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IFTTT General

YSK: You can block any and all ads on firefox using Ublock Origin and Sponsorblick extensions to block sponsored part from video
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK is because the internet as we know it is becoming unusable due to the large no. of ads . These also block youtube ads and sponsored parts.
Submitted December 28, 2024 at 12:05AM by Messenger-of-helll
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IFTTT General

Need something new
At /r/netflix
I love 2010s series’s, such as walking dead and Prison break. Them sort of shows really excite me so looking for some shows that are like these. Thanks in advance. Sorry if there are any spelling or grammar errors, I have heavy dyslexia and struggle with this. Thank you all 💕💙
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 11:36PM by Proper_Chemistry148
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Como a IA acrescenta valor à gestão das viagens de negócios? - TNEWS
De acordo com a SAP Concur, os avanços recentes, nomeadamente no domínio da IA Generativa, estão a alargar consideravelmente o leque de aplicações e a ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Mignow abre escritório nos Estados Unidos e mantém foco estratégico na Europa
A Mignow, empresa brasileira que utiliza Inteligência Artificial para migração de sistemas SAP, acaba de inaugurar um escritório em Miami, ...
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IFTTT General

Squid Game Season 2 Boat Captain
At /r/netflix
So apparently this captain was helping the cop for 2 damn years for free! But he was caught doing something to a drone. I'm guessing he knows where the island is and for two years he kept visiting islands that were wrong but why?.... Why not just kill the cop? What about when the others notice the drone pilot is no longer on the ship, it should be obvious the captain did it, the drone is in his office and the other guy caught the captain in the area of commotion. Hopefully they clear this up
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 10:55PM by AA0208
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Crédito para habitação PF sobe 0,9% em novembro, afirma BC - Bem Paraná
... nesta quinta · liquidacao fachada. Queima de estoque. Passou o Natal, lojas de Curitiba já anunciam liquidação com até 70% de desconto.
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IFTTT General

Mais de dois mil presos da região deixaram a cadeia na saidinha - Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul

Ainda conforme a SAP, se o preso não retornar à prisão, ele passa a ser considerado foragido e perde automaticamente o benefício do regime ...

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IFTTT General

YSK: There is a simple rule for who has more power in any negotiation - whichever side can be more easily replaced, the other side has more power
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: The key to coming out ahead in any negotiation has nothing to do with what you say or how you say it, it has to do with how well you make yourself irreplaceable. For example, if you're going to buy a house and you come in with a typical 10% down/30-yr mortgage with 30 days to close, the seller could easily swap you out with any other potential buyer. If you can come with more money down, or better yet a cash offer, you'll get a better deal. If you don't have the means to do that, then offer to close more quickly or put down a bigger deposit.Or as another example, when negotiating the salary for an unskilled manual labor job that "anyone" can do, the employer will have more power, especially if there are not many companies looking for unskilled laborers. However, if the laborers team up so that the company would not have to replace just one, but their *entire* labor force at once, then the power balances out again.Similarly, if there are literally thousands of foreign engineers looking to immigrate and get a sponsored H1B visa job, but there are a relatively small number of companies that are willing to sponsor H1Bs, then the companies have more power than they would if they were trying to hire a citizen/legal resident engineer that could go to any other company with their skills.
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 09:36PM by kgm2s-2
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IFTTT General

Why is the streaming quality of movies so bad on mobile?
At /r/netflix
Very weird and specific issue but whenever I watch a movie on netflix on my phone the quality is always kinda blurry, looks worse than 720p, doesn't happen when I watch any TV show on the same phone and on the same internet and it doesn't happen whatsoever on my PC.
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 08:50PM by Ok_Doctor_2057
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IFTTT General

Squid Game 2: The Voting – A Step Down in Quality
At /r/netflix
Season 2 could be more aptly named Squid Game 2: The Voting.It’s evident that Season 1 was originally intended to stand alone as a well-crafted story. However, the commercial success of the series seems to have driven the decision to prolong it, resulting in a less organic continuation.The voting scenes are excessively drawn out, feeling more like filler to extend the runtime than meaningful content. The music in Season 2 has also taken a dramatic shift, attempting to inject a sense of comedy into the show. This feels completely out of place, especially when compared to the darker, more atmospheric music of Season 1, which enhanced the tension and served the narrative. Now, the music turns pivotal moments into something childish, undermining the tone that made the original season so compelling.Adding to the decline, the new actors and actresses often overact, making their performances feel unnatural and unconvincing. This exaggerated acting further detracts from the immersion and realism that Season 1 excelled in delivering. Overall, Season 2 feels like a significant step down in quality.
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 08:07PM by Fit-Solid-8023
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IFTTT General

ELI5, How can you select one of an infinite number of points?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
ELI5, let’s say I randomly select a point between points a and b, which are one meter apart. There are an infinite number of points between them, so the probability that I select any specific point is zero. If the probability was anything other than zero, I could calculate how many points are between an and b, but these are infinite. Clearly I can select a point in this manner, but how is this possible?
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 03:59PM by No-Stop-5637
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IFTTT General

Anyone had this issue before?
At /r/netflix
I can stream multiple series on my phone but not Squid game Season 2. Season 1 works. It works also on TV, but not on mobile. Better call Saul works perfectly fine, so it's not the age restriction. It just says "loading" for minutes.I already tried this:Switchting to mobile data instead of Wi-FiDeleting CacheTurn phone off/onReinstalling the AppAnyone had a similar issue or maybe a new solution?
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 05:44PM by Much-Presentation974
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IFTTT General

Netflix is straight trash now
At /r/netflix
I used watch Netflix so much during lockdown. I used to love all the shows there but lately if I wanna see something and I check a new show I like it's usually not on Netflix. Not himym or any good sitcom. I got really pissed because I really liked this movie called palm springs which I found out on Netflix and gave it a try and I kinda became my comfort movie but suprise suprise netflix took it wonder netflix is hemmoraging money
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 05:36PM by thenewme47
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IFTTT General

Why does Spy x family not appear on my netflix?
At /r/netflix
I've been waching spy x family on my home country, That's when I moved to qatar, The problem is I can't find spy x family in netflix it's only the movie. I really wanted to finish the whole season can someone please help?
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 04:55PM by randomguy0952
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Coritiba elege Marianna Libano, primeira mulher presidente de um clube em Curitiba
Marianna, de 34 anos, liderou a eleição com ampla vantagem, obtendo 2.411 votos, o que representa 80% do total. Ela derrotou o publicitário Junior ...
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IFTTT General

Murderville Season 2..?!
At /r/netflix
I’ve been SLEEPING on this gem of a show. I cannot believe a season 2 hasn’t yet been released. I just binge watched and then immediately watched the Christmas special. Can we start a petition? Or cause an actual scene?? I’ll start💃🏼☺️
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 11:27PM by Mean_Eye4585
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IFTTT General

Ackley bridge
At /r/netflix
If any of you guys/girls are on the United Kingdom Netflix server, watch ackley bridge. It is very good and worth the watch. One of the main characters ( Jordan) is my good friends dad in real life!!
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 11:38PM by Proper_Chemistry148
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Sala do Artista Popular, no Catete, tem exposição com entrada franca - Eu, Rio!
Com entrada gratuita, a SAP Mercado Brasil de Artesanato Tradicional expõe peças que estão à venda, com o objetivo de fomentar o comércio sem ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Visitantes flagrados com ilícitos são impedidos de entrar em unidades prisionais
A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) informa sobre apreensões de ilícitos registradas em unidades prisionais da Região Metropolitana ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Edição extra encerra Growler Day neste sábado - Folha de Curitiba
O evento reúne muito rock, gastronomia, cervejas artesanais e diversão para toda a família, das 9h às 18h, com entrada franca. ... Curitiba – PR.
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IFTTT General

