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This is what the police officer who stopped Gabby Petito said after she was murdered
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 02:15PM by ellissabain
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Are addicts addicted to the substance itself, or the feeling the substance gives them?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I was thinking about someone I know who was diagnosed with alcoholism and went to rehab for a while, and after they came out they could not be near anything related to alcohol (shocker), but even things like vinegar or perfume were triggering. I have heard stories about recovering alcoholics who drank perfume when they couldn’t get their hands on booze, but I can imagine someone would drink so much perfume as to get a buzz, which got me wondering – are people who are addicted to substances – be it nicotine, alcohol, or heavy drugs – addicted to the substance itself or the chemical reaction that it generates?I feel like this is a dumb question because I can see how addiction to a substance is directly linked to brain chemistry, but in a dumber example what I’m asking is something along the lines “am I addicted to chicken wings because they taste good in my mouth, or because it gives me a great sense of satisfaction having a full stomach?”
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 01:47PM by socuerro
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Sword Health estabelece parceria com seguradoras portuguesas e quer tratar 250 mil ...
... SAP BTP em Lisboa. 19 Fevereiro, 2025. NacionalNotícias · Analytics e IA para Negócios é o novo curso intensivo da Católica Porto Business School. 18 ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Glencore tem prejuízo de US$ 1,63 bilhão em 2024, mas planeja retornar US$ 2,2 bi a acionistas
Shopping em Curitiba promove mega liquidação com descontos de até 70% · Assine e navegue sem anúncios. Plantão de notícias. Tarifas sobre Canadá ...
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IFTTT General

Brian Laundrie’s parents shunned by Florida community over Gabby Petito’s murder following Netflix docuseries
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 01:12PM by TheMirrorUS
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Gestão fiscal: tecnologia será fundamental na reforma tributária - Segs
Nesse cenário, o SAP Document and Reporting Compliance é mais um auxílio. A solução ajuda a otimizar a automação e minimizar os riscos de não ...
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Egressos do sistema prisional de SP são contratados por produtora e exportadora de ...

Legislações SAP · Legislações - Polícia Penal. Localização. Sedes da ... A articulação entre poder ...

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Google Search: SAP e Consults
Workshop de Tecnologia | Cast group - LinkedIn
Mais deste autor · SAP na Cadeia de Suprimentos Farmacêutica: Gestão Eficiente. Cast group 2 sem · Como a Inteligência Artificial Está Transformando ...
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Gestão fiscal: tecnologia será fundamental na reforma tributária - Segs

Nesse cenário, o SAP Document and Reporting Compliance é mais um auxílio. A solução ajuda a otimizar a automação e minimizar os riscos de não ...

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Crianças em hospital infantil recebem bonecas produzidas por internas do sistema prisional

A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização (SAP), por meio da Coordenadoria de Inclusão Social do Preso e do Egresso, ...

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IFTTT General

JMP mantém meta de 330 USD para ações da SAP com base em perspectivas de crescimento

Na quarta-feira, o analista Patrick Walravens da JMP Securities manteve a classificação Market Outperform para a SAP AG (NYSE:SAP) com uma meta de ...

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IFTTT General

Looking for Recent Psychological Thrillers/Mysteries
At /r/netflix
I’m looking for some good psychological thriller or mystery movies/limited series from the last 10 years. I enjoy stories that:Have a dark, suspenseful atmosphereKeep me hooked from the very beginningFeature twisted plots with mind games, secrets, or hidden motivesHave a serious, realistic tone (no supernatural, sci-fi, or comedy)Some thrillers I really liked are Gone Girl, Fractured, Orphan, Copycat, Don't Breathe, Behind Her Eyes, and Hush. I’d love to find more recent ones with the same kind of tension and mystery.Would appreciate any recommendations. Thanks!
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 12:55PM by Powerful-Gain-2641
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IFTTT General

American Murder: Gabby Petito- “Brian and Gabby’s Friend”
At /r/netflix
I watched the documentary in full and there’s so much to say, but I’ve honestly found other posts on it as well. One thing I can’t seem to find is about their “friend” with the black hair.Something about her feels off to me? I understand maybe nerves, and obviously she had known them prior to this happening.But I don’t know, the energy she gives me is that she actually had feelings for Brian but was embarrassed about it, so she pushed it away, and wasn’t actually friends with Gabby, or was jealous of her. There’s times where she seems normal talking about them, like the engagement, but then other times not so much.It doesn’t sit right with me that she’s in this documentary about him killing Gabby, and she’s yapping about Brian saying the friend thing or being the love of his life, and the bluebird text. She smiles a lot when talking about him, and then when she talks about him playing guitar for Gabby and “how could I be so blind?” Gives me the feeling he didn’t tell her about Gabby until they found out and she thought he was her lover boy-regardless if they were dating or not.She isn’t actually crying at the end.Idk. I always think I’m reading too much into something and then something comes out and I’m like “I KNEW IT”, lol.I’m not even sure what this means, I guess I wonder if she knows more than she’s letting on? Gabby had reached out to her ex, and if I know anything about abusive bf’s, they’ll come back around to old “loves” to get an ego boost. Makes me wonder if he ever reached out to her when he and Gabby were fighting, or after Gabby’s death. She seems like she had that relationship with him. Did anyone else get this vibe from her or am I nuts?
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 12:32PM by Paranoir89
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba tem manhã quente e chance de chuva de 97% à tarde
Curitiba amanheceu nesta quarta-feira (19) com temperaturas agradáveis, iniciando o dia com 21°C às 9h. · De acordo com os dados do Simepar, a ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba lidera valorização imobiliária nacional e rentabilidade acima da renda fixa atrai investidores
Com o preço médio do metro quadrado de R$10.700, quase 80% maior do que há uma década (R$5.970 em 2015), Curitiba se consolidou como um dos mercados ...
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IFTTT General

