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IFTTT General

Is there any way I can check which TV shows and movies Netflix had in previous years?
At /r/netflix
There's an anime movie I've been trying to find but I don't know it's name but I do remember it was on Netflix several years ago. I can also remember the description it had on Netflix and I'm almost sure it was classsified TV-MA (It was before Netflix changed their classification system).
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 02:49PM by DAGStudio
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IFTTT General

YSK: Visualization doesn't mean seeing something as vividly as reality, and the misconceptions around aphantasia can cause unnecessary confusion.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Many people misunderstand what visualization is supposed to feel like, leading to myths about aphantasia (the inability to create mental imagery). This can leave people thinking they’re “broken” or different when their experiences are often entirely normal. First, visualization is not the same as actually seeing something. When you “picture” something like an apple, your optic nerves aren’t firing, and your brain isn’t generating a stimulus you can see with your eyes. That’s not visualization—that’s hallucination. In visualization, the optical center is involved, but it's different than forcing your brain to perceive something that isn't actually there. Visualization typically involves a mental construct, something akin to a faint, fleeting “impression” of an image. Most people don’t experience visualization as a clear or concrete picture. Instead, it’s more abstract, like a sense of shape, color, or texture that you can’t fully “see” or hold in your mind. Not in the same way you can see things in front of you, anyway.What people often describe as a “see-through” or hazy flash of an image is entirely normal. For instance, when imagining an apple, many people might vaguely sense its roundness, its redness, or even imagine it spinning slightly—but it’s rarely as clear as a photograph. This process isn’t automatic or perfect for most people, either. Manipulating mental images, such as rotating them or changing their attributes, is a skill that takes practice and time to develop. Adam Savage, the builder and designer from MythBusters, has spoken about his visualization abilities as a learned skill honed over years of experience in his career. ( People in creative or technical fields frequently report similar journeys, gradually improving their capacity to visualize as they repeatedly work with abstract concepts and mental imagery.Pete Holmes also has an amazing bit about this. In his special "Dirty Clean," he jokes: "Your brain is weird. Your brain has eyes—like you have eyes—but your brain also has eyes that see things only you can see. For example, picture an orange. Keep your eyes open but picture an orange.The ****? Really, do it. Keep them open but think really hard about an orange. What the ****? Just for a second-BINK!-a giant orange. I don’t know how big yours was; mine was giant. Just a giant translucent orange that only you can see?"It's worth repeating: visualization is not intentional hallucination.The confusion surrounding aphantasia exacerbates this issue. Aphantasia is a neurological condition where individuals are unable to form mental images entirely. For those with aphantasia, imagining an apple results not in a faint or fleeting image but instead in an abstract thought or concept, often described as “thinking in words” rather than pictures (Zeman et al., 2015). It’s a fascinating variation of human cognition, but the misconceptions around visualization can lead many people to mistakenly believe they have aphantasia. If you can form even the faintest outline of an image, such as a blurry sense of an apple’s shape or color, you likely do not have aphantasia. Instead, you’re experiencing the normal range of visualization ability, which varies significantly from person to person.There's a recent concept-creep which seems to imply that if you don't have photographic memory, you have aphantasia. That isn't the case, and 99% of you are normal and just need to practice visualizing things.
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 02:39PM by DaddiBigCawk
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IFTTT General

Mulher de detento é flagrada com droga ao tentar entrar na Penitenciária de Pracinha - SAP

Assessoria de Imprensa - SAP | Fotos: Divulgação/SAP. A mulher de um detento que cumpre pena na Penitenciária de Pracinha foi surpreendida no ...

