Google Search Curitiba stuff
Superintendência do Cade aprova aquisição de 70% da Estrela pela CSN - Bem Paraná
A Superintendência-Geral do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) aprovou, sem restrições, a aquisição de 70% da Estrela pela Companhia ...
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Fifth and final series of You coming to Netflix April 24th
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 01:09PM by CampMain
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adesso migriert ERP der amedes-Gruppe auf SAP S/4HANA: E-HEALTH-COM
Der IT-Dienstleister migriert das bestehende ERP-System SAP R/3 der amedes-Gruppe auf RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition. Die Konversion ...
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Adarsh Developers suffer total data loss after cloud deletion - Tech Wire Asia
Adarsh Developers hosted its ERP platform, SAP S/4HANA, on AWS. ... Fast forward to January 9th this year, and the company discovered that as of 10:48am ...
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Port of Rotterdam Ensures Business Processes with SAP S/4HANA Cloud
With the transition to SAP S/4HANA Cloud, the Port of Rotterdam Authority has established a solid foundation for further innovation.
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'Peaky Blinders' Actress Confirms She Won't Be Back in 'The Immortal Man'
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 11:14AM by Somethingman_121224
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ELI5: how do films not look blurry, when the film reel is in constant motion?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
How is it that when projecting a movie from a film reel, there is no motion Blur, all frames look sharp even though they are always rolling through the projector?
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 10:09AM by 666dollarfootlong
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Mundo Pixar Curitiba: garanta 60% de desconto no ingresso inteira - Rede Globo
Desconto exclusivo no app da RPC!. Aproveite 60% de desconto em 1 ingresso inteira para o Mundo Pixar Curitiba. O cupom é aplicável ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
I have trouble transfering extra member account back to main one.
At /r/netflix
In manage profile on the extra account the option to transfer profile os missing, where as it there on my main account. Is it even possible to transfer extra member account?
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 10:37AM by ItsAlwaysBlue212
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ELI5: What's that weird smell you get in your sinuses when you're injured?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Weird question, I know, but it's driving me crazy. I've had the questionable luck to get pretty badly injured/be in huge amounts of pain on several occasions, and I've noticed that when in sudden extreme pain, there's often a strange almost ozone-like smell and a tight sensation in my sinuses at the top of the nasal cavity.
It's happened when physically injured, like a blow to the head, but also just when in sudden very extreme pain (jammed nerve) where there hasn't been a head impact, so it seems like it can't just be 'burst blood vessels', which I'd read it could be in the event of a head injury.
It's happened enough times that it seems to be some kind of extreme-pain response my body does, and I'm curious about what it is. Any ideas?
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 09:01AM by AIM9MaxG
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ELI5: How are humans able to find the size of the observable universe or galaxies and stars so far away?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
How are humans able to find the size of something so unimaginably large and vast, how are we able to measure something so far away and have never seen or experienced?
