Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Suzano usa IA generativa da Google Cloud - Baguete
Cortex Framework transforma as tabelas cruas da SAP em visualizações estruturadas. 30 de september de 2024 - 15:20. Tamanho da fonte: -A+A.
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tamanho do mercado SAP HR – Serviço de Consultoria em Recursos Humanos - A Voz de Azeméis
SAP HR – Análise de tamanho e oportunidade do mercado de serviços de consultoria em recursos humanos O mercado de serviços de consultoria em recursos ...
ELI5: Why don’t our ears get tired from hearing sound all day, like our eyes get tired from looking at things?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 03:16AM by Grim_dawn239
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YSK that hospice can actually prolong life compared to aggressive treatment
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSk: As President Carter celebrates his 100th birthday today on hospice, I thought it would be a good opportunity to spread awareness on hospice. Hospice has been shown to improve life expectancy compared to "aggressive treatment" in several conditions. The perception of hospice as a place where one dies in weeks is because patients and families wait too long to enroll in hospice, at which point the benefits aren't as profound.Supporting evidence below:,on%20large%20retrospective%20cohort%20studies.)
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 09:23AM by Hirsuitism
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White Fields in recordtijd klaar voor groei met SAP S/4HANA Cloud - Emerce
Samen met SAP-partner Quinso verving White Fields in drie maanden zijn op Office-applicaties gebaseerde administratie door SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Argenta implementa SAP S/4HANA com Meta - Baguete
Argenta implementa SAP S/4HANA com Meta. Implementação do sistema foi o pontapé inicial para a evolução digital do grupo de empresas. 30 de september ...
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ELI5 : what is psychosis?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 02:37AM by Ok-Rabbit-918
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Por que a flexibilidade é essencial para navegar nas flutuações do mercado ... - A Voz de Azeméis
... SAP HR – Serviço de Consultoria em Recursos Humanos · Blockchain da cadeia de suprimentos para o mercado automotivoAplicação, Tamanho, Participação ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Trinta quilos de maconha são apreendidos na rodoviária de Curitiba
Nos últimos 45 dias, foram apreendidos mais de 100 quilos de drogas e seis pessoas foram presas. O delegado também destacou que as operações têm como ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Mercado de espelhos de corpo inteiroAplicação, Tamanho, Participação, Previsão 2030
... SAP S & 4HANA · Como os eventos virtuais estão expandindo as oportunidades na indústria Soluções SAP · Por que a microssegmentação é essencial para ...
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eli5 - Why is a Man O’ War a colony but a human isn’t?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I struggle to understand why animals like primates aren’t colonies but manowar are. Looking at the wikipedia page, a manowar is composed of zooids that are genetically identical and have a variety of functions that all support the organisms survival. humans, too, are composed of smaller units (cells, tissues, organs) that are genetically identical and have a variety of functions that all support the organisms survival. in fact, id even argue a human is more of a colony than a manowar. humans have a variety of microbiota both within their body and on their skin without which we would not survive. we couldn’t process the nutrients we take in without gut bacteria. mitochondria are endosymbionts that are required to even allow multicellular life to really get off the ground at all. our very dna carries around viruses, an obligate parasite pseudo life form. We have a far wider array of constituent members with far more diverse functions, many of which our brain (which i think of as the “lead member” of the colony) has no direct control over. your body can take action based purely on signals between your spinal cord and muscles without waiting for your brain to get into the loop. so is the difference just one or “this terminology is all specific and arbitrary” or is there something obvious i’m missing?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 02:16AM by Ms_Stackhouse
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ELI5: why does this sub require you to put “eli5” at the start? Isn’t the “eli5” implied by posting in this sub?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 01:00AM by OkWatermelonlesson65
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Favorite Adult Animation on Netflix
At /r/netflix
I want to know what other’s favorites are, in case I missed a show I may enjoy. My favorite Adult cartoon/ favorite Netflix show in general is Inside Job. 2 seasons was simply not enough. There’s something unique about it that captures my attention more than other popular shows. What did you guys think of Inside Job? And do you have any other suggestions?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 12:31AM by Mental-Visual-787
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ELI5: How is the USA considered to be such a litigious society when hiring an attorney is so expensive?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
So many public institutions and businesses in the US base much of their internal policies and procedures on limiting their liability in how they operate day to day so they don't get sued.When you see a no-brainer, obvious disclaimer on a product packaging or advertisement and think to yourself why does that need to be explicitly stated? and the answer seems to always be “so some idiot doesn’t sue them.”Even myself as an individual need to carry hundreds of thousands of dollars of personal liability insurance on my homeowners policy in case somebody sues me.When people who feel that they’ve been wronged by an employer, or their kid’s school, or by another individual the advice they get online is always “get a lawyer” but how can most people afford to do that?I know that attorneys can take money from a settlement after it’s been won, but that takes months or even years in court and with the average fee of well over $150.00 per hour for even a consultation with an attorney, how do normal people afford to sue anyone?I am well aware that individuals seeking damages from big corporations for blatant negligence is one of the quickest ways for health and safety regulations to be reformed, like that poor woman who was burned because McDonald's was keeping their coffee at near boiling temperatures, I'm not questioning if these lawsuits are legitimate, I'm questioning how they're even possible?
Submitted September 30, 2024 at 10:37PM by sephoratheexplorer
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ELI5: Can you squish bacteria to kill it?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
If you put a liquid with bacteria in it between two flat metal plates and applied like 100tons of force how much (if any) of the bacteria would survive?
Submitted September 30, 2024 at 06:08PM by treetop62
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(Processo SEI N.º 006.00224875/2024-11 – Ref. ao Processo SPDOC/SAP N.º 296396/2023 – Processo SAP/GS 1042/2019 – Advogados: Dr. Diego Fernades ...
No body wants this
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 09:59AM by straightchaser
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ELI5 - How do newly elected politicians know what to do?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger served as governor of California despite not holding any office before. How did he prepare for this, and when?
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 04:40AM by pocarski
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Noroeste de SP concentra cerca de 30% dos acidentes com escorpiões registrados em todo ...
... SAP emite comunicado · Saúde · Família cobra respostas por morte de detento da P1 de Mirandópolis; SAP emite comunicado · Redação AGORA · 1 de abril ...
SAP、2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ ロボティック・プロセス・オートメーション部門において ...
SAP Build に含まれる SAP Build Process Automation は、SAP S/4HANA® Cloud やその他のビジネスアプリケーションで実行されるビジネスプロセスを迅速に拡張し ...
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Why isn't the movie showing up?
At /r/netflix
Hello, I want to watch the movie Joker. When I open Netflix on my phone, I can watch the movie, but when I open Netflix on tv (different account), I can't find the movie. I have no age restrictions.
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 06:57AM by noam_kipod
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Squid Game: Season 2 | You’re Invited | Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 06:04AM by Atlast_2091
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Mercado de contenção de navios transportadores de GNLAplicação - A Voz de Azeméis
... SAP EPM #tamanho do mercado Serviços de infraestrutura em nuvem SAP · Explorando o impacto do suporte ao cliente com tecnologia de IA na indústria ...
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Por que a flexibilidade é essencial para navegar nas flutuações do mercado ... - A Voz de Azeméis
... SAP HR – Serviço de Consultoria em Recursos Humanos · Blockchain da cadeia de suprimentos para o mercado automotivoAplicação, Tamanho, Participação ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Mercado de espelhos de corpo inteiroAplicação, Tamanho, Participação, Previsão 2030
... SAP S & 4HANA · Como os eventos virtuais estão expandindo as oportunidades na indústria Soluções SAP · Por que a microssegmentação é essencial para ...
German TV show recommendations?
At /r/netflix
I’m looking for any German shows for comedy, or anything that’s like How to Sell Drugs Online (fast) Im trying to look for something similar to htsdof mostly while i wait for next season
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 02:16AM by 3rrxr-
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In search of a show
At /r/netflix
It was animated and removed around covids start, i remember ut was like brawlstars but it wasnt and i also remember that a cowboy was like walking around after some fight or something with is hands intertwined with eachother behind his head like a pillow and then someone else said like you can trust me with this, cowboys have principals then they woke up next morning and the guy stole the thing and other guy said cowboys dont have princpiples. PLEASE HELP ME FIND THIS BRO IT WAS SO GOOD
Submitted October 01, 2024 at 12:22AM by Btag-YT
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ELI5: How does hitting water at a big height feel like landing on concrete?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I failed all my science courses, I don't understand much about science but why doesn't the water just... move like when you jump in normally?
Submitted September 30, 2024 at 07:07PM by Neptune_washere
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Do PCs count as a device for password sharing?
At /r/netflix
We knew the day was coming and sure enough my girlfriend’s family’s Netflix account is no longer accessible on devices at our house….except for the laptop which we HDMI to the TV now. All the gaming consoles and even our phones get the “not part of the Netflix household” message, but we have been using it in a browser on the computer for months after everything else stopped working. Have we found some kind of loophole?
Submitted September 30, 2024 at 11:47PM by DarkAmaterasu58
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Show recommendation?
At /r/netflix
I watch a very wide variety but i mostly like Lost, The Watcher, ect. Im looking for a show that will leave me wondering what the hell just happened right at the end of the episode if you get what im saying.
Submitted September 30, 2024 at 09:33PM by Captain-Clash
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