addresses of the first miners and tracked all the transactions to the validators, and then concluded that 170 validators out of 272 active, are associated with the first miners, and another 12 validators, belong to the TON Foundation. Thus, 182 (~66.9%) validators are associated with first miners.

To recall the words of Anatoly Makosov (tolya yanot): "The distribution happened so spontaneously and summarily, that even at the moment, there is no clear picture. In other blockchains, and even in the U.S. dollar, there is no uniform distribution, there are always their "Bill Gates". Scientifically it seems to be called "Zipf's law."

I have previously produced a post on the TON distribution and can confirm all the conclusions of the White Rabbit article. Beautiful people! Also, I would add that the owners of another 25 validators are known. They belong to the TON Whales team. That's a total of 207 validators (76%). Accordingly, any vote triggered by the validators 100% can be confirmed by only two groups: the first miners and TON Whales. Such as a freeze vote.

UPD: another validator belongs to ePN Partners.

Potential investors who see TON as a long-term investment will 100% see the risks in such centralization. Well, of course, if that 67% is not owned by the Telegram team, then probably some credibility will be added the other way around.

Also, when I did an investigation on TON Diamonds, I found a lot more personalities than are listed in the article. They only found Malev, Andreev and Illarionov. Probably because I was looking at a larger range of time and not just associated with the first miners wallets.

Overall, the whiterabbit_hq/ton-blockchain-a-group-of-related-whales-mined-85-of-ton-supply-2e3300cc93bc">article is cool. Haven't brought up this topic in a while, but you better close it and forget what was written here. I quite understand, that this message will cause additional interest, but I want to warn inquisitive at once - stop. The rest simply will not find.

@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter
$KINGY: DEX, TON Rocket.

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Investment kingyru 💎 EN

Playmuse. An honest review.

Remember the kingyTON track by @freshsupreme81, after the post media services and other projects wanted to collaborate with him. There are no ready-made platforms for content creators on TON yet, but there is a big contender - media service Playmuse. Catch an honest review as part of our utility.

Playmuse has launched a 200 NFT presale and is about to launch an NFT marketplace and lunchpad for content creators. Taking place in the bot @playmuse_sale_bot. There are small complaints about transaction formation of course, it would be possible to make links like ton://, but the main thing is that it works.

Judging by the roadmap on the site, they will move to TON services, Storage, Sites, DNS, Payments, and NFT Playmuse owners will receive 50% of net profit of the service. A Playmuse awards program will be launched for content creators, where they can compete with each other for a large prize fund.

We will see the full extent of it in Q2 2023. In the meantime, the site is looking for ambassadors and content creators! All the details about the project on the channel.


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Investment kingyru 💎 EN

Did not have time to put a bid on username @auto and it was taken away for 900k TON, would be a million. Okay, they'll have to run the channel themselves now. 🏆

Serious post to come later, gotta wait for auctions to finish.


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Investment kingyru 💎 EN

🐶 Not just Twitter dogs

DR developer Awesome Doge has created a gateway so that everyone can directly access the TON network. It's based on onion network technology: [*] ton .run or [*] .adnl.

For example, let's take Foundation.ton and just enter this address format -

This method lowers the entry threshold to .ton websites, allowing anyone new to the Web3 to go directly to Web3 pages without setting up a proxy. This is convenient, but with this approach, the connection becomes insecure as it involves a third party,

There is also a page at which lists all the sites in the .ton domain (38 in total) with their running status displayed.

Convenient. We hope to see more sites soon with the new domain zone.


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TON Emission. Lockup period.

In December 2021, the TON Community made news of a new way to exchange Toncoin - OTC Toncoin Market. It is a p2p exchange of TON in pairs with BTC, ETH, USDT (ERC20), USDC (ERC20), USDT (TRC20). The post also states that the service is verified by TON Fondation.

In January 2022 there was a post about selling TON with 1 year promo period on service channel, with the price 20% cheaper then selling price on EXMO exchange for USDT. The minimum was 50 000 USDT, the maximum was 300 000 USDT. Lockup period - the TON is yours, but locked for one year. Only after one year they will come to your purse. Smart contract of lockup period is written by TON Foundation and lies in TON Blockchain repository (Github).

The rate at the time was $3 (or about 250 rubles). Plus subtract 20%. It turns out that a year later, in December 2022, customers will receive their TON and see that their price has fallen by 2 times.

