SC transfere 700 presos para estados de origem - AU ONLINE
A Secretaria da Administração Prisional e Socioeducativa de Santa Catarina (SAP) tem promovido a transferência de presos para seus estados de ...
Facção que planejava resgatar presos em penitenciárias é alvo da PF | Metrópoles
Com apoio da Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária do Ceará (Sap), a PF cumpre 10 mandados de busca e apreensão e cinco de prisão.
17 reeducandos não retornam para a Penitenciária de Osvaldo Cruz após benefício da 'Saidinha'
A SAP salientou que é importante lembrar que quando o preso não retorna à Unidade Prisional, é considerado foragido e perde automaticamente o ...
Lwart tem suporte da Rimini para VMware | Notícias - Baguete
Vale destacar que a Lwart já é cliente de suporte terceirizado da Rimini para o seu ERP da SAP desde 2022, e agora está ampliando também para o ...
Not sure Ryan Murphy got it right with Monsters…
At /r/netflix
Is it an interesting watch? Sure, so far. But wow - sexualizing childhood SA victims is pretty gross. I say this as someone who was both mentally tortured and SAd by my cousin (another girl) for 4 summers. If my life story was ever told and someone sexualized me (ie made up a weird anecdote that I had a sexually-charged relationship with another woman, like Monsters does with Erik in jail) and connected it back to that trauma in my life… I would probably want to die.Love Ryan Murphy and all his shows, but this one definitely has a big ick factor for me. And the “ick” is what people like to watch, but for victims, at least me, it’s in very poor taste.
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 09:56AM by Affectionate-Bee3521
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Zombie show that was on Netflix Australia can't remember the name
At /r/netflix
I need a name of a zombie tv show that I watched. There was two girls that were adopted and the dad was a scientist and he experimented on them with out them knowing. One day the girls found the basement. Then one of the girls found a zombie dog in the lab where the dad worked and one of the girls turned into a bad guy working at the same lab and she had to Find her sister catch her and at the end of the season the bad sister catches the other sisterThe basement caught on fire after they saw their blood in vile i think they watched a tape or tapes that was in the basement I think it was called dawn on something like that
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 09:31AM by IntelligentPea2944
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Homem morre após acidente com trator no município de Coração de Jesus - Revista Tempo
O motorista, S.A.P., de 39 anos, foi encontrado já sem vida, preso na cabine do veículo. 27/09/2024. Foto: ASCOM/7°BBM.
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Governo de SP lança Programa Moradia Segura para policiais e agentes de segurança pública
... (SAP), o Governo de SP dá um importante passo para uma maior segurança habitacional de policiais civis, militares, técnico-científicos, policiais ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Cooper Koch Says He Can ‘Empathize with’ Erik Menéndez’s Critique of Monsters: It ‘Definitely Affected Me’
At /r/netflix
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 08:01AM by Old-Cauliflower4793
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Downloads gone!
At /r/netflix
I downloaded a bunch of shows from Netflix about two weeks ago and now they are gone! What in the world did Netflix do? Why would they remove this feature when so many people download shows before a long flight?
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 06:53AM by inneedofadvice001
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ELI5: Why is it that we as humans can sit for hours trying to recall important details from our memory, but our brains have no problems recalling embarrasing or humiliating things that happened decades ago like it happened 5 minutes ago?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 03:49AM by Kaesien
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Saidinha na Penitenciária de Marília termina com dez detentos foragidos
A Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária (SAP) divulgou o balanço da saída temporária dos reeducandos do regime semiaberto da Penitenciária de ...
Setembro Amarelo leva ações de conscientização da saúde mental para reeducandas e ... - SAP
A Penitenciária Feminina de Tupi Paulista, subordinada à Coordenadoria de Unidades Prisionais da Região Oeste (Croeste) da Secretaria da Administração ...
ELI5: Why, in movies these days, is the background noise generally louder then the talking?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Is there a reason for this? I just don't remember it being an issue when growing up and since it crossed my mind, I haven't been able to come up with an answer myself.
