recommend me kdramas that are similar to Squid Game and Parasite with a creative,unique plot.
At /r/netflix
I love me a creative kdrama that not only contains romance (it could not contain romance at all I’d be fine as long as there’s plot twists, shocks, excitement, mystery lots of mystery lots lots, good plot.) The ones I like a lot are squid game and parasite, these were life changing sincerely. Especially squid game I love the vibe it givesI’m still looking forward for recommendations that are similar to this, I watched alice in borderland season 1 episode 1 it isn’t a kdrama but a jdrama I only watched a few minutes and I didn’t continue further, maybe I will but I honestly prefer squid game and parasite more. Might be an unpopular opinion lol but yeah recommend me good ones plzlzlzlz I’m new to kdrama so recommend me the popular AND the not so popular ones.
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 02:00PM by AralynCooks
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Is WWE available on Netflix India?
At /r/netflix
I'm currently exploring streaming services to subscribe to, and Netflix seems like a promising option. My primary interest lies in watching WWE, as I’ve been a fan of professional wrestling for years. However, before committing to Netflix, I want to ensure that their content library includes WWE programs in India.I know WWE has various shows, including Monday Night Raw, SmackDown, and pay-per-view events like WrestleMania. These events are central to keeping up with storylines, rivalries, and the thrill of wrestling entertainment.I’ve heard some countries have WWE-related content on Netflix, but availability can vary based on location. Considering that WWE has its dedicated streaming service, I’m curious if Netflix in India offers any WWE shows, documentaries, or classic matches.If Netflix doesn’t provide WWE content, I’ll need to consider alternatives, such as the WWE Network or other platforms, to catch all the action. Could you confirm whether Netflix has WWE in India?
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 01:43PM by PeaDue9435
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ELI5: why do we use dozens, so much so that there’s a word for “12 of something”? Why haven’t we standardized using 10 of something more than 12?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 01:16PM by teeheehead
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Unlocked a jail experiment. Were there other prisoners in other units doing the same experiment?
At /r/netflix
There is a line the warden says in episode 6 (12:48)."In comparison to the other units, they're actually doing pretty good."Continuing to say I'm going to give them a second chance.I thought they said the experiment was only performed on their unit.Did anyone else notice this comment.What are your thoughts?
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 01:17PM by format_drive
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Mais de 70 detentos não retornam da “saidinha” de final de ano nas unidades prisionais da região
... (SAP). A saída dos detentos foi autorizada no dia 23 de dezembro, com data de retorno estipulada para a última sexta-feira, 3 de janeiro. A saída ...
Polícia tenta capturar mais de 160 detentos da região que não retornaram da saidinha de fim de ano
Buscando recapturar o grupo, as polícias Civil e Militar intensificaram suas ações em diversas cidades. De acordo com o balanço divulgado pela SAP, ...
ELI5: what’s the difference between a high end blow dryer and the cheap ones you find at the supermarket?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
As a guy with short hair, I really don’t understand why some girls spend a shit ton on hairdryers. Like what’s the difference between a Dyson supersonic and a blow dryer 1/6 of the price?
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 05:07AM by GIGA-CHADD
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ELI5: why neutering a cat/dog gives them health benefit and longer life but even a relatively small drop in testosterone production in human damages our health?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
EDIT: just to be precise I meant "a relative small drop in testosterone production" under the minimum value range expected ofc
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 10:19AM by The_yulaow
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Parceria entre Invent Software e Qive leva inovação à gestão fiscal no SAP Business One
Automatização fiscal completa reduz erros, custos e traz eficiência para empresas que utilizam o SAP Business One.
Presos de Piracicaba não voltam de saidinha e estão foragidos
A SAP (Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária) do estado de São Paulo informou que dos 204 presos que tiveram direito à saidinha de fim de ano ...
ELI5: Would having a «highway gear» make EVs more efficient?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I used to have a VW Golf E. My vague understanding is that a gearbox in general is not needed for EV’s for acceleration but what about maintaining highway speeds? I noticed when I was going 100-120kph it hovered at 30-40% Power. Could having a highway gear bring that down to 10-20%?