Those who strongly believe in the future of course will keep them for themselves, but investors, buying them with a reserve for a bright future (which has not yet come), just sell them at market price.

How many of these investors and what volumes is unknown, but the service is still working. Apparently the end of the year and all of next year will be fun.

Happy Halloween! 🥳
Time to fight demons. 😈


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Always happy to support creativity directed toward our collection and channel.

This time, @freshsupreme81 recorded a track in very unusual conditions (just look at the mattresses against the walls).

The author is very active in integrating his work with projects on TON, he has done tracks for BrainTON, TON AVATARS, METAFOREST, TON Eternity. He also started a collection on TON from screenshots of his tracks on SoundCloud.

Respect! 🙂 By the way, he asked me to tell you that he would be happy to collaborate with other projects on TON.


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History of TON Proxy vs. the RCN

From every newscaster " domain is blocked by Roskomnadzor". So?

In 2018, when Roskomnadzor blocked Telegram, Nikolai Durov turned on his brain and in March 2019, the concept of Telegram Open Network was invented.

It consisted of, among other things, TON Proxy and TON DNS and he wrote a whitepaper: (link still active).

Then a Telegram employee put the TON Proxy in Python and published it on Github (TON_web_proxy). There is also a docker on building a TON web proxy, presumably by a Telegram employee (

By the way, the same guy committed to the official The Open Network repository ton-blockchain/ton/commit/ after the TON Foundation transfer (apparently, this guy is a professional docker).

So Roskomnadzor failed to block Telegram in those years. It skillfully evaded any blocking. And thanks to what? I think it was the TON Proxy. ☺️

The current is identical to the original, but the implementation has gone a long way, because technology doesn't stand still. New tools, bulletproof smart contracts, including DNS, domains, and NFT have been introduced, and Python has been replaced by Func and Fift, but the essence remains the same.

The current blocking is unlikely to target all of Telegram, but as an advertisement for TON, it will definitely be useful.


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Hack Challenge Live

Recently there was a contest where you had to hack smart contracts that contained bugs. I wrote about it earlier. All the contracts were hacked and the winners took their awards. One of the contracts (number 7) was even hacked off script, which surprised the TON Foundation. The winner has not posted the solution and it is still not clear how he did it.

The winner is Andrew (@pyAndr3w), his wallet I found and added to the people's address book even earlier. It was he who hacked the contract number 7, posted by TON Foundation. So the chelenge got out of hand.

There's a lottery called (you throw TON on a smart contract and either make x2 or lose). The smart contract address is PkR, the code is on Github. The owner of this "establishment" is Sergey (@sergei_ton). We may know him by the original BMW 1 series wrapped in TON style, in which more than 3 million rubles were invested. Cannon! 🙂

So Andrew started to test the smart contract of the lottery and did not fail. The smart contract was hacked in 25 minutes and 6148 TON was withdrawn. Now Sergey writes to Andrei through transactions, asking him to tell the secret and the hole in the contract.

Such is the case. 12k TON in a week. 🤝 Learn Func.


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News channels broke the news that private posts could be made on Telegram, which would be available after payment. Like Varlamov or Lobushkin.

The creation of such content is not done in Telegram itself, but is set up through the bot @donate, which uses an interface for payment, as with private channels.

However, we have a thematic channel, so I inform you that payment in TON is not available for such posts (only euros and rubles).

Disapproval. @donate on Fragment, if you know what I mean 🙂


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Investment kingyru 💎 EN

Projects with kingyTON

We lead an active life. We do our own projects like blacklist, directory and NFT, and we run a channel. But we also help other projects with their ideas.

🔍 Tonscanplus

I was approached by the author of The Daily TON channel, with the idea of making an address book for the tonscan exlorer. I told him that I had already tried this idea with TON Whales and the TON Foundation, but no one at the organizational level dared to develop it. In the end, we agreed that it was the perfect story for investigations.

I found a programmer who, for little money, developed an extension for Google Chrome where you could use the people's address book from Github, as well as sort transactions by various parameters.

I fill up my address book all the time and it makes it a lot faster to find the information I need, and The Daily TON found as many as 2 collections of username Telegram thanks to the extension.

Github: tonscanplus
Extension: tonscanplus

💱 Tonmarketcap

Initially, the idea of capitalizing tokens on TON was implemented at, but there was a direct request to the TON Rocket API and it didn't happen quickly.