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 04:21AM by Chemical_Head_5842
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Arcane. Why did you hyper sexualise the youngest girl character
At /r/netflix
I was trying something new by watching arcane, then a few episodes in most of the female characters are highly sexualised with Powder being the worst. Why? Ffs. The story was working before this. Giving up now
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 03:25AM by cealild
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Operação DEFCON 3 prende cinco pessoas em ação integrada da FICCO/CE com a SAP
A Ofensiva foi realizada em parceria com a Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária do Ceará (SAP). A mobilização é para cumprir 10 mandados de busca ...
Homem morre após acidente com trator no município de Coração de Jesus - Revista Tempo
O motorista, S.A.P., de 39 anos, foi encontrado já sem vida, preso na cabine do veículo. 27/09/2024. Foto: ASCOM/7°BBM.
SAP e Ambipar lançam Net Zero as a Service para gerenciar emissão de carbono
As soluções centradas em ERP e habilitadas para IA da SAP fornecerão gerenciamento de carbono, permitindo que os clientes estabeleçam uma base de ...
Governo de SP lança Programa Moradia Segura para policiais e agentes de segurança pública
O novo programa proporcionará moradias dignas a esses servidores vinculados à SSP e à SAP, promovendo condições para aquisição da unidade habitacional ...
Quality with an premium subscription is a joke...
At /r/netflix
I am not allowed to post screen shots here, but the quality of compression now on netflix is a complete joke. I have a 272.2Mbps download speed, and 255mbps upload speed. I am streaming to my PC with all the latest video drivers and codecs. I have a 3080 NVidia card, more than enough. It's embarassing how bad it looks.
I would post the horrible screen grabs here, but apparently we are not allowed to show how bad their service has gotten.. Whoever is running things technically now is committing fraud. To pay for HD premium and yet they stream you lower then 640x480 with insane compression fuzziness and artifacts, scream absolute fraud. I am paying for something clearly they don't deliver... and haven't for years. Worst quality streaming service out there at the moment...
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 09:27AM by WaterSign27
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Previsão do tempo para Curitiba (PR): Veja temperaturas do dia - UOL Notícias
O nível de umidade relativa do ar para Curitiba deve alternar entre 75% e 96%. Ventos. Curitiba deve registrar ventos em uma velocidade média de 13 km ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP e Ambipar lançam Net Zero as a Service para gerenciar emissão de carbono
As soluções centradas em ERP e habilitadas para IA da SAP fornecerão gerenciamento de carbono, permitindo que os clientes estabeleçam uma base de ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Lwart tem suporte da Rimini para VMware | Notícias - Baguete
Vale destacar que a Lwart já é cliente de suporte terceirizado da Rimini para o seu ERP da SAP desde 2022, e agora está ampliando também para o ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
ELI5 Is there any differences on a human body from the 1600's and 2000's?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I wanna know if there are any differences from them. How have we adapted and stuff in 400 years.
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 01:22AM by Otherwise-Doctor-373
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ELI5: What is the difference between a producer, executive producer, writer, and director?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 04:12AM by Shot_Position_103
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Governo de SP lança Programa Moradia Segura para policiais e agentes de segurança pública
O novo programa proporcionará moradias dignas a esses servidores vinculados à SSP e à SAP, promovendo condições para aquisição da unidade habitacional ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Contra facções e economia milionária: por que SC faz transferências de presos em 2024
A SAP (Secretaria da Administração Prisional e Socioeducativa) de Santa Catarina tem realizado transferências de presos desde o início do ano, ...
6 Masterpieces That You Didn't Know Were on Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 05:49AM by t3ssier-4shpool
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Previsão do tempo aponta dia chuvoso hoje (27) para Curitiba (PR)
O nível de umidade relativa do ar para Curitiba deve alternar entre 75% e 96%. Ventos. Curitiba deve registrar ventos em uma velocidade média de 13 ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Will an extra member get kicked off it watching at the same time as primary?Standard(no ads) plan.
At /r/netflix
I had the basic plan that was discontinued for me. I have to pick a new plan by the 29th. I put my retired elderly mother on this same plan, and it's obviously going away too.I want to pick Standard($15.00 no ads) for myself and transfer her as an extra member.However, the wording of if she will get to watch Netflix at the same time as me is kinda confusing.Basically, will she get kicked off if I happen to be watching something at the same time as her and vice versa?Me-PhoneShe-TvSame TimeIssue?Thanks :)
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 03:37AM by sunbelt27
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