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IFTTT General

Despite SAP ERP maintenance extension: Switch to SAP S/4HANA: Don't wait any longer

The upgrade to SAP S/4HANA is complex. Use the extended deadline until 2027 for strategic planning and data cleansing.
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IFTTT General

I Hate Netflix's new visual update
At /r/netflix
Just switched on Netflix and theres a new visual update in the UK anyway, and I hate it. When scrolling through on TV the images are just too big, I want to be able to see more options on the screen without scrolling right. Is there a way to change back to before this crappy update?
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 08:24PM by HowNow101
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How does our brain get stimulated from porn videos or literature versus physical stimulation of the genitals?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Like, is there a difference in the biology or chemicals released that someone might not be able to reach climax from only porn consumption alone without the physical stimulation
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 07:28PM by Intelligent-Cod3377
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IFTTT General

little personal outburst
At /r/netflix
imagine paying a monthly subscription only to have the series you're watching get completely deleted from netlix, not to mention the few still sensible series that get deleted because the budget for the creation of the series has to be invested in worse films
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 07:07PM by Dremcis
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do our bodies sometimes feel hunger when we’re actually thirsty?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 05:18PM by Legacy107
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IFTTT General

WWE Elimination Chamber LIVE on Netflix as John Cena and Trish Stratus return while Rock wants a 'soul'
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 05:20PM by dailystar_news
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IFTTT General

Like really u try to help your family and netflix ends up screwing you. I think we've reached the tipping point. At least for me this is too much.
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 03:26PM by deep_deplatformed
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What’s the point of a Real ID if you already have a Passport?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 03:01PM by Conscious-Pin-4381
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Dia Mundial das Doenças Raras reforça importância do teste do pezinho | Diário de Curitiba
Os indicadores de triagem neonatal mais recentes publicados pelo Ministério da Saúde mostram que, em 2020, mais de 80% dos bebês fizeram o teste, mas ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why don't flights just use the same gates every day, like trains, instead of reassigning different gates every time?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 02:31PM by kepler1
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Monthly Current Events Megathread
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Hi Everyone,This is your monthly megathread for current/ongoing events. We recognize there is a lot of interest in objective explanations to ongoing events so we have created this space to allow those types of questions.Please ask your question as top level comments (replies to the post) for others to reply to. The rules are still in effect, so no politics, no soapboxing, no medical advice, etc. We will ban users who use this space to make political, bigoted, or otherwise inflammatory points rather than objective topics/explanations.
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 02:10PM by AutoModerator
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IFTTT General

Netflix viewers urged to watch 'heartfelt' drama with Bridgerton star
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 12:55PM by IrishStarUS
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IFTTT General

somethings wrong with my Netflix profile?
At /r/netflix
on my netflix account there are 4 users and this issue is for my profile only and it happens on all platforms. UK netflixwhen i load up netflix on any platform my profile icon is just a red smiley face rather than what i picked for it. i dont know why. and if i go onto my profile i have limited access to shows. and that most of the continue watching catagory is empty with only a few on these. i know this because i was going to try to watch halo but its not there? but if i go onto another profile, everything is there and available to watch? why is this only happening to my profile? its the same on pc, xbox, mobile, smart tv, everything. i just want to watch some netflix
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 12:12PM by StillWaitingForDad
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IFTTT General

ELI5: why and how do migraine nasal sprays cause a sore throat
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’ve looked for an answer to this question many times. Most of the sites I find in my searches just state it as a side effect, and I can’t seem to refine my searches to find What I’m looking for. I take Zomig nasal spray for my migraines. Sometimes, some of the spray seems to get swallowed, and my throat will feel sore for hours. I know this drug causes blood vessels to constrict. I’d like to know what is happening physically in my body and how the medication can cause a sore throat. Thank you for anyone who can explain it like I’m five.
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 10:05AM by Least-Sample9425
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Inscrições abertas para formação de promotoras legais populares em Curitiba -
Quem tiver 75% de frequência ou mais receberá um certificado emitido pela UFPR. A organização é do Setor de Ciências Jurídicas para Curitiba e ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

YSK: If your medication gives you lots of sideeffects, ask for a Cytochrome p450 Genetic Test
At /r/YouShouldKnow
So you may know that your liver is responsible for breaking down lots of toxins as well as medications we take, but did you know that one of the enzyme families that do this vary a lot in effectiveness from person to person? Basically, depending on your own personal genetic makeup you may metabolize drugs way faster or slower than other people, and this can lead to a lot of variation from person to person in terms of effectiveness and sideeffects and so on.This goes for a bunch of different medications like antidepressants, painkillers, statins (against high cholesterol) and many more. Your doctor can actually do a genetic test on you (blood sample) to see which specific version of these genes you have so they can figure out which medication works best for you!Why YSK: This can have a big impact on what medication works best for you and in my experience doctors very rarely test for it unless they suspect anything.
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 08:23PM by LongkeyDong69
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IFTTT General

