Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Atletas patrulhenses conquistam primeiro lugar em Campeonato Municipal de Corrida de Orientação
... Próxima NotíciaAPOIO À RECUPERAÇÃO DA PRODUÇÃO: Famílias da Serra e Litoral, inclusive de SAP recebem insumos agroecológicosNext. Publicidade ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Presos em SP sofrem com fome, calor e falta de remédios, diz relatório - THMais
Em nota, a SAP (Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária) paulista afirma que os dados divulgados não contemplam as reformas implementadas nas ...
Clearing Viewing History logs me out
At /r/netflix
A family member recently used my profile when visiting and watched a bunch of crap that I am not interested in. I am going into my account profile, going to the Viewing Activity screen and attempting to remove items. When I click the icon I get logged out. The item remains in my viewing history.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 09:08PM by mercerch
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ELI5: Cruise Missle vs Ballistic Missle
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I see in the news that Iran fired "ballistic" missles. How are these different than cruise missles and what is used when? Thank you all in advance.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 02:55PM by Plenty_Ad_3212
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What’s the point of the New section if most of the things are not new and it’s impossible to find what’s actually new?
At /r/netflix
Am I misunderstanding the New section? They’re not New, and many are thing I’ve watched so they’re not even new to me. It looks barely different from the Home section, but I feel like it used to show what was new or recently added. Am I looking in the wrong spot? How do I find what’s actually new?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 08:13PM by jhguth
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ELI5: Why do some injuries last forever?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why can't all injuries heal conpletely?I hear all the time about athletes who do something wrong at the gym and could never work out again. Why doesn't their body heal like normal?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 02:48PM by NyFlow_
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All Six Seasons of Gossip Girl Are Coming to Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 07:08PM by soapnews
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Hospital Sírio-Libanês acelera gestão da saúde com soluções da SAP - Inforchannel
A adoção do SAP S/4Hana gerou ganhos significativos nos processos financeiros da instituição, diminuindo o tempo de fechamento de sete para cinco ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Netflix Removed a Season(?)
At /r/netflix
I am still watching One Piece (the anime). Then, for some reason, Netflix didn’t release the next season that they said they’re going to release (Marineford). It was meant to be out for October 1, which was yesterday in Philippine Standard Time, so what the fuck happened? Did their licensing rights to the series expire? If so, then how come they can still release new episodes for Egghead?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 05:46PM by Oppy_2401
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Semear completa 10 anos e reúne parceiros no Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo
SAP em Dados · Notícias · Todas · Apreensões e Segurança · Servidores ... 01/10/24 | Assessoria de Imprensa - SAP | Compartilhe Facebook · Twitter ...
Famílias da Serra e Litoral, inclusive de SAP recebem insumos agroecológicos
Famílias agricultoras dos Núcleos Serra Gaúcha e Litoral Solidário, dentre as quais, de Santo Antônio da Patrulha, da Rede Ecovida de Agroecologia ...
YSK Pilling cats with gel caps is the only way to go. Nothing's faster, safer, or easier.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK - 1) Your cat won't hate you; 2) gel caps avoid all potential throat burns from chemicals; and 3) you'll avoid hand injuries and save a lot of time. The exception is of course meds that already come in a softgel.1) Many people hate pilling their cats, but that's because they don't know that using gel caps makes it a snap. Once you start using them, your cats won't even realize they're being pilled. 2) Often times the prescription is for a portion of a pill, requiring owners can you cut pills. This exposes the raw medicine to their delicate throats. The worst case is that the pill's chemicals can burn the throat and cause them to stop being able to eat, and the best case is a horrible taste that they rightfully hate. Uncoated tabs have the same potential reaction!3) If you use the right technique, The only quicker and easier way would be to teleport the pills to their stomach. One of my cat pals allows me to place the cap directly on the back of her tongue. She does not bite down firmly against my fingers as long as I do it quickly. The other guy wants to claw my hands and bite. I have to sit down and hold him against me by his chest with both front legs pinned down. Then I use the other hand to both open his mouth and quickly fire the cap.DISCLAIMER - If your cat likes to bite, it may take some time and skin to discover the best technique. (I mean, so does pilling a cat in general so I didn't even need to say that!)It takes about 5 seconds to pill the boy, and about 2 seconds to pill the girl. I am not kidding! I use size 3 gel caps, if your medication is small enough, size 4. You may have to cut the pill in half or smaller to fit. One cat gets half a pill, then I fill the rest of the cap with CBD. (He's a rescue and can be a little aggressive without his meds.) Once the gel caps are filled, all you have to do is fire it into the back of their throat. Do not worry about choking, aim for the hole.My understanding is that cats have some kind of extra throat cavity or something before their swallow thingee, that makes it extremely difficult (or impossible) for them to choke. I am not a doctor and I am only remembering this from an article I read years ago. I am absolutely open to new information and correction. I will say I've have never had a cat come close to choking and I have shoved a lot of big pills and gel caps down a lot of cat throats.Thanks for reading!
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 05:41PM by Clevertown
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Does netflix have two step verification?
