Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Após calotes, governo de Minas adota nova tática para acordos de leniência - O Fator
O acordo de leniência assinado pelo governo de Minas com a empresa de tecnologia SAP Brasil tem um detalhe diferente dos demais acordos feitos ...
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ELI5: Why do things like back/head rubs feel so good?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted December 05, 2024 at 03:14PM by NickCody2013
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This is why streaming shows get cancelled.
At /r/netflix
Maybe this is obvious to everyone else, but I think I realized why streaming shows get canceled, even when they are just getting good.Because everyone starts at the beginning. Before streaming, you would hear about a good show and then jump on the bandwagon, wherever it was in the show. Down the road you might buy the DVD or start watching from the start, but generally audiences could be hooked midway through the run. When you watch older shows, you can often see them improve markedly by the second season, when they start to figure things out.Now there is no chance for a show to "find their footing" because EVERYONE watches from the beginning. So if the first season or even first few EPISODES are shaky, then that's that forever. It must be really stressful for filmmakers and creators. I think it also helps explain why semi-strong first seasons don't get renewed either: every audience needs to get through that first season, so if the data shows consistent drop-off, then that's that.Good example of this: Loudermilk. (Prime Video, but same difference). By the end of the second season it's so strong, but there are some real stinkers in that first season, and they sink it.
Submitted December 05, 2024 at 02:57PM by emslo
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Instituído em 1985 pela ONU, o Dia do Voluntariado é comemorado internacionalmente em 5 de dezembro para promover o espírito de solidariedade ...
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04 de dezembro DIA DO PERITO CRIMINAL OFICIAL - Sindasp
A SAP está CREDENCIANDO PROFISSIONAIS de nível superior, pessoa física ou jurídica, com formação em Serviço Social, Psicologia ou Medicina, com ...
EXCLUSIVE: Official Episode Runtimes Revealed for Squid Game Season 2
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 05, 2024 at 02:34PM by Lost_Distribution546
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Bazar Moda do Bem traz descontos de até 70% - Band News FM Curitiba
... Curitiba. O evento vai oferecer descontos de até 70% nos produtos. Estarão disponíveis roupas, calçados, bolsas e acessórios de várias marcas, com ...
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MediaLearn more about the latest Pixel and Android updates, featuring the latest in Google AI innovation.
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MediaNew Android features connect your digital and physical worlds, from expressive audio captions to AI-generated image descriptions by Gemini.
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Mais de 15 bairros de Curitiba e região sem água nesta quinta-feira - Tribuna do Paraná
Segundo a Sanepar, são executados serviços de higienização e manutenção preventiva nos reservatórios de água do Bairro Alto e do Bairro Mercês, e ...
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A capa da invisibilidade é real? Cientistas afirmam que material de camuflagem inovador ...
... (SAP) para atingir sua capacidade de se misturar ao ambiente como um camaleão ou um polvo. Quando esses SAP materiais eles são expostos à luz de um ...
DataXstream Launches OMS+ Cloud for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
“We are thrilled to extend OMS+ to the SAP S/4 HANA Public Cloud environment and enable more organizations to streamline their sales processes, ...
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ELI5 How a Heat Pump Gets Heat From -20f Air?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I have heard that they work like backwards air conditioners, and while I know somewhat how the air conditioner conditioner cools off the refrigerant, I'm baffled on how a heat pump can heat it up?
Submitted December 05, 2024 at 12:05PM by BigCheesePants
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The 27 Scariest Movies on Netflix: Pearl, Psycho, Jaws & More
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 05, 2024 at 12:04PM by indiewire
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Teenage bounty hunters
At /r/netflix
Stumbled across this one recently. It’s so cute! Only one season because I think Covid got in the way, but I recommend it. I would’ve lived to get another season or 2 out of it.
Submitted December 05, 2024 at 11:08AM by Pink_Raven88
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Mineração Taboca abre vaga de emprego em Presidente Figueiredo
As funções a serem exercidas durante o expediente são Atividades administrativas com foco em Manutenção, Controle e solicitações via SAP, Controle de ...
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ELI5: Why don’t windy cities use wind farms?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why don’t naturally windy cities, like Chicago, employ wind farms on skyscrapers and such? Seems like it would be a free/low cost option for electricity, no? Is it an engineering issue, zoning, or what?
Submitted December 05, 2024 at 02:25PM by shadowimage
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Operação da PF desmantela esquema de contrabando de eletrônicos em Uberaba
CGE, AGE e MPMG assinam acordo de leniência com a empresa SAP Brasil Ltda. Banco de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais abre concurso com 32 vagas ...
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Instituído em 1985 pela ONU, o Dia do Voluntariado é comemorado internacionalmente em 5 de dezembro para promover o espírito de solidariedade ...
Eli5 why sometimes the images take by my phone camera look clearer than what i see direct in misty rainy days?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted December 05, 2024 at 02:11PM by saucenhan
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ELI5: Why is gold so important and valuable in the global economy?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why is gold valued so highly in the economy, especially when compared to resources like oil that have strategic importance, given that gold is primarily just a shiny metal with limited practical uses? I can’t wrap my head around it.
Submitted December 05, 2024 at 01:09PM by kiwisch
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Moda do Bem: 27ª edição terá descontos de até 70% e um propósito de solidariedade - Bem Paraná
Moda do Bem: 27ª edição terá descontos de até 70% e um propósito de solidariedade. Evento acontece de 05 a 08 de dezembro no Buffet Du Batel com mais ...
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MediaWe’re launching Expressive Captions, a feature of Live Caption, that gives you the full picture of emotion in what’s being said on your device.
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
04 de dezembro DIA DO PERITO CRIMINAL OFICIAL - Sindasp
A SAP está CREDENCIANDO PROFISSIONAIS de nível superior, pessoa física ou jurídica, com formação em Serviço Social, Psicologia ou Medicina, com ...
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Cientistas Desenvolvem Material que Promete Invisibilidade Humana - Portal G7
Os materiais SAP propostos pelos pesquisadores são definidos como mais simples, acessíveis e utilizáveis. Essa inovação não só facilita a integração ...
SAP vai pagar R$ 66 milhões para Minas Gerais - Baguete
SAP vai pagar R$ 66 milhões para Minas Gerais. Multinacional fecha acordo de leninência e entrega documentos. Devem vir mais multas por aí. 05 de ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Bazar moda do bem oferece descontos de até 70% em Curitiba
O bazar Moda do Bem, que acontece em Curitiba de 5 a 8 de dezembro, oferece descontos de até 70% em uma variedade de produtos, incluindo roupas, ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Cientistas Desenvolvem Material que Promete Invisibilidade Humana - Portal G7
Os materiais SAP propostos pelos pesquisadores são definidos como mais simples, acessíveis e utilizáveis. Essa inovação não só facilita a integração ...
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ELI5: Why is Islam growing in the west when almost all other religions are shrinking, and more people are identifying as having no religion?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted December 05, 2024 at 11:06AM by Aggravating_Noise783
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Yearly return for one month!
At /r/netflix
It's that time of year, I'm subscribing to Netflix for a month so I'm wondering what are the best things that I missed out on! I also skipped last year so technically what are some of the best shows and movies from the last couple years? Thanks!
Submitted December 05, 2024 at 11:11AM by Tomhyde098
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