Well as you say I have researched far more than others and that’s given me the conviction that others lack or have to a much lower degree.
I’m extremely confident the rewards here will pay off, but there are steps that have to be made and they have unfortunately been delayed by parts outside the control of the company
Meaning of petulant - childish, sulky or bad tempered. Interesting choice of word coming from you!
Any way I’m done. I’ll leave this group to those that just want to be negative. It’s not been a discussion board for a long time as recent posting shows. There’s better places to discuss the company as some know…
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been invested here, nor do you have a monopoly on being a long term holder - plenty of us in same boat.
The issue with the BOD here is how they communicate and promote.
Doesn’t matter how many times people post where news, make sarky comments on bbs or replying to company tweets etc. The BOD can’t do things until parts fall into place and that’s been fodere holding it up.
As I said though I expect fodere uodates soon… Then hopefully we see some enthusiasm with newsflow.
All there has been in recent months is bitching including from you!
Probs is few of you even know what’s going on or where to put frustrations at.
The project isn’t going anywhere without the Fodere tech. Thats the market.
Fodere though are the ones causing delays affecting pitombieras. They were supposed to have a plant in operation at end of 2021. We’d be 18mths further down the line if they had and all a lot happier!
Fodere are our frustraters, but they’ll also be our saviors and the making of the project so we can’t be too pissed with them and BOD will need relationship to stay strong.
The good news is updates from Fodere should be soon and strong.
When they land hopefully people will look to the future as the deadlock broken and get excited again. We need positive sentiment as much as we need to see progress and things moving.
There’s two streams being worked upon.
Luis is taking lead on new asset/s in Brazil including the negotiations. Fingers crossed he can replicate something like he’s done at Bravo.
On pitombieras we’re waiting on fodere. Until that test work done nothing else can be done. So the bitching at Brian is kind of pointless as nothing in his hands.
Eyes are on fodere updates both for pitombieras, but also updates on their S Africa plans.
If all goes well fodere will be a mid size producer next year and our 7% of them worth more than Jangada current MC….
Results of Fodere bulk sample processing, finalising the DFS.... plan going forward 😎
Читать полностью…I prefer Charlie Cook's Favourite Book myself......
Читать полностью…I was invested in kefi for a while. Politics was too challenging for me in Ethiopia. So I exited for a loss about 18 months back.
I do like the look of their Saudi assets. And that is an industry getting a lot of focus in Saudi Arabia. Focus = Funding.
So I’m fairly positive about it now.
Great company update from Bres... and it is staggering that the PFS was based upon drilling on only 2% of the available concession.
Читать полностью…https://www.lse.co.uk/rns/JAN/investee-company-update-blencowe-resources-plc-db73z6i7cn2531m.html
Читать полностью…Right, I’ll bid you all farewell. Very clear that a loud few will allow negativity to dominate and not allow people to assess the picture from where we stand now, instead concentrating on the past.
Watch those with agendas. Those that claim close connections but have already had doors slammed in their faces due to having big mouths. 👋
No I'm interested in the production of Jangada mines!
Читать полностью…I've never replied to any tweets from Jangada and if I did they wouldn't be negative because that would be self defeating, this is a closed group and I will make my views known regardless of what anyone else says. At the end of the day the directors answer to us shareholders and we have some very rich directors, they should be made accountable. We've had shite communications always. Very little promotion of the company and Brian throwing a tizzy when people sold (which actually proved to be the correct move) given the delays we've seen. Two other non performing companies I'm in have each got shot of one director and took across the board pay cuts to reflect their respective shrinking shareprices and lack of progress. Why shouldn't something similar happen here to help preserve our cash? How long are you prepared to wait DC? Another year, another two years? At some point a line has to be drawn, you're just as petulant as Brian at times, I'm entirely within my rights to criticise as I see fit without being labelled 'sarcastic' and 'bitching' that side of your personality i have no time for. I have a lot of respect for your research skills and in telling the story of how lucrative the titanium pigment might be, you should stick to that instead of this petulant behaviour I've witnessed on several occasions now from you. This isn't a fan club it's a discussion board, all views should be welcome both positive and critical.
Читать полностью…Occasionally I've criticised the company and rightly so. As I said I've been here at least 5 years maybe even 6 and my investment in JAN has actually depreciated by over 23% and that doesn't even take into account inflation. I'm a patient man but my patience is wearing thin. Every company I'm invested in spins the same yarn. It's never their fault, they're waiting on something or someone else while they continue to draw a nice salary at our expense. I've never singled out anyone from the company but the fact is our directors have been telling us they're gonna give us a producing mine for as long as I can remember and to me regardless of the Fodere news it still seems a mile off! I want results from directors not not excuses. Make something happen you're the ones in charge!
Читать полностью…There's no bitching from me but I invested in Jangada and I want to see a return in a reasonable amount of time, I and many others have been extremely patient. I've been invest for over 5 years!
Читать полностью…Once we get these bulk sample results (presuming they're positive of course) then I wanna see some real progress no more years of excuses, once we have those I wanna see a concrete timetabled plan and them implementing it
Читать полностью…A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood.
A fox saw the mouse, and the mouse looked good.
Not good when the re branded align research are doing the notes
Читать полностью…Well they talk about going for a DFS based upon a much larger resource now they have partnership funding so there's plenty of scope there to increase the resource massively. It already had a $482 million NPV! We own 10% of this bugger 😂
Читать полностью…Company’s Shares prices bamboozle me. Another company with some great news yet no reaction from the markets?
Читать полностью…https://www.londonstockexchange.com/news-article/BRES/dfc-grant-completed/16135256
Читать полностью…A great piece of news today from BRES if anyone hasn't read it I urge you to take 5 minutes to do so.
Читать полностью…Hello. Is there an investor here who is interested in participating in the production and processing of limestone mining for the production of calcined and hydrated lime?
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