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IFTTT General

ELI5: What form of communication is happening when schools of fish and flocks of birds are able to move as one, making intricate turns?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
How are both groups able to move as one unit, avoiding smashing into each other or having individuals exiting the group?
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 03:09AM by zennez33
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Primeiro Growler Day de dezembro embala final de semana da Bodebrown
Quando: Sábado (7/12), das 9h às 18h. Endereço: Fábrica da Bodebrown – Rua Carlos de Laet, 1015 – Hauer, Curitiba – PR Entrada: franca. Informações ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Your Views & Opinions On That Christmas
At /r/netflix
In my opinion, That Christmas is too similar to Bluey in 'The Sign'. No matter how Christmassy it tries to get, it just ends in chaos and loud, brash antics that are just too similar to that bumper length Bluey episode.So, what are your views and opinions on this film? I'd love to know.
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 05:23AM by Potty-
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IFTTT General

Looking for romantic drama movies with happy endings! Recommendations, please? 🌟
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 03:24AM by professor1512
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IFTTT General

YSK: The more you share memes and photos about the UnitedHealthcare shooter the more likely they will be caught.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Authorities are counting on the public sharing memes, images and theories about the gunman to help in their investigation. Whatever your opinions are on the issue you should know how simple meme-sharing could contribute to the ongoing investigation.
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 02:15AM by BlueEyedMind
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IFTTT General

Mystery interesting abit scary not too scary series?
At /r/netflix
Sorry if this doesn’t fit this subreddit can immediately take down 😊, however I’m looking for something kinda like stranger things, i was never into series however because of my wife I’ve been into a few, ill name them for anyone who wants to compare and give me suggestions pleaseStranger things Superstore The simpsons Sheldon Maid
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 02:08AM by ExcellentPotato7411
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IFTTT General

The Decameron
At /r/netflix
Can we just talk about this show? I'm on episode 8 and holy fuck. This show went from hilarious to more hilarious, but dark and disturbing, in the best way possible. I don't know If I should laugh or cry.
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 12:56AM by Thisisyourcaptain1
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is stool specifically liquid/loose/diarrheal when someone is enduring a bacterial infection?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
This is applicable to viral and parasitic infections too I suppose. The body needs to expel the pathogen, but why can't that be done with solid stool? Why does it require the stool to be liquid? Why does the pathogen change the normal consistency of stool from solid to liquid, and what expulsion property does solid stool lack that doesn't make it the natural mechanism for excreting the pathogen?
Submitted December 06, 2024 at 10:19PM by Antique_Scene4843
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IFTTT General

Our Father Documentary and other legal means that could have been pursued
At /r/netflix
I just saw the Our Father documentary, which was pretty wild.This brought up a lot of questions for me, and while I was watching it, I kept wondering why he wasn’t charged with medical malpractice of some kind. He should have been stripped of his license as well. This kind of blows my mind that it was never even mentioned once. The judge’s behavior was sickening. Seemed like he was chummy with the judge…He violated code of ethics, deceived his patients, and there’s just something about this that is sick. Pretty sad that when the girl finally gets her time in court to speak, she keeps getting cut off but the glowing letters get read uncensored.His charges were extremely minor. I hope they keep pursuing some means of prosecution. Can’t he be charged with something else as well?
Submitted December 06, 2024 at 11:29PM by Neon_Aurora451
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IFTTT General

Anyone know anything about this Pantone mug set?
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 06, 2024 at 10:58PM by here0is0me
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IFTTT General

ELI5 How does clothing with insulation (like wool) keep you warm and cool?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I read that wool can simultaneously keep you warm but be breathable and keep you cooler when its hot. How on earth does that work if your body temp is about the same regardless of how hot or cold the outside is?
Submitted December 06, 2024 at 08:38PM by MyFrenchGirls
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IFTTT General

IA é combustível da SAP Brasil para 2025 - Convergência Digital

... SAP SuccessFactors, módulo RH e no SAP Cloud”, afirmou a CEO. Vale destacar que o Joule é a assistente virtual da SAP, apoiada em IA generativa ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: do wooden or bamboo made flutes ever lose their tune? If so, is it fixable?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 06, 2024 at 04:39PM by goatenciusmaximus
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Prefeitura/SAP abre Natal 2024 no dia 14 - NPDiário
Programação especial A prefeitura de Santo Antônio da Platina abre a programação especial de Natal no município a partir do dia 14 de dezembro (um ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do a lot of planes have more seats than room for carry-on baggage?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
If everyone is allowed one carry-on and one personal item, why is it some times the last people in line have to have their carry on bags checked?
Submitted December 06, 2024 at 02:11PM by wydok
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IFTTT General

ELI5: If a company gifts its 100k employees free shares, what stops a great quantity of those employees selling straight away thus lowering the stock price of the company that just gifted you them?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 06:09AM by nayrclrk
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IFTTT General

I need a new movie asian series or movie
At /r/netflix
Hello anyone can recommend me a movie or series? Im bored everytime i get home. I want something that will surprise me, will make me cry, will shocked me, will make me traumas, and everything 🤣🤣I have watchs many asian series many episodes, at the end is really heart broken.I promise myself not to watch anymore of series of love drama / love or anything because it stays on my mind 😭But im happy to watch another one again even tho i know the consequences. Please recommend me something i will never forget ! Thx 😊
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 06:08AM by prettyrico21
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IFTTT General

