Atividades focadas na saúde mental são oferecidas a servidores da Capital e Grande São Paulo
As ações contaram com o apoio da Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP). O Complexo Penal de Osasco, envolvendo os Centros de Detenção ...
Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária de SP muda de endereço e canais de atendimento
Anteriormente, a SAP ocupava um imóvel na Avenida Ataliba Leonel, 556, em Santana, onde atualmente está a sede da Polícia Penal. Outra mudança ocorre ...
SAP estreia Business Data Cloud com Databricks para potenciar IA de negócio
A colaboração entre as duas empresas redefine a gestão de dados das empresas e liberta todo o potencial da IA de Agentes. A SAP SE anunciou o SAP ...
Milestone, empresa portuguesa, foi distinguida nos SAP PKOM Awards 2025 | TechBit
O trabalho da Milestone, uma empresa portuguesa, a implementar a solução GROW with SAP, foi reconhecido com a atribuição do prémio SAP PKOM Awards ...
MediaStarting this week, cars with Google built-in will get dozens of new apps to enjoy while parked.This launch is part of our car ready mobile apps program, which we introd…
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Atem Distribuidora contratando analista fiscal em Manaus
... (SAP x TAX ONE), ponte entre a área Fiscal e TI no que tange as atualizações e correções dos sistemas SAP/MASTERSAF, identificação de riscos ...
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ELI5: What is vasovagal?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Every time I look it up or ask someone about it, I get an answer that is too complex to digest.
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 03:13AM by DrunkAnton
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Com 'superchuvas' em Curitiba, número de afetados por desastres sobe 14 vezes - Bem Paraná
Ou seja, em menos de dois meses o ano de 2025 já registrou o equivalente a quase 60% de todos os desastres de 2024. O número de afetados por essas ...
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YSK It is not the cameras (lens) focal length but your physical distance to the subject that dictates how you (or people you take a photo of) look like in pictures
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: This is a reaction to this YSK post. In my eyes it explained correctly how to mitigate the unwanted look you get when taking selfies but came to the wrong conclusion as to why this effect is there in the first place.This is most likely based on a common misconception, that the effect described - and also referred to as "lens compression" - is caused by the camera lens used, while in fact to fit the same subject into frame you have to step back (increase your distance to the subject) on a more narrow angle lens to still fit it into frame. So the lens itself does not matter for the look of the image but the distance to your subject.That increase of distance automatically changes the perspective distortion and gives your subject a different look due to the relative distance of objects or bodyparts.In the referenced post, OP did recommend to take a photo of yourself in a mirror (meaning you have the distance from the camera to the mirror + the same distance again as a total distance which is most likely at least about twice as long as your arm is) and then zoom in by two times digitally to achieve the same look you would get from a 50mm camera which OP correctly states is equal to the human eyes focal length.There is a video by the FStoppers explaining above with visual examples.Thinking about it you might suddenly notice, that influencers or in general famous people will usually take pictures of themself with a tripod or get them taken by another person to always look the same way they might see themself in a mirror.
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 10:19AM by I_am_Nic
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP estreia Business Data Cloud com Databricks para potenciar IA de negócio
A colaboração entre as duas empresas redefine a gestão de dados das empresas e liberta todo o potencial da IA de Agentes. A SAP SE anunciou o SAP ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Milestone, empresa portuguesa, foi distinguida nos SAP PKOM Awards 2025 | TechBit
O trabalho da Milestone, uma empresa portuguesa, a implementar a solução GROW with SAP, foi reconhecido com a atribuição do prémio SAP PKOM Awards ...
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ELI5: Why is fentanyl the “common” opioid now?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Hi all. I understand fentanyl use is more common now than ever in the US. What I don’t understand though is why whenever people talk about opioids, fentanyl is what they usually refer to. See someone obviously high? They’re on fentanyl. Not heroin or pills any other common opioid. I recently saw a post where someone found a smoking apparatus and everyone in the comments was saying it was for smoking fentanyl. When it could have been used for heroin or literally any of the other common opioids. Do people only do fentanyl now? Or is it DEA propaganda to convince everyone that everything is fentanyl or laced with fentanyl?
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 08:56AM by GirlyBoyly
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C.P. Việt Nam và ABeam Consulting thực hiện thành công dự án chuyển đổi số với SAP S/4HANA
Dự án chuyển đổi hệ thống SAP ECC 6.0 sang SAP S/4HANA, được hoàn thành vào tháng 11/2024. Ông Khoa Hồ, Giám đốc Dự án tại ABeam Consulting (Việt Nam) ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Empreendedora de Curitiba cria brechó sustentável de materiais de construção - Folha de Cianorte
Projeto Caçamba do Bem resgata peças descartadas e fomenta a economia circular na capital paranaense. Dar um novo destino a materiais descartados ...
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ELI5: Why can't we predict the recent asteroid's chance of hitting us with full certainty if we know the physics equations involved?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
So there's talk of an asteroid roaming in space with an as of yet 3.1 percent chance of bonking earthMy question is, why don't we know whether or not it'll hit with 100% certainty? We know where it is in space right now. We know exactly how planets like ours will affect its orbit, and we know the physics equations involved.So why can't we run a physics simulation to see if its path will collide with ours in the next few years with 100% certainty?
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 06:11AM by hurricane_news
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Gestão fiscal: tecnologia será fundamental na reforma tributária - Segs
Nesse cenário, o SAP Document and Reporting Compliance é mais um auxílio. A solução ajuda a otimizar a automação e minimizar os riscos de não ...
Crianças em hospital infantil recebem bonecas produzidas por internas do sistema prisional
A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização (SAP), por meio da Coordenadoria de Inclusão Social do Preso e do Egresso, ...
