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IFTTT General

Why doesnt Alice In Borderland have any icons
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 02:06AM by SoftwareLegitimate48
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IFTTT General

Who better
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 01:43AM by HistorianPlus5025
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IFTTT General

Poor Video Quality of American Primeval
At /r/netflix
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Every other show I watch on Netflix is perfectly fine in the resolution department. I’ve tried to watch American Primeval twice now and have had to turn it off both times because the resolution is so poor, and no amount of waiting or buffering seems to fix it. Is anyone else experiencing this? Has anyone been able to find a solution?
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 12:21AM by belowthebottomline
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IFTTT General

ELI5 How does the genetic predisposition of addiction work?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
If your parents were addicted to alcohol, dr*gs, smoking etc, what is in your biological makeup makes you more likely to get addicted, I’m talking BESIDES environmental factors like as growing up around the use of it?(eg. if someone’s parents used to have an addiction but the person never grew up around it as the parent quit/ never made it obvious. But they are still more prone to develop addiction compared to others)
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 10:54PM by ImmediateBends
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IFTTT General

Always update household
At /r/netflix
Hi. I bought standard account for Netflix good for two devices. I used 2 television. But why if I used two device at same time after logout the other one when log in again. It shows update household. It seems that the the standard plan can use two devices. I check who logged in my account. Only two device.Anyone knows how to fix this this issue? It is annoying everytime I log in need to confirm in Gmail to update.
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 10:22PM by DelayDifficult3376
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Why doesn’t a city sink into the earth when it is full of sky scrapers and tall buildings?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 06:49PM by mmglitterbed
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IFTTT General

Can’t logout of someone else’s account because profile lock is on
At /r/netflix
Exactly the title. I wanna logout of this guys account but I have to sign in using a PIN code. Problem is I don’t know the PIN code and I can’t find the guy who knows it
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 08:01PM by UselessMianframe
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IFTTT General

Account Sharing
At /r/netflix
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knew about how Netflix’s password sharing currently works? I know that they’re meant to prevent it from outside of the primary internet address. However, I know a family that is able to use an individual’s account at very distant households. I was wondering how this was possible?
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 06:21PM by Safe_Letterhead_7234
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IFTTT General

Netflix is not turning on and is stuck on a “exiting” screen
At /r/netflix
I can’t turn Netflix on and it’s stuck on a “exiting” screen and nothing happens and it doesn’t even exit me and it’s like a froze screen but when I go on something else that works fine and it’s just Netflix which is froze on exiting even if I’m trying to go onto it
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 05:55PM by gamerbboy06
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IFTTT General

"Something went wrongWe are having technical difficulties and are actively working on a fix. Please try again in a few minutes" Solution ON MAC
At /r/netflix
Had this problem everytime trying to login from my MacBook but it worked on phone.Anyway how u resolve it : press network on settings -> click the three dots next to question mark -> hover over locations and press edit location -> click the "+" sign in the bottom right corner and call the new location "test" -> click done -> Again click on three dots and hover over locations -> Click test (new one u just made) NOT AUTOMATIC -> Make sure to refresh the netflix page before signing inThe steps are for new ios update if u have an old one the link is below what i know this just resets ur network setting :)
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 05:07PM by Bad--_--Karma
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IFTTT General

Block scary images and automatic previews
At /r/netflix
Okay, call me old fashioned but I get completely overwhelmed by automatic previews on all streaming services. I also, do not want any scary images popping up and scaring our 2 year old. Any tips for Disney plus, prime video, Netflix and Gem. Thank you in advanced. I am thinking I will have to make a kids profile for each but we still get the auto previews. I need quiet for searching.
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 04:33PM by Snowpholofagous
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IFTTT General

Opinions on Public Disorder?
At /r/netflix
This feeling of uneasiness and borderline depression is something no show could awake in me yet, even specifically dystopian ones. I don´t know how to feel about anything right now, it was very tense, yet quite boring and predictable at the same time. What do you guys think?
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 03:48PM by FirmRelease6531
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What is a “stack” in regards to programming and what does it mean to rewrite it?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I heard online two people arguing about rewriting the stack of a popular app/service but I don’t understand at all what that means or why suggesting it doesn’t make sense.
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 03:03PM by everything_is_bad
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do snacks like chips and crackers have almost no fiber despite being made from foods that contain it?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 02:44PM by Charming_Usual6227
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IFTTT General