YSK: Air Duster tubes are perfect for making extended swabs
At /r/YouShouldKnow
If you know what swabs I’m talking about, they are the ones that have a single end with a swab and the other end is a thin plastic rod. Little life hack: the plastic rods fit perfectly into either side of the air duster tubes, leading to an almost triple length swab, capable of reaching where you may not with conventional tools.Why YSK: Everyone should be cleaning electronics better. Sometimes a sensor gets dirty, and you need to somehow swab it with a chemical cleaning agent, what are you gonna do when it’s only 3 inches long? There are other ways, but air duster, and usually abandoned empty can tubes, are commonly found alongside these swabs I speak of, mostly in the copy rooms…
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 04:27AM by Sneaky_lil-bee
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IFTTT General

Jentry Chau vs The Underworld is a fantastic show and everyone should check it out. It needs as many eyes on it as possible.
At /r/netflix
I'm loving this show. Fantastic animation style and the story is great as well. Feels like even though it is a animated show it still has adult stakes and something even adults can enjoy as well as kids. If anyone is looking for something to watch please give this show a watch. It definitely a show that needs to be renewed.
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 02:38AM by Blitzo-with-silent-O
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Polícia CIVIL prende homem que AGREDIA mulher em S. Antônio - NPDiário
Prefeitura/SAP abre Natal 2024 no dia 14 · Como ficam rodovias neste fim ... PRESO DONO de farmácia em SAP. Contato:
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

ELI5: What's the deal with card counting?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
think I more or less understand, but I want clarification. From what I can tell, card counting is just keeping track of what cards have been used in a game of blackjack, in order to optimize strategy, Is that wrong? Is there more to it?Because, if that is all it is, isn't that just like, basic strategy? Common sense? And if this counting is all in your head, how does a casino prove you're card counting? I suppose it's their business, so it's not like they need court-admissible evidence to kick you out, but what do they do, do they just kick you out if you're winning at all at blackjack? Are they really that shameless in their lack of hiding that the game is rigged? And if this is the case, why do people continue to play blackjack at all, if it's just an open secret that the game's integrity is compromised?
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 12:57AM by Derangedberger
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IFTTT General

The Angelina Jolie-starring film Maria will premiere on Netflix in the U.S. on December 11.
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 07, 2024 at 12:29AM by Alone-Acanthisitta66
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IFTTT General

Grow with SAP expands cloud ERP access for SMBs on AWS - TechTarget

AWS and SAP debut Grow with SAP on AWS, a bid to attract more SMBs to S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition, but larger enterprises might take a look, too.
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IFTTT General

Voice description/accessibilities
At /r/netflix
I love that Netflix has some nice accessibility options I wish they would update the voice. Or sounds like a 1999 8bit wave voice It's really hard to understand it's saying.Anyone else notice this?If you if the wrong place you post this please let me knowThank you
Submitted December 06, 2024 at 11:02PM by TheOriginalRobinism
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
IA é combustível da SAP Brasil para 2025 - Convergência Digital
... SAP SuccessFactors, módulo RH e no SAP Cloud”, afirmou a CEO. Vale destacar que o Joule é a assistente virtual da SAP, apoiada em IA generativa ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

ELI5: How do people lose all their savings by doing options trading?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
How do people lose all their savings by doing options trading?I've looked up options, but don't really understand it. How do you see people losing their entire account doing it, how do you avoid that (other than not doing options), and why do people call it gambling?
Submitted December 06, 2024 at 08:57PM by Dakera
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IFTTT General

Netflix Bitrate Stuck at Blurry 540p
At /r/netflix
For some reason when I try and watch Netflix on Edge, Chrome, the Windows app, etc, every movie and show is stuck at 540p, as shown when I do the ctrl+shift+alt+d command where it says "Playing bitrate (a/v): 192 / 1289 (960x540)"I have a 1440p monitor, newest drivers and latest versions for everything, 1Gbp/s ethernet, and have tried all the different extensions that are made to fix this. For some reason, it does just fine streaming at 4k on my tv, it's just my PC that's stuck at such a low resolution. Anyone have some solution I have yet to uncover?
Submitted December 06, 2024 at 08:03PM by EndiXIV
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
O Pôquer e o Norte Pioneiro: estratégias, comunidade e impactos locais - NPDiário
Prefeitura/SAP abre Natal 2024 no dia 14 · Como ficam rodovias neste fim de ano na OPERAÇÃO VERÃO · Norte Pioneiro ganha PROJETO OUSADO de 3,5 MILHÕES ...
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IFTTT General

Missing Profiles
At /r/netflix
Today, I logged into Netflix, and two of my profiles had been deleted. I did not delete them, so this must be a Netflix glitch. I have seen other posts online, describing something similar. So, I have two questions. Has anyone else experienced this? And does anyone know how to restore a profile that has gone missing - along with the history data?
Submitted December 06, 2024 at 06:36PM by socrdad2
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IFTTT General

Black Doves: A Thrilling Spy Thriller Starring Keira Knightley
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 06, 2024 at 06:07PM by Alone-Acanthisitta66
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