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Tiellet, da SAP, é novo conselheiro da Anova Research - Baguete

... SAP Brasil, como o novo membro de seu conselho. Com mais de 30 anos de experiência em negócios de tecnologia, Tiellet está na SAP desde 2017. No ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SEJURI SC abre processo seletivo; mensais até R$ 5.187 - Concursos no Brasil
O processo seletivo SAP SC oferece 55 vagas imediatas e 500 cadastros, distribuídas para os cargos de Assistente Social (nível superior com registro ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Três vagas de emprego abertas no Grupo Bemol em Manaus
Para Analista Funcional SAP, a Bemol exige Curso Técnico completo ou Ensino Superior em andamento/concluído em Tecnologia da Informação (TI) ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Bradesco oferece solução de gestão de pagamentos da SAP | TI INSIDE Online
... SAP chamado MBC (Multi Bank Connectivity). A solução, segundo o Banco, permite às empresas realizar pagamentos de tributos, contas de consumo ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP Touches Databricks para melhorar a prontidão para a IA com uma nova nuvem de ...
A própria SAP usa o BDC enriquecido para alimentar a nova era dos agentes Joule focada em determinados domínios, como finanças, serviços e vendas. O ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP apresenta solução para unificar dados, parceria com Databricks e IA aprimorada
SAP Business Cloud gerencia dados armazenados na companhia de soluções empresariais, mas também de terceiros.
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
O plano da SAP para fazer a inteligência artificial falar a língua dos negócios - IT Forum
A SAP anunciou uma nova peça em sua engrenagem de dados empresariais. O SAP Business Data Cloud surge como uma tentativa de resolver um problema ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Schwab und Georgieva, SAP diskutieren über eine „neue Ära“ globaler Transformationen ...
Die 12. Ausgabe des World Governments Summit (WGS 2025) wurde am Dienstag in Dubai eröffnet und bringt Regierungen, Wirtschaftsführer und ...
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IFTTT General

any recommendations to help cope with a passing?
At /r/netflix
this might be a weird thing to ask, but i’m at a loss rn and just need shows to help cope. i apologize if this goes against any rules this is my first post here but any recommendations would help! hope everyone has a wonderful day/night :)
Submitted February 14, 2025 at 06:48AM by v4mp_x
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IFTTT General

Business Data Cloud: SAP erweitert KI-Strategie mit neuer Datenplattform -

Bisher hätten etwa 40 Prozent der langjährigen SAP-Kunden die aktuelle Produktgeneration S/4 HANA eingeführt, heißt es in dem Bericht. Die ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How do private equity firms bankrupt businesses?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted February 14, 2025 at 12:45AM by Existing_Low_9183
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IFTTT General

ELI5 how the Car riddle works
At /r/explainlikeimfive
There's a famous riddle in which a car travels 1 mile at 30mph, and you have to figure out how fast the car has to go on the second mile to reach an average of 60mph for the two miles traveled. I have had people explain this to me, I've looked up answers, and I CANNOT understand this. I am terrible with abstract concepts, and I need someone to explain it to me like I am 5. I need baskets and apples or something. Pictures. Whatever it takes. EDIT: So far, NotanotherFNG seems to be the only person who understands my frustration at the concept of a 2 minute time limit. The math, isn't helping. ELI4 if you have to. I'm going to comprehend this tonight, with y'alls help. Get creative. I believe in you.EDIT2: I UNDERSTAND!!! A shout out to u/PoorestForm and u/dylan1011 and a special shout out to u/uncre8tv for going against their namesake with a creative chart and a cool rule to help me understand. Playing around with 59mph and 31mph, and showing how many miles it would take to achieve the desired outcome of 60 mph really helped enlighten me.
Submitted February 14, 2025 at 12:29AM by severdedge
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What's stopping Google from banning all ad blockers from their Web Store?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Google loses billions of dollars annually due to ad blocking browser extensions. What's stopping them from banning these extensions from the Chrome Web Store completely?
Submitted February 14, 2025 at 03:19AM by big_dumpling
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is no momentum generated in space when a person flails their arms around, but it is when they throw an object?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I saw a post earlier where Chris Hadfield demonstrated how it is possible to get stuck floating in space if you can’t reach a wall or something to push off of. People in she comments were saying that throwing an object would propel you in the opposite direction slowly, but you would eventually be able to reach a wall. Why does throwing an object generate momentum but making the same motion without throwing an object does not? I don’t think I can post a link here but I’ll try in the comments.
Submitted February 14, 2025 at 01:59AM by ethanspawl
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IFTTT General

