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IFTTT General

SAP lança Business Data Cloud para concentrar informações em uma única base de dados

A SAP SE anunciou o SAP Business Data Cloud, uma solução que unifica todos os dados da SAP e de terceiros, fornecendo uma base de dados para ...

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IFTTT General

Plano de entregar eletrônicos em presídio é frustrado pela PMCE em Itaitinga - sspds

... SAP. Assessoria de Inteligência da Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) repassou informações sobre veículo suspeito aos militares. Uma ...

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IFTTT General

Meta: reforço do Vale no conselho - Baguete

... SAP, da qual chegou a ser country manager. Os dois conselheiros dão uma ideia das prioridades da Meta no momento: as possibilidades com ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why when I'm getting over a cold or flu I have a dry cough that last ages!
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I'm just getting over a cold and everytime I have one I have the worst dry cough, It sounds like I have phlem but nothing comes up?
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 05:27PM by Ill-Appointment-6825
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IFTTT General

What movies and or TV episodes have the longest credits on Netflix?
At /r/netflix
After sitting through some of the movies with with credits that seem to go on forever just to see how long it would take, I was wondering which movies or TV episodes have the longest running credits on the platform?
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 05:05PM by superpowers335
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IFTTT General

‘Extraction’ TV Series Starring Omar Sy Ordered at Netflix From Glen Mazzara, Russo Brothers
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 03:28PM by yahoonews
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Eneva e Samarco fecham contrato para fornecimento de gás natural no Espírito Santo - Bem Paraná
Com o acordo, a Samarco passa a ter 75% de seu consumo de gás suprido via mercado livre, ante os 10% registrados anteriormente, informaram as empresas ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Wolf King | Official Trailer | Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 02:29PM by MysteriousDelay6266
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IFTTT General

Watch Gabby Petito's 'Van Life' video she posted just one week before her murder
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 02:02PM by ellissabain
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IFTTT General

Not a part of the Netflix household??
At /r/netflix
So I created my netflix account on my phone on which I’m writing this rn but today I got the message that my device isn’t a part of the Netflix household for this account?? Idk what to do now, I havent changed WiFis or anything so I really dont know whats going on? Anybody had this happened to them? Any ideas how to fix it? also, I’m still in the same location
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 01:14PM by InterviewBulky6898
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IFTTT General

Territory has been canceled
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 01:04PM by ArmosFr
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IFTTT General

Suspeitos de tentar transportar celulares para membros de facção são presos no Ceará

Segundo a Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização (SAP) ... Eles também foram autuados por corrupção de menores, pois uma adolescente ...

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IFTTT General

Esse gel pode te proteger contra radiação no vácuo do espaço - Olhar Digital

“O SAP que usamos pode ser processado usando múltiplas técnicas diferentes, o que é uma qualidade rara e vantajosa entre os polímeros”, disse ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Esse gel pode te proteger contra radiação no vácuo do espaço - Olhar Digital
“O SAP que usamos pode ser processado usando múltiplas técnicas diferentes, o que é uma qualidade rara e vantajosa entre os polímeros”, disse ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do people switch syntax when using baby talk with a child or pet?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
'Baby talk' is curious enough all by itself but why do I (and I assume others) switch syntax?"Ohhh, cat, why you so cute?""Ohh, baby, you know how much you loved?"I never switch syntax like that in any other part of my speech, why with baby talk? It doesnt feel like it's a learned behavior but Im sure it probably is.
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 09:03AM by weird_foreign_odor
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IFTTT General

A evolução do papel da consultoria SAP na transformação digital - Economia SP

Segundo o relatório “SAP Ecosystem Partners”, desenvolvido pela ISG, uma consultoria de TI voltada à tecnologia SAP aperfeiçoa a atualização de ...

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IFTTT General

PC-SAP cumpre mandado de internação contra inimputável envolvido em roubo

S.ANTÔNIO DA PLATINA PC Na manhã desta quinta-feira (20/02), agentes de polícia judiciária da Delegacia da Polícia Civil deram cumprimento a ...

