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IFTTT General

Platform 2 feels like a major miss
At /r/netflix
The first movie, even though confusing, had a somewhat message that you could infer, and its ending was symbolic. In the second movie it seems so pointless, we are introduced to an unnecessary conflict and the longer the movie goes the more questions open up, it feels like the writers wanted to add as much metaphors and symbols as possible, like the children out of nowehere, the people below level 333.... nothing was really answered and the plot is not what i personally expected, i was hoping we would get more insight into the Chefs/Gods and what exactly is below level 333 as well as what the children meant. It seems like the movie only uses logic randomly whenever it wants, like the guards use anti gravity to move around prisoners, but then for things like how the platform works, whats below the level 333, and what the children mean is put into a "metaphorical"/"magical"/"up to us to decide" delivery.
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 06:05PM by Outside-Confidence-4
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IFTTT General

ELI5:I read that when Michael Jackson died, he was $500 million in debt. How does someone get into that kind of debt?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 04:34PM by thermal7
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IFTTT General

Edital SAP SC é publicado! 265 vagas e inicial de R$ 6 mil - Estratégia Concursos

Edital SAP SC oferece 265 vagas em novo processo seletivo para Agente de Segurança Socioeducativo. Inscrições em breve!

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Clima para amanhã em Curitiba-PR: previsão do tempo deste domingo (06/10) - País
A previsão do tempo é de parcialmente nublado. Na manhã 19.5°C, à tarde 26.9°C e durante a noite 14.7°C. A temperatura mínima para Curitiba é de ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Netflix problemas con flow
At /r/netflix
Soy de argentina y habeces veo Netflix en flow (un servicio argentino), el problema es que flow por alguna razón sale de Netflix por si solo, se pone en la guia de flow osea el primer programa de cable que flow tiene y la serie o peli que miro en netflix sigue andando pero no se ve la serie o peli porque sale el flow sobre ella
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 03:53PM by crazy-potato-13
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
PF apreende R$ 1,8 milhão em dinheiro no subsolo de centro empresarial na Barra - Bem Paraná
A Polícia Federal no Rio de Janeiro fez a terceira grande apreensão de dinheiro em espécie da semana e confiscou R$ 1.859.040,00 em dois veículos.
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Concurso SAP SP exclusivo para homens? Confira!

Concurso SAP SP: próximo edital contará com vagas exclusivamente para homens, de acordo com a Secretaria. Confira os detalhes no blog!

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IFTTT General

ELI5 why does water boil over?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why is it that if I leave temp high, water alone boils without spilling out of the pot, but if I add something to it (like pasta, chai mix, etc) and leave it on high, it eventually boils over and spills everywhere?
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 01:32PM by jonnyange
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IFTTT General

S/4HANA Projektleiter (m/w/d) in Bayern gesucht - IT-Journal

IT Job: S/4HANA Projektleiter (m/w/d) in Bayern von Apriori gesucht Bist du bereit für eine spannende Herausforderung im Bereich IT?
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IFTTT General

Streaming video quality is awful
At /r/netflix
The quality of the straming has been awful. I tried the desktop app, Edge and Firefox and all of them look bad. I checked the settings and it's set to stream full quality. We have very fast fiber internet at home as well (1gigabit). What am I missing? My subscription is meant to be 4K but I get something closer to 720p or lower.
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 01:20PM by MechanicalTVRemote
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Confira a lista dos postos com a gasolina mais barata em Curitiba - Jornalista Luciana Pombo
Está procurando pelos postos com a gasolina mais barata em Curitiba? O Massa News preparou uma lista onde você encontra o melhor preço na cidade.
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Netflix household
At /r/netflix
Hello guys me and my brother both live in a different country one is UAE and the other is Qatar when we try to watch Netflix on the TV it says we need to update the household so only one at a time can watch on the tv but on the laptop or phone it works fine. Is there a way to watch at the same time on the Tv for both of us Thank you
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 12:50PM by Ok_Percentage_8619
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IFTTT General

Mais de 300 presos nos CDPs do Alto Tietê votarão na eleição deste ano - G1 - Globo

De acordo com a Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária de São Paulo (SAP), são 131 custodiados registrados para votar em Mogi das Cruzes e 176 em ...

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IFTTT General

Nota de Pesar - Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização - SAP-CE

Ele serviu ao sistema penitenciário cearense por 11 anos e atuava na Unidade Prisional Elias Alves da Silva (UP-Itaitinga4). A SAP presta suas ...

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IFTTT General

COMUNICADO DE 03/10/2024 - Sindasp

COMUNICADO DE 03/10/2024. 04 de outubro – 2024. A Presidente da Comissão responsável pela Promoção, constituída pela Resolução SAP n.º 096, de 17, ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: What is "mutual aid" and how is different than regular aid?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Walking around a campus the other day and saw several posters referencing making money donations to a cause to in support of a "mutual" aid action. How is "mutual" aid different than just donating to a non profit / NGO?
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 04:19PM by BigDoggehDog
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IFTTT General

Secretário de Administração Penitenciária detalha e esclarece tudo sobre a Polícia Penal

SAP SP. 18.5K subscribers. Marcello Streifinger, Secretário da Administração Penitenciária, fala sobre a Polícia Penal. SAP SP. Search. Info. Shopping.

