ELI5: what is stopping US warships from being overwhelmed by drone/missile attacks?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’ve read about many instances of Houthi drone attacks and missiles being successfully intercepted by US warships. I have no doubt that these ships are capable of completely neutralizing these types of attacks in a vacuum… but given the cost disparity between the drones/missiles and the defense equipment used to stop them… what’s stopping the opposition from spamming so many at once that the ships can’t keep up?Instead of repeated, futile attacks, what would happen if the opposition stock piled all of their resources and launched them at once, in waves, one right after the other? Surely there must be some finite limit to the amount of defensive ammunition (not sure of the right term here) the ships are able to carry at sea. Is it just a matter of the ships being so well equipped that any force capable of exhausting their supplies is simply impractical- even if the drones are pennies on the dollar in terms of comparative cost?
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 10:57PM by btonic
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1fr3vn6/eli5_what_is_stopping_us_warships_from_being/?utm_source=ifttt
ELI5: why don't dam operators dredge in the dam lake during dry spells (or times when the water levels are too low) to expand the dam's water capacity?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Because I think it'll be nice to have more water stored
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 10:06PM by Scoobs_Dinamarca
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1fr2z0g/eli5_why_dont_dam_operators_dredge_in_the_dam/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search: SAP e Consults
Meta IT - Mentiras - Glassdoor
Mentiras - Avaliação de funcionários no cargo de Trainee De Negócios na empresa Meta IT. Ver todas as avaliações (1358). 3,0.
ift2push RpgM7j84
Ryan Murphy Has ‘No Interest’ in Meeting the Menendez Bros. and Believes New Trial Is Possible: ‘Monsters’ Is the ‘Best Thing That’s Happened to Them in 30 Years’
At /r/netflix
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 09:55PM by Ok_Time_1517
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1fr2rxs/ryan_murphy_has_no_interest_in_meeting_the/?utm_source=ifttt
Invent Software anuncia joint venture com mexicana CPA Vision - TI Inside
... SAP Business One (ERP da SAP para pequenas e médias empresas) no México, enquanto ampliam as ofertas já existentes em ambos os mercados. A ...
I see "British Baking Show" and I press "Play". I'm a simple person.
At /r/netflix
I was surprised to see a new season of British baking show has started. Of course, I watched the first episode and it was great! Looking forward to the other episodes.
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 09:24PM by rdv100
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1fr275i/i_see_british_baking_show_and_i_press_play_im_a/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Invent Software anuncia joint venture com mexicana CPA Vision - TI Inside
... SAP Business One (ERP da SAP para pequenas e médias empresas) no México, enquanto ampliam as ofertas já existentes em ambos os mercados. A ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
ELI5: What's stopping witnesses from just lying in court?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I know they have to swear to an oath, but what's preventing them from just completely lying?
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 07:55PM by Character-Till-3641
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1fr0fqr/eli5_whats_stopping_witnesses_from_just_lying_in/?utm_source=ifttt
ELI5: Why are sports teams leaving Oakland?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I understand Vegas is a great city and probably a better market but now Oakland has lost all their teams in a matter of just a few years.
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 06:03PM by ImTired2004
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1fqy2oi/eli5_why_are_sports_teams_leaving_oakland/?utm_source=ifttt
Is it just me that is not hooked on 'nobody asked for this ' ?
At /r/netflix
I usually like tv show rom coms because they are less predictable than film rom coms , plus there is more time to build the will they won't they thing. But this show i just got bored at them flirting in that dinner event. Maybe because i'm not keen on instant attraction ( or at any rate i couldn't feel it in this show ). I guess i need my romances to be a side plot then the main plot.
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 05:53PM by AltruisticAide9776
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1fqxuz3/is_it_just_me_that_is_not_hooked_on_nobody_asked/?utm_source=ifttt
Episode 5 of Monsters is a masterpiece
At /r/netflix
Gut wrenching 30min one shot of an interrogation while the camera is slowly heading on Erics face was a truly refreshing piece of contant and a powerful performance by the actor. I have never heard of the original story but the show keeps getting better and better.Also I really like the exploration of every character. They did very much right on this one
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 05:18PM by Sialorphin
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1fqx32a/episode_5_of_monsters_is_a_masterpiece/?utm_source=ifttt
Neoenergia está ofertando mais de 150 vagas em processo seletivo - JC Concursos
Processo seletivo da SAP SP: saiu EDITAL com novas vagas para níveis médio e superior. Os estagiários receberão bolsa-auxílio e terão direito a ...