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 04:37AM by lajzerowicz
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ELI5: Why is it so hard to start something when you're depressed when you know if you do you'll feel better
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why can't I sit down and make a list of things. Not even do them, but list it.There's nothing stopping me but it's like I'm paralyzed.
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 05:30AM by cuecacalcinha
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ELI5: Why don't wealthy people in the US build concrete houses?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I saw the devastating news of the California fire bringing the city down. I understand that expensive labor makes cement/concrete houses not feasible for the poor or middle class, but what stops the ultra-rich from building concrete houses in the U.S instead of wood.? They wouldn't burn like a pack of cardboards.
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 06:23AM by TechyNomad
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Secretário de Administração Penitenciária, Marcello Streifinger se reúne com sindicatos ...
... SAP, localizado na Av. Gal. Ataliba Leonel, 556 – Santana. O presidente do Sindespe questionou como ficaria a situações de novas resoluções e ...
Netflix will officially adapt Anna Huang’s bestselling series ‘TWISTED LOVE’ into a TV series.
At /r/netflix
Follows the lives of four best friends & their brooding love interests, riddled with dark secrets from their pasts, as they overcome the obstacles keeping them apart to fall in love.
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 04:57AM by Robemilak
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Why "Add extra members' feature is not an option in Lithuania
At /r/netflix
As the title says:"Extra MembersThe extra member feature is unavailable in this country"So even on the most expensive plan, there is no option to do that. Anyone know why?Wanted to share the account to my parents in a different household, they keep getting disconnected. Currently it seems not worth the money, not even talking about the limited selection of content.
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 02:02PM by ihazcarrot_lt
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Am I the only one who actually really enjoys XO, Kitty?
At /r/netflix
I think the show has its own unique charm. Yes it's cringy at times but I feel like it makes it more enjoyable, at least for me anyhow. I've seen a lot people hating on it and it low-key kinda makes me feel sad because I love this show, and I've seen people go as far as saying it's one of the worst shows on Netflix. I enjoy XO Kitty the same way I enjoy The Summer I Turned Pretty (funny enough also by Jenny Han). Overall I think the show is cute and fun and I feel like people take it too seriously and I cannot wait for season 2 to come out on the 16th.
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 01:57PM by SanrioAndMe
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YSK some professors are mean because that is how they deal with trauma
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: People always wonder why so many professors in college are cold, mean, and lack empathy, so I will tell you why from what I seen. Many professors were nerds in high school who are obsessed with biology or physics but got bullied. They continued to focus hard on their academic interests, are praised by teachers, and managed to get into a top college. At college, a similar thing happens where they are heavily interested in their subject and do well, but they still get ostracized. Maybe they never get invited to any parties or get rejected from fraternities. They get bitter, but still work hard, get praised by professors, and get into grad school. They then do well in grad school, get praised even more by professors, and get into a professor position. Now, they teach students that privileged and are your typical bullies.Most professors never struggled academically, so it is mindblowing to them to see students struggle. They never worked outside of the academic setting, so they are often out of touch. There are two ways people deal with trauma. One is using drugs and alcohol. The other is get into a position of power like being a professor, doctor, or law enforcement and use that position to take out your anger on the rest of society. Professors hate being bullied and traumatized in their life, so they use their position to attack students and make them feel bad. Attacking others make you feel powerful and good about yourself.I am not trying to bash professors because the reality is that most students who do poorly did not prepare properly for class. You should treat professors with the utmost respect
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 01:23PM by Fit_Sherbert1092
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ELI5 where does the dust comes from ? Why if you don’t use something dust will gather above it ? Where was this dust before ?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 11:05AM by TikaryTony
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Presos de Piracicaba beneficiados pela saidinha não retornam ao presídio e são ... - PIRANOT
A SAP esclareceu ainda que o reeducando que não retorna à unidade prisional é considerado foragido, perdendo automaticamente o benefício do regime ...
