Serviço de atendimento psicológico fechará mais cedo nesta sexta em Umuarama
Procedimento fará com que o SAP atenda em horário diferenciado nesta sexta (Foto: Divulgação/PMU). A Prefeitura de Umuarama, através da Secretaria ...
(SAP/1709405/2020). Julgando procedentes as imputações irrogadas na Portaria Inaugural, no Processo SAP/286030/2020, em face do servidor BENEDICTO ...
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Mais uma vez, Sisejufe participa de atividades do Mosap, em Brasília, em prol do ...
Nesta terça e quarta-feira, dias 10 e 11 de dezembro, representantes da Secretaria de Aposentados e Pensionistas (SAP) do Sisejufe participaram de ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Ratinho Junior é aprovado por 81% dos paranaenses, diz pesquisa
Em uma outra pergunta, os entrevistados responderam sobre os atributos do governador. A maioria, 90%, aponta que ele fala bem; 80% destaca a ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
(SAP/1709405/2020). Julgando procedentes as imputações irrogadas na Portaria Inaugural, no Processo SAP/286030/2020, em face do servidor BENEDICTO ...
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Netflix 4k
At /r/netflix
I finally got a new 4k tv. I was curious if the premium plan is worth it. The guy at best buy suggested it but I forgot to ask how the options are. Is it select titles that are offered in 4k or is it everything? Thank you
Submitted December 12, 2024 at 12:08PM by ExcellentPassenger49
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ELI5: What causes canker sores / mouth ulcers, and why can’t they be treated aside from pain management?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
And why are they so painful? How can something so tiny cause so much discomfort?
Submitted December 12, 2024 at 11:05AM by Roman_willie
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Christina Applegate Experienced “First Sign Of MS” While Filming ‘Dead to Me’ Pilot
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 12, 2024 at 11:02AM by techfinpro
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Aprovação de Ratinho Jr. passa dos 80% no Paraná, aponta pesquisa Quaest
Pesquisa Quaest divulgada nesta quinta-feira (12) mostra que 81% diz paranaenses aprovam o governador Carlos Nassa Ratinho Junior, enquanto 15% ...
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No Good Deed feels like the White Lotus
At /r/netflix
The vibes, the music, the story following four different couples, the slightly ominous undertone… feels like it’s trying to follow the formula that made the White Lotus so popularNot too sure what my thoughts are yet but eager to see where it goes! Anyone else feel the same?
Submitted December 12, 2024 at 09:51AM by winzlerrie
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Cinco bairros de Curitiba ficam sem água; confira
O problema pode comprometer o abastecimento de água nos bairros Capão Raso, Cidade Industrial, Pinheirinho, Sitio Cercado e Tatuquara, em Curitiba.
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Escola SAP, de Mato Leitão, tem dois projetos premiados na Feira de Ciências da Unisc
No fim de outubro, estudantes responsáveis por cinco projetos desenvolvidos na Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental (Emef) Santo Antônio de ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Fringe, mostra do Festival de Curitiba, abre inscrições para o Circuito Independente 2025 -
Vale lembrar que 80% dos integrantes dos grupos cadastrados devem possuir registro profissional junto à Delegacia Regional do Trabalho (DRT) ou ...
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ELI5: How do software glitches happen on repeatable, working code?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Across all electronics; tv’s, apps, air fryers, consoles, etc… anything that uses software to run, there are glitches/bug’s that happen. I know some of these are caused by user inputs or faulty hardware, but in the cases where an action/input works the intended way consistently outside of a “random” glitch (crash, unintended output), how do those glitches happen? Assuming no hardware errors or unique inputs, how could code malfunction in those ways? Is it an error on the design of the chips? Electrons that power the calculations behaving in an abnormal way? Or are they only caused by hardware / unintended inputs?
Submitted December 12, 2024 at 07:32AM by WingDing5
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“Queremos uma Inteligência Artificial responsável que super capacita o humano” – ECO
Numa conversa no Estúdio ECO, Nuno Saramago, Diretor-Geral da SAP Portugal, e Ayise Trigueiros, Solution Advisor – Data & Analytics e SAP Business ...
Mais uma vez, Sisejufe participa de atividades do Mosap, em Brasília, em prol do ...
Nesta terça e quarta-feira, dias 10 e 11 de dezembro, representantes da Secretaria de Aposentados e Pensionistas (SAP) do Sisejufe participaram de ...
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Serviço de atendimento psicológico fechará mais cedo nesta sexta em Umuarama
Procedimento fará com que o SAP atenda em horário diferenciado nesta sexta (Foto: Divulgação/PMU). A Prefeitura de Umuarama, através da Secretaria ...
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MediaAndroid XR is our newest platform built specifically for XR headsets and glasses.
via Android
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Mais de 80% dos locatários entre 25 e 39 anos prefere locar ao comprar imóvel -
Empresas de Curitiba estão de olho na tendência e apostam em imóveis pequenos para atender o público.
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Google Search: SAP e Consults
Cast group | Você sabe como funciona o processo de implementação do SLICECOM ... - Instagram
33 likes, 1 comments - on December 11, 2024: "Você sabe como funciona o processo de implementação do SLICECOM?
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ELI5: How does unlimited PTO *actually* work?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I have heard of unlimited paid time off, and I'm sure many people have seen the research that says people typically use less PTO when these policies are in place. But how are they usually worded? What would stop you from seriously taking 6+ months off at a time? Or, work a day and then take PTO the rest of your life? As silly as it sounds, how do policies prevent that while still claiming unlimited PTO?
Submitted December 12, 2024 at 11:48AM by f3ffy
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Netflix Star José de la Torre Dies at 37, Months After He Was Reportedly Diagnosed with a 'Serious Illness’
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 12, 2024 at 10:54AM by peoplemagazine
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ELI5: why has kissing in movies and tv shows changed over the years?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
i’ve seen many films from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and i’ve noticed that the way people kiss is WAY different from how they kiss in current films. back then it was way sloppier, like they were eating each other’s faces. now it feels a lot… i guess neater?? i don’t know how to describe it. is there a reason why this is?
Submitted December 12, 2024 at 10:17AM by artsblvd
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Escola SAP, de Mato Leitão, tem dois projetos premiados na Feira de Ciências da Unisc
No fim de outubro, estudantes responsáveis por cinco projetos desenvolvidos na Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental (Emef) Santo Antônio de ...
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ELI5: What happens when you "get the wind knocked out of you", especially the delay in being able to inhale again.
At /r/explainlikeimfive
My big dumb dog bowling-pinned me last night, causing me to land on my forearms which compressed my chest. While rolling in the snow trying to breathe again I wondered what was stopping me from inhaling.
Submitted December 12, 2024 at 08:50AM by JoeFrmBirdConstructn
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba amanhece nublada e terá temperaturas agradáveis ao longo do dia
A chance de chuva é de 80%, com previsão de um acumulado de 1,2 mm, especialmente durante a madrugada e início da manhã. O vento sopra na direção ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Mecânico de Equipamentos a Diesel -
Auxiliar na organização e limpeza da oficina. Requisições de materiais via sistema SAP. Requisitos: Ensino Médio Completo. Desejável curso técnico em ...
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YSK: You can overwrite the 'date created' field with your 'date modified' using BulkRenameUtility
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: In serveral cases when you copy and paste a file to a different drive, it will use its EXIF information as the date modified but the date created in the new location will be the date the copying took place. It makes it harder for some image processing progams to sort by date since all the files copied that day will be of the same date.With BulkRenameUtility you can select the data, click Bulk Rename Here, in the window:bottom left strip, locate the timestamp it and in the first section of the new pop up you will see Date Created: Set As-here click on the radio button: Date ModifiedClick okay and then then rename in the bottom right
Submitted December 12, 2024 at 08:39AM by lashy00
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Evento de Natal reúne mais de 20 marcas em Curitiba
Os visitantes poderão desfrutar de open food e open bar de drinks ... Mais de 20 marcas vão participar da edição especial de Natal do 2GET SALE, que ...
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SIFUSPESP dá o primeiro passo para acionar judicialmente o Governo pelo pagamento do Bônus.
A seguir um vídeo do secretário da SAP falando sobre o Bônus hoje na Comissão de Segurança Pública e assuntos penitenciários da Alesp: ...