YSK: This community formally forgives Mr. Moseby for his manslaughter incident in Maryland in 1991.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Because forgiving people for things that happened decades ago that they clearly show remorse for is sometimes the best thing to do. It is important for the users of this community to know its official stance on Mr. Moseby’s manslaughter incident in Maryland in 1991, because transparency is key in times like these.
Submitted February 14, 2025 at 01:45AM by jenkem___
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IFTTT General

O plano da SAP para fazer a inteligência artificial falar a língua dos negócios - IT Forum

A SAP anunciou uma nova peça em sua engrenagem de dados empresariais. O SAP Business Data Cloud surge como uma tentativa de resolver um problema ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Jornada da Cidadania oferta ações de incentivo à reintegração social no CDP de Nova ...
... SAP - Nova Independência. 13/02/25 às 16h50. Composição da mesa de autoridades na solenidade de abertura da Jornada no CPD da Nova Independência. A ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP vai bancar fim do suporte em 2030? - Baguete
Foto: Helge Øverås. A SAP pode se ver obrigada a dar para trás (de novo) no fim do suporte da sua atual geração de produtos Business Suite 7 ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Bradesco é o primeiro no país a oferecer serviço por assinatura da SAP para clientes empresariais
... SAP chamado MBC (Multi Bank Connectivity). O Banco é o primeiro a ... SAP Brasil. A novidade está disponível para clientes PJ que utilizam o ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Jornada da Cidadania oferta ações de incentivo à reintegração social no CDP de Nova ...
Imprensa SAP – Nova Independência – 13/02/25 às 16h50 ... A Jornada da Cidadania Trabalho e Renda é uma iniciativa da Secretaria de Administração ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Tiellet, da SAP, é novo conselheiro da Anova Research - Baguete
... SAP Brasil, como o novo membro de seu conselho. Com mais de 30 anos de experiência em negócios de tecnologia, Tiellet está na SAP desde 2017. No ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP Databricks é lançado no mercado - Inforchannel
A parceria combina os Dados empresariais mais importantes que estão na SAP com a plataforma Databricks para data warehousing, engenharia de Dados e IA ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Com Curitiba na lista, Feirão de imóveis tem descontos de 90% e financiamento em até 120 meses
Com Curitiba na lista, Feirão de imóveis tem descontos de 90% e financiamento em até 120 meses. O mix de propriedades ofertado inclui 60% de casas ...
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IFTTT General

BR - Brings You the Best Complimentary Research Report on PLL ... - ADVFN

(NYSE: CCI), R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company (NASDAQ: RRD) and SAP AG (NYSE: SAP). You can now access these reports with many others by signing ...

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IFTTT General

A Live-Action ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ Series ‘The Forgotten Realms’ Is in the Works at Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 14, 2025 at 05:14AM by Robemilak
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
BR - Brings You the Best Complimentary Research Report on PLL ... - ADVFN
(NYSE: CCI), R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company (NASDAQ: RRD) and SAP AG (NYSE: SAP). You can now access these reports with many others by signing ...
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IFTTT General

Emails In a different Language
At /r/netflix
Netflix has started sending me emails in what I think is Vietnamese. I’m trying to reset my password but every time I request a password reset email or a code to login it’s sent to me in Vietnamese? I’m pretty sure they’re official emails as the codes work but I can’t reset my email because I can’t read it. I also can’t contact Netflix Help for I don’t know what reason and I can’t find anything else online. These emails also aren’t random scam emails, they’re emails I’m specifically requesting when trying to login. Can anyone suggest any help?
Submitted February 14, 2025 at 03:58AM by milm0ur
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IFTTT General

