Google Search SAP LANG_pt
2ª noite da celebração pelo Bicentenário da imigração alemã – Notícias Unisinos
Evento aconteceu no Anfiteatro Pe, Werner e contou com a participação das empresas alemãs Stihl e SAP. Matheus N. Vargas 18 de outubro de 2024 ...
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ELI5: How do they dust opera houses
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Just been to the Hungarian State Opera in Budapest and my girlfriend wondered whether they dust the really high-up points, like the chandelier or the moulding. And in case they don’t, why are there no cobwebs and how does it always look so spotless?
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 02:33PM by EmilSumovskij
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ELI5: Why do we have dynamic weather?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Scaled down, were on a sphere that's rotating at a constant speed, orbiting at a constant speed around the sun, receiving a constant flow of energy from the sun. And (I think) the system is essentially closed?Like, if I tried a mini experiment of a liquid and solid ball, I imagine the system would eventually have constant and predictable flows.Why don't we reach some sort of homogeneous energy or weather state after billions of years? What is the variable that influences this unpredictable system on a planetary scale
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 02:21PM by blueeggsandketchup
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9rbet6 com casino online - Prefeitura Municipal de Guaxupé
... (SAP-SP), Marcelo Streifinger. A solicitação do secretário surgiu diante da possibilidade de transferência do criminoso para São Paulo, após o juiz ...
What's up with Berlin from Money Heist?
At /r/netflix
He has more screen time after his death in season 1. Did Netflix recognize he was popular and order him to be prominent in later seasons? Or did the showrunner just regret it?
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 01:58PM by Chlodio
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ELI5 What is Entropy?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I hear the term on occasion and have always wondered what it is.
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 12:34PM by MoistConfusion101
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Održan partnerski skup SAP S/4HANA on Cloud System Conversion - PC Press
Platforma SAP S/4HANA Cloud: System Conversion. Skup je otvorio tim stručnjaka iz Enetel Solutions, ističući značaj digitalne transformacije i ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
IA além do óbvio: que compromissos precisamos assumir? - Exame
Na SAP, enfatizamos a "IA centrada no ser humano" para beneficiar a sociedade, reduzindo preocupações e ameaças. Nossos processos se baseiam na ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Mais Médicos alcança quase 80% dos municípios de até 52 mil pessoas - Diário de Curitiba
Os dados da Secretaria de Atenção Primária à Saúde (Saps) indicam que o programa alcança atualmente 80% dos 3,9 mil municípios com população entre ...
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Concurso Nível Médio: Veja 7 editais com salário acima de R$ 3 mil
Concurso CISNORDESTE/SC · Processo Seletivo MOBI-Rio · Processo Seletivo SAP-SC · Concurso Câmara de Redenção da Serra · Concurso de Caxias do Sul-RS ...
RESOLUÇÃO SAP N.º 107/2024, DE 16 DE OUTUBRO DE 2024 - Sindasp
RESOLUÇÃO SAP N.º 107/2024, DE 16 DE OUTUBRO DE 2024. 18 de outubro – 2024. Constitui Comissão visando adoção de providências referente à anulação ...
Netflix is expected to increase prices again. What are your thoughts?
At /r/netflix
Hi all, basically what the top says. Netflix is predicted to increase prices again. Just curious if you all are planning on keeping Netflix with yet another price increase, and if you are, why? Any thoughts on ways we can prevent these streaming companies from raising prices significantly every couple months?
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 11:39AM by Aggravating-Wolf9581
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ELI5: What’s a strike price?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 11:15AM by A_Mirabeau_702
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Bodebrown apresenta seleção do Mondial de La Bière 2024 - Bem Paraná
Quando: sábado (19/10), das 9h às 18h. Endereço: Fábrica da Bodebrown – Rua Carlos de Laet, 1015 – Hauer, Curitiba – PR. Entrada: franca. Informações: ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Parthenay: Um Fim de Semana Empolgante Aguarda no Rugby e no Futebol - FootBoom
... Sap enfrenta o Stade Bordelais. Confira a programação completa. O Sap (Sport Athlétique Parthenaisien) vive um grande momento nesta temporada ...