Why does Netflix on my TV still have the profile lock even after i removed it? The Pin that I had before doesn't work when i put it in either
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 08:05PM by Present_Flatworm_288
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IFTTT General

Don’t Look Up on Netflix
At /r/netflix
I watched this movie when it was first released and watched again today. I couldve sworn the last dinner scene was gory and showed everyone dying in slow motion. Was the movie edited or am I getting it confused with something else?
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 06:56PM by Simple_Beat6344
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How do automatic transmission handles steep inclines?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
On a steep incline, based on speed of the car, the driver decides to downshift the gears of manual transmission to continue the momentum and prevent the car from stalling. How is this handled by automatic transmission?
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 05:35PM by rahulj999
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IFTTT General

"Your device isn’t part of the Netflix Household for this account" while sitting in my house?
At /r/netflix
I've suddenly started getting the above message when logging in on my PC to Netflix. The thing is, I am part of the household, I'm in my house on the same wifi and everything. it won't allow phones, PCs, nothing to log in without a code now all while in the same house/wifi. everything except the smart tv makes us put in the code every 14 days. how do we fix this?
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 05:49PM by backrollerpapertowel
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IFTTT General

/r/Netflix Discord Server
At /r/netflix
We are pleased to announce we have affiliated with which will be the subreddit Discord server for the Netflix subreddit! Feel free to join the server and talk about everything Netflix related, including shows on Netflix as well :).
Submitted April 24, 2021 at 12:24PM by N3DSdude
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How does WhatsApp make money with user data while being encrypted and having no ads?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
WhatsApp messages are end-to-end encrypted, by default. They don't have targeted advertisements, or in-app purchases, despite being owned by Facebook/Meta. How do they collect and monetize user data? Or is it that they simply don't, and rely solely on WA Business?
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 02:40PM by ImShadowNinja
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IFTTT General

Gabby Petito’s parents have revealed what happened to the van
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 03:15PM by ellissabain
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IFTTT General

Netflix removed a title from my region while I was in the middle of watching it. It’s AWFUL
At /r/netflix
I was just 4 episodes into watching Departure and Netflix just flat out removed the title from my region. I tried searching, scanning past shows, nada. I reached out to customer service for some help and they told me they removed it. I was just watching it literally 5 minutes before! It’s an awful experience. Anybody else had this? I’m so frustrated I’m seriously considering canceling my subscription.
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 02:37PM by izdca_mon3096
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IFTTT General

YSK that you might need an MMR booster as an adult
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: I’ve had family members get titers done and their MMR antibodies were no longer there. It depends entirely on your individual immune system.I hadn’t had a booster in 20 years so I just got one yesterday. They’re free. Be safe.
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 01:54PM by RiboflavinDumpTruck
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IFTTT General

ELI5 How does ChatGPT use water?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
How does an app use so many precious resources that there’s a whole movement against it? How is it different than the resources required to maintain the internet?
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 12:39PM by Clean-Split-338
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IFTTT General

Help! Adult content showing on kids profile
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 12:27PM by StorthTheElder
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IFTTT General

Netflix Profile Pic on TV
At /r/netflix
I've been watching netflix on my smart tv, today i was looking trough the profile pictures and couldn't find any i liked. Is there a way to get more pfps or customize to different ones in the Tv? Thankyou!
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 12:14PM by hooshi_t
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IFTTT General

Is there a way I can find the transcript of the translated script from a series somewhere for free?
At /r/netflix
Say, I wanna find the French translated transcript of the One Piece Live Action, is there somewhere online I can find it? Thank you. I need some official translations as a school project, but the Netflix subscription is too expensive for me to use just for a small project. I did think about getting the subcription for 1 month, but I couldn't log into my account so I gave up.It would be lovely if anyone can point me anywhere I can find something like that. Now, if you dont mind, I'm gonna stretch the hell out the wrd count from here. Gassy, octopussy, dex, shark, so, so, so, so ,so, so, gas, so, so ,so ,so ,so, gas, so, so, so, so, so ,so, so, so, so, so, so, gas, so, so, so, so, so, so, sk, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so ,so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, soHope you dont mind this.
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 10:00AM by Fuwaboi
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IFTTT General

“In All Honesty, I Was Gutted”: Peaky Blinders Star Finn Cole Recalls Learning He’d Be The Final Season’s Villain After The Original Plan “Had To Change”
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 01, 2025 at 09:16AM by Whobitmyname
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