Google Search Curitiba stuff
Acompanhe em tempo real a apuração para Câmara Municipal de Curitiba - - Jornal Plural
Com 87% das urnas apuradas, PSD é o partido com mais votos.
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Áreas remanescentes para produção de frutos do mar na Capital são debatidas
O evento é uma realização da Diretoria de Águas da União do Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura(MPA). A reunião será das 15h às 17h, no auditório da ...
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YSK: The National Weather Service (NWS) is no longer using terms such as “Wind Chill Warning” and “Wind Chill Advisory” to describe dangerous cold conditions.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Beginning October 1, 2024, the NWS started using the terms Cold Weather Advisory, an Extreme Cold Watch, or an Extreme Cold Warning because the new language will allow the NWS to communicate that cold is dangerous with or without wind.
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 09:00PM by EevelBob
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My friend has a completely different Netflix catalogue.
At /r/netflix
We both live like 15 minutes from eachother but he has a bunch of stuff that I don't, what's the explanation for this. Neither of us use a VPN. What can be the cause of this? I am jealous.
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 08:12PM by Human_Function_858
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Marquinhos é eleito em Piraquara com quase 70% dos votos e fará o terceiro mandato
Compartilhe: Prefeito por dois mandatos, Marcus Tesseroli, o Marquinhos (PSD), foi eleito na noite deste domingo, em Piraquara, na Região Metropolita ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Jornalista Jasson Goulart bate recorde é o vereador mais votado de Curitiba
Matematicamente eleito e recordista de votos, Jasson Goulart assumirá o primeiro mandato na Câmara de Curitiba.
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Silvio Barros é eleito prefeito de Maringá no 1º turno - Banda B
O candidato do Progressistas (PP), Silvio Barros, foi eleito prefeito de Maringá, na região noroeste do Paraná, no primeiro turno.
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ElI5: What is an ozone sprayer? It sounds like pseudoscience.
At /r/explainlikeimfive
My friend has been using one and they say it's an "ozone cleaner" and that it disinfects whatever you spray the water on?Is this bullshit?Here is the explanation from the website: Ozone spray is the amazing, easy-to-use cleaner, sanitizer and disinfectant made from just tap water. This patented ozone spray machine takes ordinary water then electrifies it, creating aqueous ozone, an earth-friendly, totally safe and chemical free spray to clean and sanitize countertops, floors, windows, door handles and any hard surfaces in your home or business. The EnozoPRO (Hygeia) aqueous ozone sprayer is battery operated and kills 99.9% of bacteria and common viruses in only 30 seconds
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 06:25PM by BourgeoisRiots
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ELI5 what are natural flavorings?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Trying to decide between protein powder flavors. Looked at the ingredients and there almost no difference but the flavors are. So im guessing they come from the "natural flavorings"...what are those?Some are obscure flavors: cereal milk, coffee and walnuts, speculoos, cookies and cream, chocolate chip cookie, white chocolate raspberry, carrot cake, curcuma latte, banana, strawberries and cream...
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 05:39PM by Particular-Owl-5772
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba: Quem é Cristina Graeml, a 'azarona' bolsonarista que disputará o segundo turno
Autoproclamada a "única candidata conservadora" na capital paranaense, a jornalista teve uma surpreendente ascensão nas pesquisas.
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Challenge -- Watch "The Informer" without subtitles ...
At /r/netflix
WTF is with all the mumbling in movies.This piece of crap doesn't even have any music for the most part... but still manages to obscure 95 percent of the dialogue.It's getting ridiculous.
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 05:57PM by Denny_Crane_007
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my app freezes and I haven't found a solution nowhere, any help
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 05:24PM by Neither_Tomatillo_26
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ELI5 Do smaller hurricanes spin faster?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Im wondering if its like how a ballerina pulls their arms in to spin faster.
