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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why Do Pharmaceutical Drugs Have Such Obscure Names?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Half of the prescription medications that doctors give are like double-barrelled and 10-syllables. Is there a specific reason for this? Is it a chemistry thing, or a safety thing so miscommunication is less likely?
Submitted October 07, 2024 at 07:41AM by Old_Lecture_8003
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IFTTT General

IGM Resins houdt focus op klant met SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud -

Om betere inzichten en efficiëntie te realiseren, migreerde IGM Resins de verschillende ERP-systemen stap voor stap naar één platform: SAP S/4HANA ...
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Senior SAP-Berater / IT-Projektmanager (m/w/d) Energieversorger – SAP IS-U / S/4HANA Utilities

Bewirb dich für die Stelle Senior SAP-Berater / IT-Projektmanager (m/w/d) Energieversorger – SAP IS-U / S/4HANA Utilities in Oldenburg beim ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Em Rondonópolis, Cláudio Ferreira comandará a prefeitura - Foco Cidade
Em Rondonópolis, o empresário Cláudio Ferreira foi eleito prefeito, com 45,74% dos votos válidos. Thiago Silva somou 33, 14% e Paulo José, 21,12%.
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IFTTT General

I watched The platform 2 and I don't understand anything
At /r/netflix
Okay so I saw The platform like two times and I liked it, there were some parts that were bit confusing but I mostly understood everything and it was really interesting movie for me... so when I saw The platform 2 on Netflix I was really excited, I watched it two nights ago and I don't understand anything so I would appreciate some explanation lol. So first of all how did that old man from first part appeared again with the Perempuan??? Then, what is below level 333, that hole, what is that and who are those people there - I assume they are the people that died but it is still fucking confusing. How did she saved the boy at the end by sending him to the top? How is that going to save him? How are there kids in the platform? And also Perempuan met Goreng at the end and it's seems like they know each other? What's up with that? So yeah I know I have a lot of questions but I would love some explanation pls!!
Submitted October 07, 2024 at 06:51AM by nikssssssss
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Does frequent stimulation without ejaculation harm sperm quality/motility/ morphology?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I want to understand if during a single sex session of trying to conceive, if frequent stimulation without ejaculation (edging) causes any harm to sperm functions once eventually ejaculated?Logic behind this is that semen becomes very watery and many doctors have linked watery semen to be seen as less fertile.But normal ejaculation with slight stimulation leads to me to have the normal thick white consistency.Please let me know as my wife is in her fertile window. :)Note: I never really had a proper education which leads me to not knowing sex ed stuff when I was younger. And I come from a country where they don't really teach you this stuff.
Submitted October 07, 2024 at 04:26AM by jamesthecoolboy
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IFTTT General

