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IFTTT General

Ben Affleck to Replace Matt Damon in Netflix Thriller ‘Animals,’ Gillian Anderson Joins Cast
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 06, 2025 at 07:10AM by StarKCaitlin
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Projeto de lei proíbe nudez em exibições artísticas de rua em Curitiba - Portal Nosso Dia
No dia 9 de janeiro foi protocolado na Câmara Municipal de Curitiba (CMC) um projeto de lei que tem por finalidade vedar apresentações em ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Apple Cider Vinegar isn't just cashing in on Belle Gibson's scam
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 06, 2025 at 06:13AM by theipaper
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What is a sovereign fund and why don’t more countries have them?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Edit: A lot of people are mentioning a conflict of interest given the fund invest in the same companies that lobby’s for specific policy changes
Submitted February 06, 2025 at 02:09AM by Intelligent-Cod3377
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Previsão do tempo aponta dia chuvoso hoje (06) para Curitiba (PR)
O nível de umidade relativa do ar para Curitiba deve alternar entre 70% e 92%. Ventos. Curitiba deve registrar ventos em uma velocidade média de 13 km ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Escolas do Estado já receberam a primeira remessa de alimentos da merenda - Busão Curitiba
O Governo do Paraná, por meio da Fundepar (Instituto Paranaense de Desenvolvimento Educacional), finalizou sexta-feira (31) a entrega da primeira ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Policiais vão atender uma briga e descobrem plantação de maconha num dos ... - Bem Paraná
Arte, Jazz e DJ's no Espaço SFco 179 com entrada franca ! ex-vereador-encontrado-morto-agudos-do-sul-3-. Plantão de polícia. Casal armou emboscada ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Subscription availability list for every Netflix show?
At /r/netflix
Newbie (so apologies if this has been answered before). There are lots of shows I want to watch on Netflix, but I don't know if they are available on Standard with ads, Standard or Premium only (I have heard others say that some things can only be watched on Premium...).Is there a list online that tells us the availability of every Netflix show with each subscription option? Or is there some other easy way to find out? I don't want to find out the hard way of paying then not being able to watch...
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 05:25PM by artmalique
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Mulher queimada pelo marido vivia relacionamento violento - Banda B
A mulher que teve 80% do corpo queimado pelo marido vivia um relacionamento bastante violento, mas nunca registrou queixa formal na polícia.
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

2025: tudo o que precisa de saber para preparar a sua empresa para a conversão SAP S/4HANA

A migração para o SAP S/4HANA oferece às empresas a oportunidade de digitalizar processos de negócios, melhorar a integração entre áreas e aproveitar ...
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IFTTT General

Eli5 What makes natural gas move inside gas pipes and how do we put it inside in the first place?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I don't know of it even flows in the pipe or do we have to use tiny fans or something
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 02:05PM by Rere_arere
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IFTTT General

Netflix Cancels Six Announced Games Before Release
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 02:04PM by EthanWilliams_TG
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IFTTT General

If 'YOU' was a Rom-Com
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 01:27PM by previouslyontheflash
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
2025: tudo o que precisa de saber para preparar a sua empresa para a conversão SAP S/4HANA
Com o passar dos anos, aproximamo-nos do final do suporte ao SAP ECC, versão ainda utilizada por muitas empresas em todo o mundo para gerir os ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

2025: tudo o que precisa de saber para preparar a sua empresa para a conversão SAP S/4HANA

Com o passar dos anos, aproximamo-nos do final do suporte ao SAP ECC, versão ainda utilizada por muitas empresas em todo o mundo para gerir os ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do some trademarks seem to count more than others?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Recently, the hockey team in Salt Lake City, Utah wanted to call themselves the Utah Yetis, but they were turned down because the company that makes Yeti drink cups has a pre-existing claim to the name. But how does the drink cup company own that name despite the pre-existing Yeti microphones made by Blue? Why are Yeti microphones and Yeti drink cups okay to coexist, neither can deny the name to the other, but somehow one of them gets a veto over a Yeti hockey team?
Submitted February 06, 2025 at 06:33AM by scottbutler5
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IFTTT General

