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IFTTT General

Eli5 what would austerity mean to the US?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I have heard that in the next 5-10 years that the US government may be forced to implement austerity measures to combat the government’s debt. Now I know that would mean program cuts and tax increases, butwhat would that look like to the average person who has a job, owns a house, has a retirement account, etc…? What would it look like for a poor or rich person?
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 11:20AM by sbeirs
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IFTTT General

Netflix to Adapt Audible' Vampire Audio Drama, 'Impact Winter,' as TV Show
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 11:32AM by Pogrebnik
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IFTTT General

Emilia Perez not available on Australian Netflix?
At /r/netflix
Was curious to check out a bit of this movie and it's nowhere to be found on Australian Netflix? The oscars are this Sunday and this movie leads the pack with the most nominations and I can't even check it out?
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 10:59AM by Substantial-Week-258
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IFTTT General

Netflix household confusion???
At /r/netflix
Hi, for context I am a college student so I live in the dorms in mainland United States, my parents live in Puerto Rico territorial us. I use my parents Netflix cause I’m broke 😭. I’ve never had the program ever ask me for a household I’ve been living in the US 6 months now but a week ago it was like your device (my cellphone the only device I use Netflix on) is not part of this household so my mom uses her computer to fix it and sends me a link. I ended up creating a new member and transferring my profile to my new account payed for by my mother. So now I am an “extra member on her plan (with ads)” However that means that my profile is not on the main account that’s on my devices at my house (TVs, tablet) since it’s now part of this sub account. How do I put my profile back onto my mother’s main account and pay for the household instead? Any advice would be helpful I’m quite bad at this tech stuff 💀
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 08:46AM by Virtual-Alps-8866
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IFTTT General

Clickbait - have you seen it?
At /r/netflix
Not gonna spoil it because it would be too hard to anyway lmao. Has anyone seen it? I absolutely loved it because I watch so much that I say “I always see things coming” but this one!???? Every episode I thought something different! What would you guys rate it and why? I’m gonna do 9/10. Giving a 9 because can they just have made it a movie instead of 6 or so episodes? It would be easier to rewatch for me that way lol. Personal gripe.
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 07:12AM by GdsAriel
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IFTTT General

Everything Coming To (& Leaving) Netflix in March
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 04:59AM by Robemilak
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IFTTT General

Is it just me of the true crime "The Puppet Master" made you also feel as if the victims were just too gullible?
At /r/netflix
I am sorry if this sounds like victim-blaming. I usually never do it. But it is hard to believe that so many people would just obey a man claiming to be an MI5 agent without having any proof and giving him their inheritance and what not for 10 years or more?! He didn't even hit them or coerce them. They just believed him. How does that even happen?
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 04:00AM by peebloescobar
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IFTTT General

Mindhunter Season 1 Episode 10
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 03:42AM by TimeFlies1221
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IFTTT General

Netflix Bets Big on Canada with a Chilling New Monster Show
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 02:41AM by EthanWilliams_TG
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IFTTT General

cannot think of what show this is
At /r/netflix
i was trying to tell my friend about a quote from a show but now i cannot remember what the show was or even who the characters were 😭 can anyone tell me??its like that one show where the guy was like i would give you an 8 on my scale and thats out of 11 but 8 is the best 11 is worse than 8 and 7 is worse than 8 DO I SOUND INSANE BRO I CANT REMEMBER IT
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 01:13AM by i-love-reddit13
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IFTTT General

Why most of my show are gone
At /r/netflix
I was gonna watch some anime like solo leveling and tomo-chan but I can't seem to find them anymore this happened yesterday on my phone but it was still available on my tv so I didn't care too much Abt it. But today they are gone and there are only Netflix made shows now can someone tell me what happened?
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 01:03AM by kevinsevin2
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IFTTT General

ELI5 When swing hand at a housefly, is it the air between hand-fly that pushes the fly to safety, or do they have excellent maneuvering skills each time?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
If they re that smart to avoid my every swing, why they go and sit on the sticky fly trap which is full of dead flies?
Submitted February 27, 2025 at 11:51PM by No_Jellyfish5511
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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
Ex-Seidor assume diretoria comercial da EPI-USE - Baguete
Durante sua trajetória, também passou por empresas como Cast Group, Tech Mahindra, Ninecon e Resource IT Solutions. Entre 2005 e 2011, dedicou-se ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5 why is it bad to swallow your own blood during a nosebleed?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted February 27, 2025 at 08:31PM by sanjuniperose
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why didn't modern armies employ substantial numbers of snipers to cover infantry charges?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I understand training an expert - or competent - sniper is not an easy thing to do, especially in large scale conflicts, however, we often see in media long charges of infantry against opposing infantry.What prevented say, the US army in Vietnam or the British army forces in France from using an overwhelming sniper force, say 30-50 snipers who could take out opposing firepower but also utilised to protect their infantry as they went 'over the top'.I admit I've seen a lot of war films and I know there is a good bunch of reasons for this, but let's hear them.
Submitted February 27, 2025 at 07:10PM by PolyVerisof
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IFTTT General

