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🌴 Islamic Quotes Allah is only one no Sunni and Shia 🌴 🌴 🌴

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﷽ Islamic Quotes


🌴 *دعاء الإسراء والمعراج  احتفظوا بيه*🌴

*اللهم كما عرجت بسيدنا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم فاجعل أرواحنا تعرج إليك  بقرب من بعد بُعد ، وبوصل من بعد قطع وبأُنس وخشوع من بعد جفاء ،

اللهم كما قربت سيدنا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم في لحظة المعراج فكان قاب قوسين او أدنى، فقرينا إليك ، قربنا إلى اعتابك قربنا إلى جنابك قربنا الى احبابك  يامن انت اقرب إلينا من حبل الوريد يا قريبا غير بعيد ، أتيناك بفقرنا وانت الغني الحميد* ،

*أتيناك بضعفنا وانت القوي المتين ، أتيناك بذلنا وانت العزيز الحكيم ،

اللهم كما بدلت حال الحبيب محمد عليه الصلاة والتسليم بعد المعراج بدل حالنا إلى احسن الأحوال*

*امنحنا الدليل فانا حائرون ايدنا بتاييدك  فانا تائهون أنصرنا بنصرك فانا مقهورون  بدل خوفنا آمنا وذلنا عزا.  ياسند من لاسند له ، ياعون من لاعون له ، يامن لايحتاج إلى التفسير دبر لنا فانا لا نحسن التدبير ،

اللهم و كما ادخلت سيدنا المصطفى حضرة القرب واللقاء اوقفنا اللهم على أبوابك ، وادخلنا مع جملة احبابك ، وكما أدخلته سحبات انوارك أدخلنا

اللهم الى أرجاء مناجاتك ، وساحات وصالك وكما ألهمته التحية والسلام فحيينا بروح منك وريحان وسلم قلوبنا من العلل والاوهام والذنوب والاثام* ،

*اللهم كما عرفت أهل السماء عليه بأكرم الاسماء عرفهم علينا بصالح العمل والدعاء*

*اللهم استجب دعاءنا يا مجيب الدعاء*.....

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﷽ Islamic Quotes


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


And since God knows these days

bruised us
saddened us
overwhelmed us,
tired and exhausted us,

Then the reward will be huge 💛

# Koun Maa Allah☘

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﷽ Islamic Quotes


A man asked al Tustari: “What is

He said: “Perpetual dhikr.”

The man said: “I was not asking
about that, but about what sustains

He replied: “O man! Things are sustained by nothing but Allah.”

The man said:
“I did not mean that, I asked you
about what is indispensible!”

He replied: “Young man, Allah is indispensible.”

Abu Nu‘aym, Hilya

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﷽ Islamic Quotes


“Man’s piety is manifested through three things: his gifts, his refusals and his words.”

The greatest act of devotion is, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, prayer.

In this worship, God commands us to turn our bodies towards Mecca, as in the verse:

“So turn your face towards the sacred mosque, wherever you are, turn your faces there.”

However, in another verse, God lets us know that the Kaaba is the qibla, that is, the direction of bodies.

But hearts have no direction except God. In other words, God is the direction of hearts and the Kaaba is the direction of bodies.

When the servant physically stands towards the Kaaba but his heart does not turn towards his Lord then his prayer cannot have meaning.

So God says: “Woe to those who pray who stand up and are stunned.”

On the other hand, God says of those who, in their prayers, were able to materialize the presence of their Lord:

“Blessed are the believers who, when they rise to prayer, do so with fear.”

He who therefore directs his heart towards his Lord obtains as his reward His mercy.

“Turn to me in supplication and I will turn to you in grant, turn to me in begging, I will turn to you in response.”


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


The virtue of Surah Al-Sharh or Inshirah or no 94

● Surah Al-Sharh carries the scent of comfort and psychological peace, because it begins with the words of the Almighty:

“Did We not expand for you, [O Muhammad], your breast?"

● The surah overflows with solace, comfort, tranquility and consolation, as the verses refer to it.

● The reader of Surah Al-Sharh obtains psychological comfort, soothes the heart and reassures the mind.

● It is suitable for reading by those who suffer from depression, worries or psychological stress, to calm the souls and calm the nerves.

