Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Tachyonix e Leega anunciam parceria para otimizar processos na plataforma SAP
A colaboração visa desenvolver soluções integradas, acelerar a migração para SAP S/4Hana e promover benefícios contínuos no mercado brasileiro.
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Em resposta rápida, Forças de Segurança capturam quatro suspeitos de morte de policial ...
... (SAP). Durante os trabalhos policiais, dez quilos de cocaína, armas e mais de 100 munições foram apreendidos. Os trabalhos policiais iniciaram logo ...
Lucas Neff (Captain Dellinger) talks American Primeval.
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 29, 2025 at 01:58PM by DarekThomasMMC
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Em resposta rápida, Forças de Segurança capturam quatro suspeitos de morte de policial ...
... (SAP). Durante os trabalhos policiais, dez quilos de cocaína, armas e mais de 100 munições foram apreendidos. Os trabalhos policiais iniciaram logo ...
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Colisão machuca um em S. A. da PLATINA - NPDiário
O SUV trafegava no sentido crescente da rodovia, sentido Jacarezinho a SAP quando colidiu contra o CVC, que no momento cruzava a pista para entrar no ...
Subscription question.
At /r/netflix
If I bought Netflix today, would it expire March 1st? Since February only has 28 days and today is the 29th. Same question for tomorrow. If I bough tomorrow on 30th it would expire March 2nd? Jus curious.
Submitted January 29, 2025 at 01:49PM by SilentStorm2020
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Cirque du Soleil Adopts RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition - InsideSAP
Cirque du Soleil adopts RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition to modernize its operations and sustain its global creative leadership.
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ELI5: Why are enameled cast iron pans NOT coated around the rim?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
The external and internal coatings of both the cookware and the lid go just to the brim, leaving a thin portion of cast iron exposed and vulnerable to rust. Why not fully encase in enamel? It seems like it would provide much more protection, and likely make it dishwasher-safe. The only reason I can think of is so that the inside can be white while the outside is different colors... but couldn't it just be solid colored, or all-white? Thanks in advance!
Submitted January 29, 2025 at 12:47PM by InanimateToYou_Punk
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YSK When To Use Aluminum Foil Versus Cling Wrap
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Using the wrong material can lead to chemical leaching or bacterial growth due to trapped moisture. Properly covering food helps to prevent cross contamination in the fridge. (I learned both of these from Kitchen Nightmares and spurred me to figure this out.)Here's a breakdown of when to use aluminum foil versus cling wrap:Use Aluminum Foil When:✅ Cooking at High Temperatures – Ideal for baking, roasting, and grilling since it withstands high heat.
✅ Retaining Heat – Great for wrapping hot foods like baked potatoes or covering dishes to keep them warm.
✅ Preventing Over-Browning – Can be placed over food (like a pie crust) to prevent excessive browning.
✅ Grilling or Roasting – Helps with even cooking and prevents messes when grilling meat or vegetables.
✅ Storing Odor-Strong Foods – Blocks strong smells better than plastic wrap (e.g., onions, fish).
✅ Lining Pans for Easy Cleanup – Can be used to line baking trays to reduce sticking and ease cleanup.
✅ Shaping or Molding – Can be used to make molds for baking or cooking.Use Cling Wrap When:✅ Sealing Fresh Foods – Best for covering bowls, wrapping sandwiches, or sealing cut fruits and vegetables.
✅ Preventing Moisture Loss – Keeps food from drying out in the fridge.
✅ Microwaving (if microwave-safe) – Some plastic wraps are microwave-safe, but make sure it's labeled as such.
✅ Short-Term Storage – Works well for items that will be used soon, like leftovers.
✅ Keeping Dough from Drying – Ideal for covering bread or pastry dough during resting or proofing.
✅ Preventing Freezer Burn (if freezer-safe) – Works for short-term freezing, but for long-term storage, foil or freezer bags are better.When to Use Both Together:For maximum food preservation, wrap food first in cling wrap (to prevent moisture loss), then in foil (to block air and odors). This is great for freezing meats, baked goods, and meal prep. When storing hot foods, aluminum foil is usually the better option, but cling wrap can work in certain cases. Here's how they compare:Best Choice: Aluminum Foil✅ Retains Heat – Helps keep food warm longer by trapping heat.
✅ Allows for Venting – Can be loosely covered to let steam escape, preventing sogginess.
✅ Safe for Hot Foods – Won't melt or warp from heat.
✅ Good for Transporting Hot Food – Keeps food warm while preventing spills.When to Avoid Cling Wrap:❌ Not Heat Resistant – Can melt if applied to very hot foods.
❌ Traps Steam – Can cause condensation, making food soggy.
❌ Can Release Chemicals – Some plastic wraps may not be safe when in contact with hot food.Best Practice for Storing Hot Food:Let food cool slightly before covering to prevent condensation buildup.Use foil if you want to retain warmth while allowing some airflow.Use vented containers if storing in the fridge to prevent bacterial growth.Switch to an airtight container after cooling for longer-term storage. Wrapping very hot food in aluminum foil can potentially create conditions that promote bacterial growth under certain circumstances. Here’s why:The Problem: Temperature Danger Zone (40°F - 140°F)Bacteria, such as Clostridium perfringens, thrive in the danger zone between 40°F and 140°F.If hot food is tightly wrapped in foil and left at room temperature, it cools too slowly, staying in the danger zone for too long.This can increase the risk of food borne illness.When It's Safe:✅ If eating soon – Wrapping hot food in foil is fine if you plan to eat it within 2 hours and keep it above 140°F.
✅ If keeping warm (e.g., in an oven or insulated container) – Foil helps retain heat, but food should be kept above 140°F.