JMP mantém meta de 330 USD para ações da SAP com base em perspectivas de crescimento
Na quarta-feira, o analista Patrick Walravens da JMP Securities manteve a classificação Market Outperform para a SAP AG (NYSE:SAP) com uma meta de ...
Looking for Recent Psychological Thrillers/Mysteries
At /r/netflix
I’m looking for some good psychological thriller or mystery movies/limited series from the last 10 years. I enjoy stories that:Have a dark, suspenseful atmosphereKeep me hooked from the very beginningFeature twisted plots with mind games, secrets, or hidden motivesHave a serious, realistic tone (no supernatural, sci-fi, or comedy)Some thrillers I really liked are Gone Girl, Fractured, Orphan, Copycat, Don't Breathe, Behind Her Eyes, and Hush. I’d love to find more recent ones with the same kind of tension and mystery.Would appreciate any recommendations. Thanks!
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 12:55PM by Powerful-Gain-2641
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American Murder: Gabby Petito- “Brian and Gabby’s Friend”
At /r/netflix
I watched the documentary in full and there’s so much to say, but I’ve honestly found other posts on it as well. One thing I can’t seem to find is about their “friend” with the black hair.Something about her feels off to me? I understand maybe nerves, and obviously she had known them prior to this happening.But I don’t know, the energy she gives me is that she actually had feelings for Brian but was embarrassed about it, so she pushed it away, and wasn’t actually friends with Gabby, or was jealous of her. There’s times where she seems normal talking about them, like the engagement, but then other times not so much.It doesn’t sit right with me that she’s in this documentary about him killing Gabby, and she’s yapping about Brian saying the friend thing or being the love of his life, and the bluebird text. She smiles a lot when talking about him, and then when she talks about him playing guitar for Gabby and “how could I be so blind?” Gives me the feeling he didn’t tell her about Gabby until they found out and she thought he was her lover boy-regardless if they were dating or not.She isn’t actually crying at the end.Idk. I always think I’m reading too much into something and then something comes out and I’m like “I KNEW IT”, lol.I’m not even sure what this means, I guess I wonder if she knows more than she’s letting on? Gabby had reached out to her ex, and if I know anything about abusive bf’s, they’ll come back around to old “loves” to get an ego boost. Makes me wonder if he ever reached out to her when he and Gabby were fighting, or after Gabby’s death. She seems like she had that relationship with him. Did anyone else get this vibe from her or am I nuts?
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 12:32PM by Paranoir89
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba tem manhã quente e chance de chuva de 97% à tarde
Curitiba amanheceu nesta quarta-feira (19) com temperaturas agradáveis, iniciando o dia com 21°C às 9h. · De acordo com os dados do Simepar, a ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba lidera valorização imobiliária nacional e rentabilidade acima da renda fixa atrai investidores
Com o preço médio do metro quadrado de R$10.700, quase 80% maior do que há uma década (R$5.970 em 2015), Curitiba se consolidou como um dos mercados ...
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Reagan FanArt
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 10:24AM by spring_illust
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Family of Gabby Petito make heartbreaking admission following release of Netflix documentary about her death
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 09:43AM by uniladnews
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
JMP mantém meta de 330 USD para ações da SAP com base em perspectivas de crescimento
Na quarta-feira, o analista Patrick Walravens da JMP Securities manteve a classificação Market Outperform para a SAP AG (NYSE:SAP) com uma meta de ...
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ELI5 How did TV stations, back when antenna TV was prominent, know how many viewers were watching?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
For example in the 90's as a kid l'd hear something like "40 million people are tuned in to watch the Superbowl this year". But how did they know that number? Has it always been a guess?
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 06:35AM by Goonmize
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ELI5: Why does caffeine put me to sleep?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
My co workers laugh at me when I tell them I drink coffee to fall asleep lol. The body is fascinating because when I’m about to workout, I drink a cup of coffee, and boom! I get a burst of energy and I’m ready to go. When I’m headed to bed, I’ll drink a cup of coffee, and it calms me down and I’m sound asleep. Both times they are hot cups of coffee. But why is it that instead of keeping me up, the coffee aids in helping me sleep? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Or is it just a placebo effect?
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 07:58AM by YooSteez
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Pour soutenir sa croissance, Talan se dote de SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
Optimisation des processus financiers: SAP S/4HANA a permis de regrouper les données financières et opérationnelles dans un ERP cloud unique. Talan a ...
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ELI5 Why do we glorify investors rather than scientists and engineers?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
A foreign rocket designing smart-guy receives preferential treatment by the US government despite ties to extreme right wing groups. Specifically Naziism is forgiven and ignored.If you couldnt tell, I'm talking about Wernher von Braun, who worked on the German V1 and V2 rockets, as well as the Saturn V for the US.Von Braun helped launch the US space and missile program, did incredible (and terrible) things for the world. He was an engineer doing the nitty gritty and math before the product even existed. He probably deserves a little glory and remembrance, while also not forgetting who he was in 1934-44. But our greatest "innovators" today seem to mostly be the money-men, the investors who dumped money into a team who designs all of this for them. We hear about the investors, while the engineers and scientists go unknown.Why? Why not prop up individuals who are directly creating and expanding human knowledge, why not know their names? Why does the credit go to the investors?
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 06:39AM by TyrKiyote
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Chuva provoca alagamentos, inunda escolas e deixa famílias ilhadas em Curitiba
O forte temporal que atingiu diversas regiões de Curitiba, nesta terça-feira, 18, causou muitos transtornos aos curitibanos.
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