Resultado SAP-SC 2024 para Agente Socioeducativo sai nesta terça, 17
Resultado concurso SAP-SC. O edital de resultado preliminar das provas objetivas e do gabarito definitivo será publicado na internet, no dia 17 de ...
Chefe, ex-mulher e mecânico são mortos por agente de escolta | A TARDE
A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) lamentou as mortes ... O agente de escolta de presos Eduardo de Souza Silva, de 43 anos, protagonizou ...
Robinho vai passar Natal e Réveillon em penitenciária após condenação por estupro
De acordo com a SAP, Robinho cumpre pena em regime fechado e não tem direito ao benefício da saída temporária, que é reservado apenas para ...
SAP é campeão da 1ª Divisão do Campeonato Municipal de Futebol - Prefeitura de Cajamar
Com muita emoção e adrenalina, o SAP sagrou-se campeão, trazendo alegria e vibração para o público presente. A premiação final para as equipes, que ...
Atacante Robinho não terá direito a 'saidinha' e vai passar Natal e réveillon preso
A Penitenciária II de Tremembé, que custodia Robson, não realizará programação especial para as festas de fim de ano”, disse a SAP, em nota. Para ...
apreensoes-em-unidades-prisionais-da-regiao-oeste-16-12-24\_16/12/2024 - SAP
Assessoria de Imprensa - SAP | Fotos: Divulgação/SAP. Mulher de detento é presa com porção de drogas ao tentar entrar na PII de Mirandópolis. A ...
Mulher é detida após tentar levar cocaína para a Penitenciária 2 de Potim, durante horário de visita
Thalita Camargo 16 Dez 2024 às 12h44 Divulgação SAP ... Ela foi imediatamente suspensa do cadastro de visitantes da Secretaria da Administração ...
Empresas buscam análises de autoatendimento baseadas em IA, diz ISG - Inforchannel
... SAP, SAS, Sisense, ThoughtSpot e Zoho. A ISG Software Research designa ... Analytics and Data: Oracle, SAP e Microsoft. Collaborative ...
Reasons for Santa not being real in That Christmas
At /r/netflix
Santa is not by any other characters therefore is merely symbolic throughout The note left for Danny to look outside is very similar to the notes Danny receives from his mum throughout the film.As Danny's mum is leaving the room it avoids showing the presents at the bottom of the bed -The looks exchanged by Sam and Charlies parents after Santa's has been are very tellingThe children of the adults who are stranded don't receive proper presents from Santa, this is because Bernie (who is old enough to know Santa isn't real, the writers make it clear she is nearly an adult) has carried out Santa's duties, and knows what each gift is going be used forI would love to hear about any other aspects that people have picked up on
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 05:55PM by Significant-Side-222
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Is Netflix down for anyone?
At /r/netflix
I’m trying to login to Netflix on my Xfinity Stream device and all I’m getting is a black screen of nothing. No other network issues & other apps are functioning without issue. Located in Massachusetts, USA
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 05:49PM by betsybotts
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Netflix Profile Targeted After Travelling
At /r/netflix
Hi all, let me explain the situation I'm currently facing. I had recently traveled on holiday for a few days and used Netflix while traveling. Upon returning to my home country, after a day or so, my continued watching tab just disappeared. When I search for the shows I am watching, they do not appear. I have logged out and back in again, but the issue persists.I have changed browsers, same problem. I restarted my computer, same problem. I restarted my router, same problem.I contacted Netflix support, they said it could be due to using a proxy (which I wasn't and never have while using Netflix)> I told them that wasn't the case and I was travelling. They said that I can't use Netflix while traveling (funny response, I've used Netflix while travelling for YEARS, and never had an issue).When I switch to a different profile on the account, everything is fine, and the shows that I couldn't search on a different profile appear! I had told Netflix Support that it seems like Netflix is targeting my profile in the account /specifically/, and I have no clue why.They had told me to contact my ISP to reset my IP address. I did that, the issue did not resolve. We have multiple networks at home, I've connected to all of them and STILL nothing solved the issue.Funnily enough, whenever I connect my laptop to roaming data, everything functions fine. Is my profile just a lost cause? I don't wanna start a new profile from scratch again and lose all the progress I have on the shows I've watched. I like the way my Netflix homepage has curated my account. I really don't want to lose that.Does anyone have any guidance/faced a similar issue before?