At /r/netflix
Like when someone tries to log in with my account from a new device, does netflix send a code, verification, or anything to my phone? I've been recently getting my accounts stolen by havkers, so i want to protect everything i have as much as possible.does it send an email to my gmail abount anything, if someone tries to log in, or is there literally nothing, and a payed-for account is constantly at risk of being stolen by a russin hacker? Any help is appreciated.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 04:51PM by Sungokuati
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This is your country is sensational
At /r/netflix
It is the trash TV we deserve. It should be a whole series. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx150charactersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 04:36PM by Former-Ad-9223
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Lipigas otimiza a gestão dos seus distribuidores com o apoio da SAP no Chile
Com a implementação do SAP BTP, a Lipigas conseguiu automatizar e digitalizar estes processos, reduzindo significativamente o tempo e esforço ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
ELI5 - why do victims of fraud not get their money back?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’m watching the docuseries Love Rats on Netflix, a series about people who have been scammed out of thousands of pounds by their partners / friends etc. It’s a UK series, if it’s not available elsewhere think of it like Tinder Swindler - mostly women meeting men via online dating who then aren’t who they say they are and manage to scam them out of a significant amount of money. A lot of these people have lost so much, £50,000-£200,000, and none of them are able to get any back even if the person committing fraud against them has been arrested and charged - why is that?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 02:47PM by StaceyW1410
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Homens agridem pesquisadores em Pinhalão (vídeos) | NPDiário - NPDiario
Gil Martins lidera com ...
Aveniq stärkt seine Zertifizierung als SAP-Partner -
... S/4HANA Solution operations and works with RISE with SAP». Beide Nachweise wurden erneut erfolgreich erbracht und somit das Fachwissen der ...
Read more... ift2push (
Hospital Sírio-Libanês acelera gestão da saúde com soluções da SAP - Inforchannel
A adoção do SAP S/4Hana gerou ganhos significativos nos processos financeiros da instituição, diminuindo o tempo de fechamento de sete para cinco ...
limited run series midnight mass
At /r/netflix
I'm not a huge horror or fan of scary movies but got curious about midnight mass mainly because the actor Hamish linkleter from the new adventures of old Christine . has anyone watched it ? did they like it ?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 07:20PM by alcalaviccigirl
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Why is Better Call Saul showing up like this?
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 06:56PM by UpToNoGoodAsUsual_
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ELI5 How can instagram know i saw someone in the street and recommend their profile?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
So i was having lunch at the mall and there was this woman sitting close to me. I looked at her a few times cause she is beautifulWhen checking instagram hours later, there she was in suggested profiles to follow, even the company was the same she was wearing the shirt of her companyi mean, what are the odds?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 05:39PM by neckbeard2b
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Entrevista: SAP aposta em IA para acelerar migração de clientes para a nuvem
Gigante dos sistemas de ERP, a SAP fornece soluções para 99 das 100 maiores empresas do mundo. Muitos dos clientes, porém, possuem as versões ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Mulheres alvo de operação são presas quando tentavam visitar internos em penitenciária
... (SAP). As duas eram monitoradas pela Coordenadoria Integrada de Inteligência da SAP. A operação Defcon cumpriu dez mandados de busca e apreensão ...
Lipigas otimiza a gestão dos seus distribuidores com o apoio da SAP no Chile
Com a implementação do SAP BTP, a Lipigas conseguiu automatizar e digitalizar estes processos, reduzindo significativamente o tempo e esforço ...
Entrevista: SAP aposta em IA para acelerar migração de clientes para a nuvem
Gigante dos sistemas de ERP, a SAP fornece soluções para 99 das 100 maiores empresas do mundo. Muitos dos clientes, porém, possuem as versões ...
Somebody needs to sue these people
At /r/netflix
Netflix is shady af with the amount of people that complain about their stuff auto renewing. I cancelled my plan around 1am this morning, and I get an email like 30 mins ago just now as I'm about to go to the store "WELCOME BACK" after I had got a confirmed email about my cancellation. Fuck these losers.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 04:48PM by BrashAntagonist
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The chemistry of death - ending
At /r/netflix
Please do not read if you haven’t watched it yet - SPOILER Alert!The show basically ends on a cliffhanger and apparently the second season has been cancelled. Great. So according to you does Hunter die in the end?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 04:57PM by LetMeDoTheKonga
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YSK: Consulates and Embassies Abroad Aren't Your Personal Bailout Service
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Many people abroad think or even rely on the help of consulates and embassies to bail them out when they're in (especially legal) personal trouble, which is neither their primary role nor within their limits of authority.Consulates and embassies primarily exist to maintain diplomatic relations and promote their country's interests. They're not your personal rescue squad when things go awry. While they can offer assistance, it's within the confines of international law and their limited resources. In the case of the US and other nations, it's also untrue that embassies and consulates are considered "American soil."Their help is more about guidance than miracles. They can provide information about local laws and help you find legal representation but don't expect them to cover your legal fees or get you out of jail. In emergencies, they can assist with contacting family or friends, but they're not equipped to handle every crisis. Lost your passport? They'll issue an emergency document, but that's about the extent of their "magic help."Ultimately, their resources are finite, and their primary focus isn't managing your personal drama. While they can be a lifeline in certain situations, they're not your personal saviors. Understanding their role can help you manage your expectations and prepare better for your travels.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 04:02PM by Mavrokordato
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Famílias da Serra e Litoral, inclusive de SAP recebem insumos agroecológicos
Famílias agricultoras dos Núcleos Serra Gaúcha e Litoral Solidário, dentre as quais, de Santo Antônio da Patrulha, da Rede Ecovida de Agroecologia ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC