Netflix Scores FIFA Women’s World Cup Exclusive U.S. Rights for 2027 and 2031
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 12:02PM by misana123
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Feira do Largo da Ordem, no centro histórico de Curitiba: um ano de avanços e transformações
A substituição das barracas dos expositores é o grande destaque. Mais de 500 unidades já foram instaladas, representando cerca de 60% do total ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Violinista Simão Wolf encerra turnê 2024 em grande estilo no Sul do Brasil - Toca Cultural
Celebrando um ano inesquecível, marcado por espetáculos inovadores e emocionantes, o músico e a sua banda se apresentam com entrada franca.
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Homem preso por incendiar casa da ex é morto por colega de cela em presídio na Grande Fortaleza
... SAP. Ainda conforme a pasta, as apurações sobre o crime estão em andamento de forma integrada com a Polícia Civil. Advogado contesta transferência ...
Google Launches ‘Squid Game’ Browser Game You Can Play on Google Search
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 10:57AM by Robemilak
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Netflix is not auto-playing the next episode on mobile data (iPhone)
At /r/netflix
Basically summed up on the main text, it auto-plays on my iPad w hotspot. Wifi works in autoplaying, i've tried turning on and off the autoplay settings, sign-out and sign-in, and force reset, none of them worked.
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 09:35AM by yutgoj
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How does Netflix decide which movies are streamed in 4K and which are not?
At /r/netflix
Dune 2 recently dropped here in Australia on Netflix. I recently upgraded my plan to include 4K streaming, but to my incredible surprise, Dune 2 is capped at 1080P? Surely not? They have plenty of shitty romcoms on here that show at 4K with Dolby Atmos, but one of the most visually stunning movies released in recent years can’t get a 4K drop? This is just confusing on so many levels. And I’m not normally one to complain too much about quality, but especially in a film like this it just looks so compressed for some reason running at 1080P.
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 09:32AM by dingdongwashboard
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Shows like Murder Mindfully
At /r/netflix
So just finished watching Murder Mindfully with subtitles and loved the concept and the show. I would request any recommendations for similar shows in any language.
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 08:34AM by thernker
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‘Dan Da Dan’ Season 2 Coming to Netflix in July 2025
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 07:17AM by Whobitmyname
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S/4HANA-Transformation und SAP DM: Smart Factory ganzheitlich denken
Im Zuge der Digitalisierung hilft eine ganzheitliche Herangehensweise bei der S/4HANA-Transformation hin zum Ziel „Smart Factory“.
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Previsão do tempo aponta dia nublado hoje (20) para Curitiba (PR)
O nível de umidade relativa do ar para Curitiba deve alternar entre 75% e 94%. Ventos. Curitiba deve registrar ventos em uma velocidade média de 15 ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Rodoviária de Itapetininga prevê aumento de até 70% na frota de ônibus para a alta ...
Segundo a empresa que administra a rodoviária de Itapetininga (SP), a previsão é que as empresas de transportes aumentem entre 50% a 70% os carros ...
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Netflix is leaning hard into the 'Squid Game' universe. Its creator said he's 'sick' of working on it.
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 01:22AM by Pep_Baldiola
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Google Search: SAP e Consults
Meta IT - Empresa crescendo - Glassdoor
Empresa crescendo - Avaliação de funcionários no cargo de Gerente Administrativo na empresa Meta IT. Ver todas as avaliações (1431).
ift2push RpgM7j84
King of Tupelo - Possibly the goat netflix doc.
At /r/netflix
I normally don't gas up shows that I enjoyed watching like this but holy shit King of Tupelo had me crying laughing and dropping my jaws in awe at just how insane the story is. The production cooked; shooting and editing were elite. One reason that I found it so entertaining was that the first two episodes set up such a satisfying twist in the last episode.KC and Everett are hysterical foils of each other, not to mention they're both absolutely fucked as individuals. Everyone interviewed are such good storytellers, having a certain southern style humor/charm that doesn't get old quickly. The ending is so good too; there's a feeling of a hero's redemption with KC which ties the story very nicely. All in all, super impressed and grateful to see Netflix invest in this show. What a treat.
