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IFTTT General

Mr. McMahon is pure nostalgia for anyone who grew up watching WWF/WWE.
At /r/netflix
Every few months or so, Netflix will pop out a documentary that is watchable, but doesn’t strike a chord so much as, let’s say The Last Dance, the 2020 documentary about the 90’s Chicago Bulls. Just like that same nostalgic euphoria, as a 90’s kid who grew up watching Bulls games in our next door neighbor’s little East Bay garage who came from Chicago, WWF and Simpsons was our after school activity while shooting hoops.Watching the episode about the Attitude Era just takes me back to a place in time where everything was ironically innocent. It’s been a long path 20+ years since I really sat down and followed a WWE storyline or watched Raw/Smackdown, but for those 80’s babies who remember the awesome age of wrestling, this documentary is a great watch.
Submitted September 28, 2024 at 07:28PM by I_JustReadComments
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IFTTT General

O Secretário da Administração Penitenciária RETIFICA a Resolução SAP que promoveu por ...

O Secretário da Administração Penitenciária RETIFICA a Resolução SAP que promoveu por Antiguidade, o Agente de Escolta e Vigilância Penitenciária ...

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IFTTT General

Will & Harper
At /r/netflix
I just watched this movie with Will Ferrill and his newly open trans good friend Harper. It's sweet, it's authentic, it's informative, it's serious, it's funny and if someone still hates trans ppl after watching this documentary then they weren't really watching or listening. I wish my limited writing skills could more expound on my feelings as I watched this because where many documentary subjects explore true crime and other negative topics, this show brings out the human in all of us... Will Ferrill and Harper have left this world a little better and brighter for sharing their road trip experience all of us. I personally would like to thank them.
Submitted September 28, 2024 at 06:16PM by Competitive-Kick-481
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IFTTT General

ELI5: The Tennessee floods, why was this storm so damaging?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
What about this storm was abnormal enough to cause the damage that it did- location, amount of rain, other issues with the dams?
Submitted September 28, 2024 at 05:15PM by FridayB_
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IFTTT General

Operação conjunta prende um homem - NPDiario

Últimas notícias · Ex-governadora foi roubada (veja vídeo) · Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido · Cobra comemora início de 4º ciclo · Chefe de ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
ONG criada em Curitiba recebe prêmio nas Nações Unidas - Bem Paraná
... 80% mulheres e 60% empreendedores negros. “Contribuímos para a inclusão ... No Brasil, 95% das empresas são micro e pequenas , 70% são ...
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IFTTT General

Pesquisa coloca hoje Karina Peté na frente na eleição em IBAITI - NPDiario

3 horas atrás : Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido · 4 horas atrás ... Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido. 3 horas atrás ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do we see stars when we rub our eyes?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted September 28, 2024 at 12:20PM by pettyrepair954
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Operação conjunta prende um homem - NPDiario
Últimas notícias · Ex-governadora foi roubada (veja vídeo) · Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido · Cobra comemora início de 4º ciclo · Chefe de ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Mais de 60% dos motoristas podem economizar no pedágio da BR-277 entre Curitiba e Litoral
A EPR Litoral Pioneiro, responsável pela administração das rodovias entre Curitiba e o Litoral do Paraná, destacou que mais de 60% dos motoristas ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Ex-governadora foi roubada (veja vídeo) | NPDiário - NPDiario

Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido. 32 minutos atrás ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Ex-governadora foi roubada (veja vídeo) | NPDiário - NPDiario
Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido. 32 minutos atrás ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Quase metade da Geração Z abandona as marcas que se tornam aborrecidas - Marketeer
... SAP Emarsys. Independentemente do quanto os consumidores se identificam com uma marca, a chave para se destacarem a longo prazo reside numa melhor ...
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IFTTT General

O Secretário da Administração Penitenciária, RETIFICA a Resolução SAP na parte em que ...

RESOLUÇÃO DE 26/09/2024. 28 de setembro – 2024. O Secretário da Administração Penitenciária, no uso de sua competência RETIFICA a Resolução SAP de ...

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IFTTT General

Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido para Brasília | NPDiário - NPDiario

Sargento de Infantaria o substituirá O competente Chefe de Instrução do Tiro de Guerra 05-004 de Santo Antônio da Platina, sargento Antônio Félix ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Comprometido o abastecimento em BARRA do Jacaré - NPDiario
Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido. 3 horas atrás. Compartilhe ... Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido · Operação conjunta prende um ...
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IFTTT General

Avoid Binge Mode: The Ideal Spot to Stop Watching, Every Episode
At /r/netflix
Hey, like a lot of you, I tend to get sucked into a series and end up binging way more episodes than I planned in one sitting. The struggle is real—by the end of each episode, they always hit you with that cliffhanger or hype moment that makes it almost impossible to stop. So I was thinking... what if there was a website that told you the best spot to stop watching for each episode of a big series? Like, it wouldn’t mess with the flow of the story, but it would let you tap out before the hype gets too real. Thoughts?At least I'd know when to click off from an episode of You before Joe ends up killing someone else :)
Submitted September 28, 2024 at 06:45PM by Highlander_00
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IFTTT General

Mulher é presa ao tentar entrar em penitenciária de Guareí com porções de maconha - G1

Segundo a Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária (SAP), a visitante foi flagrada durante a revista por equipamento de escaneamento corporal com ...

