shared account with ads
At /r/netflix
So I have been using my account on my parents netflix in my apartment(s) since I moved out 3-4y) ago. It just now kicked me off due to not being in the same household. Set up a shared account added onto the plan, but now I have ads even though the main subscription is ad free?? Unless I am missing a setting or something that is fucked since I saw nowhere where it said ads would be on. Would have just made a fresh account.
Submitted December 08, 2024 at 01:40AM by BonelessAir41
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ELI5: why aren't artillery shells pointy at the back as well?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I was reading about base bleed artillery shells, and how the gas creates a pointy shape of pressure behind the shell to reduce the base drag. Why aren't artillery shells instead made to taper to a pointy end at the back?
Submitted December 08, 2024 at 12:31AM by poe_dameron2187
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YSK: Monopoly was invented to demonstrate the evils of capitalism
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: It might help you understand the motivation of the alleged killer of UnitedHealthcare's CEO. This can help you, if you work for the NYPD or FBI, as apparently the shell casings were not an obvious enough clue.
Submitted December 08, 2024 at 12:39AM by wvxmcll
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ELI5: Why do SSRI’s cause sexual dysfunction?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Not sure if I should’ve tagged this as chemistry or biology, but I think the answer I’m looking for lies more on the chemistry side of biochemistry.I guess my question is twofold: what’s the mechanism for SSRIs’ reported adverse effects on sexual dysfunction, and can a knowledge of this mechanism help patients prevent sexual dysfunction?
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 11:04PM by FriedrichHydrargyrum
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At /r/netflix
Please PLEASE make better “trailers” for your shows. If you’re going to go through the trouble of making ENTIRE shows and movies, don’t just have the trailer be a random clip!!!! Multiple times the synopsis of something has sounded interesting, but the clip has totally turned us away from trying the show/movie. GET IT TOGETHER NETFLIX.
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 10:55PM by AuNaturalie
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ELI5: If wearing shoes indoors bring in 100's of thousands of additional germs, why aren't Americans significantly more sick than other countries?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I am living in Asia at the moment, and I have been asked several times why Americans wear shoes indoors. My general response is "not everyone does, but it's not really a big enough deal for anyone to make a fuss about it". Someone challenged my opinion on that - stating you could bring in "hundreds of thousands of additional germs, including E.coli from bathrooms, just by stepping indoors with shoes".And that is true.But I am still not sure it matters even in the slightest. Having yucky germs on my floors doesn't appear to affect the health of Americans at a higher rate than more "clean" cultures. Americans on average take about 6-8 sick days a year, the Japanese (no shoes, clean floors) take 15. I know that's a very imperfect measurement, so I am open to a better researched thought on the topic.EDIT: I want to reiterate that I said "I know this is a very imperfect measurement, so I am open to a better researched thought on the topic."By researched, I was hoping something based in biology or science, not opinions on American work-laws and habits. You know, some sort of evidence on the shoe topic.....
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 09:47PM by AItinerant
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ELI5: What does 'delay, deny, defend' mean in terms of health insurance?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I keep hearing about 'delay, deny, defend,' especially when it comes to healthcare and insurance. What does it actually mean in plain English? I always thought doctors and physicians made decisions about patient care. Can someone explain it like I’m five? Am I missing something here?
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 07:49PM by mossbeetle
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Google Search: SAP e Consults
Assistente administrativo wanted at Cast group in Brazil | Study International Jobs
Já pensou em trabalhar em uma das maiores empresas de Tecnologia do Brasil? Então a Cast Group é o lugar certo para você!. Todas as nossas vagas ...
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Google Search: SAP e Consults
Meta IT - Boa empresa de consultoria - Glassdoor
Boa empresa de consultoria - Avaliação de funcionários no cargo de Product Owner na empresa Meta IT. Ver todas as avaliações (1417). 5,0. 22 de nov ...
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Woman of the hour
At /r/netflix
i know this is a shot in the dark, but does anyone know when woman of the hour will premiere in netflix Egypt? I could have sworn i saw it but then suddenly it disappeared. Is there a website where I can find out when movies or series are coming to netflix? Thank you!
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 08:07PM by generic_username-92
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searching a show!
At /r/netflix
I watched it on Netflix in maybe 2020 or 2021. It started with a teenage boy and teenage girl who were the only survivors of some zombie-like szene??? Then they were taken to some secret place where other people who also survived were. Then they kinda fell in love but were both killed suddenly. (then the main character changed a few times) at first they had enough food at this place, but they slowly ran out if it so they had to eat less and all the people who lived there were tested for radioactivity (?) and if they were too radioactive they were either unal*ved or hurt a lot. Does anyone know what this series/film was called??
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 06:39PM by ashe_root
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ELI5: Why is overall medical care so expensive in the USA?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
For reference, I live in Colombia (a developing country) and ambulance fees can range from just shy of 20$ to 100-200$ on longer rides. Medical fees may cost 1000$ or 10000$ depending on the services, but never 100000$ like shown on American bills. Why so?
