God willing I will discuss pure Islamic teachings to improve our spirituality and expand and deepen our understanding.
Thinking Good of God _ Sheikh Usama Abdulghani
Читать полностью…The 15th of Sha'ban is the embodiment of our hopeful outlook towards the future. All the hope that we invest in something may or may not have the outcome that we hoped for; however, the hope towards the final salvation by the absolute Wali [representative of God] of the Almighty God— the Imam of the Time (may God hasten his reappearance, and may our souls be sacrificed for his sake) — is an inviolable hope... It is not only Shi’as that have made this claim; it is not only Muslims that have made this claim: all religions of the world are waiting for such a day to come. Our privilege is that we know him: we feel his existence; we believe in his existence; we speak to him; we address him; we make requests to him and he grants us our requests. This is the difference between us and others. Others —non-Shia Muslims and non-Muslim believers — believe in something that is vague; however, this is not the case with us Shi’as. It is clear what we want and whom we speak to. The 15th of Sha'ban is a day of hope.
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج , التماس دعا
By brother Ali Mohammadi
After the conquest of Mecca, the Holy Prophet (s) was circumambulating around the Ka‘ba. One of his stubborn enemies named Fadhālah bin Umayr says, I saw the Prophet (s) doing tawāf while he was not accompanied by any of his friends and companions. Hence, I decided to assassinate him. I gradually approached him. All of a sudden, the Prophet (s) turned to me and told me, “Are you Fadhālah?” I replied, “Yes, O the Messenger of Allah”. He then asked, “What are you after? What are you thinking about?” I said I was uttering dhikr. Then the Prophet (s) smiled at me; a smile that tranquilized and cooled me off. After that he asked me to get close to him. I got closer and he smoothly put his hand on my chest. Before this I was filled with hatred towards the Prophet, but as soon as he touched my chest with kindness I became full of love for him.
Now dear believers, Imam Hussain (as) has described his eminent son, Ali Akbar (as), saying, he (Ali Akbar) was the most similar person to the Holy Prophet in appearance, attitude, and speech. Similar to the Prophet, everyone would fall in love with him at first sight.
That’s what made Ali Akbar (as) very special and why being separated from him was so painful, that everyone pleaded with him not to leave them and not to go to the battlefront.
Congratulations to Imam Mahdi (af) and all freemen of the world on the birth anniversary of Ali Akbar (as).
Month of #shaban
Underlying causes of the children's aggressive behavior are:
▫️Unhealthy family environment
▪️Unhealthy behavior patterns
▫️Watching too much TV
▪️Too much use of electronic devices
▫️Personal characteristics
‼️Please, take these seriously.‼️
Imam Khomeini:
Many girls and boys in western countries are driven into nihilism which is the manifestation of vapidity and ignorance that have sunk them into a lifestyle of fleeting passions. However, the nation that is optimistic about the future knows that these times will come to an end. An era will emerge when the mighty power of justice will eradicate all summits of corruption and oppression. A new era that will enlighten humankind’s outlook with the light of justice; this is what the awaiting era of Imam Mahdi our Savior signifies.
Congratulations to Imam Mahdi (af) and all believers on the birth anniversary of Aba al-Fadhl al-Abbas (as).
Wish a very happy Eid.
اللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ الْكَهْفِ الْحَصِينِ ، وَغِياثِ الْمُضْطَرِّ الْمُسْتَكِينِ
O Allah send peace and blessings on Muhammad and Ale Muhammad, the fortified shelter, the answer to the distressed and the miserable
The prescription for our pains and illnesses esp. in these days of covid-19 is mentioned in this part of Ṣalawāt Sha‘bāniyah; going to the Ahlul Bayt’s door is the only remedy for all illnesses and the only solution to all problems.
The Holy Prophet (s) is quoted as saying, "Whoever performs a 2-unit (rak'ah) prayer on the eve of the third of Sha'ban and recites in each rak'ah Surah Fatihat-ul-Kitab once and 25 times Surah Tawhid, Allah will open all eight gates of the Paradise to him and will close all the seven doors of the Hell to him and will dress him a thousand clothes and a thousand crowns".
Please include me in your duas.
Asalamu Alaykum, respected parents! I’d like to extend my congratulations to you all on the beginning of the blessed month of Sha’ban.
Prior to this, I proposed doing daily activities and home chores in the form of games. Here, I’m going to explain a little more about it and its good consequences.
Remember that games should not make the kids tired.
Because of its unique characteristics, a constructive game, is a perfect communication between the parents and the children as well as an unparalleled experience for the kids that besides discharging their extra energy and emotions will provide them a chance to discover. This is how they explore and discover the relationships between phenomena.