Ntflix bugging on Firestick
At /r/netflix
I have tried to look for an answer but nothing I really tried on here worked. I have a firestick connected to my TV and whenever I try to watch Netflix on it there seems to be 2 layers of it? There is the full size of the TV, as expected but then a smaller version of inside that playing on top. It causes a lot of the text on screen to bug out, and the characters to appear glitchy and weird.I have tried force stopping, clearing the cache and data, uninstalling and re-installing, unplugging the firestick from the power and re-connecting it. I don't think it is a firestick to TV connection issue as the plex I use on there works perfectly fine without any issues. All help is appreciated and if there are any more questions feel free to ask, thanks.
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 02:22PM by Manjawarrior
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Rede MaxFort vai investir 30 milhões em SAP e gerar cerca de 100 novos empregos
A Rede MaxFort vai construir um grande Atacado em Santo Antônio da Patrulha às margens da ERS-030, na altura do bairro Passo dos Ramos.
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IFTTT General

The Residence | Official Trailer | Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 01:46PM by MysteriousDelay6266
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IFTTT General

Black Warrant TV vs Book! What are the key differences?
At /r/netflix
I know that the pacing in the book is much faster since it is only 178 pages. But what other significant changes have been made in the series's portrayal of Tihar?
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 01:20PM by infinityofpearls
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Numen abre hub especializado em SAP BTP em Lisboa - Business-IT
A Numen reforça a sua aposta no mercado nacional com o lançamento de um novo hub de SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP), em Lisboa.
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária de SP muda de endereço e canais de atendimento
Anteriormente, a SAP ocupava um imóvel na Avenida Ataliba Leonel, 556, em Santana, onde atualmente está a sede da Polícia Penal. Outra mudança ocorre ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
Cast group está contratando para o cargo de ANALISTA DE PROCESSOS PL em - LinkedIn
Cargo: ANALISTA DE PROCESSOS PL Já pensou em trabalhar em uma das maiores empresas de Tecnologia do Brasil? Então a Cast Group é o lugar certo ...
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IFTTT General

Atividades focadas na saúde mental são oferecidas a servidores da Capital e Grande São Paulo

As ações contaram com o apoio da Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP). O Complexo Penal de Osasco, envolvendo os Centros de Detenção ...

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IFTTT General

Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária de SP muda de endereço e canais de atendimento

Anteriormente, a SAP ocupava um imóvel na Avenida Ataliba Leonel, 556, em Santana, onde atualmente está a sede da Polícia Penal. Outra mudança ocorre ...

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IFTTT General

SAP estreia Business Data Cloud com Databricks para potenciar IA de negócio

A colaboração entre as duas empresas redefine a gestão de dados das empresas e liberta todo o potencial da IA de Agentes. A SAP SE anunciou o SAP ...

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IFTTT General

Milestone, empresa portuguesa, foi distinguida nos SAP PKOM Awards 2025 | TechBit

O trabalho da Milestone, uma empresa portuguesa, a implementar a solução GROW with SAP, foi reconhecido com a atribuição do prémio SAP PKOM Awards ...

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MediaStarting this week, cars with Google built-in will get dozens of new apps to enjoy while parked.This launch is part of our car ready mobile apps program, which we introd…

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Atem Distribuidora contratando analista fiscal em Manaus
... (SAP x TAX ONE), ponte entre a área Fiscal e TI no que tange as atualizações e correções dos sistemas SAP/MASTERSAF, identificação de riscos ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What is vasovagal?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Every time I look it up or ask someone about it, I get an answer that is too complex to digest.
Submitted February 19, 2025 at 03:13AM by DrunkAnton
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Com 'superchuvas' em Curitiba, número de afetados por desastres sobe 14 vezes - Bem Paraná
Ou seja, em menos de dois meses o ano de 2025 já registrou o equivalente a quase 60% de todos os desastres de 2024. O número de afetados por essas ...
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