Together with the Astralyx team, we implemented a platform with rates and capitalization of popular tokens on TON. The data is taken from CEX (Jetton Exchange, TON Rocket) and DEX (TON Swap).

In addition, they made a choice of currencies in which the token rate is displayed, as well as the top markets by trading volume in 24 hours.

To monetize this story, a "small" ad unit was placed right in the table. Contact @tonmarketcapbot about placement.

web3: tonmarketcap.ton

Any ideas?
I've never turned anyone down, so if you have an idea you'd like to implement, feel free to email me @kingyru. We'll think of something 🙂


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💎 The new wallet is coming!

The TON Foundation has launched a two-month Ton Wallet Challenge with a $60k prize pool.

The goal is to create a TON Wallet app. The winning implementation could replace the current versions of TON Wallet.

Read more at website. The deadline is May 22 .

It's funny that in the gif, showing the Wallet Wallet's work, they showed a syphon from the wallet, where there were 100 TON 🙂 Lucky guy took them right away)

@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter
$KINGY: DEX, TON Rocket.

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📺 A video about TON

On December 29, 2022 a video called The Open Network: A Blockchain's Past and Future was published on all TON Telegram channels. In this video there were hints for the New Year's game, in which the team of Kingyru Private channel won and took the prize of 1000 TON.

Today, after the post in the main channel, nostalgia for those times continued in the private channel and I thought, but before that there was a Telegram promo video about TON network (Telegram Open Network back then).

I went to Youtube and found these interesting facts:
- there are 2 videos from 5 years ago on the DeCenter channel, which belongs to the tester I wrote about earlier. Here's the English version, which has a link to @catchain's channel in the description below the clip. It turns out this video confirms the tester's connection to DeCenter.
- The video from Telegram as well as the current one from the TON Foundation came out near the end of 2017.
- The voiceover in the new clip and the Telegram clip are very similar. And there is a feeling that the clip was made by the same person.
- TON is depicted as a spaceship then and now and are almost identical.

Telegram loves TON. Easterlings everywhere 💱

@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter
$KINGY: DEX, TON Rocket.

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Investment kingyru 💎 EN

⚡️ Another drop-off to suppliers

Today I handed out $BOLT at a ratio of 1 to 1 to all liquidity providers who keep the $KINGY token alive according to the page.

At the peak, $KINGY liquidity reached 5,560 TON. After the drop, withdrawals began. There will be no more direct tips on the channel 🤫

While is in the sweat making farming functionality (the button is there), we will launch our own, temporary farming. There is a Farming section on the site where you can put your LP tokens for 90 days at 12%. After 90 days you will get them back plus 3% on top.

@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter
$KINGY: DEX, TON Rocket.

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🍹Lottery for $KINGY

The $1 million $KINGY tokens AirDrop giveaway is in full swing and if you don't know what to do with them now, I suggest you read the post about the utility.

Well today it expanded by one more item. $10K KINGY was poured into a smart lottery contract with odds:
- 0.1% to win the jackpot.
- 9.9% for winning x5.
- 10% for winning x3.

Anyone can deposit into the smart lottery and try their luck:

Wallet **76X4nL2 had the biggest win. He took home $1,317.5 and $1,253.33 KINGY twice. You can track your winnings here.

Tokens lying on the smart contract will not be used in circulation. Imagine that by the decision of $KINGY validators we froze them 😁

@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter
$KINGY: DEX, TON Rocket.

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Investment kingyru 💎 EN

JORJ: The Story of a Fraud

As good as the TON blockchain is, it also attracts a lot of scammers. Thanks to cheap, fast transactions and a slight technical difference from other blockchains, users may not even suspect that they are being scammed.

All kinds of scams can be listed for a long time, but I want to tell you more about the social way of scamming.

As you all know, TON and Telegram are connected. If you have a project on TON, you are 100% using Telegram as a means of communicating with the community or presenting the project.

There is one character on TON who changes his identity to look like famous people on TON. He creates fakes with usernames using l (L) and l, I (i) and I and so on. Sometimes if you have not corresponded with a person before, opening a dialog it is hard to understand that it is not him. You will have common chats and he will have a similar description in bio.

This person, taking advantage of people's trust in famous personalities, usually asks to borrow money for a couple of hours and then disappears. In tight circles we nicknamed him Georges.

