Review: Woman of the Hour (NEW)
At /r/netflix
So i have to say. I'm a bit disappointed. I love Anna Kendrick and was excited to see her directorial debut. And while it does feel the film was well directed. There's just a lot about the movie that missed the mark for me. And it starts with Netflix themselves spoiling the climax of the movie by making it the TRAILER. Which left me with the impression that it was the beginning of the movie which completely derailed my expectations and threw me off when it turned out to be more of a subtle pressure cooker/slow burner. Also the premise of the movie is misleading. Its advertised to be the story about Cheryl Bradshaws close call encounter with Rodney Alcala. But this doesn't even really occur pretty much til Act 3 over an hour into the movie. In fact. Cheryl almost feels like a side character in a movie about Alcala. Which would be fine it's just not the movie they marketed. Sadly this was just a case of expectations vs reality. And the reality is I don't feel it lived up to my expectations
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 06:43PM by ADHD_Misunderstood
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ELI5: Why do we ice down injuries when swelling is the body’s natural response to start healing?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 02:35PM by The_MN_Kiwi
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ELI5 Is the Internet Archive literally just a bunch of servers with all the internet?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
They’re having a tour where you can see all their servers and stuff. Is Internet Archive and Wayback literally just all of the Internet since the beginning of the web?
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 06:59PM by doopies1986
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As empresa alemãs Stihl e SAP participam da 2ª noite da celebração pelo Bicentenário ... - Berlinda
O evento contou com a participação de representantes das empresas alemãs, Stihl e SAP. Na abertura da noite, os presentes puderam apreciar uma ...
2-2 📺🏆 POR LIGA - SÁBADO, 19/10/2024 - Programação do Futebol na TV.Conheça nosso Aplicativo e saiba os jogos dos próximos dias. Baixe 📲
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
As empresa alemãs Stihl e SAP participam da 2ª noite da celebração pelo Bicentenário ... - Berlinda
O evento contou com a participação de representantes das empresas alemãs, Stihl e SAP. Na abertura da noite, os presentes puderam apreciar uma ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Is Netflix not doing a spooky show this year?
At /r/netflix
It seems every year recently they’ve been cooking out with stuff like Fall of House Usher, Haunting of Hill House, and more like that. This year I haven’t seen them drop a new show.
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 06:17PM by Pls-Dont-Di
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ELI5: My mortgage has been sold 3 times in eight years without my consent or desire. What's the point in that?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Did the next company pay the previous one more than the loan was worth? Why didn't the first company stick with it and make the bigger bucks?.
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 05:24PM by derp2112
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YSK: Products you see advertised usually have high margins (large profit for the merchant)
At /r/YouShouldKnow
If you see something advertised, that ad spot cost the merchant a lot of money, and that budget is reflected in the price they charge you. Those Subway commercials with Tony Romo, Simone Biles, Stephan Curry, and Patrick Mahomes? Yeah, it's no surprise their prices have gotten out of control. It's not just the big companies that run ads - it's the ones that make a lot of money on every purchase. Companies and products with lower margins can't afford ads even if they sell a lot of product, because the cost to acquire the customer doesn't justify the profit per item sold. That's why Oreos are advertised more than bananas, restaurants more than grocery stores, Toyota more than Mitsubishi, the list goes on. Digital products like movies are even better because they have next to zero cost per user.Why YSK: For anyone looking to save money or buy the better value product, buying something that isn't advertised is often better. Looking at what's advertised can also give us insight into what kind of margins these companies are pulling. Finally, knowing what items we need vs. what items the advertisers want us to think we need stands to reduce the consumerist culture in a lot of western countries.
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 05:44PM by Pevio1024
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Grupo Inovage cria unidade de cibersegurança e infraestrutura Multicloud - Inforchannel
Compreendendo essa importância, o Grupo Inovage, consultoria SAP Gold Partner, apresentou sua nova unidade de negócios para tecnologia: a InovaTech. A ...
ELI5: Why can hyenas eat rotting meat but humans can’t
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I know humans over like thousands of years have adapted to eating cooked meat but whats stops us from eating putrid meat other than stomach ph? A hyena’s stomach ph is around 2 while ours is 3, so if we had a lower ph we could kill any harmful bacteria present in that meat right? Theres also the question of harmful chemicals produced but what ones would we not be able to break down? (Please answer my adhd brain needs an explanation)
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 02:54PM by sunshinedoggo
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The need for growth is ruining Netflix
At /r/netflix
Obligatory ‘this is a product of late-stage capitalism’. But seriously. The constant drive to increase profits is having a serious impact on the quality of the service. First the drive to prevent password-sharing, the price increases, the addition of ad subscriptions… it’s ridiculous. Bearing in mind that Netflix’s income is continuous, with each person paying every month, they make well enough to pay all their expenses and profit. But because the shareholders ALSO want a salary, they demand extra growth every year. Fuck thattttttt. Can Netflix not just profit the same amount every year? Guaranteed higher customer satisfaction and they’re all still making money! Anyway little rant about how everything is awful and I hate it here over
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 04:18PM by piglet666
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2ª noite da celebração pelo Bicentenário da imigração alemã – Notícias Unisinos
Evento aconteceu no Anfiteatro Pe, Werner e contou com a participação das empresas alemãs Stihl e SAP. Matheus N. Vargas 18 de outubro de 2024 ...
