Netflix Always Crashing on Roku
At /r/netflix
Netflix is consistently crashing on my Roku TV. All of my other streaming services, including Amazon prime, Hulu, and HBO Max work perfectly. Netflix works fine on my laptop.What am I doing wrong?
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 08:20PM by Annual-Wrangler9381
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fantasy/sci-fi show recs?
At /r/netflix
hey y'all! looking for more sci-fi/fantasy-adjacent show recommendations. or even stuff closer to thriller or horror. for context i LOVED: yellowjackets, interview with the vampire, bly manor, hill house, house of usher, midnight mass, the 100, arcane, killing eve, and supernatural. thank you!!
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 07:45PM by Agreeable-Cricket-66
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YSK it's free to download the entirety of Wikipedia and it's only 100GB
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK : because if there's ever a cyber attack, or future government censors the internet, or you're on a plane or a boat or camping with no internet, you can still access like the entirety of human knowledge.The full English Wikipedia is about 6 million pages including images and is less than 100GB.
Wikipedia themselves support this and there's a variety of tools and torrents available to download compressed version. You can even download the entire dump to a flash drive as long as it's ex-fat format.The same software (Kiwix) that let's you download Wikipedia also lets you save other wiki type sites, so you can save other medical guides, travel guides, or anything you think you might need.
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 06:59PM by NeverOutOfMoves
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No more basic plan ? Canceling soon
At /r/netflix
Netflix just raised our rates to the $16 per month plan, downgraded to the $6.99 with ads plan for now but canceling soon. Corporate greed has taken over all these companies.
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 06:36PM by LookAliens
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Paraná registrou mais de dois mil incêndios florestais em setembro
Band News FM Curitiba ... O problema só não foi maior por causa das chuvas durante o mês, que ajudaram a reduzir em 80% a média de ocorrências diárias.
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Grupo Mabu registra alta em ocupação e faturamento no 1º semestre - Panrotas
O Mabu Thermas aumentou de 60% em 2023 para 66% em 2024, enquanto o Mabu Curitiba Business passou de 80% para 82%. ... 70%. O grupo também ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
ELI5: What would happen if you killed a conjoined twin?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
What would happen if you killed one of them with a bullet to the head? Would they both die or would the other one continue to live and be forced to live the rest of his life with his siblings corpse attached to his body?
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 03:51PM by King-of-Champions3rd
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Reeducandas relatam benefícios ao participarem da Jornada da Cidadania, Trabalho e Renda
... (SAP) em unidades prisionais do Estado. Em uma dessas oportunidades, no Centro de Ressocialização Feminino de São José do Rio Preto, reeducandas ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Uprising | Official Trailer | Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 03:55PM by -WayoftheSamurai-
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba recebe mais uma edição da Feira Vegana neste sábado - Bem Paraná
Endereço: Rua 13 de maio, 439 e Rua São Francisco, 232 – Centro – Curitiba. Entrada: Franca. Data: 05 de outubro – sábado. Horário: das 10h:00 às ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Comitiva do sistema prisional do Espírito Santo visita oficinas de trabalho nos presídios paulistas
... (SAP), nos últimos dias 23 e 24 de setembro. O objetivo foi conhecer as oficinas de trabalho da Fundação “Prof. Dr. Manoel Pedro Pimentel” (Funap) ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Pesquisa: 73% das pessoas priorizam produtos sustentáveis - Diário de Curitiba
Os dados, relativos a 2023, apontam ainda que 77% alegam usar sacolas reutilizáveis e 80%, reciclam ou reaproveitam os produtos que utilizam. • Clique ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
ELI5: Hurricanes on the west coast
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why doesn’t the western coast of the US get hurricanes or tropical storms? And how do hurricanes on the eastern coast have the energy to move so far inland/north once they make landfall?