Jorj appeared in a private chat kingyru and sat there for over a year (!) Earning his trust. This is the nickname we gave him, because his name was George. One day, he jokingly asked for 30k $SCALE from one of the group members and he lent him money. Since then Jorj has disappeared, but he appears under new accounts and does the same things.

Now Jorj has adapted and comes up with more and more ways to cheat. For example, just recently, he bought himself a whale from the TON Whales collection, got into a private chat room, and then created a fake whale collection and sold them there.

In a day, with good luck and the presence of gullible people, Jorjes "earns" about 700 TON. 🤷‍♂️

Be vigilant and careful! Check if this is really the person he claims to be. As a last resort, find the project's channel or chat room and go to the administrator's profile manually.

If you are sent a profitable NFT exchange offer, make sure it's not a fake collection. It costs very cheap to build a collection on TON, and attackers take advantage of that.

If you are prompted to enter your seed phrase on any site, this will also cause you to lose all your funds. Check authorization methods and sites where you do it.

Remember, the Jorj never sleeps.

@investkingyru | @investkingyru_en | twitter
$KINGY: DEX, TON Rocket.

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Telegram's first username has been sold and the address wallets of the new owners start with the letters Ef. Most users on TON believe that Ef wallets are either validators or system smart contracts. They are partly right, but let's sort it out.

Address formats:
Ef wallets in HEX format start with -1:***
EQ purses in HEX format start with 0:***
You can check here

The structure of the TON blockchain
The TON blockchain itself consists of several levels, but I'll break down just two:
-1: This is the root blockchain (or masterchain), containing general information about the blockchain, its configs, set of validators, and their stacks. TON has only one masterchain.
0: The base (basechain) or working blockchain containing transactions and smart contracts.

Commissions in the masterchain are 1,000 times higher than commissions in the basechain. That's why all information on TON movement between users is stored in the basechain. And no one except the first miners and validators use masterchain.

Support for masterchain wallets
Notably, popular wallets like Tonkeeper, Tonhub, and Wallet only work with vorchain, which means that those who bought username with wallets like Ef didn't even authorize on They were funneling funds directly into a smart contract.

Linking NFT username to Telegram
How this works is unknown. If you go by the TON DNS analogy, you go to Tonkeeper and bind your address and domain. We will probably only know how Telegram will do this in new updates. It seems to be possible in version 9.1, but so far no one has attached @auto and @casino, for example. Even if they do it through Tonkeeper, the owners of wallets like Ef will not be able to tie them, they will not be able to log in. So they will have to transfer them to EQ wallet, and then only do tying.

So who are these Ef users? 🌚


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Development of the TON project

The Telegram team launches the first TON test network in spring 2019, after which the code becomes open source.

In November 2019, the Telegram team holds a TON Blockchain contest, where participants made multisignature wallets, payment gateways, and DNS. The 41 winners split $235,000 between them.

That same day (Nov. 15), at the end of the contest, the test network2 was restarted. No one knew it would be the last restart 🌚

In December 2020, the Telegram team is running the TON Blockchain contest again, asking people to write TON-based smart contracts that could become popular with consumers. All contestants received 5,000 TON each from the bot @test_ton_bot to test and develop their apps.

The results of the contest were tallied as far back as March 2020. It included:
- A conditional transfer contract useful for crowdfunding, escrow, storage, etc.
- an ecosystem for buying and selling items
- a school grade registry that allows teachers to give grades to students and students to view them
- a game of collecting items in Telegram chats
- chess game
- mixer contract
- an auction platform that supports three types of auctions: an open English auction and two blind auctions, sealed first and second price auctions
- casino with raffle and blackjack
- messenger
- decentralized exchange (DEX)
- American roulette
- charitable foundation proxy wallet that multiplies incoming payments by a given campaign factor and sends them to the destination wallet
- ADNL client
- cost sharing contract
- an ICO smart contract that allows for fundraising events for various projects
- karma system for community self-regulation
- MLM wallet proxies that send 1% of incoming funds to another wallet
- TON Proxy implementation in C++
and much more.

In May 2021, the test network2 was renamed the main network (mainnet), which still exists today.

I'm starting to believe that a lot of TON is at who the fuck knows what. Just imagine how many passersby clicked to get 5000 TON for 2 contests from Telegram.


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The vote to add the domain zone ended yesterday, but for some reason everyone is silent. TON Foundation is silent, TON Community is silent.

I tried to find out the results of voting yesterday from different product developers, and they all said that we should make a history of voting. So do it already, it's interesting 🙂

With a bit of erudition, I did find the results - the changes were accepted. How did I know that?

On the TON Status channel they published a list of changes to be voted on. One of the items was "Added short alias www.ton for foundation.ton site." That is, if the TON Foundation made itself a three-digit domain - then the vote was successful and all changes are accepted.

Turn on the proxy, go to www.ton and voila - it works. ⚡️Then the domain zone is added and the root DNS smart contract is changed.

Why the TON Foundation made themselves such a domain is also an interesting question, because for example to go through, which I wrote about yesterday, you need to write in the address bar And the browser will think that you just want to go to

But, no matter what they say, World Wide Web on TON sounds cool.

Why is everyone keeping quiet? Probably waiting for the end of the auction on username @casino. It ends tonight at 7:29 pm Moscow time. Waiting for good news and statements from Pavel Durov, he is unlikely to miss such an event.


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Investment kingyru 💎 EN

New NFT collections keep arriving at TON. This time a collection with an unusual animal - a llama.

Crazy Llama Farm collection was created exclusively for TON blockchain. I don't know if it's possible to sell 10 thousand NFT items now (probably not), but it seems that the founders of the project calculated everything and will give out in installments.

If everything according to roadmap is realized, there will be a "choose your action" type game in Telegram bot with step-by-step RPG and moving around the llama world, as well as a game token.

Presale collection started in Telegram bot and tonmarket, but you know what happened to the market, so we moved to Getgems. The main presale is in the bot, and on getgems barrels with random lamas.

In addition to NFT themselves guys made lama stickers, which show information about TON: place in CoinMarketCap capitalization rating, total trading volume for 24 hours, exchange rates to US dollar, ruble, hryvnia and tenge.

This is such an honest overview for flor redemption by utility. How do you like the collection?


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Investment kingyru 💎 EN

New NFTs with new features

We're slowly painting the remaining items in our NFT collection (no hurry, there are only 23 left), this time there are bright and colorful items:
- METAFOREST with a carrot,
- kingy raising TON,
- recording a track about the channel,

as well as two legendary tokens commemorating
- the listing of TON on the KuCoin exchange
- The opening of the Fragment platform.

As part of the testing, we have already launched the possibility to get NFT in BOLT, now we want to lower the entry threshold even lower for newcomers.

Getting 5 new NFT kingyTON is now possible in just 2 steps:
1. Download Tonkeeper or Tonhub. Get a TON wallet address.
2. Go to the page with NFT (at the links above) and click "💸 get for rubles". In the comments specify a purse from p.1. and your username.

That's all. 💃.


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Investment kingyru 💎 EN

Okay okay 🤡

The previous post caused outrage from the best techies on TON. I'll go over the points:
- TON Proxy has roughly nothing to do with bypassing blocking. They bypassed them through pooches, rapid deployment of nodes in public clouds, at the expense of the tg proxy released later.
- All this was helped by Microsoft (Google, Amazon and Oracle kicked out the tg proxies)
- The phrase "Python was replaced by Func and Fift" made the tonapi developer's eye twitch 🤭. That's not what I meant, but fine. Smart contracts were never developed in Python.
- TON_web_proxy doesn't do much. It's more like work notes. Someone tried to put some sort of https on it, maybe, but it obviously didn't work very well.
- The correct spelling is FunC, not func. 🤣
- FunC and Fift were still under Telegram. But TON was really mentioned in 2018.
- Adnl is generally written in C++.

Technically enlightened, because TON is first and foremost about technology.


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Investment kingyru 💎 EN


No, you are not mistaken, the post is not about Olya Nemo, but about memo - a text field or identifier, which is specified when transferring funds to the exchange. If you do not specify it when sending - the funds will not appear in your wallet.

Many people either do not know or forget about it. For example:
- on huobi 7300 deposits, 389 of them without memo (5%).
- kucoin 1300 deposits, 130 of them without memo (10%).
- on ftx 200 thousand deposits of which 2400 without memo (1%).
- on okx 500 thousand deposits of which 5000 without memo (1%).

If you forgot to specify - you will have to leave an appeal to the exchange to resolve the issue. Most likely they will help you, but it will take time.