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IFTTT General

YSK: ferric chloride will permanently etch stainless steel while spray paint will just wash off.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: in case you, purely hypothetically, wanted to permanently put a symbol on a car made of stainless steel.
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 06:10PM by My_browsing
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IFTTT General

I want a movies or series that I won't get bored in the middle of watching it? please some suggestions
At /r/netflix
Here guys a few movie and series I liked and I want some similar to it: [ ] Outer banks[ ]My fault London[ ]The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones[ ]Fate: The Winx Saga ~2021[ ] Shadowhunters[ ] The tearsmith ~2024[ ] Maxton hall ~2024[ ] Culpa mia ~2023[ ] Riverdale ~2017 /7 seasons
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 05:40PM by Acceptable_Laugh_955
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IFTTT General

Dois homens são presos com dezenas de eletrônicos que seriam entregues a presos no Ceará - G1

Segundo a Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização (SAP), investigações apontaram que Lourdniz Ribeiro Lima e Francisco Andrey ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Reintegração de posse é cumprida no bairro Tatuquara, em Curitiba, nesta quinta-feira (20)
Uma decisão judicial autorizou a reintegração, que foi cumprida por forças policiais. Conforme informações obtidas pela CBN Curitiba, a maior parte ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

THE WEREWORLD is finally getting an anime series guys!!! I have such high hopes for this. Damn I loved the trailer... the animation looks SICKK!! Hope Netflix doesn't mess this up. I have waited too many years for this book to get a decent adaptation!!!
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 02:39PM by Friendly_Honey7772
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Mais de 60% dos empresários da indústria estão otimistas, aponta FIEP - CBN Curitiba
A Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Paraná (FIEP) divulgou, nesta quinta-feira (20), o resultado de uma nova edição da pesquisa de sondagem ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Transforming Enterprise Technology: The Journey of Nagender Yadav - TechBullion

... S4HANA implementations. Throughout his career, he has witnessed and actively participated in the evolution of enterprise software, from ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Should I deposit cash into a HSA account in order to pay medial bills?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
So much of insurance goes over my head, I just have a hard time parsing what everything is for. I know I can add extra money to my HSA from my bank account, and I know my HSA is used to pay medical bills. Let's say I have $4k in medical bills and $4k in my bank account to pay them off - should I move that $4k to my HSA first? Or should I just pay with my bank account? What difference does it actually make?
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 01:10PM by GWindborn
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What happens scientifically when the temperature reaches or goes below zero (on any scale)?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’m aware that 0 Celsius is the “freezing/melting point” for water. Above 0C and frozen water melts, below 0C and liquid water freezes.What’s the scientific significance of 0 Fahrenheit or 0 Kelvin? What changes scientifically at/below those points in those scales as compared to when they are above zero?
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 12:19PM by figment1979
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IFTTT General

SAP propõe dividendo de 2,35 euros por ação, acima dos 2,20 euros — TradingView News

A gigante alemã de software empresarial SAP XETR:SAP propôs na quinta-feira um aumento no dividendo anual de 2,35 euros($ 2,45) por ação para 2024 ...

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IFTTT General

Mulher é flagrada tentando entrar em presídio com drogas nas partes íntimas no Vale do Paraíba

Divulgação/SAP. Uma mulher de 51 anos foi flagrada tentando entrar com aproximadamente 139 gramas de maconha em sua região pélvica na Penitenciária ...

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IFTTT General

Netflix Commits $1 Billion to Mexico’s Film Industry in Major 4-Year Investment
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 11:43AM by EthanWilliams_TG
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IFTTT General

Eli5: Why shaders are so hard to compile?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I recently watched the Half Life 2 dev comments, where they described how they introduced a distributed build farm on all Valve PCs to optimize this long running process. Why? Shader code seems to be much simpler in both complexity and size comparing to "normal" game engine code
Submitted February 20, 2025 at 11:15AM by Slsyyy
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