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 11:33AM by ErebusTheKid
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Projeto piloto da Pinacoteca expõe trabalho de reeducandos de Guarulhos - SAP
... (SAP), viabilizou a ação de reintegração. O projeto da Pinacoteca é uma ação pioneira desenvolvida no sistema prisional. Foram 60 dias de curso. Ao ...
reunião vai tratar do assunto em Governador Celso Ramos e em Biguaçu dia 11 de outubro
... SAP/MAPA nº 412, de 8 de outubro de 2021 e Portaria Conjunta SAP/MAPA – SPU/SEDDM/ME nº 396, de 16 de setembro de 2021. Serviço: O que: reunião ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
No Paraná, gás natural veicular oferece até 60% de economia - HojePR
Com R$ 100 reais um carro leve percorre 272 quilômetros (km) com o GNV, já com a gasolina essa distância é de cerca de 168 km, uma diferença de mais ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Vídeo mostra 'dia virar noite' em Curitiba com chegada de temporal - Banda B
O número exposto pela Defesa Civil corresponde a quase 70% do que foi coletado até as 14h30 — um total de 28,8 mm. Segundo a Prefeitura de Curitiba ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
ELI5: How is Argon used to remove oxygen from a confined space
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I just watched this video(14:57) and the guy in the video used vacuum and argon gas to remove any oxygen from the melter but I don't understand why is the argon used if you are already vacuuming all the air out anyway?
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 05:57PM by emrctnnn
via reddit
Reeducandas relatam benefícios ao participarem da Jornada da Cidadania, Trabalho e Renda
... (SAP) em unidades prisionais do Estado. Em uma dessas oportunidades, no Centro de Ressocialização Feminino de São José do Rio Preto, reeducandas ...
A Prince documentary, which is said to reveal little-known information about the music icon, has been buried in legal disputes. Entertainment law experts break down how fans could see the Netflix series.
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 05:13PM by ChallengeAdept8759
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Hi! Any movie recommendation for a 30yr-old bored aunt?
At /r/netflix
Hi everyone, do you have any movie suggestion for a bored 30yr old aunt? Don’t get offended, the boring aunt is me. No love stories please, I mean, love stories is fine but I hope it’s not the main plot of the movie or series. Thank you so much in advance.
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 04:17PM by Pleasant_Summer_7861
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ELI5: How do things expire once you open them/ expose them to oxygen when they clearly had to be exposed to air before being sealed?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Like milk goes bad a week or two after opening it but if you don't open it, it will stay good until the expiration date? Like yogurt, sour cream, shredded cheese. All those things. I'm confused
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 03:00PM by Caro-caro-55555
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Jailbreak:Love On The Run suicide or not?!
At /r/netflix
Did Vicky White shoot herself or not? The show lead me to believe it was accidental but a Forbes article said that Casey told them “please help my wife, she shot herself in the head and I didn’t do it”.
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 04:04PM by ReasonNearby1216
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ELI5: Why doesn’t the island of sardinia speak italian, despite the huge influence and control?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 03:19PM by LucasButtercups
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Santa Catarina é destaque com 33% dos detentos em atividades laborais - Visor Notícias
... (SAP). A integração com empresas privadas e setores públicos permite oferecer aos detentos capacitação profissional e empregabilidade, fundamentais ...
Santa Catarina é referência nacional com 33% dos detentos trabalhando - Notisul
Esse resultado reflete o trabalho do Governo do Estado, através da Secretaria da Administração Prisional e Socioeducativa (SAP), que estabelece ...
ELI5: When should I use the tense “has been”?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’m a non-native speaker but I work for a multinational company so I have to use English 95% of the time at work.I find myself using has/have been a lot simply because it sounds right to me.As an I example, I have to report on a status of a task/project. When should I use the below sentences?• The project is completed.• The project has been completed.
Submitted October 02, 2024 at 01:40PM by Impossible_Ad7095
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Como preparar a liderança de TI do futuro? - Segs
Parceira SAP Gold Partner, além de oferecer as soluções do portfólio SAP, também desenvolve internamente extensões tecnológicas adicionais ao B1 ...
SC é referência nacional com mais de 30% da população carcerária empregada durante reclusão
O secretário da SAP, Carlos Alves, destaca o compromisso do governo de Santa Catarina em oferecer oportunidades reais de recomeço para os internos, ...
Referência nacional: SC tem 30% dos presos em atividade laboral - Guararema News
O trabalho de ressocialização dos presos feito na Secretaria da Administração Prisional e Socioeducativa (SAP), tem colocado Santa Catarina como ...