✅ If cooling properly – If you’re storing food, remove it from the foil and refrigerate in a shallow container so it cools quickly.When It's Unsafe:❌ Leaving foil-wrapped food at room temperature for more than 2 hours – This allows bacteria to multiply.
❌ Wrapping hot food and placing it directly in the fridge – The food may stay warm too long, heating up surrounding items…
Brasileiro de Enduro dá largada com rally - NPDiário
S.A.P. PET COMPANY oferece 3 empregos · Decretada PRISÃO de advogado procopense · Bodas de Ouro de Francisco e IONE Baptista em Ibaiti · Batalhão ...
Alunos do curso de Administração da FURG SAP conhecem empreendimentos no Caminho ...
... SAP, fez uma saída de campo no último sábado, 25, a Rolante, cidade vizinha a Santo Antônio da Patrulha. Notícias Relacionadas. Professor da FURG ...
ELI5: Why do you not get shocked when touching the table while welding?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
like when you are using your arm to prop up on the workbench between the work piece and the ground? And when your arm is a little sweaty it gets kind of tingly?
Submitted January 29, 2025 at 10:14AM by lilfish801
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Maior parque urbano do Brasil fica do lado de Curitiba e oferece lagos, mirante, cascata e ...
Shopping da Grande Curitiba faz mega liquidação com descontos de até 70% · rua da cidadania da cic. Cidade Industrial. Nova ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Brasileiro de Enduro dá largada com rally - NPDiário
S.A.P. PET COMPANY oferece 3 empregos · Decretada PRISÃO de advogado procopense · Bodas de Ouro de Francisco e IONE Baptista em Ibaiti · Batalhão ...
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ELI5: Why do phones ask for passwords every few days instead of just accepting the fingerprint?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
So my phone specifically asks for my password every 3 days and my iPad doesn't accept fingerprint if I haven't used it in 2-3 days.Why is that?At least per my perception fingerprint seems a lot safer to me than inputing a password since the password can be guessed but my fingerprint is pretty safe with me all the time
Submitted January 29, 2025 at 10:52AM by Drako__
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP pode usar modelos de IA chineses, diz diretor financeiro - Mercado & Consumo
A SAP está aberta à possibilidade de usar modelos de Inteligência Artificial (IA) de empresas chinesas como a DeepSeek.
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Detento tenta fugir pelo necrotério do IJF, mas é capturado pela Guarda Municipal
Em nota, a SAP destacou seu compromisso com a segurança e a vigilância contínua sobre os internos, reafirmando a importância de garantir a ...
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Colisão machuca um em S. A. da PLATINA - NPDiário
O SUV trafegava no sentido crescente da rodovia, sentido Jacarezinho a SAP quando colidiu contra o CVC, que no momento cruzava a pista para entrar no ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Alunos do curso de Administração da FURG SAP conhecem empreendimentos no Caminho ...
... SAP, fez uma saída de campo no último sábado, 25, a Rolante, cidade vizinha a Santo Antônio da Patrulha. Notícias Relacionadas. Professor da FURG ...
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A jornada do CIO em uma nova realidade automatizada - Baguete
... SAP ECC, S4/HANA e RISE: Fim do suporte dos fabricantes para o ECC em 2025 / 2027 ou 2040 no S4. Mudança do modelo de dados e base de dados ...
SAP verlengt ondersteuningsdeadline voor legacy-software (maar niet echt) - ITdaily.
SAP erkent nu dat 2027 en zelfs 2030 in die gevallen te vroeg dag is om een complete migratie naar SAP S/4HANA te verwachten. De uitbreiding tot ...
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ELI5: How come you don't pronounce most of the word in French?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
My understanding is that spoken language is primary and the written language comes as a way to record the spoken language. How come in French for example there so many silent letters, what is the point of them?
Submitted January 29, 2025 at 01:07PM by Yvanko
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
A jornada do CIO em uma nova realidade automatizada - Baguete
... SAP ECC, S4/HANA e RISE: Fim do suporte dos fabricantes para o ECC em 2025 / 2027 ou 2040 no S4. Mudança do modelo de dados e base de dados ...
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Três suspeitos na morte de policial penal são presos em Fortaleza - O POVO
... terça-feira, 28, em ação integrada por equipes das Polícias Civil e Militar e da Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização (SAP)
SAP anuncia nova presidente para a América Latina e Caribe - Inforchannel
Adriana Aroulho, que antes ocupava a presidência da SAP Brasil, substituirá Cristina Palmaka, que está deixando a SAP para atuar em Conselhos.
Netflix finally adds "Download Season" button for iPhone and iPad users
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 29, 2025 at 12:08PM by S4v1r1enCh0r4k
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ELI5: What are ‘Legitimate Interest’ cookies and are they genuinely ‘Legitimate’?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I decline them every time as I don’t trust the wording 😂
Submitted January 29, 2025 at 11:44AM by SquashyDisco
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Em balanço sobre a gestão, ex-prefeito Roberto Justus diz que rede de ... - CBN Curitiba
O ex-prefeito de Guaratuba Roberto Justus (PSD) falou sobre as chuvas, sobre a rede de saneamento que chegou a 80% na cidade e sobre a importância ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP anuncia nova presidente para a América Latina e Caribe - Inforchannel
Adriana Aroulho, que antes ocupava a presidência da SAP Brasil, substituirá Cristina Palmaka, que está deixando a SAP para atuar em Conselhos.
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Bandidos do CV confundem policial com rival e matam agente com fuzil - Metrópoles
O assassinato ocorreu nas redondezas da Avenida Monsenhor Tabosa, próximo à Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização (SAP).