Okja profile pics
At /r/netflix
Hey yall does anyone have a collection of the Okja pfps? I'm trying to see if there was one for Jay- Paul Dano's character. I've seen Okja (she's my current one), Mija, Mija's uncle, and K. Jay is a much bigger character in the movie than Mija's uncle so I figured if they had him, they must have Jay, but I can't seem to find any proof that one ever existed. Thank you!!
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 03:10PM by ilovesquirrelsyippie
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ghost rider on netflix?
At /r/netflix
ive been wanted to watch it for ages now and when i search for if its coming it says either “not available in my region” (europe) or like its coming soon and ive set a reminder. basically does anyone know if its coming and if so when?
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 02:50PM by CallumDrakes
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Kids and sharing
At /r/netflix
My ex and I have 50/50 custody of our teenagers. We have a good relationship and continued to share our various streaming accounts so the kids don’t have to start and stop and remember where they are at in shows. It seems that’s no longer working and I was wondering if anyone knows how we can somehow keep it going. I realize this is a first world problem, but it’s nice for the kids to have one less thing to deal with when switching houses for the week.
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 02:05PM by unicornshenanigator
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À vista dos elementos de instrução constantes dos autos e do Parecer CJ/SAP n.º 516/2024, elaborado pelo d. Procurador do Estado, acolhido pela d.
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
À vista dos elementos de instrução constantes dos autos e do Parecer CJ/SAP n.º 516/2024, elaborado pelo d. Procurador do Estado, acolhido pela d.
ift2push rwWvB9FC
... S/4HANA® Cloudへ移行が必要となっていました。そこで、業務継続性を維持し、安定したプラットフォームの移行を実現するとともに、新たなテクノロジーを活用 ...
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Having Fun on Netflix’s Woman of the Hour
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 12:30PM by MovieGuyTravis
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
RESOLUÇÃO SAP N.º 107/2024, DE 16 DE OUTUBRO DE 2024 - Sindasp
RESOLUÇÃO SAP N.º 107/2024, DE 16 DE OUTUBRO DE 2024. 18 de outubro – 2024. Constitui Comissão visando adoção de providências referente à anulação ...
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Is Sinner worth watching watching
At /r/netflix
I wanted to watch something likeTrue detective season 1 and 3 , outsider , mindhunter , signal , you anything with a murder mystery touch with engaging screenplay that hooks till last
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 12:06PM by moviebuff215
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IA além do óbvio: que compromissos precisamos assumir? - Exame
Na SAP, enfatizamos a "IA centrada no ser humano" para beneficiar a sociedade, reduzindo preocupações e ameaças. Nossos processos se baseiam na ...
ELI5 Why do we eat so much in a day (2k, balanced calories)if food used to be scarce and we had to work harder for it (burning calories)?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 10:40AM by HumbleWait611
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Parthenay: Um Fim de Semana Empolgante Aguarda no Rugby e no Futebol - FootBoom
... Sap enfrenta o Stade Bordelais. Confira a programação completa. O Sap (Sport Athlétique Parthenaisien) vive um grande momento nesta temporada ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
ELI5: How do house pipes not get squished in the ground?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
You know, the ones that run under your house, especially concrete foundation houses. How do the pipes not break under the pressure of the house and dirt??
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 10:46AM by AromaticUse2361
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DragonBall Daima Premier
At /r/netflix
Would anyone happen to know what time DragonBall Daima premiers today on Netflix? Usually Netflix releases their new releases at 3am eastern time but I just got on to watch it and it's still in the "coming soon" section with today's date. Can't seem to find anything on Google about it.
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 11:07AM by boostednick
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ELI5: How does radiation sickness keep killing you, even after the source of radiation was removed?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
So I understand that if you inhale or ingest radioactive particles, you die because the particles are in your body and can't leave.But other radiation sources that simply hits your skin without ingestion or inhalation, how does it kill you even after you remove yourself from the source? Is the radiation "inside you" nonetheless? I understand radiation knocks electrons away from your atoms, but how does it keep damaging your body even after the source of radiation is gone?
Submitted October 18, 2024 at 10:06AM by OldPyjama
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