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IFTTT General

Governo do Ceará entrega 41 viaturas e 150 bicicletas para Forças de Segurança

Equipamentos auxiliarão Polícia Militar, Corpo de Bombeiros, SAP e Ciopaer O governador Elmano de Freitas segue fortalecendo as Forças de ...

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IFTTT General

RequestingHeartfelt show recommendations
At /r/netflix
I recently just finished watched " la grande maison tokyo" . It was fantastic .Heartfelt , intense and the drama was sufficient for J- drama I usually don't like this genre but this show has made me so sad after finishing it and feel like watching nothing else Any recommendations to watch for shows which made you feel in a similar way ?.
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 03:44PM by kaa-birdsquad
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IFTTT General

YSK: There are billions of dollars of unclaimed funds in the USA and it is simple (and FREE) to check to see if any is owed to you. (IK that reads like a scam but it is not)
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Each state has an official site to check for unclaimed property. Most will take you less than 3 minutes to check though the process of actually claiming the funds once you find them may be a little more time-consuming. Below is a link to each state's official unclaimed property site. I have checked the site in my state and found money owed to me more than once ok twice. There may be money owed to you that you are not aware of, or that you were aware of but did not know where to look. Alabama - Alaska - Arizona - Arkansas - California - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - Florida -Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - Nebraska - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico - New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - South Carolina - South Dakota - Tennessee Texas - Utah - Vermont - Virginia - Washington - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 03:51PM by Contemporary_Scribe
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IFTTT General

Can I turn off Netflix Household?
At /r/netflix
Even though I had told my family not to, they signed in on the TV and pressed the prompt to update household. Now, Everyone is getting the “this device is not a part of your household” pop-ups, and we’re in different time zones so the code verification thing is difficult.Is there any way I can turn this BS off?
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 03:00PM by UnGamerTipico
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IFTTT General

Eli5: "What did I come into this room for again?..", why do these occurrences become more frequent as you age?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
And what causes it? I never remember being young and having the issues but boy do I get em a lot now.I'll forget on the way, and pray I remember when I get there.
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 01:35PM by Terrible_Opinion_279
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IFTTT General

YSK investing apps trick you into rash decisions
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK:Even before the rise of Robinhood, investing companies have been leveraging behavioral tactics to make themselves money at your expense. If you get a lot of notifications whenever the price of a stock you own drops or when the market is falling on any given day, it's because they want you to make trades in a panic. It's billed as simply keeping you informed but that's not the true end goal. When you check your portfolio and the screen is filled with red and green, that's on purpose, especially the red. When we see red we think something needs to be fixed right away. In the past this was to generate revenue through commissions on stock trades, now it's trade order flows and other means of generating revenue. But make no mistake, lots of trading benefits the banks and investing companies.The old adage of time in the market beats timing the market is still true. Most advisors will tell you if you enjoy individual stock trading set aside an amount of money that doesn't matter to lose but otherwise, create a long term plan and stick to it. If your goals change and you need to reallocate let an advisor walk you through it, don't let these companies veer you off course.Case in point, people who panic sold in 2008 would have tons more money if they had stayed the course.
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 01:25PM by smoothsailor772
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IFTTT General

I find it ironic that a high speed highway chase was the demise of Vicky after everyone being afraid of the escaped convict.
At /r/netflix
It was pretty cold how supposedly Vicky's best friends blamed her for dying in a violent car crash. Everyone was worried about her being murdered by Casey but ultimately it seems to me that without the high speed chase she had a chance at life and explaining herself.Was running away with a convict really worth dying horribly by being chased by cops? How was justice served in a situation she didn't see a court date. I think the police handed this recklessly. The FBI should have been involved; someone with stealth.
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 12:58PM by -Optimistic-Nihilist
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Encontro de brechós em Curitiba tem peças a partir de R$ 5 - Jornalista Luciana Pombo
Um encontro de brechós com peças a partir de R$ 5 acontece neste sábado (5), em Curitiba. O Brechozei será no Água Verde, a partir das 10h até às ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Zilor vende 70% da Biorigin para francesa Lesaffre por R$ 665 milhões - Bem Paraná
A Zilor, empresa do setor sucroenergético, com três unidades agroindustriais no interior de São Paulo, anunciou a venda de 70% do controle da ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Nota de falecimento – Notícias Unisinos

... SAP Labs Latin America e Unitec lançam programa inovador para startups ...

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IFTTT General

Cute Mods Skins for Toca Life para iPhone - Download - Softonic

SAP Ariba Procurement: Simplifique suas soluções de sourcing e compras em movimento. SAP Sales Cloud. 4.5. Grátis.

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IFTTT General

Réu é condenado a 17 anos de prisão por homicídio que abalou Campo Belo do Sul

SAP abre processo seletivo com 265 vagas para o Departamento de Administração Socioeducativa · Colisão entre carro e motocicleta deixa pessoa ferida.

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IFTTT General

Eli5: Why do companies get screwed when their stock price crashes?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
It sounds like a obvious question but hear me out. Yes, I understand why stock price and how a company performs have a direct correlation. I do also understand that a company's performance affects its stock price. However, I do not understand the other way around, especially when the shares crashes. This is my understanding how stock works: when a company goes public, the company raises money from the public in exchange to the ownership of the company. Stock price going up doesn't mean the company gains more money as the investment is already made. Stock price going down doesn't mean it looses money as they do not have to pay back for the investment. So why do companies go bankrupt due to its stock price crashing (and possibly get delisted)?
Submitted October 05, 2024 at 07:53AM by d3adm3tal
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