American Nightmare and some questions I still have regarding the case after finishing the docuseries…
At /r/netflix
If you’ve seen American Nightmare, then you know what happens: young couple experiences a home invasion in which the girlfriend is kidnapped. When the boyfriend comes to and contacts the police, he is not believed and is suspect number one. Likewise, when missing girlfriend shows up, she is decimated by both the police and the press, who label her a ‘Gone Girl,’ in reference to a popular Affleck/Pike thriller in which the wife fakes a crime…But then it’s proven that the whole thing was actually true…I have a few remaining questions about loose ends that were not properly investigated in this case, and I’m not satisfied. These things are: the fact that Muller mentioned the ex, Andrea, and said she was the intended victim. The fact that an agent on the case, David Sesma, had ties to Andrea and was allowed to remain on the case….Denise and Aaron said that more than one person was involved in this. What if it was David Sesma? Why were David Sesma and Andrea and their ties to this case and why Muller mentioned her not investigated further, especially since it was proven that Denise and Aaron were telling the truth?They both corroborated the same thing, that the kidnapper said: “This was meant for Andrea.” How did Muller know about Andrea, and was it possible he was sent to that home by someone else? I think these are very valid questions. Any thoughts about this?
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 03:00AM by Neon_Aurora451
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ELI5: How do perfumers replicate scents like leather and caramel compared to more straightforward scents like flowers?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’m assuming that natural ingredients like jasmine and rose are extracted in some way for floral scents, but how do people mimic the scents of other things like leather, caramel, marshmallows, and fresh laundry? Are the molecules used to create leather in perfumes the same as those found in actual leather? Do perfumers replicate the scent by analyzing and deconstructing the molecules in the real substances, or do they use different compounds that simply mimic the scent? How do you build a scent?
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 12:14AM by bodegapretzel
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137 detentos não retornaram aos presídios da RM Vale após 3ª saída do ano - Life Informa
... SAP em comunicado. A cidade de Tremembé, que abriga uma das maiores unidades prisionais da região, registrou o maior número de não retornos, com ...
ELI5: why do rags soaked in oil-based chemicals spontaneously catch on fire without being exposed to a flame?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 07:09PM by Gurdy0714
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Unable to watch netflix
At /r/netflix
I have been unable to watch netflix for the last 3 days.
I either get the E-100 error,
or it logs me out instantly when i try to watch anything. And as usual the guides are utterly useless on how to solve this issue.
Does anybody know how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 10:17PM by IsendDuckPics90
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ELI5: How bad was the 2008 financial crisis?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I went down a rabbit hole last night and was reading about someone’s experience during 2008 and the hardship their family faced. However, they mentioned that their family was both able to hire other people to keep money flowing and had to eat ketchup packet tomato soup. I couldn’t convince myself that this was a credible story, so I want to hear yours! I was 8 in 2008 and don’t remember what it was like (“kids don’t know they’re poor”). What was the hardest part of the whole ordeal? How did families change afterwards? I’d like to know everything.Edit: keep your political opinions away. I just want to learn.
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 08:52PM by PGK2763
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ELI5: How can someone's political ideology be radical centrism? Seems like kind of an oxymoron to me.
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I've heard the term 'radical centrism' before and have always found it confusing. Radical left or right means very far in that ideological direction, but shouldn't it be inherently impossible to be very extremist toward the center? Are there any historical examples of radical centrist figures?
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 06:55PM by Pineapple_Gamer123
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Governo de São Paulo cria a Polícia Penal do Estado - SAP SP
Com a unificação, os vencimentos da nova carreira de policial penal serão reajustados, representando um aumento de 23% em relação aos antigos ASPs e ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
ELI5: If roots like ginger and potato grow in dirt, why are there almost never worms in those that I buy in the grocery store?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I tried growing fresh ginger a few times in dirt (often after letting it dry up for a few hours. usually a few seconds in worms start trying to decompose it and I find many univited guests munching kn kt. How the hell do farmers get these roots not worm infested?
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 02:40PM by Hashanadom
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Governo de São Paulo cria a Polícia Penal do Estado - SAP SP
Com a unificação, os vencimentos da nova carreira de policial penal serão reajustados, representando um aumento de 23% em relação aos antigos ASPs e ...
