Google Search Curitiba stuff
Feira Arte Viva CWB Termina o Ano com Arte, Literatura e Diversão para Toda a Família
Endereço: Rua São Francisco, 232 e Rua Treze de Maio, 439 – Centro – Curitiba. Entrada: Franca Data: 21 de dezembro de 2024 Horário ...
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Internas do sistema prisional cearense confeccionam bonecas de pano para o projeto ... - SAP CE
A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização, por meio da Coordenadoria de Inclusão Social do Preso e do Egresso, ...
Turning off Dolby Vision
At /r/netflix
So all of a sudden in the past few months they added Dolby Vision Atmos to my plan here, which is nice, but I don't like how everything looks like a high FPS videogame with unnatural movement. Is there a way to turn it off? I could only find how to change the audio in the audio selection.
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 04:08PM by novusanimis
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Bar temático de Curitiba traz Ruan Mansur neste sábado - Bem Paraná
Ruan Mansur se apresenta em Curitiba neste sábado (21) no Coxa Sports Bar & Parrilla. Além dos clássicos do sertanejo com Mansur, o grupo Inimigos ...
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eli5 in restaurants, why is it ok to pour grease down some drains, like the mop sink, but not others, like the drain on the cook line?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 03:18PM by Particular-Swim2461
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SAP disponibiliza assistente de IA Joule no SAP S/4Hana Cloud Public Edition
Agora, a SAP anunciou que a Joule está disponível no SAP S/4Hana Cloud Public Edition e nos aplicativos de gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos. “A ...
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You Season 5 - Did you figure out the secret code?
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 02:50PM by StEvUgnIn
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ELI5 Why in winter is it colder with the sun out than when it's cloudy?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 08:05AM by OddFirefighter3
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At /r/netflix
Good film but I haaate that they give Jason Bateman's character any kind of 'philosophy'. Baddies should just be baddies, not edgelords who never fit into general society so they turn into 'villains with a cause'. I don't think JB was the best fit tbh, people associate him with comedy and likeability, but there we go
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 02:38PM by Comfortable-Pace3132
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Neugebauer migra para S/4 Hana - Baguete
... SAP, com a ITS Group, parceira gaúcha da multinacional alemã. Feita por meio do Rise with SAP, iniciativa da companhia para acelerar a migração ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Deloitte anuncia metodologia Vision to Value de transformação do ERP - Inforchannel
A Deloitte apresentou o “Vision to Value” para SAP, uma metodologia e estrutura proprietárias baseadas em mais de 35 anos de transformações SAP bem- ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SÃO APREENDIDAS máquinas de jogos de azar em SAP (vídeo) - NPDiário
Na tarde desta quarta-feira (18), equipe da Polícia Civil composta pelos delegados e agentes de polícia, com apoio de policiais da agência de ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Inovação na construção civil: transformando processos, produtos e experiências - TI Inside
Neste contexto, a adoção de tecnologias de ponta, como a nova versão do ERP SAP/SAP HANA (sistema de software abrangente que simplifica processos) ...
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Nothing Has Ever Filled Me With So Much Rage - La Palma
At /r/netflix
Major Episode 1-3 Spoilers: Had to stop at the end of Episode 3 with 5 mins to spare when they killed Eric off. Not sure I can even finish, let alone start the final 4th episode. I get that for show and movie plots, characters have to make some amount of "mistakes" to keep the story going or else you could wrap the story up in 5 minutes, but god damn, this is one of the few pieces of media I've consumed recently where every 2 minutes, I can't help but wonder how exactly these people keep making the dumbest decision, after the dumbest decision, after the DUMBEST decision!Suspension of disbelief is obviously necessary to enjoy most movies and shows but this show asks too damn much of it, and not even because of whatever is happening with the nature side of it all, but with people specifically. I know I'm probably an outlier, but I would have 100% been on the 1st boat out afterthe plane crash especially because there had already been a group of tourists who died on a boat in the first scene of episode 1.Most of us would have been catatonic/devastated/on the ground screeching at the idea that our kid was in a plane that we just saw crash before our eyes, and if not then, at the very minimum at the hospital when it was mentioned that she was missing because she was at the front of the plane and most likely dead.Side note, I would have probably gotten slapped into another plane of existence had I pulled the little skit Sara pulled, trying to run away by boarding a plane without my parents! Also what are the odds of her getting on that 1 plane of all planes?? When they get to Eric's small boat, Eric starts struggling with the guy trying to steal it from them, while Marie and Fredrik just...stand there?? But they could miraculously let go of the boat once he gets shot, right?? Jennifer also doesn't seem very devastated that her husband Fredrik is left behind. Every time they show her, her face pretty much screams "oh damn, that sucks"! Idk, after a certain amount of bad decisions, you just start hating everyone and not rooting for a single character, so why should I keep watching?!