Need a good show to binge!
At /r/netflix
Hey! Me and wifey are looking for a new TV series to binge on we have watched a lot so I’ll reply to comments if I’ve already watched versus trying to remember all the names and listening them. We are pretty open minded when it comes to shows, we have prime and hbo as well! Thank you !
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 09:58PM by Spectacularsquid42
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IFTTT General

WWE SmackDown - December 27, 2024 | Live on Netflix in Chile, Brazil & Spain
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 10:08PM by LatterPick7252
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IFTTT General

How can I stream Netflix on my 12-year-old Sharp Aquos TV?
At /r/netflix
Hi everyone!I have a 46-inch Sharp Aquos TV that I bought around 2010. I've been trying to figure out how to stream Netflix on it, but I'm not sure what my best options are. The TV has some HDMI ports and a USB port. I have an android tablet and an iPad.I've considered using Chromecast or some other streaming device, but I'd love to hear your thoughts or suggestions. Has anyone managed to get Netflix working on a similar older TV? For those who would be tempted to just tell me to buy a new TV : I just want to give a purpose to my TV that have been sitting lifeless on my fireplace for several years, I've figured out that streaming Netflix would be a good solution.Thanks in advance for your help!
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 09:23PM by Natas29A
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IFTTT General

Squid Game Season 2 Shouldn’t be judged
At /r/netflix
Season 2 of squid games was good imho. I thought it was not as great as season 1 but also season 1 is low key a masterpiece so there is no topping that. I know I just judged this season but I feel like personal I can't fully give my opinion on this season until the next one drops. This is because the season ends on a cliffhanger and it feels like season 2 and 3 are meant to be judged together. That's why when I watch the next season I am going to look at it as if it's season 2 b and then I will be able to formulate a proper opinion on this season.
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 08:12PM by No_Entertainment8792
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IFTTT General

why is there ALL of SNK on netflix except the last episode ?
At /r/netflix
i just watched all of SNK on netflix (france), glad there was all the seasons, i’m going in for the last episode, and find out it’s, in fact, not the last one ? i looked it up and the last episode (that’s on two parts) is missing. why is that ? if everything else is there why not letting us watch the literal conclusion to almost 90 episodes ?
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 07:36PM by ainaraaaaa
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How do CD-Laser cleaning discs work?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Today I was at a tech store in order to purchase some CDs that I can burn music onto for my car radio. Next to the CDs, I found this one product, that was basically a CD with which you can somehow clean your CD-Drive or reader. How does that even work? To me it sounds like software that somehow cleans hardware.
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 03:55PM by CantBanTheJan
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why does honey never expire?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
What about honey makes it so that it never expires / takes a very large amount of time to expire?
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 05:24PM by LawReasonable9767
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IFTTT General

/r/Netflix Discord Server
At /r/netflix
We are pleased to announce we have affiliated with which will be the subreddit Discord server for the Netflix subreddit! Feel free to join the server and talk about everything Netflix related, including shows on Netflix as well :).
Submitted April 24, 2021 at 12:24PM by N3DSdude
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IFTTT General

What happened in regards to the quality of Netflix shows these last years ?
At /r/netflix
I just finished Squid Game season 2 and I really do not understand what is happening at Netflix.Since 2023, they produced completely terrible seasons of shows that destroyed every single time the subreddits of each of those shows. I’m thinking of : Squid Game season 2Outer Banks season 4You season 4The Witcher season 3The Umbrella Academy season 4Sex Education season 4Disenchantment part 5 Virgin River season 6 Does someone have an explanation for all of those messes ? Should we be scared for Stranger Things season 5 ?
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 05:06PM by LeBichour
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Marianna Libano vence eleição no Coritiba e é a 1ª mulher a presidir um clube de futebol de Curitiba
Com 2.411 votos, o equivalente a 80% do total, Marianna derrotou o publicitário Junior Zarur, da chapa Coritiba Independente, que teve 623 (20%). No ...
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