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IFTTT General

How Feathers McGraw Became Cinema’s Most Terrifying Villain
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 02:07PM by stroh_1002
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Motorista fica ferido após caminhão tombar e carga pegar fogo na BR-376
Um motorista de um caminhão ficou ferido após um tombamento na BR-376, em Ponta Grossa, nos Campos Gerais do Paraná. O acidente aconteceu no fim ...
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IFTTT General

Netflix Series
At /r/netflix
Happy New Year everyone!I had some downtime these past few days and decided to binge a couple of Netflix series. One to see what the fuss was all about and an older one just because I like the actor who is in it.The first series I watched was The Gentlemen. The first four episodes were okay but I told my wife I don't understand what the fuss is about. This isn't even close to being as good as Breaking Bad, Sopranos or Sons of Anarchy or even The Walking Dead (only because of the first four absolutely amazing seasons). It's not even as good as Yellowstone and I am not all that fond of it either. But at least it has moments of greatness. I told her unless it picks up I really don't know why people like it. I watched the next episode and was quickly eating my words. It really picked up and by the end of it I was like damn that was good. I would rank it better than Yellowstone but I still don't think it's as good as these other four shows. I hope season 2 ramps things up a notch too. I'm optimistic it will.The other series I watched was Clickbait. I actually enjoyed this way more than I did The Gentlemen because it was engaging from the first episode until the last. I really thought I figured out by episode two who did it. I told my daughter it's quite commonly a pheriperal character and the character I suspected lined up with that notion. During episode 7 I was screaming "Touchdown" (as I was walking on my treadmill) because I thought my prediction was confirmed. Episode 8 proved me wrong and I am okay with that. It was a unique twist that I am sure very few would have suspected. All in all they were both good series and I would recommend them to anyone who hasn't seen them.
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 01:22PM by umimmissingtopspots
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why isn't DisplayPort more widely used, and why do TVs mostly come with HDMI?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
That, i don't get it honestly. I also don't get why we have so many different ports too but that's another topic
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 12:31PM by farukosh
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IFTTT General

Jeselsohn, ex-Totvs, está na System Advisor - Baguete

Os nomes incluem tanto os maiores fornecedores de ERP em nível mundial, como Oracle e SAP, empresas brasileiras líderes de mercado como Totvs e ...

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IFTTT General

Emgetis desenvolve aplicativo móvel de acompanhamento do Sistema Penitenciário

Uma das principais iniciativas é o desenvolvimento do SAP Mobile, um módulo em formato de aplicativo móvel do Sistema de Acompanhamento Penitenciário ...

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Procurador do Estado Assistente da Procuradoria de Procedimentos Disciplinares, à fls. 48/49, e na manifestação da Assistência Técnica da Chefia de ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: how was Germany so powerful and difficult to defeat in world war 2 considering the size of the country compared to the allies?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I know they would of had some support but I’m unsure how they got to be such a powerhouse
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 12:22PM by RLG87
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Jeselsohn, ex-Totvs, está na System Advisor - Baguete
Os nomes incluem tanto os maiores fornecedores de ERP em nível mundial, como Oracle e SAP, empresas brasileiras líderes de mercado como Totvs e ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
DataXstream anuncia o OMS+ 4 para execução de vendas mais rápida em todo o SAP
A DataXstream LLC, um aplicativo aprovado pela SAP® e parceiro nível Gold que desenvolve soluções inovadoras para vendas e distribuição do SAP, ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Procuradoria de Procedimentos Disciplinares – PGE, à fl. 49/49-verso, referente ao contido na mídia inclusa no Processo SAP/GS 764/2018, determino o ...
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IFTTT General

Help me find this English web series
At /r/netflix
[ToMT][Netflix] A Netflix series where a couple adopt a puppyIn the opening scene of this web series, a couple went to adopt a puppy. The adoption center caretaker show the wife a picture of her husband with another girl and refused the puppy. This revelation led to an argument between the couple. All I can remember is this much. After this, I could not continue it for some reason. And I can't find this series in my continue watching list. Please help me find it. Thanks.
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 12:19PM by DarkKnight1799
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How are small businesses able to get over a million dollars into debt?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I've been watching shows like Kitchen Nightmares, Bar Rescue, Hotel Hell, etc. The owners of these small mom and pop style businesses always admit that they're 500k/800k/over a million dollars in debt and losing 15k a month. How is this possible? Doesn't their capital need to be fluid in order to make payroll/rent? How are these small businesses getting such large lines of credit? Or are they loans? I don't understand how the bank allows these small business owners to get so deep into debt to the point where the most likely outcome would be bankruptcy?
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 12:13PM by kittykatkitkat
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IFTTT General

Maconha é encontrada escondida entre costuras de bolsa durante visita em penitenciária ...