For example, imagine you want to make an omelet. In this process the child explores many relationships; “breaking the egg by hitting, butter melts with heat, how egg white is separated from the yolk, how the egg is fried, etc.” During this process, he/she is benefitted by your support but not your interference.
And finally the very confrontation and exquisite experience in which, in addition to making the breakfast, the child has experienced so many good and constructive relationship with you and has gone through a process with you, will discharge a portion of his extra-energy and will give him/her a very good feeling. This good feeling will drain out the negative emotions of insecurity and not being liked by you. In this process the child has also practiced a good skill called “making an omelet”.
Now if you play ten such exciting games with your child, he/she will trust you and certainly will become much calmer than what you imagine.
However, due to the accumulated energy and emotions, it takes more work in the first days we start this type of relationship with our kids
Asalaamu Alaykum respected parents! I hope you and your families are doing well.
These days most of the parents are looking for ways to entertain their kids. I formerly suggested the traditional games.
Now I want to touch on an important point in regards with games.
Daily activities can be very exciting for children. Thus we can turn the daily activities to extremely exciting games.
I'll give you a few examples.
1️⃣ After washing the clothes and before folding them and putting them back in the drawers you can throw them at each other for some minutes; a very fun and safe game.
2️⃣ Setting table can also be an interesting game for the kids specially girls.
3️⃣ An important rule about the kids that can be of a great help to you: the process of doing something is much more enjoyable for the children than the result. For example if you try to make a cake at home, this will give them much more pleasure than simply buying cakes from bakery shops and having them. So the children can help in making the food, desserts, and salads according to their ability. Or even everyone can make his/her cake or dessert and that would be an amazing experience.
📍As I mentioned these are just few examples to help you think of many more.
📍An important point: as these can cheer them up😃 they can turn you off😩. Thus your patience is your greatest assistant.
I want to ask myself a question.
What would have been my reaction if I had been imprisoned innocently and tortured injustly? What would have I told God?
It's clear, I would have complained to Him. I would have told Him why me? What have I done? You know that I am innocent and I haven't done any wrong.
But when the same thing happened to Imam Kazem (as), not only did he not complain, but also he thanked and praised Allah for having given him the chance and having provided him with free time to worship. He said:
اللهم انک تعلم انی کنت اسئلک ان تفرغنی لعبادتک، اللهم و قد فعلت فلک الحمد
O Allah You surely know that I used to implore you to provide me with free time to worship you, O Allah you did this. For that, to You is all praise.
Imam (as) is truly and correctly seeing the half full glass. Because he has a correct understanding of his Most Merciful Lord. Furthermore, he turned the threat into opportunity.
These are the lessons in dire need of which we are these days.
1- Trust in Allah
2- Turn the threats into opportunities (There are plenty)
3- Worship Allah more in these quarantine days that we have much more free time.
A game for children of 7 to 15 years old
Name: Nail in Bottle
What you need: Each player will need the following:
✅A long piece of string or a long piece of thin and flexible rope
✅A fastener nail or anything with about the same length and width
✅A bottle
How to play:
1️⃣Tie one end of the string around the base of the nail
2️⃣Give the other end of the string to each player
3️⃣Have each player try to lower the nail into the bottle beyond the bottleneck using their hands.
Once upon a time a person asked Allamah Tabatabaei, "What should we do with the exigent parents who expect a lot?
"Do not backbite parents", he replied.
Prayers are to make us humble before God. If our humility before God is not increased, it means we need to make a change in our prayers.
Very important words about the last days of the blessed month of Shaban.
A must listen.
Month of #shaban
One of the mustahab and recommended deeds in the blessed month of shaban is to recite #munajat Shabaniyah each day.
In this video grand Ayatollah Khamenei recites a part of this beautiful dua in a meeting.
"It is as if I am standing in front of You while my beautiful reliance on You has shaded me, and You say that which is expected from You while immersing me in Your forgiveness."
A few words about Corona
I want to remind ourselves of some of the verses of the Noble Quran.
These troubles and tribulations, diseases, blights and calamities are but 1.the result of our own deeds and 2.a test from Allah that has happened ever since the dawn of history and will happen and recur to the end of this world. We are no exception.
See what Allah the Almighty says in the following verses:
We sent no Prophet to a village but seized its inhabitants with misfortune and adversity in order that they might be humble in supplication. (7:94)
We dispersed them through the earth in nations some were righteous, others were not, and tested them with good and evil in order that they return. (7:168)
Corruption has appeared on land and sea with what the hands of the people earned. Therefore, they taste some of what they did in order that they return. (30:41)
But We will let them taste the nearest punishment (in this life) before the greater punishment, so that they may return (to faith). (32:21)
So, this is a test and if we pass the test successfully, we will be showered by Allah’s blessings. As Allah says in verse 96 of chapter A‘rāf (7:96).