(Processo SPDOC SAP/381116/2022 – interessado: Sr. Jorge Henrique de Sá Siqueira, RG. 25.899.829-5). À vista do contido na Portaria CRN N.º 49 ...
YSK doing really hard business things and then rewarding yourself for doing will start a cycle of doing more hard things. And the financial results that can come out of that cycle can be astonishing.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK? It is compelling that in speaking with business people how many of the really successful ones I have been talking to lately reward the activity and not the result of doing things that are really hard in business. Yes, it is something I have known but really have not tested much. Why else YSH?YSK this is a YSK that if you tested it that it might just move your life forward in a way that inspires you.
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 03:35PM by stevenmusielski
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Season 2 of Chaos Theory is out! What are your thoughts (no spoilers)
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 08:02PM by Checkmateyourdone
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Clube de Assinaturas da Giuliana Flores chega ao interior de São Paulo - Diário de Curitiba
... 60% dos assinantes. A iniciativa aumentou a visibilidade da marca e atraiu clientes, com 60% deles sendo novos consumidores. Além disso, o serviço ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Is anyone else in Canada not able to watch Woman of the Hour?
At /r/netflix
I've booted and rebooted the app for the past hour and nothing. I've done a search by "Woman" and absolutely nothing? Is this movie not available in Canada? Searches on Google suggest it is, but I'm not able to find it at all.
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 04:27PM by big-hero-zero
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📺⏲️ SÁBADO, 19/10/2024 - Programação do Futebol na TV.Conheça nosso Aplicativo e saiba os jogos dos próximos dias. Baixe 📲
1-2 📺🏆 POR LIGA - SÁBADO, 19/10/2024 - Programação do Futebol na TV.Conheça nosso Aplicativo e saiba os jogos dos próximos dias. Baixe 📲
O que estudar para ser aprovado no PSS SAP SC? Confira! - Estratégia Concursos
PSS SAP SC: confira neste artigo o que estudar para obter a sonhada aprovação. Todos os detalhes estão no blog do Estratégia!
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
(Processo SPDOC SAP/381116/2022 – interessado: Sr. Jorge Henrique de Sá Siqueira, RG. 25.899.829-5). À vista do contido na Portaria CRN N.º 49 ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Why does Netflix suck at recommending stuff?
At /r/netflix
I mainly watch on PC, and the lack of options is frustrating. I’d like to be able to hide entire sections like "Kids and Family TV" or "Sports Documentaries." There are no filters, and it keeps recommending things I’ve already watched. There's no way to filter out or blacklist tags either. Finding something to watch feels like a chore; I have to use third-party sites. It's as if they don't want my subscription. If someone made a Chrome add-on to filter this mess, they'd get rich.Rant over.
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 05:06PM by Doge-Ghost
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Após maioria para invalidar revista íntima vexatória em presídios, caso vai a plenário do STF
Divulgação/SAP. Fachada da penitenciária de Registro, na região de ... SAP. O ministro Alexandre de Moraes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Vídeo: Incêndio destrói dois carros e parte de uma casa em Curitiba | Paraná - G1
Ninguém se feriu, segundo os bombeiros. Caso aconteceu no bairro Capão Raso, na madrugada desta sexta-feira (18).
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Ted Sarandos Says Netflix Helps Filmmakers ‘Make the Best Films of Their Life’
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 03:00PM by indiewire
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Grupo Inovage cria unidade de cibersegurança e infraestrutura Multicloud - Inforchannel
Compreendendo essa importância, o Grupo Inovage, consultoria SAP Gold Partner, apresentou sua nova unidade de negócios para tecnologia: a InovaTech. A ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Roda de conversa e serviços de saúde marcam o "Dia D" do Outubro Rosa para servidoras ...
Já tivemos casos que foram detectados durante essas campanhas promovidas pela SAP, que puderam ser tratados e curados rapidamente. Isso mostra que ...
My continue watching section is not showing
At /r/netflix
I m so frustrated my Netflix continue watching section has disappeared for some reason I don't know why. Is there anyone else facing this issue if yes if u know any solution plz let me know .
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 03:33PM by Glittering_South3125
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ELI5: Why do military brigades and other units count to such high numbers?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
For example the 172nd Infantry Brigade (USA)Did they just start counting at 1 after founding the USA and all the killed or disbanded brigades are simply not there anymore and the numbers are not used again? I'm pretty sure there are not 172 currently active infantry brigades right?
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 03:13PM by instantpowdy
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