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Concurso Praia Grande Saúde 2024: Inscrições, Vagas e Provas! - BM&C NEWS
Concurso SAP SC: Uma Oportunidade para Agentes de Segurança Socioeducativo com Salário de R$ 6 mil! 27 de setembro de 2024 · Concurso Público do TJMT ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Polícia tenta capturar mais de cem detentos que não retornaram da “saidinha” na região
Segundo o levantamento da SAP, dos 3.410 detentos da região que receberam direito à terceira “saidinha”, que começou no último dia 17 e acabou na ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba pode ter tempestades com ventos de até 100 km/h e granizo; Paraná tem alerta duplo
A tão esperada chuva chegou ao Paraná nesta quinta-feira, 26 de setembro, e deve seguir ao menos até a manhã desta sexta-feira, 27 de setembro.
ift2push ERzTLdDr
The end of the f***ing world
At /r/netflix
So I'm trying to watch this and the first episode I laughed some. I can tell this is definitely a dark dry humor kinda show but now I'm on episode 3 and for some reason I just can't seem to get into it. Anybody else feel this way? Anybody know any other dark comedy shows that are really good?
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 11:29PM by PrettyGirlChaz431
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1fr4gj1/the_end_of_the_fing_world/?utm_source=ifttt
Quick A24 Film Survey – Share Your Thoughts in 2 Minutes!
At /r/netflix
Hello everyone,I’m a graduate student at the University of Michigan conducting a brief 2-minute survey on audience perceptions of A24 and other film studios. Your input would greatly help in understanding how these studios resonate with viewersYour insights would be greatly appreciated!https://umich.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bxfva7ctU5i1Vau
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 11:05PM by Intelligent-Cap-64
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1fr4182/quick_a24_film_survey_share_your_thoughts_in_2/?utm_source=ifttt
ELI5: What’s the reason for eggs to be sold in dozen
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 09:26PM by Bewarsepanthulu
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1fr28mp/eli5_whats_the_reason_for_eggs_to_be_sold_in_dozen/?utm_source=ifttt
ELI5: why are East Asian men less hairy?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 09:16PM by LonelyDeparture_987
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1fr21o0/eli5_why_are_east_asian_men_less_hairy/?utm_source=ifttt
Para reduzir custos, Lupo implementa SAP S/4HANA Cloud | TI INSIDE Online
Em 2025, a Lupo, marca referência no mercado têxtil brasileiro, será a primeira indústria do setor têxtil a implementar o sistema SAP S/4HANA ...
Dear Sa-chan Netflix Show Ending (WTF?)
At /r/netflix
WTF was that ending? I didn't read the manga and don't know anything about the manga. Few thoughts of mine below.. Please add your own thoughts, I'm so curious!Shino said that she's the only one that was unpunished foreshadowing that her karma just hasn't come yetShino told her husband that she'll do whatever it takes to fulfill her 7 year old daughter Na-Chan's first love (presumed to be Katagiri) hinting of something between Na-Chan and Katagiri (wtf)What is a 7 years old doing calling a grown man "zaddy" - is this commonly used term in manga? Why did they zoom in on their hands as he hesitated to hold Na Chan's hand while walking home? That hinted at either she could be his daughter or either felt sexual tension (wtf?). But it's been 8 years since he's graduated college so there's no way that she could be his daughter since their affair ended way before he graduated, so.... I read somewhere that the author alluded to the ending being a downfall, meaning that it leads to Katagiri's downfall. It's assumed he knocks back so that leads to his downfall.... So that means he becomes attracted to Na Chan? WTF? Am I comprehending this right or am I crazy?What was that sound coming from the other side? It's assumed to be Na-Chan on the other side so why did it sound like bed creaking? WTF?