Queen's Gambit – what is it good for? (Absolutely nothing!)
At /r/netflix
SPOILERS AHEAD (DUH!)I just watched the Queen's Gambit. Can someone please explain to me what I'm supposed to like about this show? How did this show get such praise and approval? Characters were poorly developed and faintly motivated. They also kept randomly popping up and reappearing out of nowhere.The acting seemed unnatural. Clichés on top of clichés.The chess portion – OMG… I'm someone that barely knows how all the pieces move, and I felt the way the game was portrayed was horribly uninspired. It feels like it was written by someone that never played chess, and only knows it as "a game for smart people", and "oh it's so deep and only smart people understand it". Sure, if they made it actually complex in a way that would be interesting to chess players, they would rule out like 99.9% of their audience reach, but still. I’ll continue by just rambling on about random bits and pieces: Beth's character is introduced in the first scene by being wet, and her first words are "I'm coming" – and if that's isn't fitting of the tone of the whole show… Her character could be summed up with three words: troubled, smart, pretty.She’s missing at least 10-15 minutes EVERY DAY (or so it’s portrayed) cleaning the sponges while she plays with the janitor…. and no one bets an eye on it for MONTHS?Beltik just randomly re-appears out of nowhere – THREE TIMES! First when he knocks at her door and later moves in, then at the school where he says he’s concerned about her, and then at the end along with Benny helping her win “over the Russians”.Jolene also shows up OUT OF NOWHERE.Her adoptive mother: she’s on and off about being supportive with her playing chess, and then disrupting her away from it. Even when she has a financial incentive for her to succeed, she keeps interrupting her. Oh yeah, such a complex and troubled character as well. Yeah right.That French model girl!! Omg….. "mais oui, bein sur, je suis une modele, je suis Parisienne and je suis bisexuelle, teehee". Oh, "Europeans"…… She had to be like 7 French movie tropes/clichés all in one. Barf.Borgov is a very stern and serious looking Russian character. Clichéy cliché.Borgov and his Russian chess pals don’t close the door when they’re discussing strategy because… PLOT??Right after ^this scene the camera circles around the hotel and we can see inside the rooms through the windows – and the perspective is oh so bad, it is laughable. It looked like something out of a Wes Anderson movie and was so out of style for the rest of the show. Balcony scenes in Mexico City also had some poor CGI/green screen work.That one Russian grandmaster chess player (with long hair and a bear) speaks with a… German accent? o.0All the guys she’s beat effortlessly (or with minimal effort) are giving HER advice over the telephone on how to beat a fckin WORLD CHAMPION. She was supposedly levels above their game, and now they’re of help??Townes is “the one that got away” and the one that stole her heart because… what, he looked deep into her eyes while he was photographing her?? WTF. I thought she was gonna say Beltik or Benny when she was asked about that…. left me so confused. That felt so unexplained. But oh, she’s smart and troubled, so she is complex beyond comprehension.  All in all: totally unconvincing, and left me deflated.I'm trying to see the other perspective. What did you like about the show?
Submitted October 07, 2024 at 04:39AM by Constantilly
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Advogada Flávia Moretti vence eleição em Várzea Grande - Foco Cidade
A advogada Flávia Moretti venceu as eleições na corrida ao comando da prefeitura de Várzea Grande - contabilizando 50,54% dos votos válidos - com ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do bowlers curve the ball?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
It looks cool and it seems like everyone who is actually good at bowling will make the ball spin and curve.. My question is why?Again, I'm not good at bowling but why aren't people just smashing it in the middle? If you're gonna dedicate countless of hours to practicing, why not master the most consistent type of throw? Is there some physics aspect that makes the pins go down easier when hit by a ball that has a sideway rotation
Submitted October 07, 2024 at 02:41AM by burken8000
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IFTTT General

Don’t Come Home | Official Trailer | Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 07, 2024 at 02:09AM by Atlast_2091
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IFTTT General

Eleições tranquilas em Santo Antônio - NPDiário

O juiz da 22ª Zona Eleitoral de Santo Antônio da Platina, Djalma Aparecido Gaspar Junior, a chefe do cartório eleitoral Melissa Cristina Malaghini ...

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IFTTT General

Concurso Polícia Penal SAP: Lei Orgânica inclusão servidores administrativos

Projeto de Lei Orgânica prevê inclusão de servidores administrativos na Polícia Penal de São Paulo - PP SP, SAP SP.

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why does the back of the wing on a commercial airliner extend out during landing procedures? What effect does it have on the aircraft?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 11:09PM by Cerebral272
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Veja os vereadores eleitos em SAP - NPDiário
Santo Antônio da Platina escolheu 13 vereadores; os que estão em negrito, reeleitos Breno do Ademir Carburadores (UNIÃO) - 1.070 votos - 4,56% ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: the printing press seems extremely simple, so why did it take so long to invent?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I often find myself wondering why the printing press was such a massive invention. Of course, it revolutionized the ability to spread information and document history, but the machine itself seems very simple; apply pressure to a screw that then pushes paper into the type form.That leaves me with the thought that I am missing something big. I understand that my thoughts of it being simple are swayed by the fact the we live in a post-printing press world, but I choose the believe I’m smarter than all of humanity before me. /s So that leaves me with the question, how did it take so long for this to be invented? Are we stupid?
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 09:58PM by bruh-man_
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
ONG criada em Curitiba recebe prêmio das Nações Unidas - Observatório do Terceiro Setor
Lina Maria Useche Kempf, co-fundadora da Aliança Empreendedora, foi a vencedora do prêmio da ONU que reconhece mulheres empreendedoras.
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IFTTT General