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 08:51AM by TchaikTheGoat
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Revelations | Official Teaser | Netflix (from the director of Train to Busan)
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 08:17AM by Pep_Baldiola
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Heads Up, Agents! Our Time To ACT: Sign the Petition to #SaveLockwoodandCo! 👻 🔎
At /r/netflix
Hey r/netflix (and all you amazing agents across Reddit!)Let's be real, we're all still reeling from the brilliant Season 1 of Lockwood & Co., right? The atmosphere, the ghosts, the witty banter, the chemistry – this show is pure gold and deserves SO MUCH MORE! 🔥It's criminal that we might not get to see Season 2 and beyond. But guess what? WE DON'T HAVE TO ACCEPT THAT!There's a fantastic petition going around to show the powers that be just how HUGE the demand is for more Lockwood & Co. This is our chance to make our voices HEARD and prove that this show deserves to continue its ghost-hunting adventures!SIGN. THE. PETITION! ➡️ signature counts, agents. Let's flood this petition and show them the power of the Lockwood & Co. fandom!What can YOU do?Sign the Petition RIGHT NOW! this post for visibility! Let's get it to the front page!Share this post to EVERY subreddit where Lockwood & Co. fans might be lurking! (r/Netflix, r/Fantasy, r/YAbooks, r/Television, etc. - get creative!)Spread the word on other social media too! Let's make #SaveLockwoodandCo trend EVERYWHERE!Follow all the weekly hashtags posted by savelockwoodnco account on X( formaly twitter) along with the #SaveLockwoodandCo.Maximun of 2 hashtag per post is preferable.If there is a certain streamer you would like to tag you can. I would go for Prime Video, Disney+ for a great platform that has global reach. (Make sure the account has a blue/gold ticks which means it's verified and official) #PrimeVideo or #DisneyPlusTake advantage of scheduling posts on X to auto posts of days when not online.Engage with posts by commenting on them, retweeting and quoting them.(#DisneyPlus & #SaveLockwoodandCo) or (#PrimeVideo & SaveLockwoodandCo) or (Weekly hash hashtag & #SaveLockwoodandCo)This isn't over until we say it is! Let's channel our inner Lockwood, Lucy, and George and fight for what we believe in! FOR LOCKWOOD & CO! ✊👻🔎If any uncertainty or guidance please send a question on the postP.S. Bonus points for anyone who signs the petition using their ghost-hunting codename! 😉 Let's get this done, agents!
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 06:53AM by Good-Daikon-9104
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ELI5: How do rice cookers work?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I know it’s “when there’s no more water they stop” but how does it know? My rice cooker is such a small machine how can it figure out when to stop cooking the rice?
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 04:25AM by UsePuzzleheaded9671
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住宅向けユニット式鉄筋のメークスがSaaS型のSAP S/4HANA® Cloudを採用 - PR TIMES
メークス株式会社のプレスリリース(2025年2月25日 11時00分)住宅向けユニット式鉄筋のメークスがSaaS型のSAP S/4HANA® Cloudを採用.
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Netflix hit a record 8.6% of total TV screen time in January with Squid Game racking up an astonishing 9 billion minutes of viewing time
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 01:41PM by S4v1r1enCh0r4k
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ELI5: Why when posting battery life comparison videos, do the youtubers' phones tend to last 16+ hours but my phone will go from 80% to 30% after a day of school where i only used my phone for just over an hour and is the same model?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I never really understood this so I hope someone can help me figure this out. Thanks
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 12:13PM by marzimkw
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Clean-Core-Zertifizierung; Pressemitteilung der ifm electronic gmbh - Presseportal
... S/4HANA Cloud“ erhalten. Getreu dem Motto „Einfach mal machen“ wurde der Weg in Richtung Clean Core eingeschlagen. In den nächsten Jahren soll ...
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Adesso migriert ERP der Amedes-Gruppe auf SAP S/4HANA -
Der IT-Dienstleister migriert das bestehende ERP-System SAP R/3 der amedes-Gruppe auf RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition.
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Policiais fantasiados de Chapolin e padre prendem suspeitos de furtos de celulares no pré-carnaval
O final de semana de pré-Carnaval registrou um total de 590 casos de roubos e furtos de celulares na capital paulista, número 60% menor em relação ao ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Were both my mom's email and netflix hacked?
At /r/netflix
Hi all I hope someone has an answer to this.I live in Morocco and my mom has a netflix account that we share (I have her email too in case I need to confirm household and I cant get a hold of her since we live in different cities).Anyway for the past couple of weeks we both needed to reconfirm the household every time we wanted to watch something (which usually happened rarely) and when I checked her emails I noticed there was an account that logs into her account either from New York or California. Nothing else seems to be messed on her gmail with so does this mean it was hacked only for the netflix account? and except from changing her password on both platforms is there anything else she can do to avoid this happening? Thanks in advance to anyone who tries to help!
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 11:20AM by deadironman
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Main thoughts after seeing the relationship dynamics shown in the Gabby Petito documentary were about the subtle violence built into systems like the police department. This involves mainly the ‘birds of a feather flock together’ effect.