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 06:13PM by jenkaaah
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ELI5: What's the difference between brewing coffee and steeping tea?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
They're both about putting some ingredient in hot water for a short time, so that the water gets imbued with the flavors/compounds of the ingredient. So why are they called different things? Can I steep coffee? How is that different from a normal means of making coffee, like with a french press?
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 05:29PM by RecommendsMalazan
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Additional user payment error
At /r/netflix
I have an additional user on my account. My main account is functioning fine and payment is working. I am able to watch it. My additional user is getting a message to pick a plan and update payment information? The payment is tied to my main account. Is there a reason this is happening?
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 01:55PM by Talker365
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Anyone else?
At /r/netflix
Every time i click on something to watch it will only let me watch the trailer of it, i tried restarted the app and my tv but it's not helping? Is this happening to anyone else or is there a way i can fix this?
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 04:33PM by Deadly_Butter
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Content is taking a nose dive
At /r/netflix
I just tried to watch “La Brea” 10minutes is all I could watch it was so bad, and “Cold Pursuit” also bad writing and direction. The stuff Netflix has produced these last few years so amateurish. I am considering just subscribing to YouTube instead.
Submitted December 08, 2024 at 01:57AM by tush-tosh
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YSK That "secure delete" doesn't work on solid state drives. In order to ensure deleted files are unrecoverable you should encrypt your disk drive.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: "Secure delete" doesn't work on solid state drives and you should know what to do to guarantee deleted files aren't recoverable by other people.##BackgroundYou may already know that when you "delete" a file, the file isn't actually erased. Instead the file still exists on your drive, instead the reference to the file in the file system's directory structure (e.g., the Master File Table in NTFS or inode table in Linux) is removed. The file still exists and it can potentially be found by examining areas of the disk that (according to the file system's directory) do not contain any current file data. In the past you could "secure delete" a file by overwriting the entire contents of the file with garbage data (random data, all zeros or all ones) sometimes several times to make sure it is no longer recoverable. However, this does not work on solid state disks. Solid state disks have a limit to how many times they can be written to, so the drive itself decides where to write data. It does this so that it can make sure that no one area of the drive is written to a lot more than others which would cause areas of the disk to become unusable while others areas are still "fresh" and can still be used. So if you tell it to overwrite a particular area of the disk there is no guarantee that data will actually be written to the physical location you specify.##What to doThe only way I know to guarantee that deleted files are unreadable then is to encrypt your disk. When it is encrypted no one can read any part of the disk unless they know the encryption key, so both existing files and deleted files will be unreadable without the key.##How to do itTo enable disk encryption in Windows [check out this guide here]( To enable disk encryption in MacOS [check out this guide here]( There are multiple ways to encrypt a disk for Linux and you'll have to find a guide for your distro and file system.
Submitted December 08, 2024 at 12:31AM by perfectfire
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ELI5: How self aware are crows? What is the "red dot test"? I've heard crows can watch a persons eyes and determine their next course of action based from that and avoid being looked at. Can other animals do this? Crows can recognize themselves. Dogs can't. Why is this?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Crows have always fascinated me. I've heard they are nearly as aware of thier own existence as humans are. Is there truth to this? I've heard that dogs will see themselves in a mirror and not realize it is themselves and go nuts. But a crow will be like "oh shit, that's me". But how does the red dot test apply? Placing a red dot on an animal's body and letting them see themself in a mirror.
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 09:48PM by _BigDaddyNate_
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YSK: If you have a health insurance plan through your employer, the health insurance company may not be the one paying for your medical benefits. Your employer may be the one paying. You should know what a "Self Funded" health plan is and check the small print on your plan document.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Many people in America get health insurance through their employer as a benefit of working there.Most Americans are under the assumption that their health insurance company is the one paying for their medicine, doctors appointments and surgeries, but that is not always true.The typical health insurance plan that we are all familiar with is called a "Fully Funded" plan, where the employer pays a premium to the insurer and in return the insurer manages all claims and makes payments for health services.However, over 50% of employers instead purchase cheaper "Self Funded" plans, which means the employer is on the hook for payments of medical services, and the insurer only acts as a claim coordinator. It's just the health insurance company name on the letters we receive in the mail to make us think they are the one paying.The reason an employer may choose a "Self Funded" plan is because premiums are cheaper, and the employer is taking a calculated risk that the cost of paying for their employees health benefits themselves is less than the cost of maintaining a "Fully Funded" plan, which requires up front fixed payments.You may be wondering how an employer protects against a catastrophic accident, for example, if an employee gets cancer and needs $750k worth of rare experiment treatments (assuming it is approved). Insurers offer employers stop-loss insurance that will kick in under situations like this, thus protecting the employer from financial loss.However, for most of us, this means that our employers are sometimes the decision makers behind what claims get paid for. They will not admit or advertise this fact, but employers are able to know who their most expensive employees are. As you can imagine, this creates a highly complex relationship between employee, health insurance company and employer.Please check your plan document, which will tell you in small print if your plan is a Self Funded plan or a Fully Funded plan.You can also Google how Self Funded vs Fully Funded plans work.Source:
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 11:18PM by Zachincool
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The Madness: it’s ridiculous and hard to quit
At /r/netflix
I’ve only been through the first three episodes and nothing makes sense in reality about the what Muncie does but I gotta know what stupid shit he does next. MF just got backstage,unstopped, on some broadway play staging area in 2024. Straight Ninja.