Thoughts on “Mr. McMahon”
At /r/netflix
When it was announced that Netflix would be producing a documentary covering the life and times of controversial wrestling promoter Vince McMahon, there was a healthy dose of skepticism. Firstly, Netflix was entering a partnership with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), the pro wrestling behemoth run by McMahon for decades and in his family even longer. It was easy to presume that they’d take it easy on the company and the man at its helm so as to not rock the boat and sour their new relationship. Secondly, McMahon himself would be participating in the documentary, and as a man famous for his need to control the narrative surrounding his public persona, another wrinkle presented itself. How vulnerable would he allow himself to be? How much of what goes behind the curtain, so to speak, would he be willing to divulge?As it turns out, not much. A lengthy portion of this limited series is spent recounting less the story of Vince the Man— we only briefly touch on his noted turbulent upbringing— and more the story of Vince the Promoter. And that’s fine. I myself am a passionate pro wrestling fan— even when I’m not actively watching the product, I’m consuming all the latest news surrounding same. So many of the subjects here, which span from the death of the territories to the Benoit family tragedy and all that it wrought— are familiar grounds to me, and others at my level of fandom. But for the casual viewer, this oral history of sorts may prove to be enlightening viewing, given personality by the many larger-than-life talking heads present and their sometimes contradictory recounting of events.Apart from that, though, there really isn’t much here that makes it essential viewing, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t walk out of this one slightly disappointed, and that’s down to two things. Firstly, the premise. Titling the doc itself Mr. McMahon brings to mind not Vince the Man, or even Vince the Promoter— rather, Vince the Onscreen Character. In doing so, the doc makes its mission clear: highlight both the former and lattermost “versions” of McMahon, and draw a connective throughline between them. How much of the character is exaggeration? How much of it reflects the very real, very flawed human being who portrays him? With McMahon being noted for his various quirks and eccentricities, coupled with his ruthless business practices, what you have is a rich concept for an exploratory biographical piece.Secondly, the marketing. As stated in the doc, much of it was filmed and edited prior to the bombshell allegations of sexual misconduct levied against McMahon being made public, so it can be assumed that the series didn’t start off with the aim of exposing him as it did to paint a portrait of a complex titan of industry. Once those accusations did come out, however, they would be forced to pivot. Whether it be by their own hand, or by the WWE’s, who one can surmise would think it best they distance themselves from McMahon as they enter the era of revitalized popularity and record profit they’re currently in. But while the marketing of the series seemed to reflect this shift in attitude, the series itself doesn’t really do much to explore this side of McMahon in any meaningful way until the second half of the final episode. Whether that be down to it being far too late into production to fully embrace the change, or just not wanting to upset their new business partner, we will never know. What we do know is that the result is a documentary series with worlds of potential that never really digs deep enough below the surface to extract anything substantive regarding the enigmatic figure at its center. A decent watch with some fun moments and neat historical tidbits, but nothing more.
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 06:26PM by alilnomadic
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Lupo implementa S/4HANA e espera reduzir custos em 20% - IT Forum
A marca implementou o S/4HANA Cloud for Fashion, solução da provedora alemã de software especifica para a indústria têxtil. A implementação está sendo ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Molini's tem SUPER alerta de preço baixo - NPDiario
Extinpel na fase final da construção de sua nova fábrica em SAP. 5 horas atrás ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
ELI5: How do calculators and computers do integral and differential calculus?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Digital arithmetic seems straightforward, but how do calculators do calculus? How do calculators find the area between two curves, or calculate the instantaneous rate of change of a function?Thanks for responding
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 03:06PM by 1007Con
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Mulheres CEOs se dividem entre maratonas e planilhas de supermercado, sem 'Deus me livre'
SÃO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) - Era abril de 2005. Cristina Palmaka –hoje CEO da multinacional de softwares SAP para a América Latina e Caribe– fez ...
ELI5: How does drinking your self to death happen?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I have had friends/family who have passed away from long term use, or one day they just didn't wake up after a night of drinking =[. Wtf is going on?