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 04:54PM by Dabomblol1231
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ELI5: Why does microwaving food make it moist?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Preliminary googling says it turns water to steam, and the steam moves, but that still doesn't explain in my head why the food gets moister.Like, if the water is already in the food, why isn't it moist in the first place? Where is all that water "hiding" in the fairly dry Muffin I am about to microwave, and after I microwave it the whole thing is very moist?
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 03:59PM by ravl13
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At /r/netflix
To anyone watching monsters on Netflix:Episode 8 - does anyone think Dominick Dunne has schizophrenia? Did anyone catch a certain something during a scene?
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 04:16PM by Appropriate-Art8442
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ELI5 What happens to your body when you orgasm and what are other ways to get that same feeling?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 08:45PM by isteachsateach
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ELI5: Modern soaps vs. skin microbiome
At /r/explainlikeimfive
So I’ve seen quite a lot on the internet recently (past one or two years), videos of people abandoning different forms of soap for different situations, but usually for the purpose of “restoring the body’s natural microbiome.” In many of their anecdotal claims, they’ll say things like “it cured my dandruff” or, “I don’t have psoriasis anymore”, and so on, and how their bodies come about a homeostasis of some sort. I tried it out, and while my skin cleared up, my dandruff slowly became worse over time.I’ve also read (just now) a lot of posts here describing both the prevalence of lice in the B.C.-1700s until regular shampooing became a thing, and how soaps generally remove bacteria through mechanical means rather than outright kill them.So I’m hoping for more than one explanation here:• Is anti-bacterial soap a marketing myth, and “organic” soaps are just fine despite not being “anti-bacterial” because the mechanics are the same? • Is body soap/bar soap necessary if you’re rinsing/showering with hot water daily and washing hands with soap? If so, how can I determine an appropriate washing/soaping frequency for maintaining effective hygiene for all parts of the body, genitals and rectum included without harming my skin?• Does soap affect larger particles of fecal matter the same way that it affects microscopic organisms (mechanically sticking to both lipid and water and carrying away due to surface tension of water), or does it sanitize the fecal matter and some of it remains left behind or something else entirely?• Bar soaps harbor lots of bacteria, but so does my skin and body hair, so to use or not to use?
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 08:18PM by MediocreTurtleFinder
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Les magasins britanniques Asda en délicatesse avec leur migration S/4 Hana et Manhattan
... S/4 Hana, hébergée sur Microsoft Azure. En parallèle, le retailer a déployé pour la solution d'entrepôts de Manhattan Associates (Manhattan Active ...
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ELI5 why can humans hold their breath longer underwater than above water?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 07:09PM by 42percentBicycle
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba define segundo turno com Pimentel e Graeml
Os candidatos Eduardo Pimentel (PSD) e Cristina Graeml (PMB) disputam o segundo turno pela Prefeitura de Curitiba no dia 27 de outubro.
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Polvo será a estrela de festival gastronômico em Curitiba. Confira quando e onde - Bem Paraná
O Marcondes Cozinha Autoral promove a segunda edição de 2024 do Festival do Polvo, entre outubro a dezembro de 2024. O restaurante ocupa o 1º lugar no ...
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Need a show recommendation!
At /r/netflix
So me and my girlfriend are 23 we just finished squid games. We LOVED it and need another show that will make us lock in. We need it to be good to stay invested. Recommendations ?
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 07:02PM by Mindless-Sleep-2911
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IDEA!! For a new Netflix feature
At /r/netflix
A lot of people share a single Netflix account, which Netflix might not be happy with Netflix dosent realise that it's not giving the people to personalize their Netflix account They should add a 'minutes watched' counter. For each account. Friends compete while wanting their own accounts.I won't justify the idea, if you think it's nice then it is nice if you think otherwise your opinion is equally welcomed :)
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 06:36PM by aditya846
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba terá 2º turno nas eleições municipais de 2024
O pleito será realizado no dia 27 de outubro, o último domingo do mês, entre 8h e 17h. Mais informações em breve. Acompanhe a cobertura na CBN ...