وَلَوْ أَنَّ أَهْلَ الْقُرَى آمَنُوا وَاتَّقَوْا لَفَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ بَرَكَاتٍ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَلَكِنْ كَذَّبُوا فَأَخَذْنَاهُمْ بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ
Had the people of the villages believed and been cautious, We would have opened upon them the blessings from heaven and earth. But they belied, and We seized them for what they earned.
A good example of a person acing the test is the great Prophet of Allah, Abraham (as).
And when Abraham was tested by His Lord with certain words and he fulfilled them, He said: 'I have appointed you as an Imam for the people.
See if the child expresses anger or throws tantrums once in a while, it is quite natural.
However, if this is occurred frequently, it is alarming and it is a disorder which should be taken care of.
السلام علیک یا اباالفضل العباس
Congratulations on the birth anniversary of Abal-Fadl al-Abbas to Imam Mahdi (af) and all believers.
Words can never do justice to talk about you, because you are the only one to whom Hussain (as) said, "may I be sacrificed for you".
If we had no information about Abu Fadhil (as), this statement was enough to know his magnanimity and his astounding personality. .
یا کاشف الکرب عن وجه الحسین علیه السلام اکشف کربي بحق اخيك الحسين علیه السلام
Happiest congratulations to all believers specially Imam Mahdi(af) on the auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Hussain (as).
قال رسول الله ص
احب الله من احب حسینا
Allah loves he who loves Hussain (as).
#imamhussain (as)
Sheikh Abbas Qomi (may Allah bless his sacred soul) has said:
This holy month is ascribed to the Holy Prophet (s) who used to observe fasting in it and connect it to the obligatory fasting of Ramadan. He (s) used to say, “Sha’ban is my month; hence, Paradise will be incumbently decided for one who observes fasting on one day of my month.”
The blessed month of Sha'ban is the month of Istighfar.
It is recommended to repeat the following dhikr 70 times each day:
أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ وَ أَسْأَلُهُ التَّوْبَةَ
And to say 70 times:
أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ الَّذِی لا إِلهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الرَّحْمنُ الرَّحِیمُ الْحَیُّ الْقَیُّومُ وَ أَتُوبُ إِلَیْهِ
It is mentioned in narrations that the best dhikr to be uttered in the month of Sha'ban is Istighfar and that whoever seeks Allah's forgiveness 70 times in a day of this month, it is as if he has done 70,000 Istighfars in others months.
♦️If you want to have😃happy children,
let them be free and make mistakes except in dangerous situation.
♦️If the kids are too much criticized for their mistakes,
they stop innovating and being creative, only out of the fear to make mistakes.
و ما ارسلناک الا رحمة للعالمین
We sent you but a mercy for the worlds
We'd like to extend our happiest congratulations on the Bi'thah of the holy Prophet (s) to everyone.
He brought peace, justice, knowledge, equity, mercy and grace for the whole world.
He fought for the human rights and brought equity for women, non-Arabs, and the colored people and taught the people that men and women of different races, colors and languages are alike in Allah's view and no one enjoys superiority over others except by piety.
He taught his people about animals rights and forbade bothering and torturing them.
Everyone regardless of his wealth and social class was welcomed in his presence. And no one enjoyed any privilege over others.
I hope we can be good followers for him.
And if we want the same society back we need to bring his successor, i.e. Imam Mahdi (af), back.
Condolences to Imam Mahdi(af) and his followers on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Kadhim (as)
When you
👊force your child to wear a shirt;
👊force him/her to get in the car;
👊force him/her to do his works the way you like....
The child
♦️learns that the relations are based on force
♦️and gradually starts opposing you in eating, answering the call of nature, etc.
♦️and stops being cooperative.
👉Because you haven't taught him/her cooperation
The holy shrines of Sayida Zainab (sa) and Sayida Ruqayah (sa) are temporarily closed due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as) has reported the Holy Prophet (s) as saying: Rajab is the month of imploring for forgiveness for my people; so, you should implore forgiveness repeatedly in this month much more than you do in other months, for Almighty Allah is forgiving and merciful.
One of the recommended A'mal and Adhkar is to repeat this special #istighfar a thousand times in the month of Rajab. Sheikh Saduq has narrated a hadith in which it is said whoever repeats this dhikr a thousand times in the month of Rajab, Allah the Almighty will forgive his sins. As you can see in the picture the dhikr is:
استغفرالله ذالجلال و الاکرام من جمیع الذنوب و الآثام
Let's seize the opportunity and repeat this dhikr a thousand times in the remaining days of the blessed month of Rajab .