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IFTTT General

I don’t think Mildred Ratched is a bad person.
At /r/netflix
This is based off the ratched series. I never watched the movie it was based off of. I don’t think she’s a bad person though. She went through a lot of fucked up things in life. She changed a lot during the show. She is a badass and I really enjoy her character. She killed people but they were all bad people anyways.
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 03:39AM by Miserable_Island_339
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Will a body decompose if it is buried on the moon?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 01:25AM by pra_com001
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IFTTT General

Looking for an old netflix ahow hat was removed
At /r/netflix
Helo im searching for an animated show i watched way back i think it was 2014 or around that time about a a kid looking for her sister i remember in one episode him and other guy went look for a guys that was really good at swimming and in another episode there was a bunker in a desert if some1 could help me out i would really appreciate it
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 01:28AM by mateoelpro332minecra
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why does alcohol makes some set of people aggressive/hyper but makes the other half go sleepy/silent?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’ve seen many of my friends/others who takes off after getting high from alcohol whereas many others, including me, just want to go sleep once hitting high. Why is that so?I’m talking high purely from alcohol - predominantly from Beer, Spirits(Whiskey, brandy, vodka, rum) and Wine.
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 12:06AM by VroommVroomm
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IFTTT General

ELI5 why eating too much potassium with kidney failure is bad
At /r/explainlikeimfive
My dad has a GFR currently hovering around 17, so he’s pretty close to going on dialysis. He understands that he has to limit his sodium intake, and does a pretty good job, but every time I tell him he needs to limit potassium intake, he says “my potassium isn’t high”, and has a banana with his breakfast. It’s true that his potassium level is within normal limits, but isn’t he just making his kidneys work hard to keep it that way? And he’s also supposed to limit protein at this point-is that also because it’s hard work on the kidneys to eliminate it? Help me explain things to my dad in a way that he can understand!
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 11:29PM by snarky2468
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IFTTT General

Did it really happen?
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 11:39PM by PixelVapor
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IFTTT General

will it not allow people at home to use my netflix account if i say i'm traveling?
At /r/netflix
i've (18) used my step moms netflix account for YEARS, which hasn't been a problem when i'm not at her place as long as i'm watching stuff on my laptop instead of my tv (i'm guessing because i bring my laptop with me when i go to her and my dads house). recently i've bought a bigger tv and theres this movie on netflix i've been wanting to watch, but i'd rather watch it on the tv instead. my step mom wouldn't mind me saying i'm traveling and giving me the code, i'm just wondering if that would mess up the ability for her to watch netflix at her house.
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 10:56PM by lgh0614
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Why do people get sick more frequently in the winter than in the summer?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why does "flu/cold season" happen in the late fall-winter? Do sicknesses spread more because people get together for the holidays? Where I live, it's cold and snowy so we don't go out much in the winter and therefore aren't around many people. A lot of people I know don’t go out much in the winter, either. In the spring/summer, we travel a lot, go out to restaurants, sporting events, crowded beaches, concerts (including indoor concerts), get togethers and large events with other people (both indoors and outdoors), etc. Because of air conditioning in the summer, many places keep their doors/windows shut like they do in the winter. Yet we tend to stay healthier in the summer than in the fall or winter, despite being exposed to a lot more people and potential germs.
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 07:30PM by Electrical-Jelly-802
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IFTTT General

How do I turn my language to English? It randomly turned to this language and I don’t know how to switch it
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 10:00PM by Safe-Adhesiveness713
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IFTTT General

Just finished interview w a vampire 😭😭 need suggestions PLEASE
At /r/netflix
Here’s some of my favorites Interview w a vampire BuffyYou Killing eve Lincoln lawyer Your honor Emily in Paris Suits DexterWalking dead Behind her eyes Lucifer Midnight club Midnight mass Fall of the house of usher Haunting hill house Haunting of bly manor (love Mike Flanagan) Black list Good girls Wednesday Money heist Dark In the dark A brand new cherry flavor Money heist Shameless Weeds Gilmore girls The OC The flash Arrow Raising dion The order The sinner Black mirror How to get away with murder Tiny pretty things Ozark Ginny and Georgia Grace and Frankie Parenthood House of cards The good place Orange is the new black Schitts creek Prison break Znation 13 reasons why New girl Snowfall Vikings Hart of Dixie Working moms Silvana sin Lana The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the WindowPower series
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 10:18PM by Historical_Coyote245
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Samarco começa 2025 com vagas abertas para analistas - Portal Mais Minas
Requisitos: Experiência em gestão e condução de treinamentos/conteúdos. Ensino superior completo. Excel intermediário. Desejável conhecimento em SAP.
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Netflix Preview Club?
At /r/netflix
Anyone done this? It says after the show I will have a 10-20 minute survey but depending on the runtime 40 minutes to 3.5 hours. WTH?I'm not taking a survey that long. Is that realistic?
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 09:43PM by 2017_JKU
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IFTTT General

Any info on whether or not Netflix will be adding English audio to "Happiness"? [US]
At /r/netflix
I sat down to start watching Happiness tonight and I was disappointed to see no audio options, only the native language.I tried watching it, but I could not keep up with the subtitles, to the point where I eventually just gave up.I really hope they add English audio soon.
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 09:10PM by G-Ziss
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How does Champagne continue to produce so many bubbles after it’s poured in a glass and “settled”?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 06:49PM by Vance617
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IFTTT General

Saúde PROMETE mais melhorias no P.S. de S. Antônio (assistam) - NPDiário

Euforia e exageros no início da gestão Gil O Prefeito Gil Martins (Republicanos), a Vice-prefeita Terezinha Maiorky, chefe de gabinete, ...