YSK that if you’ve been randomly hearing a chime these past few months that it might be coming from your AirPods Pro 2
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Apparently as a part of the recent hearing aid feature that Apple released for the AirPods Pro 2, they now randomly make a chime when they're in their case "“To help ensure that your AirPods microphones and speakers are operating at their best (for example, to help provide high-quality hearing test results."Why YSK: I've had this sound go off around me these past few months and it's been driving me insane. I kept thinking I had some dying piece of tech in my house and I had no idea how to even go about finding it because it was so spontaneous. I tried making a time log of when it happened and realized pretty quickly that there was no pattern. I know I can't be the only one that's been going through this so I figured I'd post here and try to raise awareness!Here's the sound and explanation: tuckerjj/113797353737201900">tuckerjj/113797353737201900" rel="nofollow"> the Reddit thread that helped bring back my sanity:
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 12:52PM by Icyfirz
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Squid game account
At /r/netflix
When squid game unleashed first came out I created an account on the spot for some reason even though I have an account that I am paying for. I am level 63 and I have a level 9 player 101 so I don't want to reset everything. What can I do
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 11:10AM by Wide_Sympathy_1064
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PACAEMBU: 32 detentos não retornam da "saidinha temporária" - Folha Regional
De acordo com informações da SAP (Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária), no município de Pacaembu, 724 reeducandos receberam o benefício da “ ...
"A SAP é Nossa" realiza mobilização para posse de imóvel à Fundação Cultural - MZL10
... (SAP), localizado na Avenida Emanoel Pinto, 1249, no centro. A manifestação, idealizada pelo movimento “A SAP é Nossa”, visa pressionar autoridades ...
Pague Menos acelera transformação digital em suas unidades com apoio da Mignow
A parceria estratégica com a Mignow viabiliza a migração para o SAP S/4HANA, aprimorando a eficiência operacional e reduzindo custos em um setor.
Peter Berg’s New Western Series, ‘American Primeval’ Lands on Netflix, Rotten Tomatoes Score Revealed
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 07:49AM by Legitimate_Ad3625
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Shows disappeared
At /r/netflix
Hi all I was on Netflix the other day watching shameless and pinky blinders and for some reason they disappeared and for curiosity I looked up The Walking Dead and in sure more. It is also gone. The only thing that I can think of that had changed was I created a password for my account roughly a few months prior and for some reason, the password went away without me getting rid of it and I guess it flew over my head. I didn’t really notice. Until it randomly came back so I put the password in and now the shows are gone. Any ideas? Also I have no restrictions on movies.
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 07:06AM by Only_Ice_2600
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Netflix says I'm not part of the household when I'm inside my house
At /r/netflix
How do they decide what is and isn't part of the household?? No, I am not travelling. Don't give me a code to log in for a limited time period .... how can I fix this? When I google this issue I only find netflix's page saying if my device is not associated with the household, I need to create my own plan. But I live with my family in my parent's house who are paying for netflix. No one else has this problem, all TVs, laptops, ipads work for them. This is really frustrating.
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 04:57AM by tatarigoroshi
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ELI5: Why is everything so expensive everywhere? What has changed the economy/work in the last 50-60 years?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I'm graduated a year and a half ago and I'm just realizing how expensive everything is everywhere.It seems like its something more then just inflation, everything is really expensive and sometimes it feels like plain price gouging for profits. It's really frustrating and things feel so against me.I feel like my grandparents generation have a lot of stories from their youth that involve just up and moving to a different place on a whim. Now it seems like to move somewhere I need to get secure a job with a 50-100k salary first, and search for roommates online, whereas before that was sort of done while you got to the destination and it was a lot easier/more fluid.It also seems like there was still remanence of a barter society back then. The Hotel Chelsea, where Bob Dylan lived in NYC for a bit in the 60s, let the artists exchange art for their rent instead of cash. Would this ever happen anywhere today?Maybe I'm wrong but I'd like to hear people's opinions. The world feels different today than how older people describe the past.
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 04:18AM by Seaworthiness_Greedy
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ELI5: Why are rockets always painted white?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 10, 2025 at 04:01AM by arkaputatunda
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