● The verses refer to God's grace upon Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, removing worries and anxiety.

● He who recites it will gain some of this credit, especially if he reads it carefully, reflects and meditates.

● Its doors are open to calling on God, seeking solace and consolation, and solving problems.

● Also useful for people with health problems related to stress and lack of rest.

Heba Gomaa


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﷽ Islamic Quotes

My story with Surat Al-Baqarah

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﷽ Islamic Quotes


An example of the endurance of the Prophet "Upon him be blessings and peace":

One day he pbuh distributed goods. A Bedouin said:

“This sharing is unfair! »

This criticism reached the Prophet "Upon him be blessings and peace".

His face turned red, but he pbuh finally said:

“May God have mercy on my brother Moses!

He was very differently offended, but he showed himself to be more enduring! "

(source: Bukhari and Muslim)

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﷽ Islamic Quotes


Samurah ibn Joundab (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“The most beloved words with Allah are four in number and it does not matter by which one you start :

“SubḥânaLlâh! » (Glory and Purity be to Allah),

“Al-ḤamduliLlâh” (Praise be to Allah!),

“Lâ Ilâha illaLlâh” (There is no deity [worthy of worship], except Allah),

“Allahu Akbar!” » (Allah is Greater [than all]!). »

Authentic. - Reported by Muslim.

The explanation
The hadith indicates the merit of these four sayings. These represent the most beloved words with Allah that it is given to a human being to pronounce. This, because they include matters of the greatest importance such as: Recognizing that Allah, Exalted be He, is free from all defects, describing Him by all that befits His greatness of perfect attributes and to recognize Him as the absolute exclusivity of the worship due to Him. Finally, the merit of these words and their reward does not imply listing them and pronouncing them in the order mentioned in the hadith.


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


No trust in the gossiper
Whoever gossips for you will also gossip against you.
by Imam Shafi'i.


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﷽ Islamic Quotes

An-Nuayman ibn Amr_ The Companion Who Made the Prophet Laugh _ Shaykh Rami Nsour

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﷽ Islamic Quotes


Hasan Basri (rh) says:

'The ones who have taqwa protect  themselves from what Allah has prohibited and act upon  what He has mandated.

Taqwa remains with them until  they forsake many halal things fearing that they could be  haram.

Sufyan Thauri (rh) says:

'They have been called 'the  fearing' because they fear what is not usually feared.'

Talq ibn Habib (rh) says:

'Taqwa is to obey Allah with the  (divine) insight (noor) that He will reward and to refrain  from disobedience with the insight and fear that He will  punish.'


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


Ibn  al-Qayyim  subscribes  to  the  opinion  of  his  teacher  Ibn  Taymiyah  who  says, 

“…from  among  the  rich  and  the  poor,  the  most  favoured  creature  is  he  who  is  most  Godfearing  and  who  excels  in  good  deeds;  if  a  rich  and  a  poor  person  are  equal  on  the  basis  of this  criterion,  they  are  equal  in  their  ranks.”

The  above  stance  is  in  full  conformity  with  the  economic  philosophy  of  Islam.  Ibn  alQayyim  says:

  `Allah  the  Almighty,  is  the  Creator  of  affluence  and  misery  as  He  is  the Creator  of  everything.

Riches  and  poverty  are  created  by  Him  to  test  His  bondmen  as  to who  is  better  in  deeds.  He  turns  both  of  them  into  a  testing  ground  for  obedience  or disobedience,  for  reward  or  punishment. 

This  is  why  He  says,

"We  shall  test  you  by means  of  evil  and  good  for  ordeal  and  unto  Us  you  will  be  returned  ….”(The  Qur’an 21:35).

Sometimes  He  tests  a  man  by  giving  him  plenty  of  wealth  and  sometimes  by narrowing  on  him  the  means  of  livelihood.



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﷽ Islamic Quotes


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


Allah Ta’ala has made good deeds towards parents one of the reasons for acceptance of deeds and forgiveness of sins.

Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’an:

(I have commanded man to be kind to his parents. His mother conceived him with great difficulty and gave birth to him with great difficulty.

His carrying and his weaning is (in) thirty months.