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IFTTT General

Shows disappearing from continue watching
At /r/netflix
Afew days ago the shows I’ve been watching disappeared from my continue watching and I tried to search them up and they weren’t on Netflix, I went onto a different profile and the shows were there still, does anybody experiencing the same issues and have a fix for this
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 03:03AM by GullibleRanger2616
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do some languages use accents on the letters in their words but some, like English, don't use any to assist pronunciation?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 07:21PM by infantile-eloquence
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IFTTT General

YSK: For some people with depression it never gets better, and telling people it will is unhelpful at best
At /r/YouShouldKnow
For some people it can. But for many, many people it can't/won't. Causes of depression are among the least understood. Treatments and how they work, when they do, are just as unknown. Why YSK: because it can be very distressing for people who have struggled for years and exhausted numerous treatments to hear such sentiments.
Submitted January 06, 2025 at 01:08AM by scottishswede7
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IFTTT General

Since it's launch on Netflix games Oct 8th... Atari's RollerCoaster Tycoon has over 100,000 downloads on Google Play
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 11:52PM by PowerDubs
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IFTTT General

Quality going down after about 5 minutes of watching
At /r/netflix
Started s2 of squid game today and its perfectly fine probably 1080p, 2 minutes in freezes and seems to go down in quality but not too bad then about 5 minutes in it freezes again and goes down to a really low quality, still watchable but I'd much prefer 1080p.Im using the netflix app from Microsoft store on a windows 11 laptop.Any way to fix this, i haven't tried using the chrome version of netflix or anything yet.
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 11:25PM by Parking-Produce-7013
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IFTTT General

Netflix ad skip hack (so far it only works on Apple TV Netflix)
At /r/netflix
I was watching squids games and was pressing the fast forward by 10 seconds button and I saw the screen go black it skipped the ad.How to do it: As your coming up on the ad, repeatedly press the fast forward by 10 seconds button (press it not hold it) as the screen turns black keep pressing the button till whatever your watching comes back in and you’ve successfully skipped the ad. I hope this turns out useful!
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 11:44PM by kingsaif2099
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IFTTT General

household problem
At /r/netflix
I use Netflix mainly on my phone, and I've recently started to watch Netflix on my tv, although not very oftenthe problem is that on my phone it says I'm not part of the household, and while my tv is connected to wifi, I use mobile data on my phone cause it's faster (usually bad wifi connection)and I even tried to connect my phone to the same wifi and it still doesn't work is there any way to remove my household like it was before, and just use Netflix on my phone? or is there any other solution other than using the 14 days code?
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 10:29PM by Cri1709
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IFTTT General

My Netflix travel streaming is broken
At /r/netflix
I was watching it and it logged out, and now it won't display the option to enable my Netflix account on this TV as traveling. It's trying to get me to change households which is obviously not what it's supposed to do.
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 09:58PM by wizardrous
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IFTTT General

Why wouldn't Netflix just lower the Ad-tier supported option $1 or $2 per month? Also, has Netflix ever deleted or removed any of their original shows or movies before?
At /r/netflix
This way, you draw in more customers, and you have existing customers switching over to the cheaper option.I know Netflix wants people to sub to the Ad-tier version anyways, so why haven't they done this yet?Lastly, has Netflix removed any shows or movies or removed scenes permanently from their own programs?I know Dirty Money deleted the Conservatorship episode.
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 10:13PM by TheBigTimeBecks
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IFTTT General

Samarco começa 2025 com vagas abertas para analistas - Portal Mais Minas

Requisitos: Experiência em gestão e condução de treinamentos/conteúdos. Ensino superior completo. Excel intermediário. Desejável conhecimento em SAP.

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IFTTT General

Having problems downloading stuff
At /r/netflix
Only one device has downloads out of the max 2 however it wont let me download on my phone after I powered my phone off which is what it said to do. The download button is not showing up on anything. Why?
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 09:31PM by azaanu7
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is old stuff always under ground? Where did the ground come from?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
ELI5: So I get dust and some form of layering of wind and dirt being on top of objects. But, how do entire houses end up buried completely where that is the only way we learn about ancient civilizations? Archeological finds are always buried!! Why and how?! I get large age differences like dinosaurs. What I’m more curious about is how things like Roman ruins in Britain are under feet of dirt. 2000 years seems a little small for feet of dust.
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 08:47PM by langlord13
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IFTTT General

Need help remembering the name of a show
At /r/netflix
Can you help me find a show I believe I watched on Netflix? Like a year or so ago? Maybe two years? It had like six episodes and two seasons at the time. The plot was about two siblings, a girl and guy (who came out as gay to his family) who were navigating their dating lives. The show centered around their lives on major holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Fourth of July, etc). They were American but had a cultural background (Puerto Rican? Hispanic?) that affected their love lives and their relationships with their family. I loved it and would like to rewatch.
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 09:16PM by With_Purpose_4933
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IFTTT General

I have an issue… you too ?
At /r/netflix
I have an issue with the section « continue reading » that just disappeared from the app so I’m a bit curious to know if anyone has the same issue (it’s not a big deal thought but it’s not useful cuz I need to remember the serie / movie I started) Thanks for your answers
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 07:30PM by Lamborghini_Gallardo
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IFTTT General

alfa sap

alfa sap Cassinos online oferecem total transparência nas regras dos alfa sap jogos.

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