YSK that when people come to you with a problem, they may want to be heard, helped, or hugged, and figuring out which one is key to communicating with them
At /r/YouShouldKnow
It's not like a formal science or anything, but when it comes to problems, there are often people who want to be helped, people who want to be hugged, and people who want to be heard.You can even ask - "do you want to be helped, hugged, or heard right now?"People who want to be helped are interested in solutions. They generally don't want your pity or your validation, they're often looking at the situation from a "what do I do" standpoint.People who want to be heard aren't looking for solutions, and instead want to be listened to. Their general goal is to be validated, and look at the situation from a "isn't this horrible, oh my god" standpoint.People who want to be hugged are often looking for physical touch or even just your presence. They may not even want to talk about the problem, just to be near someone who makes them feel safe.Why YSK: If you try to solve the problem using a method that doesn't work for that person or that problem or their current emotional state, you'll risk making the problem worse. A hugger who had their parents just die isn't going to want to answer questions about their parents' wills, and instead will just want a hug or for gentle conversation around it or maybe even just might want to spend time with you taking their mind off of it. A helper who had their house catch on fire probably wants you to help them call up insurance companies, not sit around and talk about how hard the fire has been for them. A heard-er (strange name I know, but I'm sticking with it) who just had a breakup wants you to listen to them vent and say things like "wow, that's so horrible" and "oh my gosh that must be so hard" to validate them, not solve all their problems for them. In particular, heard-ers and helpers often get into a lot of issues where the heard-er will say "can't you just LISTEN to me?! Do you not see how horrible this is?!" and the helper will say "I don't see what the big deal is. Why don't you just do X?" and after a long-standing pattern of this, the heard-er will feel invalidated for not feeling listened to and the heard-er will feel the same because the heard-er never takes their advice (because they're not looking for it) and resentment can form, with the helper often feeling exhausted by needing to listen and provide validation, and the heard-er feeling completely unsupported by not feeling understood.As always, balance is key - some people are a mix and change depending on the time of day, what the problem is, how big the problem is, etc. It's important to not judge other people for their styles, either - heard-ers can often think of helpers as callous and uninterested, while helpers are taken aback at the accusation that they don't care - "clearly I care, I just presented solutions" - and can consider helpers as solely wallowing in self-pity. But in reality the world takes all types!
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 02:39PM by bearbarebere
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Why and how do imaginary numbers matter/work in mathematics?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Title says! Why are they a thing and how do they work/ provide answers
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 12:29AM by Ajmk72
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IFTTT General

Whoever decided to not renew The Brothers Sun needs to jailed..
At /r/netflix
OK Jailed might be a bit far but seriously atleast fire the shit outta that guy. They renew so many mind numbing shows yet, The Brothers Sun was actually pretty well done and an all around good show with potential. Now instead of waiting for season 2 for the next 3 years (because that's how long seasons take to shoot these days apparently) I'm sitting here having a winge on reddit.. Thanks guy....
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 01:07AM by Cheekychic_89
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IFTTT General

Does Netflix not have subtitles for films that have a different language in them?
At /r/netflix
Sometimes I try to watch English movies and every once in a while one of them will have a scene or two of the characters speaking a different language. I turn on subtitles hoping I’ll be able to understand what’s going on, but the subtitles just say “speaking in Japanese” or whatever foreign language they are speaking in. Is this a thing that Netflix does in general? Or is it location based or something? It’s pretty annoying not being able to understand what is going on because Netflix doesn’t feel the need to add subtitles.
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 12:04AM by SilyTheGoose
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IFTTT General

ELI5 What causes pain to be "pulsating"?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
If I had to guess it has something to do with blood flow but I want to have a confirmation and all of the sources I could find are complicated. To reiterate, I don't want a list of things that can cause a pulsating pain like "an injury" but rather, sometimes when pain appears, why is it not constant but pulsates instead.
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 10:18PM by Roquet_
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IFTTT General