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IFTTT General

Mulher tenta entrar com cocaína na Penitenciária de Mairinque - Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul

Segundo a Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) do Estado de São Paulo, durante a revista, o scanner corporal mostrou um objeto no tórax da ...

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IFTTT General

eli5: Why do rats have such large gonads?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I keep seeing people posting photos of their rats with nuts larger than their legs. I also went to the pet store recently to pick up something for my cats, and saw a bunch of rats in a cage with fat hangers. What is that about? Is that common in rodents?
Submitted September 28, 2024 at 11:25AM by Helnmlo
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IFTTT General

Why does Netflix cancel all of their shows so early even if they do really well?
At /r/netflix
There’s not much else to say. Anne with an e, mind hunter, inside job, shadow and bone, etc. I’m just genuinely so upset and tired of this. I wonder why do I even start shows and grow attached to them when it’s most likely gonna end. Like an 80% chance. It just doesn’t make sense! Even if the show is good and does extremely well!! Someone pls explain this to me.
Submitted September 28, 2024 at 04:46PM by AdMaster2130
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Pesquisa coloca hoje Karina Peté na frente na eleição em IBAITI - NPDiario
3 horas atrás : Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido · 4 horas atrás ... Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido. 3 horas atrás ...
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IFTTT General

Can you name some must-watch documentaries from the past 4 or so years? [US]
At /r/netflix
Are there any essential Netflix docs I should watch from this time frame? From around the start of covid until now. I've been busy with life and haven't seen most of them, or heard of most of them. Especially from 2021 and onward.I generally will like any sort of art/entertainment if the quality is high. Good is good. I don't love sports, but if the documentary is a wild story based on sports, I'm all in. So the topic is less important than the ability to document a good story. I think the last one I watched was... maybe Tiger King? There's one or two I've probably seen and can't think of now, but it's not a big list at all. If you have any ideas, let me know! Might try to watch a couple of them if they're must-watch docs. Thanks!
Submitted September 28, 2024 at 03:40PM by appleparkfive
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Cascavel se torna referência em eletromobilidade e atrai atenção internacional
Recentemente, uma comitiva da empresa chilena Buses Vules visitou a cidade para conhecer o eletroterminal e a frota de ônibus elétricos, acompanhada ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Rebel Ridge - loved it!
At /r/netflix
I watched Rebel Ridge last night and thought it was fantastic. It was so tense - my heart was racing for most of the running. Netflix really nailed it with this one. More, please!Oh, and Civil Asset Forfeiture completely sucks. How that’s legal, I do not understand.
Submitted September 28, 2024 at 12:21PM by dry_yer_eyes
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How does a jellyfish truly... work?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Hi, I am very curious about jellyfish.Yes they are considered animals but they lack a brain, they have no organs, no blood...But still they manage to stay alive and survive.Like... how?
Submitted September 28, 2024 at 08:44AM by ElGuisito
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
O Secretário da Administração Penitenciária RETIFICA a Resolução SAP que promoveu por ...
RESOLUÇÃO DE 26/09/2024. 28 de setembro – 2024. O Secretário da Administração Penitenciária, no uso de sua competência RETIFICA a Resolução SAP de ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Chefe de Instrução do TG de SAP transferido para Brasília | NPDiário - NPDiario
Sargento de Infantaria o substituirá O competente Chefe de Instrução do Tiro de Guerra 05-004 de Santo Antônio da Platina, sargento Antônio Félix ...
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IFTTT General

Quase metade da Geração Z abandona as marcas que se tornam aborrecidas - Marketeer

... SAP Emarsys. Independentemente do quanto os consumidores se identificam com uma marca, a chave para se destacarem a longo prazo reside numa melhor ...

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IFTTT General

They Broke My List Again
At /r/netflix
They fixed "My List" so that we could finally view shows and movies in the order that we added it to the list after many years of complaints, and now they've updated the interface again to just show "My List" in a seemingly random order so that we have to sift though hundreds of shows.Why do they treat such an important feature for people finding what they want to watch so frivolously?
Submitted September 28, 2024 at 12:48PM by IslandMist
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