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 02:02PM by tryingmybestuwu
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most interactive shows removed?
At /r/netflix
So I searched on Netflix captain underpants and no epic choice o rama. I clicked one of the other Captain underpants shows/movies and still no epic choice o rama.Finally I searched interactive but not only Captain Underpants : Epic choice o rama wasn't there , but most of the kid shows wasn't there (I was using a kid profile) only you vs wild shows appeared
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 01:43PM by Massive_Log1736
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Vanguard Curitiba atinge marca de R$ 250 milhões em vendas em 2024 - Gazeta do Povo
Em um deles, o Pulse, vendemos 75% do empreendimento nas primeiras 13 horas de venda, um marco para a construtora. Hoje contamos com seis ...
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ELI5: How did humans survive without toothbrushes in prehistoric times?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
How is it that today if we don't brush our teeth for a few days we begin to develop cavities, but back in the prehistoric ages there's been people who probably never saw anything like a toothbrush their whole life? Or were their teeth just filled with cavities?(This also applies to things like soap; how did they go their entire lives without soap?)
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 04:28PM by LawReasonable9767
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ELI5: what is CIMBS therapy?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 02:29PM by suzpro08
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
80% dos curitibanos estão vacinados com ao menos uma dose - TOPVIEW
Curitiba chegou a 80% da população vacinada com ao menos uma dose da vacina contra Covid-19, de acordo com os dados que foram atualizados até 20 ...
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Mignow lança programa de trainee para formar talentos em tech - Canaltech
A Mignow, empresa pioneira em soluções de automação e migração de sistemas SAP, anunciou nesta quinta-feira (19) o seu.
Question About Streaming on an International Flight
At /r/netflix
On Christmas day, I will be flying from the US to an international destination. I want to watch Netflix while in the air. More specifically, I want to watch the live NFL broadcast of the Kansas City Chiefs vs the Pittsburgh Steelers. I am, of course, willing to pay for the in-flight WiFi, but I wanted to ask how that works with streaming Netflix -- in particular, streaming live.I know that sometimes on American Airlines flights, they will have live television that you can watch on the seat-back screens, but since this game isn't aired on television and is a Netflix exclusive, I just wanted to check.I know the game will be available both to US and international audiences on Netflix, but I don't know how it will work with live streaming in the air and leaving the US.Do you think I will be able to watch the game? If so, do you think just buying the in-flight WiFi and then loading Netflix up on my phone would work? Thank you!
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 03:46PM by AlexAwesome1124
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Vídeo mostra coxinha explodindo no rosto de cliente, em lanchonete de Curitiba
Um cliente sofreu queimaduras leves no rosto após uma coxinha explodir enquanto era consumida em uma lanchonete no bairro Alto, em Curitiba.
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Squid Game 2 Creator 'So Sick' of Netflix Series as Business Booms
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 02:30PM by Robemilak
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Mignow lança programa de trainee para formar talentos em tech - Canaltech
A Mignow, empresa pioneira em soluções de automação e migração de sistemas SAP, anunciou nesta quinta-feira (19) o seu.
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP disponibiliza assistente de IA Joule no SAP S/4Hana Cloud Public Edition
Em setembro de 2024, a SAP comemorou o primeiro aniversário da Joule, seu copiloto de IA generativa. No ano passado, a Joule evoluiu rapidamente, ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Atenção advogados! - SAP
Assessoria de Imprensa - SAP. No período de 19/12/24 a 06/01/2025, os pedidos de vista de processos disciplinares, assim como o agendamento para ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
O 3º Natal dos Sonhos segue neste Sábado (21), com a Caravana Natalina em SAP!
Acredite na magia do Natal! Prefeitura Municipal de SAP. Salvar. Portal Serra e Litoral - O Resumão de todos ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
G2 lança solução que automatiza processos e reduz trabalho manual em 80% - Segs
Pensando nisso, a G2, consultoria SAP Gold Partner e especialista no desenvolvimento de negócios, está ofertando para os clientes e parceiros, uma ...
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Search Bar doesn‘t work?
At /r/netflix
So I was trying to watch Batman the caped crusader on my pc because I saw it on the Netflix app on my phone today. If I search for Batman on my phone it shows most movies, but if I search for it on PC, it won’t pop up
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 02:06PM by ixam1802
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First poster for the final season of ‘YOU’ - Releasing in 2025 on Netflix.
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 01:32PM by SoftPois0n
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