Servidoras da P2 de Potim interceptam droga com visita de preso - Jornal de Guaratinguetá
A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) informa que no último sábado, 14, servidoras da Penitenciária 2 de Potim impediram a entrada de ...
ELI5: How does someone like the judge who was sentenced to 15 years for sentencing children to for-profit prison get lumped into the pardoning process of other non violent federal pardons?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted December 16, 2024 at 08:47PM by Full-Valuable6919
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SP: presos estrangeiros estão há quase 5 anos sem contato com famílias - Metrópoles
SAP exige que famílias estrangeiras apresentem documentos brasileiros como CPF para realizar videochamadas com os presos.
YSK the term "wheat bread" merely means the product is made using wheat flour as opposed to rye flour or another alternative and therefore may not be better or different than "white bread"
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Some people may want to choose options with more whole grains or fiber as a healthier alternative to white bread but may think that wheat bread is a healthier choice, while the term only confirms that the bread was made using wheat flour and therefore may have no nutritional differences when compared to typical white bread.
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 08:24PM by Leather-Paramedic-10
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Netflix, please please please copy Apple TV's subtitle handling
At /r/netflix
I have ended up not watching quite a number of shows and films on Netflix where they have more than one language but only bother to include translated text as part of the audio description subtitles. I can't get past the (to me) incredibly distracting text lined of, for example, "a door slams shut" that is constantly on screen when I only need a few lines of text to translate foreign dialogue. Apple handle this very elegantly by having an option for subtitles only for foreign language dialogue (and it uses the main chosen dialogue for the app to be default and all other languages to be classed as foreign and thus get shown on screen). It's the work of a couple hours to code in subtitle tracks like this so please adopt it - and it really is minor work as Netflix carries subtitles for a ton of languages so it should be easy to strip out the relevant parts into standalone foreign dialogue tracks(*)Also, I only just noticed this week in the apple TV app, you can select subtitles to appear in your own language then you rewind between 10 and 30 seconds. So that garbled line you missed? Easy, rewind to try and listen again AND have it come up as subtitles. It's such a great feature given how so many modern programmes have very low dialogue levels (I already use dialogue boost on my app but that still doesn't help sometimes).(* - I've seen people say before on this subject "What's so hard about having subtitles on all the time" or "why don't you just put subtitles on when the foreign language bits come on?". I'm amazed at what a shit level of service they have come to expect to think like that. These programmes have cost significant money to make, to obtain the rights to, to stream, yet Netflix can't be arsed to spend a day or two creating foreign language subtitle tracks that will benefit thousands to millions of streamers. It's not a free service so why shouldn't they do it? I watch the programmes to be entertained, to lose myself in for an hour or 2. Every time I have to rewind to turn subtitles on the immersion is broken. It's an easy fix to an annoying issue. It's not just Netflix but they are easily the worst offenders for this).
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 08:14PM by Proeliator2001
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Preso por estupro, Robinho não terá direito a saidinha e passará Natal e Ano Novo na prisão
Em nota, a SAP afirmou que Robinho cumpre pena em regime fechado e não tem direito de usufruir da saída temporária nas festas de fim de ano. A ...
Bosch abre 40 vagas de emprego na região - Portal de Americana
Entre os cargos disponíveis estão: Junior SAP MM Analyst; Engenheiro de Produto Sr. Assistente de Suporte Técnico Pl. Operador de Manufatura I – ...
MOSUL - watch again in light of Syria
At /r/netflix
Mosul is the best Netflix original I've ever seen. Just watched it for the third time in light of what is happening in Syria. If you only semi-remember the struggle against ISIS, or don't know much about it, watch this. All in Arabic. Stellar cast. Then look shit up on Wikipedia. It works as an action movie so you won't be bored. But you will learn a lot.
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 07:41PM by CaptainWaggett
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独SAPクラインCEOが強調、「クラウドのパートナーエコシステム拡大への投資倍増」 | 日経 ...
独SAPは今、クラウドERP(統合基幹業務システム)「S/4HANA Cloud」の導入を推進している。SAPがERPのクラウド化を推進する理由は何か。独SAPのCEO(最高経営 ...
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Agrária inova com a implementação do SAP EWM Basic Warehouse - Diário Indústria & Comércio
... SAP EWM Basic Warehouse na unidade de Grits & Flakes, em Guarapuava (PR). Esse projeto estratégico visa melhorar a eficiência e precisão em ...
Resultado SAP-SC 2024 para Agente Socioeducativo sai nesta terça, 17
Resultado concurso SAP-SC. O edital de resultado preliminar das provas objetivas e do gabarito definitivo será publicado na internet, no dia 17 de ...
Chefe, ex-mulher e mecânico são mortos por agente de escolta | A TARDE
A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) lamentou as mortes ... O agente de escolta de presos Eduardo de Souza Silva, de 43 anos, protagonizou ...
Robinho vai passar Natal e Réveillon em penitenciária após condenação por estupro
De acordo com a SAP, Robinho cumpre pena em regime fechado e não tem direito ao benefício da saída temporária, que é reservado apenas para ...
SAP é campeão da 1ª Divisão do Campeonato Municipal de Futebol - Prefeitura de Cajamar
Com muita emoção e adrenalina, o SAP sagrou-se campeão, trazendo alegria e vibração para o público presente. A premiação final para as equipes, que ...
Atacante Robinho não terá direito a 'saidinha' e vai passar Natal e réveillon preso
A Penitenciária II de Tremembé, que custodia Robson, não realizará programação especial para as festas de fim de ano”, disse a SAP, em nota. Para ...
SAP adds carbon-tracking solution to its cloud-based ERP toolkit | CIO Dive
SAP's announcement comes at the end of a year-long, top-down push to entice customers onto its cloud-based modular S/4HANA ERP solution. The ...
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Mulher é flagrada tentando levar maconha para companheiro no CDP de São Vicente
De acordo com a Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP). a apreensão aconteceu durante os procedimentos de revista em familiares de ...
Dia de fúria: agente de escolta executa chefe, ex-mulher e mecânico - Portal SGC
... SAP. O agente de escolta de presos Eduardo de Souza Silva, de 43 anos ... A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) lamentou as mortes ...
ELI5: Why hasn't everything on Earth mixed up to achieve the same temperature?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Today we were learning calorimetry and our teacher explained the concept of thermal equilibrium. But there's hot and cold places on Earth. Why doesn't heat flow cause everything to eventually balance out at the same temperature? Like a hot tea cooling down to room temperature? Surely, till now, there has been enough time for equilibrium to be achieved?
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 06:13PM by LawReasonable9767
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ELI5: what causes pins and needles feeling after a body part “falls asleep”?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted December 16, 2024 at 05:49PM by kymilovechelle
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Agente penitenciário mata ex-esposa e outras duas pessoas em duas cidades - Portal Prudentino
Segundo a SAP, foi aberto procedimento interno para apurar as ocorrências. Compartilhe. Comentários. Os comentários são de responsabilidade exclusiva ...
Apreensões em Unidades Prisionais da Região Oeste - SAP
Assessoria de Imprensa - SAP | Fotos: Divulgação/SAP. Mulher de detento é presa com porção de drogas ao tentar entrar na PII de Mirandópolis.
Dwupoziomowe wdrożenie ERP w Hitachi High-Tech – krok w przyszłość - ITbiznes
Transformacja Hitachi High-Tech w chmurze hybrydowej z wykorzystaniem SAP S/4HANA - skuteczne wykorzystanie podejścia Greenfield.
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ELI5: Where did humans get their sodium before we used salt
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Just looking at our daily sodium requirement its like 2300mg, and 100g of beef has around 72mg of sodium, so how did humans ever get enough sodium when they didn't use salt?I'm thinking ancient humans living in some landlocked country (no salt water) would never get enough?Or is this 2300mg based on the modern man?Edit: 2300 is UL, 500mg is minimum which is "easy" to do. So the conclusion is were eating wayyyyy too much sodium compared to what we truly need and should probably try enjoying foods for their natural flavours.
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 06:05PM by Odd_Wolverine_4207
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SCORE e Onbluenet unem forças para promover soluções sustentáveis - TecheNet
A SCORE, especializada em soluções SAP, e a Onbluenet, empresa focada em engenharia e auditoria de sustentabilidade, firmaram uma parceria ...
Robinho passará festas de fim de ano preso e sem direito a saidinha temporária
A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) confirmou a informação nesta segunda-feira (16). Segundo a legislação brasileira, somente ...
Dia de fúria: agente de escolta executa chefe, ex-mulher e mecânico | Metrópoles
Divulgação/SAP. Homem armado, com fuzil, colete preto e uniforme ... A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) lamentou as mortes ...
Cajamar celebra a reinauguração do Estádio Municipal Antônio Fachina – Notícias
A partida decisiva entre Baré e SAP foi disputada até os pênaltis, consagrando o SAP como campeão e enchendo o estádio de emoção e alegria. O ...
Deferindo o pedido de vista, em cartório, do Processo SPDOC/SAP n.º 3319775/2019, em nome de Marcelo de Barros Cano, o qual permanecerá a sua ...
Pessoas privadas de liberdade do sistema prisional cearense produzem roupas e ...
A iniciativa reafirma o compromisso da SAP em promover a ressocialização dos internos e internas através de projetos que incentivam a capacitação, o ...