SAP助英業達升級雲端ERP 提升營運效率搶攻AI商機 - Yahoo奇摩新聞

SAP 今日宣布,英業達成功將營運核心ERP 升級上雲,以SAP S/4HANA 雲端ERP 梳理財物、採購、供應鏈等數據,優化端到端流程,實現全球營運效率一致性, ...
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IFTTT General

Hohes Gehalt! Senior SAP-Berater / IT-Projektmanager (m/w/d)Energieversorger

Bewirb dich für die Stelle Hohes Gehalt! Senior SAP-Berater / IT-Projektmanager (m/w/d)Energieversorger – SAP IS-U / S/4HANA Utilities in ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What's the point of cooking with alcohol?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
What’s the goal and why adding something like vodka if you’re just going to cook it out anyway? Why add it if it’s all going to evaporate in the end?
Submitted October 07, 2024 at 06:33AM by sluttynready
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba: Eduardo Pimentel e Cristina Graeml estão no 2º turno na capital - Portal Nosso Dia
Compartilhe: Turno extra na capital do Paraná. O representante da continuidade da gestão Greca, Eduardo Pimentel (PSD), vice-prefeito de Curitiba, vai ...
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IFTTT General

Advogada Flávia Moretti vence eleição em Várzea Grande - Foco Cidade

A advogada Flávia Moretti venceu as eleições na corrida ao comando da prefeitura de Várzea Grande - contabilizando 50,54% dos votos válidos - com ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Eleições tranquilas em Santo Antônio - NPDiário
O juiz da 22ª Zona Eleitoral de Santo Antônio da Platina, Djalma Aparecido Gaspar Junior, a chefe do cartório eleitoral Melissa Cristina Malaghini ...
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IFTTT General

I didn’t know Netflix did these shorts
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 07, 2024 at 03:55AM by RoutineSecure4635
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IFTTT General

Can you help me find a old cartoon
At /r/netflix
I watched this maybe 4-5 years ago it was about a kid living on a beach that gets transported to a whole another world and its like a pirate type of thing thats all i can remember please help me
Submitted October 07, 2024 at 02:30AM by Omega9467
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IFTTT General

Is there a The Perfect Couple thread?
At /r/netflix
I tried to find it but there were no posts and I had to request to comment. I want to discuss about the show but the current thread is completely empty.
Submitted October 07, 2024 at 02:20AM by poppieboomboom
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IFTTT General

Veja os vereadores (re) eleitos em SAP - NPDiário

Santo Antônio da Platina escolheu 13 vereadores; os que estão em negrito, reeleitos Breno do Ademir Carburadores (UNIÃO) - 1.070 votos - 4,56% ...

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IFTTT General

英業達升級雲端ERP 完成AI 商業賦能「這大廠」為功臣

代工大廠英業達(2356)在SAP台灣(思愛普軟體系統)助力之下,成功將營運核心ERP 升級上雲,以SAP S/4HANA 雲端ERP 梳理財務、採購、供應鏈等數據,優化端到端 ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Why do people smell burning toast before having a stroke?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
You know how you always here that you smell burning toast or smoke of something like that right before you have a stroke? Why is that? Is it just anecdotal or is there science behind it?
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 11:13PM by kill_queen_glycerine
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IFTTT General

The Platform 2's ending sucks
At /r/netflix
I didn't like the ending not because it's because it's confusing or anything, but because it's basically just a repeat of the first one. And the final twist that the first protag knows thw new protag is just pointless. Oh they knew each other? Who the fuck cares.However I liked the fact that despite the chaos and hell above, there are many who choses to save a child and sacrifice themselves.
Submitted October 06, 2024 at 11:13PM by wishihaveadeathnote
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Principais cidades da Grande Curitiba definem prefeitos no 1º turno
Outros cinco candidatos apoiados pelo governo estadual foram eleitos e reeleitos, eles são: Mauricio Rivabem (PSD), reeleito prefeito de Campo Largo ...
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