Google Search Curitiba stuff
Gás natural veicular oferece até 60% de economia no Paraná
O gás natural veicular (GNV) se destaca com uma economia de até 60% para os motoristas em comparação com outros tipos de combustíveis. Também é ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Netflix on Older IPAD! ARGH
At /r/netflix
Oct 1 - open Netflix on my older iPad. *This app no longer works on your IOS - upgrade IOS or Subscribe to NO AD PLAN!!! F*CK YOU NETFLIX!!Ipad from 2015. only used to watch *TV* and browsing. Not much space so I have not upgraded IOS since.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 03:16PM by redditwastesmyday
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Culinary class wars [ question ]
At /r/netflix
Dont you think that its a bit strange that every challenge theres an equal amount of black and white spoons left? How convenient and totally not scripted! I bet the finals will be the same. White vs black spoon chef. Anyways i will be rooting for the naples mafia guy bc I Just know another finalist will be a white spoon and I want a black spoon chef to win.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 03:00PM by Gorgoista
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Vitamedic implementa S/4 Hana com Evox - Baguete
Projeto combinou as metodologias Rise with SAP e SAP Activate. 01 de october de 2024 - 11:52. Tamanho da fonte: -A+A. Foto ...
ELI5 Why do tampons have so many bad chemicals in them if they are just a piece of cotton?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Could they not just made chemical free?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 02:11PM by Sot_Deyra
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ELI5: How do billionaires pay off their loans?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
As far as I understand it, a billionaire’s wealth is wrapped up in stock, which is used as collateral to borrow money to actually spend. So how do they pay off those loans? With other loans? Loans all the way down?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 12:17PM by cloudwreck
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Eli5 how sand bags help prevent flooding, yet sand is also used for drainage since it's porous and water easily flows through it?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 09:26AM by AdminsAreRegards
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ELI5: Why is water under ice warmer
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Hi, I read that in Antarctica, water under ice is warmer than the atmosphere above the ice, and many animals hide underwater to stay warm. Sea lions and what not. Why is that? Thanks!
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 12:19PM by One-Priority9521
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Hospital Sírio-Libanês acelera gestão da saúde - Valor Agregado
O processo de transformação digital começou com o SAP SuccessFactors para gerenciar talentos e treinamentos com impacto positivo na experiência dos ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
O Secretário da Administração Penitenciária TORNA SEM EFEITO a Resolução SAP na ...
° 006.00124600/2024-89 – Penitenciária “Vereador Frederico Geometti” de Lavínia) e do Comunicado DRHU n.º 172/2024, TORNA SEM EFEITO a Resolução SAP ...
Suzano usa IA generativa da Google Cloud - Baguete
Cortex Framework transforma as tabelas cruas da SAP em visualizações estruturadas. 30 de september de 2024 - 15:20. Tamanho da fonte: -A+A.
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Vai esquentar em Curitiba? Veja a previsão agora! - Super Rádio Tupi
Previsão do tempo detalhada para Curitiba de 01 a 05 de outubro de 2024, incluindo temperaturas mínimas e máximas, chances de chuva e muito mais.
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Pré-campanha de Pansieri à presidência da OAB/PR ganha força no Paraná | XV Curitiba
Uma pesquisa recente mostrou que mais de 60% dos advogados ganham até três salários-mínimos, sendo que a outra parte não consegue receber o mínimo ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
ELI5: how do people actually meal prep and have it last?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Everybody recommends meal prepping but for me by the second day it tastes kinda bad and by the third its borderline inedible, and i see people online saying theyre mealplreping for a whole week?Unless you only eat salads how can you actually do it?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 10:13AM by Pls_send_helpAAAAA
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
O Secretário da Administração Penitenciária TORNA SEM EFEITO a Resolução SAP na ...
° 006.00124600/2024-89 – Penitenciária “Vereador Frederico Geometti” de Lavínia) e do Comunicado DRHU n.º 172/2024, TORNA SEM EFEITO a Resolução SAP ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Thiaguinho em Curitiba: garanta 60% de desconto nos ingressos pelo app da RPC
Aproveite 60% de desconto em 1 ingresso nos setores área VIP ou Frontstage no show do Thiaguinho! O cupom é aplicável para a compra de apenas um ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
YSK that when you find a recipe you like that has an unnecessary life story and ads you can copy the URL, type"paste url" and it brings up the recipe only.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: As the title says, you can create an account on and save those recipes (you dont have to though). This platform also allows you to edit the recipe if you want to make your own adaptations and also allows you to toggle how many it serves and it recalculates the ingredient amounts. Very handy and a great recipe storing tool!.. and it's free.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 03:27PM by carliecustard
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Hospital Sírio-Libanês acelera gestão da saúde - Valor Agregado
O processo de transformação digital começou com o SAP SuccessFactors para gerenciar talentos e treinamentos com impacto positivo na experiência dos ...
ELI5 - Mississippi has similar GDP per capita ($53061) than Germany ($54291) and the UK ($51075), so why are people in Mississippi so much poorer with a much lower living standard?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I was surprised to learn that poor states like Mississippi have about the same gdp per capita as rich developed countries. How can this be true? Why is there such a different standard of living?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 02:11PM by two-years-glop
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Uglies is not that bad
At /r/netflix
I mean yeah it strays from the book, and yeah the plot is flimsy at best. But the main audience that viewed the movie were young adults that loved the books that are now in their late twenties and thirties!The movie was giving disney for tweens.Tell me you haven't seen this exact movie as a tween Disney movie. I feel like it was trying to be nostalgic. I feel because I did not gwlrow up with access to TV until I moved out at 20 years old I am now finally catching up to my peers so all these disney movies and dystopian movies are new to me and uglies feels like it fits in with the rest of them.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 02:00PM by amithevegitable
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
(Processo SEI N.º 006.00224875/2024-11 – Ref. ao Processo SPDOC/SAP N.º 296396/2023 – Processo SAP/GS 1042/2019 – Advogados: Dr. Diego Fernades ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Why can’t I suddenly watch certain shows?
At /r/netflix
I was watching a tv series on Netflix, then suddenly I get a message that I’m using a proxy or vpn, which I am not. I checked the same account on my laptop and the show is just gone from Netflix. I had my friend check her account and it’s still there though. Does anyone know what’s happened? How do I change this back?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 12:54PM by wiccanwolves
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YSK that NordVPN did a huge price hike in the last couple of years
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK - NordVPN effectively costs 3x as much as it did a couple years ago and it could definitely be worth shopping around. I have had Nord since 2018 and I have paid ~$90 USD for 2 year subscriptions ever since. However, today I was charged $150 for a *1 year* subscription. That's a 3x increase over what I used to pay. I'm not sure if anybody actually pays full price for Nord, but could be worth checking to make sure you're not getting charged a ton. Bonus: Nord has a hidden "request a refund" billing page if you contact their support and ask for a refund.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 12:47PM by BreauxSiff
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Vitamedic implementa S/4 Hana com Evox - Baguete
Projeto combinou as metodologias Rise with SAP e SAP Activate. 01 de october de 2024 - 11:52. Tamanho da fonte: -A+A. Foto ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Superlotação carcerária: 13 penitenciárias da região excede limite de detentos
Um levantamento realizado no dia 25 de setembro, a partir de dados da SAP (Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária) do Estado de São Paulo, revela ...
ELI5: How do we know this comet, C 2023 a3, was last above earth 80,000 years ago?
At /r/explainlikeimfive've seen a few posts and articles about this comet and how the last time it was this close to earth was about 80,000 years ago. I think that's super cool but I don't understand how we would know that.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 04:12AM by eggy32
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba terá transporte público gratuito no domingo (6) para as eleições
A medida que estabelece o acesso gratuito ao transporte público de passageiros da cidade está prevista em um decreto municipal, publicado no dia 25 de ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Extra Member Slots available on Comcast/Xfinity?
At /r/netflix
If my parents get billed Netflix through Xfinity, is it possible to add me as an extra member slot, or is that only if it's billed through Netflix?Thanks in advance.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 11:03AM by ACW1129
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YSK: If you want to improve your life, the best place to start is getting off your phone
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Our phones have been made intentionally addictive and destroy our motivation, focus, and happiness. It sucks the life out of you. While this is becoming more common knowledge, almost everyone today still has an unhealthy relationship with their phone.The single best thing I ever did for my productivity, mental health, and overall quality of life was to get off my phone.I used to constantly scroll my phone, racking up 7+ hours of screen time every day.What this does is overstimulate you with dopamine (the "motivator" chemical) making you unmotivated to do anything else besides scroll. When you're overstimulated, even normal tasks like cooking or working out seem borderline unbearable. It ruins your productivity but also your enjoyment of life.If you have any desire to improve your life, the best place to start is by reducing your screen time. It is the one bad habit that blocks all other good habits you might have.It’s super hard, but I was able to go from 7+ hours per day to <1hr with a few simple tricks.Don’t sleep with your phone in the bedroom. Most of us wake up and immediately start scrolling, but this is the worst thing you can do. We have the most self-control in the morning when our dopamine baseline resets. It’s way harder to stop scrolling than to never start in the first place. Leverage this advantage by not looking at your phone for AT LEAST an hour after you wake up.Get a good screen time app. Built in screen time limits don't work because they're way too easy to ignore. There are much better screen time tools out there, like BePresent for example, that have more features and can gamify reducing your screen time in a way that’s actually motivating. Try out different screen time apps and find one that works for you.Delete all doom scrolling apps from your phone. You don’t need to delete your accounts, just move all usage to your computer. This way you can still use your apps, but your usage will be much more intentional. If you add this extra bit of friction you’ll find that 80% of the time you were using these apps it was mindless in the first place. You won’t miss them after a few weeks.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 10:28AM by UpvoteBeast
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
tamanho do mercado SAP HR – Serviço de Consultoria em Recursos Humanos - A Voz de Azeméis
SAP HR – Análise de tamanho e oportunidade do mercado de serviços de consultoria em recursos humanos O mercado de serviços de consultoria em recursos ...
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