Finally when he reached his full capacity and reached the age of forty, he said,

"O my Lord! Grant me tawfiq, that I may be grateful for the favors You have bestowed on me and my parents and do good deeds that please You, and grant (the same) merit to my children for me. I repent to you and I am among those who express allegiance. "

These are they, whose good deeds I will accept and whose evil deeds I will forgive.

(Consequently) they will be among the people of Paradise, by virtue of the truth promised to them. – Surah Ahqaf (46): 15-16)

Idriss Ahmed


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


The night journey and heavenly ascension

Rajab 27 is Israj and Miraj/ the Night travel of Prophet Muhammad pbuh to the Heavens

Rajab 27 is a special day. Many scholars used to fast on Rajab 27

Tonight is a special night. Many Muslims spend tonight making special prayers

May Allah help us to perform the best devotion acts. May Allah accept our prayers

Islamic date today in France is 26 Rajab 1445 as on February 07, 2024

Islamic date today in Saudi Arabia is 26 Rajab 1445 as on February 07, 2024


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


An intending disciple said to Dhû-l-Nûn, the Egyptian:

“Above everything in this world I wish to enroll in the Path of Truth.”

Dhû-l-Nûn told him:

“You can accompany our caravan only if you first accept two things.

One is that you will have to do things which you do not want to do.

The other is that you will not be permitted to do things which you desire to do.

It is ‘wanting’ which stands between man and the Path of Truth.”



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﷽ Islamic Quotes


Good character

• The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

“The most evil in my nation are garrulous, braggarts, and pompous.

The best of my nation are those with the best character.”
(al-Adab al-Mufrad 1308)

“Verily, the believers with the most complete faith are those with the most excellent character and who are most kind to their families.”
(Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2612)

“The most complete of the believers in faith are those with the most excellent character.

And the best of you are the best in behaviour to their women.”

(Sunan al-Tirmidhi 1162)


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﷽ Islamic Quotes

اذكار النوم -Adhkar Before Sleeping()

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﷽ Islamic Quotes


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


“Sin announces the death of the soul, as well as agony announces the death of the body.”

In the Quran several verses talk about life and death. Sometimes in the strict sense of the term, as in the verse:

“Glory to Him who created life and death to test you.”

Sometimes with a spiritual dimension:

“He who was dead and whom we resurrected and to whom we granted a light with which he lives, is he like the dead who lives in darkness?”

This is spiritual death. Everything has heralding preludes.

God says: “And it is He Who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His Mercy (rain) .”

In the same way, agony portends biological death and sin foreshadows the extinction of the soul.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“Every time man commits a sin, a black spot forms in his heart. If he persists in his sin, black spots multiply in his heart until it becomes completely black and loses sensitivity. As a result, he loses the notion of good and evil. Evil is considered good and vice versa."


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


The early Sufis of Khorasan discovered something fundamental about spirituality as well as the biology of our humanity: that the path of enlightenment converges with our basic instinct of empathy and altruism. Their discovery was as significant then as it is relevant now.

With the world population increasing at an alarming rate (by the year 2050 it is estimated the world population will be nine and a half billion), and with limited resources in many poor countries, it seems inevitable that conflicts will increase throughout the world.

Though we may never be able to eliminate conflict between people, we can certainly contribute to its decline by following the path of the Sufis from Khorasan.

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﷽ Islamic Quotes

فوائد الحلتيت الصحية العجيبة فى طرد الجن وللسحر والحسد وعرق النساء وللسعال الحاد والام المفاصل

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﷽ Islamic Quotes


Abu Huraira r.a. while leaving the house, used to stand at the door of his mother and said,

"May peace and mercy of Allah be upon you, Oh mother!ç

Mother used to answer,

" peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you too."

He used to say,

"May Allah have mercy on you as you have mercy on me and brought me up as a child."

Mother used to reply,

"May Allah have mercy on you as you are good to me in my old age."

-Al-Adab al-Mufrad, Hadith 12


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


"𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳.
𝘐𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨."

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying:

"Do not abuse Time, for it is Allah Who is the Time."


"Le temps est le meilleur auteur. Il écrit toujours les meilleures fins."

Abu Huraira rapporte que l'Apôtre d'Allah (que la paix soit sur lui) a dit :

"N'insultez pas le Temps, car c'est Allah Qui est le Temps."


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


If you could see where I am
In the All Holy Presence,
You would see me alone, and no one else.

But the Truth has clothed me with a veil,
And your looks cannot reach me.

You see me, without seeing me, with a careless look.

Do Sharpen the eye of your faith and watch out

By an act of pure vision.
If your faith becomes certainty,

You might discover me.

Quote from  Ahmad Al-Alawi, Islam, Sufism
Dîwân, translated by M. Lings, Les Amis de l’Islam, Tourrette-sur-Loup, 1984, cited by Jean Biès in Les Grands Initiés du XX siècle, p. 25-27


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﷽ Islamic Quotes



Respect is a duty for every Muslim. Unfortunately, in our time, this is a duty people should be reminded about, and not only Muslims.

The trend is to lie about others. But the Koran condemns this bluntly:

“Don't spy on each other or slander each other. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of your brother's corpse?

No, you would hate it! [So it is with backbiting.] And fulfill your duties towards God. Certainly, He is Forgiving and Merciful. "49.12

The hadiths also condemn disrespect towards others.

Once a companion of the Prophet pbuh asked him how he could be admitted to paradise and stay away from hell.

The Prophet pbuh mentioned the virtues of good deeds and asked his companion if he wanted to know the foundations of good deeds.

To his affirmative answer, the Prophet pbuh showed him his tongue while holding it between his fingers, then said:

“Control it. "

His companion asked him incredulously:

"Will we be accountable for our words?"

The Prophet pbuh replied that nothing sent people to hell faster than what came out of their mouths. "

(Reported by Bukhari.)

Hassen_Chalghoumi, 100_ ideas_received_on_Islam


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


Following the period of their formation, the treasures contained in the twelve signs descend upon these planets and commence exerting their effects on them.

Time is a relative concept and does NOT exist in the absolute.  The day commences with the appearance of the sun and ends when it sets, and from these relative reference points are born; the months, the seasons and the years.

Allah has created the spiritual realms and powers to form all existence.

Before creating humanity, Allah had created the Jinn out of fire.

Upon departing this earth the concept of sleep will no longer exist, such is the day of reckoning.

When the sun and its flames expand to engulf our solar system, this endless fiery realm will be called Hell.

‘Sirat’ is the period during which Man is able to soar above the realm of the sun.  (The word ‘Hell’ refers to the state of life within the domain of the sun and its flames.  Once the sun expands and engulfs the planets closest to it (also affecting the planets further out), evolved ‘quantum brains’ will escape this system, and the realm to which they escape will be referred to as paradise).

Life on earth is but a dream, an illusion.

That which we call home today will turn into the home of Hell following doomsday.

Ibn Arabi


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﷽ Islamic Quotes


The butterfly is tagged naturally "88".
88= 8* 11

In Islam, 8 is the number of angels carrying Allah's throne in heaven and the number of gates in heaven as per Koran.

Number 11: A witness to the Oneness of God

Allah, the Wisest, has chosen for His Majesty, the name ‘Allah’ which contains 3 letters:
Alif: repeated in ‘Allah’ one time 1
Lam: repeated in ‘Allah’ twice 2
Haâ: repeated in ‘Allah’ one time  1
We range theses numbers, and get : 121, which is again a multiple of 11:
121 = 11 × 11

Le papillon est étiqueté naturellement "88".

En Islam, 8 est le nombre d'anges portant le trône d'Allah dans le ciel et le nombre de portes du paradis selon le Coran.

Chiffre 11 : Un témoin de l’unicité de Dieu

Allah, le Sage, a choisi pour Sa Majesté le nom « Allah » qui a 3 lettres :

Alif : répété dans «Allah» une fois 1
Lam : répété dans «Allah» deux fois 2
Haâ : répété dans «Allah» une fois 1

On range ces nombres et obtient : 121, qui est aussi un multiple de 11:
121= 11 × 11

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﷽ Islamic Quotes


Being attached to dhikr leads to a unique joy.

Ibn al-Qayyim explains that if there was no reward for dhikr other than the joy and pleasure it brings to one’s heart, this would be enough.


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