Submitted September 27, 2024 at 02:06AM by BlamingInReverse
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Lei da Polícia Penal SP é sancionada; edital iminente! - Estratégia Concursos
Quer estudar para o concurso SAP SP? Concurso SAP SP. Rumo à carreira policial dos seus sonhos! ⭐. VER CURSOS. Assinatura de Concursos. Assinatura de ...
ELI5: Why do we sometimes derive pleasure from physical pain?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
For instance, if you've ever cut a nail too short and keep pressing on that spot, or enjoyed getting spanked during sex?
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 09:15PM by lamplightonly
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Google Search: SAP e Consults
Cresol gere workflow de marketing com Deskfy | Notícias - Baguete
Cast group Solutions é a chance para transformar a conformidade fiscal em oportunidade de crescimento. IA · Petronect atende fornecedores com Neo & ...
ift2push RpgM7j84
ELI5: what is the difference between 2nd cousin and 1st cousin once removed
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 09:38PM by OfferNo941
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SAPの取締役会から2人が退任 オンプレユーザーのクラウドリフトへの難航が理由か - ITmedia
SAPの取締役会から2人が離脱した。あるアナリストは、SAPはSAP ECCやSAP S/4HANAのオンプレミスシステムをSAP S/4HANA Cloudへ移行させるのに苦労している ...
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New Shows
At /r/netflix
Well I want to search for all the new shows on Netflix it seems to be very difficult. What they need to have is a tab just for all their new shows. It is very difficult to find all of their new shows every month. My other complaint is it always suggests shows but every single one of them I've already watched. It would be nice if it could somehow keep track of some of the shows I've already seen instead of suggesting the same stuff I've already watched. My biggest complaint though is trying to search for new shows the fact that they do not come up easily some of them come up but not the complete list. I don't know who designed their website but it definitely does need some improvements.
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 07:31PM by wheelsmatsjall
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Enterro de Abel da Quitanda será às 8 | NPDiário - NPDiario
Ele, que estava sozinho, caiu e morreu no local com sua Honda/CG 150 (placa de SAP). Equipes do SAMU(Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência) ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Just finished watching twilight of the gods, Kindly recommend something similar.
At /r/netflix
This is probably my second anime series. Before this one, I throughly enjoyed archer on Fx. I like gritty, gory, violent, dark anime series with excellent dialogues. Looking for something similar to watch. Kindly share some series.
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 06:56PM by UrbanPundit69
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ELI5: Why do narcotics not work for chronic pain?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I've been told before that opiates aren't useful for chronic pain, but I always assumed that was due to the risk of addiction. I had major surgery recently and was on morphine in the hospital and Vicodin after leaving. I hardly experienced any pain from the surgical site while on the medications, but my chronic shoulder pain seemed to be unaffected. Can anyone explain why this would be the case?
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 03:11PM by Whevyrn
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Netflix speeds are throttled on most cell carriers to between 1.5-4 Mbps (240p-720p) - a VPN can bypass throttle
At /r/netflix
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 05:04PM by LeftOn4ya
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
PM cometeu 'transgressão DISCIPLINAR' | NPDiário - NPDiario
... SAP. PM cometeu 'transgressão DISCIPLINAR'. 19 horas atrás · Capa, Comportamento ... Extinpel na fase final da construção de sua nova fábrica em SAP ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
ELI5: Where does the voice come from in schizophrenia?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
This may be a stupid question, but, those affected by schizophrenia who experience auditory hallucinations might hear a young or old voice that might be male or female. Is there any rhyme or reason why someone might hear a female voice or a male voice? a young versus old voice? like where does the brain draw inspiration from when it generates these hallucinations. Thanks for any input/answers!
Submitted September 26, 2024 at 02:01PM by Brosephstalin11
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Concurso SAP SP: Governo cria a Polícia Penal do Estado! Confira
Concurso SAP SP: A nova legislação aprovada unifica as carreiras de (ASP) e (AEVP). A Polícia Penal agora é um órgão permanente. Saiba mais.
Com novo projeto, Tarcísio quer levar policiais para morar no centro - Metrópoles
... (SAP). O secretário de Desenvolvimento Urbano e Habitação de São Paulo, Marcelo Branco, revelou em sua fala que o governo já vai disponibilizar no ...