Having analyzed the messages in the transfers, the most popular messages were: hello, tone, test.

It is not clear why exchangers still have not made by default fill in the text field (text=memo), and forced to fill in an address separately and make up a memo.


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Investment kingyru 💎 EN

He wrote a Fragment of the story

Pavel Durov wrote a post about Telegram's new username Fragment marketplace, where he emphasized that this is just the beginning. Next will probably be stickers and emoji, because that is how Andrei Rogozov sees the development of the TON Foundation's relationship with Telegram. He said this two hours before Pavel's post at the AMA session dedicated to TON's listing on KuCoin.

Also in that session, Steve Yoon said "TON is a utility token, a gas needed to launch or access decentralized applications on the TON blockchain. It should not be seen as an investment asset." In fact, that's what we're seeing now.

After Pavel Durov's post, everyone rushed to buy up TON, hoping for easy profits and open long positions, but several unfavorable events happened - the first miner woke up with 25 million TON, there were huge volumes to sell and long candles down.

To somehow support the idea, the TON Foundation is releasing a post about attaching your TON wallet to your username if validators vote for it. They want to update the TON DNS contract and make the domain of the TON network. The update is scheduled for Oct. 31.

Durov, on the other hand, said in his post that you can sell your existing username in a few days. It all adds up, the power has started to move into the hands of users. Let's see how users and validators decide.

The post, which was so awaited, did not bring joy to TON holders. However, if we look at the situation from the point of view of building a new Internet, it's really the first introduction of web3.0 in the history of social networks. Elon Musk almost didn't make it with his Twitter 🙂


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✈️ Fragments about Fragment

At 19:19 Eugene posts the Rubik's Cube on his channel as some sort of fragment and says that this is the post that will change the story. So he already knew the title, he just didn't want to spoil it too much.

TON Base at 7:25 p.m. posts a screenshot from At 19:29 Rogozov Andrey (TON Foundation) makes the first bet on username @casino. He is, as we know, a fan of betting, as I mentioned his TON address in my post about the TON Diamonds auction house.

At about 8:10 p.m. the bot @fragment got a verification tick from Telegram. It was not there before that. Apparently, the Telegram team was fixing everything on the fly, because they spoiled it.

We know that Rogozov Andrei and Evgeni are communicating ever since he invited him to TON Bulls chat (black squares) and made him a moderator. I will attach a screenshot in the comments. Then he left. Who is this Eugene - now even more interesting, since he posted this picture before the first announcements.

Two hours later, the media already picked up the wave and started to publish the news that the sale of username in Telegram had begun. Some time later, the Durov Code released a post with the headline "Telegram ≠ Fragment", stating that Telegram only grants the owners of these digital objects the privileges associated with them.

Usernames starting with A through H are now available on the market. The rest (I through Z) will appear within a year. You can see all the auctions here:

In Fragment's terms of use, it says that Telegram can delete and block your username, even if you own NFT. Thus, you will only be left with the NFT. Before buying username, you should definitely check if the previous owner broke Telegram's rules, otherwise it will turn out like with opening G-bots box (sold closed, but they were already opened).

Also a fun fact is that the price of username 5+ characters starts at 2000 TON if it's a real word and 500 TON if it's just a character set. Apparently some sort of word guide is laid in.

Purchased names are not available in Telegram right now - they will support them a little later (the auction is going on for a week anyway). And those that are available in Telegram - can not be sold in Fragment (at least now).

Maybe that's why there is no news on the Telegram site and in @durov channel. We are waiting for updates and official announcements.


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Statistics of visits to sites

Disintar (as of July 2022):
Visitors: 198K ≈ 6.4K per day
Views: 963K ≈ 31.1K per day

TON Whales (for July 2022):
Visitors: 182K ≈ 5.9K per day
Views: 813K ≈ 26.3K per day

TON Diamonds (for September 2022):
Visitors: 42.6K ≈ 1.4K per day
Views: 48.1K ≈ 1.6K per day

Getgems (for September 2022):
Visitors: 723K ≈ 24.1K per day
Views: 7.8M ≈ 262K per day (for August 2022):
Visitors: 509K ≈ 16.4K per day
Views: 2.8M ≈ 90.1K per day (for September 2022):
Visitors: 12K ≈ 420 per day
Views: 48.1K ≈ 1.6K per day


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