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 05:17PM by TheArabSamurai
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ELI5: what is the reason for such a rigid open enrollment period for the yearly benefit opt-ins?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 03:26PM by tanhauser_gates_
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Feira Arte Viva CWB Termina o Ano com Arte, Literatura e Diversão para Toda a Família -
Endereço: Rua São Francisco, 232 e Rua Treze de Maio, 439 – Centro – Curitiba. Entrada: Franca. Data: 21 de dezembro de 2024. Horário: das ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Mulher é barrada ao tentar entrar em presídio de Potim com cocaína no corpo - Band
Divulgação/ SAP ... Após o flagrante, a visitante foi suspensa do cadastro da Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) e encaminhada à delegacia ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Última Feira Arte Viva do ano reúne arte e diversão em Curitiba - Bem Paraná
... Curitiba. O evento vai das 10h às 18h, e ... Endereço: Rua São Francisco, 232 e Rua Treze de Maio, 439 – Centro – Curitiba. Entrada: Franca.
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Robinho passará festas de fim de ano preso e sem direito a saidinha temporária
A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) confirmou a informação nesta segunda-feira (16). Segundo a legislação brasileira, somente ...
Dia de fúria: agente de escolta executa chefe, ex-mulher e mecânico | Metrópoles
Divulgação/SAP. Homem armado, com fuzil, colete preto e uniforme ... A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) lamentou as mortes ...
Cajamar celebra a reinauguração do Estádio Municipal Antônio Fachina – Notícias
A partida decisiva entre Baré e SAP foi disputada até os pênaltis, consagrando o SAP como campeão e enchendo o estádio de emoção e alegria. O ...
Deferindo o pedido de vista, em cartório, do Processo SPDOC/SAP n.º 3319775/2019, em nome de Marcelo de Barros Cano, o qual permanecerá a sua ...
Pessoas privadas de liberdade do sistema prisional cearense produzem roupas e ...
A iniciativa reafirma o compromisso da SAP em promover a ressocialização dos internos e internas através de projetos que incentivam a capacitação, o ...
Atacante Robinho não terá direito a 'saidinha' e vai passar Natal e réveillon preso - GZH
A Penitenciária II de Tremembé, que custodia Robson, não realizará programação especial para as festas de fim de ano", disse a SAP, em nota. Para ...
Assessoria de Imprensa - SAP | Fotos: Divulgação/SAP. A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) informa sobre apreensão de ilícito ...
As mais lidas da semana – IPNews – O Portal da Conectividade
Qlik anuncia integrações com Accenture, SAP, Databricks e Snowflake ... SAP, Serpro, Snowflake, teletex, Ype · Deixar um comentário. IPNews – O ...
Carry On - Movie Review
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 05:59PM by MatttheBatPodcast
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ELI5: Why is Diabetes a forever disease?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
if you’re able to get your A1C back down and regulate your daily blood glucose, why can’t you go back to normal living? why do you still have to take maintenance meds? edit: I have type 2 diabetes btw
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 05:02PM by pungcake
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No subtitles in English movies/TV
At /r/netflix
Netflix is terrible for this. I am watching Terminator: Dark Fate. I am in 10 minutes into the film and everyone has been speaking spanish. No subtitles.I could turn subtitles on, but then I have to see english subtitles for the english speaking parts. Every other streaming service can manage this, but not Netflix it seems.
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 05:17PM by ModerateOsprey
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ELI5: Why are there so many one-way streets in downtown?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
In most US cities I've been to, the streets downtown are mostly one way. When I leave downtown, I see mostly two-way streets. Why is that? What is special about downtown that it requires one-way streets?
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 04:46PM by jshoemate
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Associate Director - SAP S/4HANA - Pharma - Macclesfield - 12 Months - £700p/d (Outside ...
This role is central to ensuring the successful data cleanse, preparation, and migration of clinical supply chain data into SAP S/4HANA, driving ...
Read more... ift2push (
YSK there's an online space that lets friends & family compete in games with their own permanent leaderboard - perfect for any Christmas gathering
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: turned our big TV into a family game center, with the holiday gatherings coming up, just cast your laptop screen and play with up to 7 players/teams. The best part - each family gets their own persistent leaderboard, so you can track who's the ultimate champion across multiple gatherings! There are 5 games from Hollywood charades to trivia, and no one needs to download apps or buy controllers. Great for keeping score of family rivalries without everyone staring at their phones!
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 03:34PM by saas_marketer
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Im going crazy. I hate the quality on PC so much. Please anyone help
At /r/netflix
I have messaged netflix support on this too, unfortunatly it did not help.The quality on watching a movie or show on computer is insanely bad.
Quality on TV, phone works great, except on PC. I dont understand why? says i have 960mbps internet. My PC is up-to-date and high spec. There should be no reason for it to be 480p(ish) Youtube allows me to play 4k video with no problems, why is it only netflix. Stupid company
Submitted December 16, 2024 at 02:35PM by Katpaingg
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