ELI5: “Would I Lie To You?” Clip that I was never able to understand…
At /r/explainlikeimfive
For those of you unfamiliar with the British panel show “Would I Lie To You?”, celebrities read statements off of cards, and the other team must decipher if the person is telling the truth or is telling a lie.In one episode, the captain of one team, Lee Mack, reads a card that says he refused to help a man who was stuck in the tree. David Mitchell is the captain of the other team.Lee: “He was about two thirds of the way up the tree. Now, you probably want to know the height of the tree, don’t ya? The height of the tree was about how high he was plus a third.”David: “So, he wasn’t two thirds of the way up the tree. He was three quarters.”The crowd laughs, Lee looks confused.David: “If he was two thirds of the way up the tree, then the height of the tree was how high he was plus a half.”This makes no sense to me. The comment section of the video tries to explain that it’s an issue of semantics. But even then, I have no idea what David is talking about.
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 08:24PM by ScrawnyBravo24
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IFTTT General

How many episodes do you prefer?
At /r/netflix
As the title says, what's your preference for how many episodes a season contains? I grew up in the era of 22(+) episode seasons of network tv, which was fine when there were only 3 or 4 networks to watch. Now though, there are so many shows to watch that I'm thrilled when a show is only 6 eps. 8 is fine, 10 is ok, but above that I start to get antsy. And I'm completely fine with "Limited" series. Tell a good story then get out of the way!
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 07:55PM by ewazer
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IFTTT General

Household policy
At /r/netflix
So I got the dreaded household policy notification on my iPad. I do still live within the household but I’m away at school right now. Is there anyway for me to bypass this? I have temporary fixed it with a vacation code, but looking for a more permanent solution until I move back home this summer. Thanks :)
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 07:05PM by No_Put2906
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IFTTT General

Netflix and Language
At /r/netflix
Netflix should consider developing out a language learning option for the application. Estimated value of market is 15 bil and would surely not be too difficult as they have the transaction transcripts for most shows.What do you think?
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 05:46PM by Temporary_Mongoose91
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Railroad question...why did Amtrak cancel the Chicago trains due to cold? It's not because of snow, but rather temperatures. Diesel fuel can be treated to flow at lower temps.
At /r/explainlikeimfive
As title states. As a trucker out of Wisconsin I know semi truck diesels can run in the cold. I was surprised to see Amtrak canceling their trains due to the incoming cold over today through Tuesday. Thanks! Edit: Wow! Some really great explanations! Thanks all! I really feel sad for the specially trained switch monkeys in this weather. They need a union or something 😉
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 05:09PM by mmmmpisghetti
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IFTTT General