Segundo a SAP (Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária), o entorpecente foi apreendido durante o momento da revista dos itens levados por ...

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IFTTT General

Mulher tenta entregar maconha para detento durante visita em São Vicente - VTV News

Segundo a Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP), o entorpecente seria destinado a um detento que cumpre pena na unidade. O flagrante ...

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IFTTT General

YSK People who had one drink a day had a 40% higher risk of developing any of seven types of cancer
At /r/YouShouldKnow
WHY YSK: Fewer than half of Americans know that alcohol can increase the risk of certain cancers, despite growing evidence supporting the connection over the past few decades, warnings from major cancer and public-health organizations, and classifications of alcoholic beverages as human carcinogens.Overall, people who had one drink a day had a 40% higher risk of developing any of seven types of cancer—mouth, throat, voice box, esophagus, breast, liver, and colorectal—compared to those who didn’t drink at all. The risk was notable for breast cancer: women who consumed one alcoholic drink daily had a 10% higher risk of developing that cancer than those who didn’t drink.citation:
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 02:17PM by FootballPizzaMan
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IFTTT General

Squid Game fans unveil the Front Man’s ‘true intentions’ with easily missed clue
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 01:52PM by daily_mirror
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IFTTT General

Need new netflix obsession show recommendations
At /r/netflix
I was wondering if anybody had recommendations for shows similar to heartstopper, Anne with an e and Bridgerton. Preferably on netflix, but could be prime or Disney plus too or even BBC iPlayer. Just any recommendations please!
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 01:23PM by xxchar_xoxo
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Why is brown rice more expensive than white rice, if white rice is just peeled brown rice?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 12:48PM by Garlicbread4fun
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IFTTT General

Ex-SAP é novo head de delivery da Delaware - Baguete

Foto: divulgação. A Delaware Brasil, parte da multinacional belga de consultoria SAP, acaba de contratar Paulo Scatone para o cargo de head de ...

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IFTTT General

DataXstream anuncia o OMS+ 4 para execução de vendas mais rápida em todo o SAP

A DataXstream LLC, um aplicativo aprovado pela SAP® e parceiro nível Gold que desenvolve soluções inovadoras para vendas e distribuição do SAP, ...

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IFTTT General

Squid Game but its in Ukraine
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 12:28PM by SadHistorianUkr
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Ex-SAP é novo head de delivery da Delaware - Baguete
Foto: divulgação. A Delaware Brasil, parte da multinacional belga de consultoria SAP, acaba de contratar Paulo Scatone para o cargo de head de ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Emgetis desenvolve aplicativo móvel de acompanhamento do Sistema Penitenciário
Uma das principais iniciativas é o desenvolvimento do SAP Mobile, um módulo em formato de aplicativo móvel do Sistema de Acompanhamento Penitenciário ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Procurador do Estado Assistente da Procuradoria de Procedimentos Disciplinares, à fls. 48/49, e na manifestação da Assistência Técnica da Chefia de ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP Concur: 5 previsões de Travel & Expense para 2025 - Ambitur
De acordo com o Inquérito Global de Viagens de Negócios SAP Concur 2024, 95% dos viajantes de negócios considerariam usar a automação alimentada por ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: why do whales need to be wet
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I understand why whales need to live in the water, that their enormous mass needs the support, and thus they die when beached. this makes perfect sense to me, that's not what I'm asking.I remember a scene from the film Free Willy where they are transporting the orca from his tank to the ocean and they have him in a sort of tarpaulin sling type thing. the boy keeps pouring water over him during transport. why? they breathe air so it isn't about keeping gills wet. is this a real thing or some sort of film nonsense, or is it something we used to think was necessary but actually isn't?if whales do need to be kept wet, independent of the role water plays in supporting their bodies, why? and if they don't, why was that scene in the film?
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 11:40AM by pktechboi
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