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 11:01PM by deeznuttingtons
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Pedágio: veja como ter desconto de até 84% nas estradas do Paraná durante esta temporada
... Curitiba e o Litoral. Isso porque a EPR Litoral Pioneiro, concessionária que administra o trecho da BR-277, além das PR-407, PR-508, PR-408 e PR ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
No Paraná, 70% das pessoas optaram por reduzir gastos no ano de 2024, diz pesquisa
Um levantamento apresentado pelo Instituto de Estudos de Protesto de Títulos do Paraná (IEPTB-PR) aponta que 70% dos paraenses optaram por reduzir ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Carreta escondia carregamento de drogas e armas em Guaíra, no interior do Paraná
O motorista confessou que realizou o carregamento em Naviraí (MS) e levaria até Curitiba (PR). Ele foi preso em flagrante por tráfico de drogas e ...
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Christmas recommendations
At /r/netflix
Im a 27yo and I’ve watched almost all of Netflix’s top content (minus Arcane because having a hard time keeping up) looking for the best christmas movies/series recommendations here. Doesnt have to be romcoms just need winter/murder/thriller vibes.
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 11:25AM by Wall_of_Wolf_Street
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Eli5 how humans evolved from barely using tools to being able to build spaceships in such a short time
At /r/explainlikeimfive
It seems like we haven't actually had enough time to evolve in 10,000 years, yet somehow our brains can specialize in something like driving a car like a F1 driver, almost like a car is part of their body. Or a prodigy writing code and programming as a kid. Or any sort of abstract specialist. There should have been no way for any of that to come up in natural evolution, so how did we evolve for it to feel natural to us? Why can we so easily do basically anything?
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 10:20AM by Mahelyk
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ELI5: Why are the huge majority of High-Visibility clothes used in yellow or orange? Why are other colors, say green, so exceedingly rare for hi-hiz purposes?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 07:37AM by IcarusTyler
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Netflix only showing originals on one profile while connected to home wifi, does this eventually go away?
At /r/netflix
Non original Show errored out mid watch yesterday and after reloading Netflix I could only see originals. I can see non originals on my profile if I switch to my mobile data but also on my home wifi if I use another profile (on the same account). The only thing I can think of it is that might have flagged something is I have a different country sim card as well in my phone and I used it to watch a show on Netflix a couple weeks ago, though I find it weird the limit would've only happened yesterday. Netflix support wasn't helpful at all
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 08:44AM by Mysterious_County154
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Restaurante de Curitiba anuncia fechamento após 25 anos de história - Bem Paraná
Após 25 anos de história, o Restaurante Durski, em Curitiba, anunciou nesta quinta (19) que fechou as portas. O comunicado foi assinado pelo ...
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ELI5 why cant we make a mechanical heart, is the engineering really that hard?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 06:50AM by Dry-Solid4538
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Eli5 why are nut allergies so serious?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I have an idea about why allergies occur. However it seems like allergies to cat hair or pollen seem to be a lot less serious than nut allergies which can literally kill people. What is it about nuts what makes them so lethal to some individuals?
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 04:51AM by Interesting-Spring83
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Coxinha explode e homem sofre queimadura em lanchonete de Curitiba | Watch - MSN
Explore a beleza de tirar o fôlego de Trentino com esta filmagem impressionante de drone, capturando suas majestosas Dolomitas, lagos cristalinos, ...
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Prison Break, now on Netflix
At /r/netflix
I watched at least the 1st 3 seasons when it orriganly aired in 2005. I’ve been binging it on Netflix and on season 5 now. I have a love/hate with this show. The original plan to break out was so premeditated and thought out with like contingency’s on contingency for the original subsequent prison break. After that additional prison breaks and heists are like ok, I guess? I am really enjoying it but also I constantly yell at the TV “it looks like it’s time for another prison break!”
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 03:12AM by JemJemIsHerName
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ELI5 what’s the difference between a ship and a boat
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’ve been doing a lot of research and the line between a ship and a boat seems very blurredPlease help
Submitted December 20, 2024 at 01:38AM by cisco87878
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ELI5: why does Adderall decrease distraction for people with adhd, but exasperate sensory issues for people with comorbid autism?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
A lot of AuDHD people report getting overstimulated more easily on stimulants, which from experience I can confirm is very distracting. What is it about the way Adderall works that makes it increase notice of external stimuli in those with autism, and reduce it in those without?
Submitted December 19, 2024 at 10:39PM by Elliot_The_Idiot7
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Agentes Penitenciários de Capela do Alto arrecadam 300 brinquedos para presentear ...
Camilla Haddad - Assessoria de Imprensa da SAP. Servidores da Penitenciária II de Capela do Alto entraram no clima natalino e arrecadaram este mês ...