YSK these neat ways to convert between celsius and fahrenheit :)
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: With these methods, you can convert °C to °F (and vice versa) like a pro! Also great for trainin yo brain!Hi there! I was bored and decided to put down a chart for ease of conversion from celsius to fahrenheit and vice versa.I'm sure some of you know of the standard "°F = °C * 2 + 30 and °C = °F - 30 / 2."I noticed that it gets more inaccurate the higher you go and that bothered me. So I went on a numberventure and found some patterns that got me wondering if I could use any for more accurate results. Here are the results.Hope it helps and sorry if it's been posted before! Too lazy to check :D-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Formula for °C to °F:°F = (9/5 \ °C) + 32 or (1.8 * °C) + 32*°C to °F Pattern Observations:For Celsius values, each increment of 1°C increases Fahrenheit by 1.8°F. Every other even (0, 2, 4...) or odd (1, 3, 5...) value of °C correlates with an increase of 3.6°F (this can be useful, I just haven't taken the time to think of how to expand...yet).Chart A:Celsius (°C)Fahrenheit (°F)Δ°F032N/A133.81.8235.61.8337.41.8439.21.85411.8642.81.8744.61.8846.41.8948.21.810501.81151.81.81253.61.81355.41.81457.21.815591.81660.81.81762.61.81864.41.81966.21.820681.8I noticed a cool pattern: for every 10°C, °F increases by 18. That means for every 5°C, °F changes by 9! If multiplying decimals isn’t your thing, this bridge is a super easy way to work with friendly numbers :PExample:Finding °F from 45°C. I like to use 10°C because it's easy to calculate from 50 but whatever floats your boat!°C1 - °C2 = 45 - 10 = 35 (here, °C1 is given value and °C2 is the reference value)35 * 1.8 = (35 * 1) + (30 * 0.8) + (5 * 0.8) = 35 + 24 + 4 = 63Add 63 to the reference value: 63 + 50 = 113°FFormula for °F to °C:°C = 5/9 \ (°F - 32)*°F to °C Pattern Observations:For Fahrenheit to Celsius conversions, every other even or odd increment of °F increases Celsius by ≈1.1°C.Chart B:Fahrenheit (°F)Celsius (°C)Δ°C (even)Δ°C (odd)0-17.7N/A1-17.21.12-16.61.13-16.11.14-15.51.15-151.16-14.41.17-13.81.18-13.31.19-12.71.110-12.21.111-11.61.112-11.11.113-10.51.114-101.115-9.41.116-8.81.117-8.31.118-7.71.119-7.21.120-6.61.1Here’s an (in my opinion) easy route:Start with a reference point0°F = -17.7°C (even numbers)
1°F = -17.2°C (odd numbers)Examples:420°F:420 - 0 = 420420 / 2 = 210210 * 1.1 = 231231 - 17.7 = 213.3°C69°F:69 - 1 = 6868 / 2 = 3434 * 1.1 = 37.437.4 - 17.2 = 20.2°CImportant notes:Up to 100, there's a deviation of ≈0.5
200 - 300, deviation of ≈1
300 - 400, deviation of ≈2...I think. Sounds good nuff to me!
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 04:54PM by EternalStudent420
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why didn't the English colonizers mix with the natives while the Spanish colonizers did?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 03:07PM by misteriouslikedemie7
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IFTTT General

Framedrop/slowdown in HDR/DoblyVision.
At /r/netflix
Greetings all, I just received my Philips 65OLED809 and I have a weird issues concerning a sort of framedrop/slowdown in some scene when using Netflix in HDR/Dolbyvision on the TV App. I'm very sensitive to motion and for me the issue is really apparent when using motion smoothing "Standard" or "Smooth". By exemple in "Wednesday" in the first episode at 6m36s there is a slowdown when the guy is speaking with his head closer to the windows, or for a second exemple in "Squid Game" in the first episode between19m18s and 19m28s there is a quick lag when we see the main character. This is subtle and not really easy to notice at first but once seen … I have not this issue on SDR, when I desactivate HDR on the Netflix app everything is smooth.I have not this issue either on my old 65OLED854 in the Netflix TV app or when using my Shield on this older TV model.I tried to plug my Shield (2017) on my new 809 (I tried the 4 HDMI) to see if the same issue occurs in Netflix and again I got the same lag/slowdown. I switched the Shield to 4k 23,97fps from 4k 59,94fps and no more issues ! So it seems to be an issue with the TV not able to keep the motion well if the refresh rate is not the same than the video played when HDR/DolbyVision is enabled. And since there is no way to change the refresh rate in GoogleTV, I can't see how to solve the issue.
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 03:53PM by redempt61
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Fábrica de mosquito que combate a dengue está em Foz, Londrina e Curitiba e ... - Bem Paraná
Combate à dengue: "Meta é expandir Wolbachia para mais 40 cidades em 2025", diz secretário-adjunto de Vigilância em Saúde.
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Personalised notifications despite being logged out
At /r/netflix
Hey, so I used to share a Netflix account with my sister some time ago and was logged in with that account on my phone. I have my own account now though, with only my profile, and I keep getting notifications from Netflix with recommendations using her name, even after reinstalling the app. I don't know if it's just the wrong name or if it's actually recommendations for her, but I suppose the first makes more sense. Does anyone know why this happens?
Submitted January 19, 2025 at 02:44PM by ThinkApplication4183
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Donald Trump lança $TRUMP, sua criptomoeda oficial, e alcança sucesso no mercado financeiro
Donald Trump lança a criptomoeda $TRUMP dias antes de sua posse como presidente dos EUA. Moeda atinge US$ 6 bilhões em valor de mercado e promete ...
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