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 10:48PM by kschaffs
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Searching a old movie
At /r/netflix
Around 2015 there was a Movie on Netflix that was about a boy that lived with his father. I don't know much about it anymore but I do know that there was a scene about a big girl was being bullied for eating a lot and she cried and ran away with the screen shaking with every step she tookThere was also a scene where the boy had a test but he cheated by having a fly or a bug with a camera in it so he could see the answers of other students.It could be that it was an Asian film but I don't know for sure, highly positive about it though.
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 09:03PM by ChallengeOk984
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Google Search: SAP e Consults
Meta IT - Trabalhar na Meta é um erro - Glassdoor
Trabalhar na Meta é um erro - Avaliação de funcionários no cargo de Analista De Sistemas Pleno na empresa Meta IT. Ver todas as avaliações (1419). 1,0.
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Google Search: SAP e Consults
2023 CAST GROUP SSQ11 A Venda em Agorastore - MarketBook Angola
2023 CAST GROUP SSQ11 A Venda em Agorastore em MarketBook Angola. Type de véhicule Chargeuse / Valet de ferme Dimensions (Longueur, Largeur, ...
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Google Search: SAP e Consults
Cast group | 400K NO LINKEDIN! Mais um marco conquistado - Instagram
110 likes, 22 comments - on December 6, 2024: "400K NO LINKEDIN! Mais um marco conquistado: 400 mil seguidores na nossa página no ...
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ELI5 - Is a virtually silent vacuum cleaner possible?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I don’t know of any quiet vacuum cleaners and got to wondering if that’s inherent in the mechanism that creates a vacuum. I suspect a “silencer” of some kind could be used. But could the actual mechanism that creates the vacuum be one that is much quieter than the ones we normally see?
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 04:38PM by Blinky_
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American Primeval Cast and Director Discuss the Western Series’ Cultural Influences
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 06:28PM by gamersunite1991
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ELI5: What is going on with RCS texting in the US? Apple v Google, should I stop using the default Google Messages app?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I have been (trying) to follow to whole iMessage vs Googles Messages thing for the past couple years and excited that iOS 18 was out and finally able to have RCS chats with iphone users (i have a pixel). However, now Apple has botched the whole thing and end-to-end encryption is lost. China has hacked our system? And this article is tell me I need to download Whatsapp and completely abandon RCS? All the while Samsung users are downloading the app I am supposed to ditch.
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 05:42PM by Kahliss814
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Black Doves picture quality
At /r/netflix
Been getting really poor picture quality on recent new releases. Nobody Wants This was pretty bad, now I'm watching Black Doves and it's only 0.75 Mbps bitrate according to my TV and it looks like it!Internet is measured at 300 Mbps and am getting the same results on built-in app on LG C1 and a Fire TV stick.Is everyone getting the same low bitrate (on LG you can see by pressing ... -> Information) or is there something wrong with my setup? Sick of paying more to get less.The weird thing is older stuff doesn't look so bad. I rewatched the original series of Arrested Development and it looked fine (TV showed bitrate of 3-5 Mbps which I think is fair enough for comedy TV in 1080p).
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 05:28PM by tom56
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YSK: Using a microwave at power level 7, but going for longer, is almost always, uniformly better at even heating for any and all foods than going full power
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: many people think the only way to reheat using a microwave is just...turning it on. This often results in overcooked/undercooked food regions, and often destroys food if you go just a little too far.Some foods (meat) are better at even lower power settings, for even longer. But generally speaking, if I'm reheating food and I'm not sure the best level to use, level 7 is always better than full power. 7's my easy go-to (for a longer amount of time), and the heating is far more even and less likely to overcook certain spots/undercook others.Edit: The literal only time I will ever use a microwave on full-power is if I'm heating water in a mug.
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 04:47PM by Pyryn
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Netflix subtitles glitch?
At /r/netflix
For some ungodly reason the subtitles have no spaces between random words, for example: " we haveto get to thetrain station" rather than " we have to get to the train station" . And this happens on every single show/movie I try to watch. Does netflix generate subtitles via some AI? If so why is there no quality control?
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 04:05PM by SeanJShap
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