One Piece Live Action will be Netflix’s flagship series
At /r/netflix
i don’t think its a controversial take to say Netflix is on the look out for a potential new long running flagship series. That’s not to say they don’t have popular and successful series going right now, Sandman did very well and I’m super excited for s2, Cyberpunk was great, Arcane was amazing, Bridgerton has been a staple for them for a few years now, and many more series as well. But Witcher is filming the last 2 seasons and is ending with s5, though the numbers for that show, both ratings wise and viewership wise have been on a stark decline since s2, Stranger Things, which i think everyone would agree is their current “Golden Child” is wrapping up after this next season and is gonna leave a huge hole behind. Now i know people will say Wednesday and Squid Games were huge cultural phenomena and both are getting new seasons and yes your right, though Squid Games is not a series I see as being ”long term” and I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends after this season or maybe a s3, Wednesday would be the only one of the 2 I can see going for a number of seasons. That means once stranger things is wrapped up and done there’s going to be a power vacuum with many series attempting to fill that void, not unlike what happened when GOT ended and every studio was trying to make a series to take its place. Avatar The Last Airbender, while not very good, did crazy good numbers, but is ending at s3 much like the OG animated series. Now that’s where One Piece comes in, despite adapting not only the most popular and highest selling manga of all time, but the 2nd highest selling comic series of all time behind only Superman, expectations were shit due to the stigma of anime and manga adaptations in the west, and despite that working against it, it broke Netflix records, was one of the most watched shows of 2023 and was a hit both with fans and newcomers alike, as well as critics. With One Piece having enough material to cover 12 or more seasons, and with Netflix pushing the brand as much as they can, promoting the new anime arc and licensing more episodes to put on the service, funding a brand new remake of the anime exclusively For Netflix, it seems like they’re all in on One Piece and are really banking on it being their new money maker, and as long as the live action continues with its quality and Netflix continues to fund it I firmly believe the series will be Netflix’s new “Golden Child” and the brands flagship series
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 04:52PM by MugiwaraNoAlex1996
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Penitenciária de Florianópolis será desativada até 2026 - Portal RBV
Em resposta a esses incidentes, a SAP já desativou celas em contêineres e realocou os presos. População Carcerária. Santa Catarina abriga uma ...
Does anyone has issue with Netflix using with browser instead of app?
At /r/netflix
I notice recently that the quality of Netflix video changes from high def quality to lower quality after watching it for 6 mins. The picture was clear at first but after 6 mins, the quality drops and the picture pixels went down. It looks like 720p instead of HD quality. I thought it has to do with my browser, but I switched to the diff browser and it had same issue. I was wondering if this is Netflix related or the browser related issue.
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 04:30PM by Whocanmakemostmoney
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ELI5: Why would engine designers opt to include more cylinders in an engine instead of increasing the displacement?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
For example, why would a car manufacturer opt to to use a 2.0L in line six instead of a 2.0L in line four in a vehicle. Are the benefits of including more cylinders in an engine worth the added complexity?
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 02:38PM by uraveragereddittor
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Roberto Requião, do Mobiliza, dá entrevista ao Meio-Dia Paraná | Globoplay
Motociclista morre depois de ser atingido por carro em… Veja a agenda dos candidatos à prefeitura de Curitiba para esta segunda-feira - RPC. 2 min.
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Netflix Help: Netflix keeps pausing every couple of seconds on T.V
At /r/netflix
What can I do to fix this? It is actually so annoying. I restart Netflix, log out of Netflix, restart my T.V, delete and re-download Netflix. And nothing works. It is not an internet issue because all my other streaming services work fine. And it is not a storage issue either because I only have Peacock and Netflix on my T.V at the moment.
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 03:32PM by Euphoric_Permit1939
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Indivíduo é Preso por Descumprimento de Medida Judicial em Mogi Mirim ‹ - o regional . net
O monitoramento da Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária (SAP) ... Posteriormente, foi encaminhado ao Centro de Detenção Provisória (CDP) de Aguaí, ...
SAP/GS N.º 603/2019 – Advogada: Dra. Marcella Steiner de Castro Emigdio Auriema – OAB/SP 353.350). José Carlos de Oliveira – Kako.
ELI5: How is it possible for queen ants to breed with their own spawn for years and not get Habsburg'd into oblivion?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
You're telling me queen ants fuck their own drones and sometimes the drones fuck their own sisters and none of the antlings ended up with half a heart and 5 feet?
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 01:36PM by My-asthma
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Angelina Jolie’s Oscar Vehicle ‘Maria’ Gets Dec. 11 Netflix Release Date
At /r/netflix
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 02:34PM by misana123
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
(Processo SPDOC/SAP N.º 120436/2021 – Advogado: Dr. Diego Fernando Cruz Sales – OAB/SP n.º 339.376). Aplicando, à servidora RENATA FERREIRA DOS ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Artesanato de internos do sistema prisional cearense é destaque na 6ª Feira Nacional de ...
... (SAP). A artista plástica Socorro Silveira, responsável pelo projeto Reciclarte, conseguiu expor seu trabalho como pessoa física, destacando sua ...
SAP : Les migrations à petits pas - CIO Online
À peine quelques clients de SAP ont-ils entamé leur migration vers S/4Hana que l'éditeur allemand les pousse vers sa version cloud Rise, voire les ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP/GS N.º 603/2019 – Advogada: Dra. Marcella Steiner de Castro Emigdio Auriema – OAB/SP 353.350). José Carlos de Oliveira – Kako.
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The Platform 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 11:35AM by Atlast_2091
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CDP de Taubaté registra duas apreensões de droga com visitantes de presos - PortalR3
A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) informa que no último sábado, 21, duas visitantes de presos do Centro de Detenção Provisória ...
Estado será multado se a Penitenciária de Florianópolis não entregar 2 serviços básicos
... SAP/Reprodução/ND. A ação foi movida pela Defensoria Pública do Estado que constatou, em dado momento, a falta do serviço básico que todo o apenado ...
ELI5: how is it possible that it’s cheaper for a company to destroy/throw away inventory?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
My wife has been addicted to watching dumpster diving videos where people end up finding brand new expensive things thrown away by retailers. It made me remember reading somewhere that the reason they do this is because it’s cheaper for them to throw away or destroy their inventory than it is to give it away or sell at discount. HOW???I don’t see how they could possibly save money by destroying inventory rather than putting it on extreme discount. Surely they could make more money selling at an extreme discount versus no money at all by destroying .
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 03:49PM by Obeymyjay
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Empresa investe R$ 6 mi para elevar eficiência logística - Diário de Curitiba
Eles relatam um aumento médio de 70% na eficiência de suas operações de transporte”, comenta Weimer. Combinação tecnológica. A plataforma Nexus se ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Need show recs
At /r/netflix
Loved shows like Schitts Creek and New girl, need a feel good/enjoyable binge show to watch. I've heard good things about Emily in Paris, but I don't want to waste my time. Is that show good or any other possible recs?
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 03:27PM by WrongdoerTurbulent85
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SAP e UFC apresentam Censo Penitenciário em que mais de 70% da população carcerária ...
SAP e UFC apresentam Censo Penitenciário em que mais de 70% da população carcerária do Ceará declara aumento significativo na oportunidade de estudo.
(Processo SPDOC/SAP N.º 120436/2021 – Advogado: Dr. Diego Fernando Cruz Sales – OAB/SP n.º 339.376). Aplicando, à servidora RENATA FERREIRA DOS ...
ELI5: How/why does the mind cope with trauma by eroticizing it and developing kinks around the subject?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I read a post somewhere where OP was saying how they had experienced severe bullying as a child and as they progressed with therapy as an adult, their sexual kinks (all revolving around humiliation, degradation and the like) were starting to disappear, and they no longer felt turned on by the subject as they worked through their traumas in therapy. That got me thinking... I know it's a defense mechanism to turn pain into an idea of pleasure, but on the surface it just seems so illogical that the mind gets programmed to seek out what has harmed it in the past. Can anyone explain to me how that works/what's the point of it?
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 02:55PM by aegidionn
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Indivíduo é Preso por Descumprimento de Medida Judicial em Mogi Mirim ‹ - o regional . net
O monitoramento da Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária (SAP) ... Posteriormente, foi encaminhado ao Centro de Detenção Provisória (CDP) de Aguaí, ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
YSK that your Google account has a 'Dark web report' option.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Unbeknownst to you, your personal details (full name, date of birth, passwords, etc.) may be circulating on the dark web due to data breaches on the multiple sites you sign in to. 'Dark web report' will let you know.It's an option available on the security tab.
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 02:06PM by BrendanIrish
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ELI5: Why isn't liquid iron still magnetic? Why can't we have liquid magnets?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 12:54PM by PM_ME_PEGGED_BUTTS
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Polícia Penal se destaca nos Jogos da Integração da Segurança Pública de Santa Catarina
SAP - Secretaria de Estado da Administração Prisional e Socioeducativa · Notícias Polícia Penal Notícias SAP. Polícia Penal se destaca nos Jogos da ...
SAP S/4HANA-Migration macht den Landmaschinenbau flexibler - Mittelstand Heute
So gelingt die Migration auf SAP S/4HANA bei einem Landmaschinenbauer. Wie dieses Unternehmen vom frühzeitigen Wechsel profitiert, lesen Sie hier.
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[REQUEST] Any series or movie recommendations on Netflix/ Amazon Prime?
At /r/netflix
Submitted September 23, 2024 at 12:31PM by kanks_06
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A Polícia Militar prende novamente 70 infratores que usufruíam do benefício da saída temporária.
... (SAP), no último mês. 23/09/2024 às 10h00. Por: maurilio fernandes. Compartilhe: Foto: divulgação SAP. Policiais militares do ...