Second time thru Black Mirror
At /r/netflix
I’ve only watched all of “Black Mirror” once, two years ago. It’s one of my favorites. Currently binge watching several episodes, each night, before falling asleep. I just want everyone to know i’m ok (rocks back and forth with blank stare, fidgeting nervously with hands). Everything’s going to be ok.
Submitted February 06, 2025 at 06:22AM by FirTrader
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IFTTT General

Question about Netflix
At /r/netflix
So, my Netflix Icon use to be Lucifer from Lucifer but all of a sudden it changes when I went on Netflix on my tv and so I went to change it back but couldn't find the Lucifer icons.Was the Lucifer icons removed or something???
Submitted February 06, 2025 at 04:46AM by creepywolf1090909
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IFTTT General

Nova oferta para ajudar a navegar transformações complexas do RISE with SAP

... SAP dos sistemas SAP ERP para o SAP Cloud ERP. Aqui, daremos uma breve visualização sobre o que será essa oferta e como os clientes se ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Chove aqui, e não ali? Simepar explica por que as chuvas são irregulares no verão
O curitibano já está acostumado a sair de casa com sol e no meio do caminho encontrar vento, depois chuva, e depois o sol novamente – às vezes em ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

subtitle discrepancies?
At /r/netflix
I’m watching Parasyte: The Grey on Netflix. I had to step out to run some errands for my parents, and ended up staying at theirs, so I went back to where I was and started watching it a few minutes earlier. But I noticed that the subtitles, while still saying the same things, were phrased differently. I think there was about an hour or two hour gap between when I stopped watching and now, so the first phrasing is still pretty fresh in my mind.Anyone have any familiarity with this? Could it be just a quirk or some regional/account testing feature?
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 06:25PM by Rykrider
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why does cutting a magnet down the middle cause it to turn into two magnets? What would happen to earth if it didn't work that way?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
OK so magnets have north & south poles, but if you cut it into two parts, why do the parts have new north and south poles, making it two magnets? I also understand that Earth has a magnetic field around it, and afaik said field protects the planet from solar wind, thus preventing our atmosphere from being stripped away. If magnets did not behave in the foremost mentioned manner (of becoming two new magnets when split) what would happen to earth's magnetic field, and would catastrophe ensue because of it? Oh and 3rd question, afaik if you put two magnets together the whole system becomes an even bigger magnet. In that case why isn't the whole Earth & atmosphere one big magnet? Thanks
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 05:37PM by chococheese419
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Mulher tem 70% do corpo queimado após explosão de fogão e morre no Paraná
Uma mulher de 38 anos morreu em decorrência de graves queimaduras, após uma explosão em um fogão, nesta quarta-feira (5).
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IFTTT General

Reeducandos do CR de Prudente se formam em curso de Mecânica para motocicletas

A ação é fruto de parceria da Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP), Universal Nos Presídios (UNP) e Fundação “Prof. Dr. Manoel Pedro ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba lidera valorização imobiliária nacional e rentabilidade acima da renda fixa atrai investidores
Com o preço médio do metro quadrado de R$10.700, quase 80% maior do que há uma década, Curitiba se consolidou como um dos mercados imobiliários mais ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

TCL SEMP abre vagas de emprego em 11 áreas em Manaus

... SAP e Eletricista SR. Os requisitos exigidos pela TCL SEMP para a vaga ... Supervisor de Materiais – Ensino Superior completo em Logística ou ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
TCL SEMP abre vagas de emprego em 11 áreas em Manaus
... SAP e Eletricista SR. Os requisitos exigidos pela TCL SEMP para a vaga ... Supervisor de Materiais – Ensino Superior completo em Logística ou ...
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IFTTT General

Netflix make drastic move amid Emilia Perez star scandal
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 01:58PM by daily_mirror
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IFTTT General

YSK if Elon's U.S. Treasury boys mishandle even one-one-hundred-thousandth (.00001) of the U.S. Treasury funds they currently have access to, that would equal an amount that's 2x the average net worth of the Top 1% of Americans per Treasury Boy.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Some people are seen as overconcerned with U.S. Treasury payment access by Elon. This is why. A drop from this bucket could change someone's family for generations and the people with access to were not elected, or thoroughly vetted by the American people.
Submitted February 05, 2025 at 12:57PM by OfficialSuit
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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
Quer otimizar seus investimentos em tecnologia e impulsionar a produtividade ...
May be an image of. Photo by Escotta ⛵ on February 04, 2025. May ...
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