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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do restaurants hide the prices of their food on apps and websites until you actually click order or go to checkout?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Several times I've wanted to go to a restaraunt and then I try looking at the prices to see how much it costs and then I have to go to the checkout and order on their website to see how much the food I want is gonna cost when I just wanna look at the website instantly and know how much it'll cost without having to checkout or click the order button and pretend I'm actually gonna order something
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 06:28PM by kewlguynotcring
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IFTTT General

ASFINAG: Erfolgreiche SAP S/4HANA Migration mit Tietoevry

Entdecken Sie den Erfolg hinter ASFINAG's Umstellung auf SAP S/4HANA mit Tietoevry. Eine wegweisende Transformation in der digitalen Welt!
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IFTTT General

YSK Gambling Apps are designed to slowly drain your wallet so you keep playing.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK, gambling apps are designed to take your money. You may win a little at the beginning to get you hooked, but they are designed to make you lose overall. You cannot beat them and you cannot come out ahead. When you've lost a lot they let you win a little to get you to keep playing. They have finely tuned algorithms and AI software to learn your patterns of behavior.
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 06:38PM by Strawberrywelder
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IFTTT General

Concurso Consaúde SP 2024: Inscrições Abertas para 233 Vagas Imediatas e ÓTIMOS Salários!

Concurso SAP SC: Salário, Requisitos e Etapas! 3 de outubro de 2024 · Concurso GCM Tatuí 2024: 50 ...

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IFTTT General

Video timeline showing in milliseconds
At /r/netflix
Hello,I just found this, my videoplayer is showing big numbers. As in : instead of showing 56:18.17, its showing this mess of a number.Its not a real issue but its kinda annoying, if someone knows how did I toggle this and how do I untoggle it.Thanks<3;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=f7174de3ca5ec1c4fb67def180b747a9b824efcc
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 05:35PM by GodOfPyra
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IFTTT General

ELI5:Why does gas fluctuate prices so much from day to day? Why don't they have a set price, like how most goods are?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 03:34PM by Choco_latez
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Concurso João Pessoa Saúde: Inscrições Reabertas para 432 Vagas de Nível Médio!
Concurso SAP SC: Salário, Requisitos e Etapas! 3 de outubro de 2024 ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

SAP é investigada nos EUA por suposta manipulação de preços em contratos governamentais

Processo avalia possível conluio entre SAP e revendedora Carahsoft Technology para inflar valor de contratos para agências dos EUA.

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IFTTT General

Cresce o número de reeducandos da Baixada Santista inscritos no Encceja PPL 2024

A avaliação acontece em 170 unidades prisionais participantes. Em 2023, a SAP contabilizou a inscrição de 37.073 reeducandos. Os dados representam um ...

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IFTTT General

"Ancient Apocalypse" disappointment along with new Unsolved Mysteries
At /r/netflix
I got all excited because I thought I missed a good documentary. One of my favourite podcasts is the "Fall of Civilizations" podcast (seriously if you like history it's an amazing one) and I thought maybe this is something similar but with visiting the sites. But nope it's that loon pseudo-scientist guy whose name I will not mention. What a waste of money, couldn't they do one of these for real instead of feeding this guy's ego even more? Apparently the only way people can watch history is if aliens and psychics are involved. Now to segue into the new Unsolved Mysteries, one of my fav docu shows ever. The new one is 5 episodes long, and only one of those episodes is about an unsolved murder. The other 4 are all the same kind of dumb fantasy aliens stuff we've heard about 100 times. Yes I realize Unsolved always had these episodes but can we keep it to like 2 of them per season for god's sake? I am not normally a complainer but I had to vent this time.
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 04:34PM by Aquabirdieperson
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP é investigada nos EUA por suposta manipulação de preços em contratos governamentais
Processo avalia possível conluio entre SAP e revendedora Carahsoft Technology para inflar valor de contratos para agências dos EUA.
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

ELI5: I dont fully understand gold
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Ive never been able to understand the concept of gold. Why is it so valuable? How do countries know that the amount of gold being held by other countries? Who audits these gold reserves to make sure the gold isn't fake? In the event of a major war would you trade food for gold? feel like people would trade goods for different goods in such a dramatic event. I have potatoes and trade them for fruit type stuff. Is gold the same scam as diamonds? Or how is gold any different than Bitcoin?
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 03:24PM by ibeenwoke
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IFTTT General

EASYB2B firma parceria para integrar sistema global da SAP - Jornal de Barueri

Plataforma brasileira de tecnologia B2B já pode ser encontrada na SAP Store. Parceria visa atender clientes enterprise, com faturamento acima de ...