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 11:10AM by anonymousCryptoCity
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Animais do Zoológico de Curitiba se refrescam com sorvetes de frutas para aliviar o calor
O zoológico conta com cerca de 589 mil metros quadrados e mais de 70% dos animais que abriga vieram de situações que impossibilitam sua soltura na ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Presídios do Vale do Paraíba somam cinco apreensões de ilícitos com visitantes de presos ...
... (SAP) e a encaminhou para a delegacia de polícia local para registro de boletim de ocorrência e demais providências legais.No mesmo dia, uma mulher ...
“I Can’t Tell You Anything”: One Piece Season 3 Is Happening, But the Show’s Cast Is Keeping Quiet
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 08:55AM by Sweaty-Toe-6211
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"Device not part of my household"... yet all devices are.
At /r/netflix
So I have two tv's, a PS5, and my phone with netflix. All on the same network. The tv's are on wifi and the PS5 is on ethernet. We normally have one or two going at the same time. I have three profiles but all on one account. Our problem is that occasionally one device will say it isn't a part of my household and then I'd be prompted to update my household list (again). So.. I'll check the network, still connected to the one and only router in the house, and do the update anyway. Then, a few days later, another device (on the household list) will pop the same issue. This has been going on for a while and I've been constantly having to update the list on each device when it happens. I'd really appreciate some help with this as it's getting to be such a hassle. Maybe I'm missing something about screens on netflix or something? I have no idea. But if anyone knows about or has gone through similar, any info on this would be awesome. Thanks!
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 08:37AM by Evereign8
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Một tuần rất quan trọng sắp bắt đầu đối với Starknet. $STRK | LinhCrypto no Binance Square
Não foi possível encontrar este conteúdo. Fica a saber as últimas notícias sobre criptomoedas. ⚡️ Participa nas mais recentes discussões sobre ...
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP lança Desafio Net Zero no Brasil - Jornal do Comércio
Pedro Pereira, CSO e líder de Sustentabilidade da SAP América Latina e Caribe. SAP/Divulgação/JC. Compartilhe: Patricia Knebel. A SAP ...
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ELI5: Why does our immune system not attack the "good" bacteria in our bodies? How does it differentiate between the good and the bad?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted February 25, 2025 at 04:10AM by HandsomeDim
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YSK: The Right Insoles Can Dramatically Improve Your Comfort and Posture.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Many people suffer from foot, knee, or back pain without realizing that cheap or unsupportive insoles in their shoes might be a big culprit.What You Should Know:
• Most factory insoles are garbage. The insoles that come with your shoes are usually thin, unsupportive, and wear out quickly. They provide little to no arch support or shock absorption.• Insoles aren’t one-size-fits-all. Your foot type (flat feet, high arches, or neutral) determines the kind of support you need. Wearing the wrong insoles can actually make things worse.• They can help with pain relief. If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, shin splints, knee pain, or lower back pain, the right insoles can alleviate a lot of the stress on your joints.• They extend the life of your shoes. Instead of tossing out a pair of shoes when they start feeling uncomfortable, replacing the insoles can give them a second life.• Custom vs. off-the-shelf. Custom orthotics are great but expensive ($200+). High-quality over-the-counter insoles (like Superfeet, Powerstep, or Dr. Scholl’s custom-fit) are a great middle ground.Tips for Choosing the Right Insoles: 1. Know your foot type. Wet your foot, step on a piece of paper, and check your arch shape (flat, neutral, or high).
2. Consider your activity level. Running, standing all day, or heavy lifting may require different levels of support and cushioning.3. Break them in. Some insoles, especially firmer ones, take time for your feet to adjust.4. Replace them regularly. Even good insoles wear out after 6–12 months of daily use.TL;DR: Most shoes come with terrible insoles. Investing in a quality pair based on your foot type can improve comfort, reduce pain, and even extend the life of your shoes.