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 08:45PM by pietogo
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1fr1fuz/dear_sachan_netflix_show_ending_wtf/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Para reduzir custos, Lupo implementa SAP S/4HANA Cloud | TI INSIDE Online
Em 2025, a Lupo, marca referência no mercado têxtil brasileiro, será a primeira indústria do setor têxtil a implementar o sistema SAP S/4HANA ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Ad-viewing plan should be illegal for lack of features provided. With no communication.
At /r/netflix
I just want to share to anybody thinking about restarting their Netflix subscription; DO NOT BASIC PLAN (VIEWING WITH ADS). I previously came back to watch a few shows since Netflix owns both titles and I am completely disgusted by the lack of communication with the lack of features in the ad based subscription.1) not that many adds - I was surprised how few I got at first, it's gotten to a point I get them almost every 30mins on the dot. (Honestly reasonable)2) can't Chromecast with the lowest subscription 3) can't view on iPad (apparently it's too old to get ads) yet YouTube, twitch, and all other media apps still work... I confirmed my (iPad) device isn't supported4) my surface isn't a eligible device to download shows... Zero explanation as to why.5) I bought internet on a flight so I could watch, turns out my surface in tablet mode isn't eligible but when I have my keyboard it is... Lol 6) I paid to upgrade my plan and magically all the previous issues are non-existent... Like just communicate "hey these features might not work with the plan"I don't want to beta test your product.I don't have an issue paying for the ad free viewing but restricting so many services across so many devices for the basic plan is criminal and once I finish these series Netflix will be going back on the blacklist of companies to avoid. Disgusting business practice.
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 07:18PM by Deenia
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1fqzpb5/adviewing_plan_should_be_illegal_for_lack_of/?utm_source=ifttt
History Showing Up Next Episode?
At /r/netflix
I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else. After I watch an episode of something. If I check the history it shows what I just watched as it should. However now on the Viewing Activity Page the next episode of whatever I watched is also listed. Even though I have not watched it. No I don't have play next episode enabled so it playing a couple of seconds and then showing up is not whats happening.
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 05:46PM by U196
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1fqxpd5/history_showing_up_next_episode/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Concurso GHC 2024 com Salários até R$ 28.903,60 no Rio Grande do Sul!
Concurso Praia Grande Saúde 2024: Inscrições, Vagas e Provas! ... Concurso SAP SC: Uma Oportunidade para Agentes ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
ELI5: why does having 1000mb/s of download speeds doesn’t translate to actually downloading things at 1gb a second
At /r/explainlikeimfive
It’s still super fast, but a 60gb download should be in the ball park of 1min but it frequently would take 10-15min
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 04:38PM by iReaddit-KRTORR
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1fqw5sv/eli5_why_does_having_1000mbs_of_download_speeds/?utm_source=ifttt
How come The Patriot movie looks so good? Every frame seems like lighting masterpiece. Why movies today doesnt have a fraction of that?
At /r/netflix
Like some shots are clearly made before sunrise, the subtle fog right above the grass. Wow! And the blue and yellow color tones - its just such an eye candy!I feel like its all real, is cgi of today's movies really so weak, that a movie from 20 years ago beats everything today?It looks so good that I have a hard time focusing on story lmao :DI did see this movie years ago, but omg I am so glad Netflix made me watch it again. Brilliant!!!
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 05:02PM by Juris_B
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1fqwpry/how_come_the_patriot_movie_looks_so_good_every/?utm_source=ifttt
Concurso SAP SC: Uma Oportunidade para Agentes de Segurança Socioeducativo com ...
Concurso SAP SC com vagas para Agente de Segurança Socioeducativo. Inscrições, provas e etapas seletivas. Prepare-se!
PF desarticula grupo criminoso responsável por planejar fugas de detentos - Cn7
A ação foi realizada em parceria com a Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária do Ceará (SAP). Inscreva-se no canal do CN7 no Telegram. A ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Festa Luz Del Fuego acontece neste domingo em Curitiba - Bem Paraná
No próximo dia 29 de setembro, Curitiba recebe um dos eventos mais aguardados do ano: a Festa Luz Del Fuego. Destinado às mulheres, o evento ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr