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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Policiais vão atender uma briga e descobrem plantação de maconha num dos ... - Bem Paraná
Arte, Jazz e DJ's no Espaço SFco 179 com entrada franca ! ex-vereador-encontrado-morto-agudos-do-sul-3-. Plantão de polícia. Casal armou emboscada ...
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IFTTT General

Subscription availability list for every Netflix show?
At /r/netflix
Newbie (so apologies if this has been answered before). There are lots of shows I want to watch on Netflix, but I don't know if they are available on Standard with ads, Standard or Premium only (I have heard others say that some things can only be watched on Premium...).Is there a list online that tells us the availability of every Netflix show with each subscription option? Or is there some other easy way to find out? I don't want to find out the hard way of paying then not being able to watch...
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 05:25PM by artmalique
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Mulher queimada pelo marido vivia relacionamento violento - Banda B
A mulher que teve 80% do corpo queimado pelo marido vivia um relacionamento bastante violento, mas nunca registrou queixa formal na polícia.
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

2025: tudo o que precisa de saber para preparar a sua empresa para a conversão SAP S/4HANA

A migração para o SAP S/4HANA oferece às empresas a oportunidade de digitalizar processos de negócios, melhorar a integração entre áreas e aproveitar ...
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IFTTT General

Eli5 What makes natural gas move inside gas pipes and how do we put it inside in the first place?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I don't know of it even flows in the pipe or do we have to use tiny fans or something
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 02:05PM by Rere_arere
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IFTTT General

Netflix Cancels Six Announced Games Before Release
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 02:04PM by EthanWilliams_TG
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IFTTT General

If 'YOU' was a Rom-Com
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 01:27PM by previouslyontheflash
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
2025: tudo o que precisa de saber para preparar a sua empresa para a conversão SAP S/4HANA
Com o passar dos anos, aproximamo-nos do final do suporte ao SAP ECC, versão ainda utilizada por muitas empresas em todo o mundo para gerir os ...
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IFTTT General

2025: tudo o que precisa de saber para preparar a sua empresa para a conversão SAP S/4HANA

Com o passar dos anos, aproximamo-nos do final do suporte ao SAP ECC, versão ainda utilizada por muitas empresas em todo o mundo para gerir os ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
Cast group está contratando para o cargo de ESTAGIARIO em: São Paulo, SP | LinkedIn
Cargo: ESTAGIARIO Já pensou em trabalhar em uma das maiores empresas de Tecnologia do Brasil? Então a Cast Group é o lugar certo para você!
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IFTTT General

KTM Fahrrad schaltet mit SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition in den höchsten Gang

KTM Fahrrad setzt auf Innovation und Transparenz. Erfahren Sie, wie die Einführung von SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition das Unternehmen ...
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IFTTT General

Zscaler Brings Secure Cloud Access to SAP S/4HANA Users - SMEStreet

Zscaler Brings Secure Cloud Access to SAP S/4HANA Users · As per Zscaler's 2024 VPN Risk report, 56% of organizations have been targets of cyberattacks ...
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IFTTT General

Prefeitura limpa as pontes do Ribeirão Boi Pintado em Sap - NPDiário

Prefeitura limpa as pontes do Ribeirão Boi Pintado em Sap · Acúmulo de entulhos devido chuvas · Compartilhe isso: · Curtir isso: · Deixe um comentário ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: How does dollarization happen? (or switching to EUR or simply said changing the currency of a country)
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I am a country with a currency X. How can I switch my whole country to use the dollar? (I have my own currency X at home, I need to buy USD from the US, but why would they give me USD for my X when they cannot do anything with it, since I am changing the currency of my country therefore not being worth anything?)
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 10:22AM by Sodokan
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IFTTT General

Old show name????
At /r/netflix
When I was about 7 I remember watching this show on Netflix and all I remember is it had something to do with some sort of mutant creature that this kid created in a out house in his backyard and he would become friends with it and they would do just random things together. the show would’ve been aired around 2011-2015. I vividly remember it only being 2 seasons as-well.
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 09:58AM by Complex_Common2808
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why does cutting a magnet down the middle cause it to turn into two magnets? What would happen to earth if it didn't work that way?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
OK so magnets have north & south poles, but if you cut it into two parts, why do the parts have new north and south poles, making it two magnets? I also understand that Earth has a magnetic field around it, and afaik said field protects the planet from solar wind, thus preventing our atmosphere from being stripped away. If magnets did not behave in the foremost mentioned manner (of becoming two new magnets when split) what would happen to earth's magnetic field, and would catastrophe ensue because of it? Oh and 3rd question, afaik if you put two magnets together the whole system becomes an even bigger magnet. In that case why isn't the whole Earth & atmosphere one big magnet? Thanks
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 05:37PM by chococheese419
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Mulher tem 70% do corpo queimado após explosão de fogão e morre no Paraná
Uma mulher de 38 anos morreu em decorrência de graves queimaduras, após uma explosão em um fogão, nesta quarta-feira (5).
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Reeducandos do CR de Prudente se formam em curso de Mecânica para motocicletas

A ação é fruto de parceria da Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP), Universal Nos Presídios (UNP) e Fundação “Prof. Dr. Manoel Pedro ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba lidera valorização imobiliária nacional e rentabilidade acima da renda fixa atrai investidores
Com o preço médio do metro quadrado de R$10.700, quase 80% maior do que há uma década, Curitiba se consolidou como um dos mercados imobiliários mais ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

TCL SEMP abre vagas de emprego em 11 áreas em Manaus

... SAP e Eletricista SR. Os requisitos exigidos pela TCL SEMP para a vaga ... Supervisor de Materiais – Ensino Superior completo em Logística ou ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
TCL SEMP abre vagas de emprego em 11 áreas em Manaus
... SAP e Eletricista SR. Os requisitos exigidos pela TCL SEMP para a vaga ... Supervisor de Materiais – Ensino Superior completo em Logística ou ...
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IFTTT General

Netflix make drastic move amid Emilia Perez star scandal
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 01:58PM by daily_mirror
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IFTTT General

YSK if Elon's U.S. Treasury boys mishandle even one-one-hundred-thousandth (.00001) of the U.S. Treasury funds they currently have access to, that would equal an amount that's 2x the average net worth of the Top 1% of Americans per Treasury Boy.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Some people are seen as overconcerned with U.S. Treasury payment access by Elon. This is why. A drop from this bucket could change someone's family for generations and the people with access to were not elected, or thoroughly vetted by the American people.
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 12:57PM by OfficialSuit
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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
Quer otimizar seus investimentos em tecnologia e impulsionar a produtividade ...
May be an image of. Photo by Escotta ⛵ on February 04, 2025. May ...
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IFTTT General

Onapsis Introduces Control Central to Empower New Era of RISE with SAP | Business Wire

Its advanced bulk scanning capabilities enable consistent security across multiple projects and the entire RISE or SAP S/4HANA codebase. By ...
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IFTTT General

TechDivision introduces connector for SAP S/4HANA and Adobe Commerce - FOX40

Adobe Gold Partner TechDivision has unveiled a new connector that links SAP S/4HANA and Adobe Commerce and is based on the new Adobe reference ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Previsão do tempo em Curitiba hoje 05/02/2025 - Clima
No momento, é noite na cidade. A umidade relativa do ar está em 95%, com 75% de nebulosidade. De acordo com a previsão do tempo, para amanhã, 06/ ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Cumprido mandado de prisão contra um homem em S.Antônio - NPDiário

Prefeitura limpa as pontes do Ribeirão Boi Pintado em Sap · Cumprido mandado de prisão contra um homem em S.Antônio · Presos dois em São José da BOA ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Cumprido mandado de prisão contra um homem em S.Antônio - NPDiário
Prefeitura limpa as pontes do Ribeirão Boi Pintado em Sap · Cumprido mandado de prisão contra um homem em S.Antônio · Presos dois em São José da BOA ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Proposta proíbe limitação a formas de pagamento em estacionamento - Diário de Curitiba
O Projeto de Lei 4167/24 enquadra como abusiva a prática de estacionamentos comerciais privados restringirem o meio de pagamento pelo serviço.
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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