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[PC] Fix loud and quiet sounds: Disable Nvidia audio driver
At /r/netflix
After years of bad sound experience on Netflix windows app and now Edge browser, -loud background, low voice (getting surround insead of stereo sound), and trying everything, I might have figured out how to fix this.I disabled "Nvidia High Definition Audio" driver in Device Manager.If you also have this sound problem, please try this and report back.
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 05:56PM by Ancient-Impact-7842
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ELI5: How do bands that go on extended tours with different costumes/clothes get them cleaned?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
This kind of goes for just about any band as most bands I see live will sweat quite a bit while on stage regardless of what they're wearing. How do bands that travel from city to city without much stopping get their clothes cleaned for each show, especially if they have multiple costumes/clothes they wear on stage?
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 01:02PM by AnAngryPirate
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P. Diddy Exposed: The Disturbing Truth Leaked
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 05:28PM by kurirpera
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ELI5: How are seemingly random events predicted with such a high degree of probability?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Main question: Why does a particular highway have roughly the same number of automobile-related deaths every year if a car crash is unexpected and dependent on the actions of individual drivers? More detail: in Tennessee, they have those electronic signs on the interstate that occasionally show the number of roadway fatalities in the state for the current year and beneath that it will show the previous year. The numbers are almost always close, within a reasonable margin of error and accounting for both slightly more drivers on the road each year fur to population growth. Having been in a serious car crash, I understand the seemingly arbitrary way a sequence of events can play out depending on multiple factors such as driver awareness, vehicular dependency, roadway conditions, weather, etc. Even a highly skilled and fully focused driver in a perfectly functional car on a road with no issues can be involved in a crash, say due to a different driver's condition, a deer running out into the road, or a sudden gust of wind blowing a newspaper onto their windshield and obscuring their vision for a few seconds. This may by a multi-part question, but it's been in the back of my mind for years now and I woke up today wondering about radioactive decay so I started reading about isotope decay. That's not really what this question is about though, but the seemingly random probability of an isotope decaying in an independent manner (not related to the actions of any other isotopes nearby) made me kind of connect these two ideas and start to wonder about it again.So getting back to the roadway fatalities, in this case for the state of Tennessee, I found the 20 year statistical data at the site linked below. It shows some ups and downs over the years, presumably with the reductions coming from improved safety features in cars, yet the total number for 2020 (1,221) is closer to the total for 2001 (1,251) than it is to the total for even the previous year 2019 (1,148). So despite population growth and enhanced safety features, we are kind of right back where we started, or rather, where we've always been. I could also expand this question to cover other events that should ideally never occur, such as murder. Why does something as abominable and world-shattering like murder, at least from an individual perspective, happen with roughly the same frequency and rate when looking at a large sample size? Shouldn't something like that be the exception and not the norm? Is it somehow related to density? This has me wondering about probability, fate, design, and all sorts of things both rational and irrational. Anyway, thanks for reading this. Even if nobody responds, I think it's helped to just get it out in writing for the next time I think about this in a few months. TLDR: Why do independent actions and events that deviate from the norm happen with almost certain predictability?
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 02:25PM by PhoenixMan83
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SAP Job als S/4 HANA Projektleiter (m/w/x) - im Raum Biberach in Baden-Württemberg gesucht
Auf der Suche nach einer spannenden Herausforderung im IT-Bereich? Duerenhoff sucht einen S/4 HANA Projektleiter (m/w/x) im Raum Biberach in.
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Netflix signed me out while watching and then wiped my acc?
At /r/netflix
Netflix signed me out mid-watch, then said I needed to subscribe / pay (even though I only paid my subscription 2 weeks ago), then when I logged in the account was completely reset and empty ?What has gone on here? Emailed Netflix and waiting for a response; particularly as I’ve paid twice now and expect a refund!Have I been hacked?
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 04:01PM by autumnros
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