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IFTTT General

Netflix never has any good content for more than a day
At /r/netflix
When they release new movies and shows every week I swear there’s only 1 show and 1 movie you’d like, watch it then Netflix just eats away at your money. Why don’t they have actually good movies?
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 03:11PM by hisison999
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IFTTT General

ELI5:If card counting in blackjack is just keeping track of high cards vs low, does that mean if I could remember all the different cards used (i.e. how many 5s, how many 7s) I would be really good at blackjack?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
This would break online casinos because you could easily do that with electronics. Assuming the casino itself is playing fair.If you could perfectly keep track of how many of which cards are left in the decks, and everytime make the most mathematically sound bet, would the house still have an edge?(I assume the correct answer will start off saying I don't understand how card counting works - fair enough, but what about the basic explanation of it did I misinterpret?)
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 01:41PM by PM_TITS_GROUP
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IFTTT General

Održan SAP Discovery Day u Beogradu -

... S/4HANA Cloud rešenjima i inovacijama koje obogaćuju SAP porfolio. Takođe se govorilo o poslovnim benefitima koje donosi implementacija SAP S/4HANA ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do humans with no ovaries or testicles need to take hormone supplements to stay healthy, but animals who have been neutered are seemingly fine and often live longer than their intact counterparts?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Just something that occurred to me when thinking about my elderly cat, who's spent almost 16 years without her uterus or ovaries to no apparent detriment.
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 06:22PM by FootsieFighter
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IFTTT General

SIFUSPESP solicita informações sobre a garantia do direito a voto dos servidores penitenciários.

Frente a incerteza quanto ao esquema de votação no domingo, o SIFUSPESP oficiou a SAP e a Casa Civíl solicitando uma posição oficial. Visto que o ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SIFUSPESP solicita informações sobre a garantia do direito a voto dos servidores penitenciários.
Frente a incerteza quanto ao esquema de votação no domingo, o SIFUSPESP oficiou a SAP e a Casa Civíl solicitando uma posição oficial. Visto que o ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why doesn’t birth control make menopause come later?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’m curious why women on birth control don’t get menopause later than women who don’t take it.Doesn’t birth control stop you from ovulating? Does that mean you’re not actually releasing an egg, therefore not running out of them faster? (Sorry if this sounds really dumb)
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 05:10PM by chicharrofrito
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Concurso Consaúde SP 2024: Inscrições Abertas para 233 Vagas Imediatas e ÓTIMOS Salários!
Concurso SAP SC: Salário, Requisitos e Etapas! 3 de outubro de 2024 · Concurso GCM Tatuí 2024: 50 ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

YSK eating fruit skin can cause adverse effects
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: although fruit skins contain vitamins, they also contain pesticides. However, folks need to eat a lot of fruit with the skin in order to experience adverse effects.
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 05:16PM by SprinklesElegant7042
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IFTTT General

Concurso SAP SC: Salário, Requisitos e Etapas! - BM&C NEWS

Concurso SAP SC: 265 vagas para Agente de Segurança Socioeducativo. Inscrições até 23/10. Prova em 17/11. Organizado pelo Instituto AOCP!

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IFTTT General

If I cancel then reactivate my netflix, will I lose all my saved shows?
At /r/netflix
Three of us in the household have profiles and have long lists of saved shows. I want to cancel it and then get it again about a week later so that all my bills exit my account on the same day to help me budget. Will I need to create a new account, losing all the profiles and saved lists, or will it let me reinstate my old account?When I get to the cancel page it says: Cancelling your membership means losing access to personalised recommendations.But then here it says:,you%20restart%20within%20that%20time.You can restart your Netflix account at any time.We keep your Viewing Activity for 10 months after your account closes, so it will be available if you restart within that time. Also available for 10 months are:Your recommendationsRatingsAccount detailsGameplay historyGame saves (though for games that don't support cloud saves, the game and game data must still be installed on the device it was played on)Neither say about saved lists.
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 04:24PM by soupandsnacks
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Ceron defende medidas para ter estabilização da dívida em nível abaixo de 80% do PIB
O secretário do Tesouro Nacional, Rogério Ceron, disse nesta quinta-feira, 3, ser importante que o País adote medidas para estabilizar a dívida ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

At /r/netflix
Is it just me? Does anyone else feel like if it’s a 30 minute series there should be more than 10 episodes? You get through it sooo fast and if you really love it you literally have to wait an entire year for another 2 day binge?? I get it with long episode shows but the short ones need more!! It’s just. It’s just coz I love “Nobody Wants This” soooo much!!
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 03:55PM by BiancaD89
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IFTTT General

YSK The bulk of toilet paper bought in America is made in America
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: If it's made in America the port strike won't really have much impact, so you don't need two carts of TP on your next grocery trip. The biggest expense for TP is shipping.
Submitted October 03, 2024 at 03:50PM by sliight
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
EASYB2B firma parceria para integrar sistema global da SAP - Jornal de Barueri
Plataforma brasileira de tecnologia B2B já pode ser encontrada na SAP Store. Parceria visa atender clientes enterprise, com faturamento acima de ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Governo do Ceará entrega viaturas e bicicletas para as Forças de Segurança

... (SAP). Os equipamentos serão utilizados para reforçar o patrulhamento ostensivo, fortalecer o combate a incêndios, ampliar a frota do sistema ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Governo do Ceará entrega viaturas e bicicletas para as Forças de Segurança
... (SAP). Os equipamentos serão utilizados para reforçar o patrulhamento ostensivo, fortalecer o combate a incêndios, ampliar a frota do sistema ...
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