“Dark” and the excess of mystery storytelling
At /r/netflix
Did you enjoy watching Dark, or did your brain? Upon finishing Netflix’s German-language sci fi, following four families in the fictional town of Winden, whose lives all get upended when a child goes missing, then another child, then a man in a preacher’s outfit appears, then the weird cave all the locals theorise about winds up being a portal that can catapult you 33 years forwards or backwards, or sometimes it doubles up and you go 66 years back, or your future selves show up to intervene in current events and—oh my god this show is exhausting. Good, and unquestionably clever, boasting a script brainy and twisted enough to make M. Night Shyamalan wide-eyed, but incredibly fucking exhausting. The first word a charade says in the show is an exasperated “fuck” which signals what watching the show is actually like. Especially when you binge it, Dark is not so much enjoyable as it is engaging. You’re always thinking, but never really being entertained. When asked on how they came up with Dark, an inevitable question given how absurdly planned-ahead the show is for its three season run, showrunners Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese said they read up on science and philosophy, and a lot of it. Piles of books as research for your sci fi show that tries to be the popular spin on Primer is almost a necessity, and the effort was well worth it given the final product, but you can definitely feel the work that went into this script as you’re watching it play out. After reaching a certain point of familiarity with Dark’s groove, the twists are less surprising because you’re imminently expecting them episode after episode, and at a certain point the story leaves centre stage as you subconsciously applaud bo Odar and Friese for even thinking of that. Dark is thoughtful, but there’s little humanity left to breathe within all that clever narrative swerving. As Winden is a pretty small town, the cast of characters is pretty thin. Even with the added junction of seeing them across various time periods and even parallel worlds, you’d think by Season 3 that an average viewer would have a good grasp on who these people are. But alas you really don’t, and this lack of true empathy or even relatability to any of them is mainly the show’s blame, as it so often likes to remind us how every character is a pawn in a much bigger game. Watching one person be manipulated on their entire journey can make for engaging TV, but when the puppet strings are hanging over everyone, it’s a lot more difficult to see them as people. By the time Adam compares them to chess pieces for the fiftieth time while he stares at that gawdy ainting, you start seeing them that way as well. The main character gets the worst of this coldness. Jonas Kahnwald is the show's protagonist in tradition only; rarely have I have encountered a main character so scant of agency and actual vavavoom to their decisions. It becomes something of a running joke how much he gets hoodwinked by his peers. As he’s the figurehead of a thinking-man’s mystery story, nearly every thread ties back to Jonas, narratively and genetically. The whole town is essentially a slinky dog of DNA mixing, but any moral engagement over this incest hotbed about this is unfortunately airbrushed. The longer Dark goes the less time it gives its character to feel like people at all, because it has to keep that plot moving. Season 3 stands out as pretty bad for this, feeling somehow rushed and plodding at points due to how much is happening with so little deliberation over it, but even by Season 2 the wheels fall off a bit. It becomes far less dramatic and emotionally resonant past the first season form 2017, and morphs sharply into genre fare. I don’t want to sound hyperbolic here - Dark genuinely gives no time to its characters over these life changing revelations. Most people would choose to die than suffer fates that various characters here endure. Who wants to be Ulrich or Helge? No thanks. One can learn that…

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IFTTT General

YSK We will be more strongly enforcing Rule 2
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Up until now we have been pretty lenient in regards to Rule 2, which states that post must describe why the YSK is useful. We have approved posts that didn’t state why the knowledge is useful under the guise that its usefulness was implied. However, due to an increasing number of these types of posts, we feel it needs to be addressed. Therefore, starting now we will be enforcing Rule 2 more heavily. All posts must include (in the text body) an explicit statement of why the post is useful. Even if you think the reasoning is obvious, you still must explicitly state it. This should be done by having a simple “Why YSK:” in the text body. (Just for those who might not know, the text body is the area where you can put additional text after the title text when creating a post.) Please note that it should go in the text body -- not the title or the comments.Remember that this sub is focused on self-improvement on how to do things, improve on activities, skills, and other tasks.BASICALLY:All posts must include a "Why YSK:" (typed just like that) section in the text body.[[Additionally, we want to take this time to remind everyone that r/YouShouldKnow is not a place to share personal stories or anecdotes. If you feel your post needs to include one, a brief anecdote is fine. The entire (nor the majority of the) post should not be about your own personal experience, however. We will be removing posts that are just personal anecdotes.]]Why YSK: We (the YouShouldKnow moderators) hope it will improve readers' abilities to better understand the purpose of the sub, mentioned above and in the expanded Rule 1. For thread creators, it will help in their ability to explain how the reader can improve upon a certain skill, task, or ability. It will also help the creator improve upon the skill of not having their post deleted due to not including "Why YSK" in the text body of their post.NOTES:Bolding the words Why YSK: will make it a lot easier for people to find it.Again, please put Why YSK in bold letters. It's easier to find in a sea of text.Why YSK must be followed by an actual explanation as to how it helps someone improve upon a skill, task, or activity. Following it with a massive personal anecdote is not the point -- neither is following it with "I think this is important" or something similar.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 09:32AM by YSKAnnouncements
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IFTTT General

SAP Introduces Business Data Cloud In Collaboration With Databricks - BW BusinessWorld

... S/4HANA, SAP Ariba and SAP SuccessFactors. The solution eliminates the need for complex extraction processes by maintaining business context and ...
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