New UI on firestick
At /r/netflix
Haven't seen any posts in this, but Pl ase please change the ui back. A few month backs they made it where a row took up the entire screen and could only see 3 shows at a time. They reverted it and now it's back. Looks terrible and takes ages to find what show I'm looking for. Anybody else hate this new ui?
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 11:40AM by visceration167
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IFTTT General

eli5: how does “skipping a generation” work ?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
to give a personal example, all four of my grandparents are twins, my dad’s grandmother had three sets of twins, but neither of my parents are twins. my brother just found out his partner is having twins, and in all our talk of twins in the family it got me wondering how this phenomenon occurs
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 10:31AM by FinalOrigin
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Why is the inside of a Lindt chocolate cold?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why does the inside of a Lindt chocolate ball feel colder than the outside?
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 07:52AM by Tasty_Site_7719
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IFTTT General

The Night Agent was the most streamed show between Jan. 27-Feb. 2, 2025 with 2.92 billion minutes
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 07:27AM by S4v1r1enCh0r4k
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IFTTT General

SAP S/4HANA i sztuczna inteligencja – jak AI usprawnia procesy biznesowe?

SAP S/4HANA to zaawansowana platforma ERP, która umożliwia skuteczne zarządzanie zasobami przedsiębiorstwa. Dzięki niej organizacje mogą optymalizować ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: If H₂O is drinkable water, why does the addition of an extra oxygen atom create H₂O₂ (hydrogen peroxide), which is toxic?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 03:08AM by Karvis_art
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IFTTT General

YSK: medicaid is named something different in each state.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: a lot of people don't think they're being affected by what's about to happen to Medicaid because they don't believe that they actually have Medicaid. But they do. Here's a quick breakdown of what's going on. The following was written by Ryan DeGooyer:"I couldn’t figure out why there wasn’t even more outrage about impending Medicaid cuts.. then saw a lady on tv state she wasn’t concerned because she’s on medi-cal… and I realized… some people don’t even know THEIR benefits are being cut because states often rename Medicaid (we all see where this is going right?). Medicaid is a joint federal-state program designed to provide healthcare coverage to disabled children and adults. Almost one million senior citizens in nursing homes rely on Medicaid.The funding structure involves both federal and state contributions, with the federal share determined by the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP). This percentage varies based on a state's per capita income, ranging from a minimum of 50% to a maximum of 83%. In fiscal year 2022, the federal government covered approximately 69.8% of total Medicaid costs, with states contributing the remaining 30.2%. PEWTRUSTS.ORG Stop saying "the state pays medicaid!" because the state only pays 30-50%. Its FEDERAL money that the states distribute. So, If you or your loved ones are covered by any of the following… they are talking about you:Alabama: Medicaid
Alaska : DenaliCare
Arizona: Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)
Arkansas: Health Care
California: Medi-Cal
Colorado: Health First Colorado
Connecticut: HuskyHealth, Husky C (for aged, blind or disabled persons)
Delaware: Diamond State Health Plan (Plus)
Florida: Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Program (SMMC), Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) Program, Long-term Care (LTC) Program
Georgia: Medicaid
Hawaii : MedQuest
Idaho: Medicaid
Illinois: Medical Assistance Program
Indiana: Hoosier Healthwise, Hoosier Care Connect, M.E.D. Works, Health Indiana Plan (HIP), Traditional Medicaid
Iowa: IA Health Link
Kansas: KanCare Medical Assistance Program
Kentucky: Medicaid
Louisiana: Bayou Health, Healthy Louisiana
Maine: MaineCare
Maryland: Medical Assistance
Massachusetts: MassHealthMichigan: Medical Assistance or MA
Minnesota: Medical Assistance (MA), MinnesotaCare
Mississippi: Mississippi Coordinated Access Network (MississippiCAN)
Missouri: MO HealthNet
Montana: Medicaid
Nebraska: ACCESSNebraska, Nebraska Medical Assistance Program (NMAP)
Nevada: Medicaid
New Hampshire: NH Medicaid, Medical Assistance
New Jersey: NJ FamilyCare
New Mexico: Centennial Care, Medical Assistance
New York: Medicaid Managed Care
North Carolina: Division of Health Benefits (DHB), Medicaid
North Dakota: North Dakota Medicaid Expansion Program
Ohio: Medicaid.
Oklahoma: SoonerCare
Oregon: Oregon Health Plan (OHP)
Pennsylvania: Medical Assistance (MA)
Rhode Island: RI Medical Assistance Program
South Carolina: Healthy Connections
South Dakota: Medicaid
Tennessee: TennCare
Utah: Medicaid
Vermont: Green Mountain Care
Virginia: Cardinal Care
Washington: Apple Health
Washington D.C. : Healthy Families
West Virginia : Medicaid
Wisconsin: Forward Health, BadgerCare
Wyoming: Equality Care
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 03:23AM by JoeTruaxx
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IFTTT General

FED UP with the household ordeal
At /r/netflix
I am SO SICK of this stupid household thing that mention has been pushing down everyone’s throats. i am so close to cancelling my whole account but i genuinly love some of the shows. i am a COLLEGE STUDENT DUDE I STILL AM DEPENDENT ON MY PARENTS so why aren’t blocking all my TV’s and my phone today said it wasn’t part of the household. are you seriously being for real? that makes no sense to be because you take your phone everywhere with you. This has been bothering more and more as i get blocked from watching.
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 02:34AM by Much_Inevitable9031
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IFTTT General

I’m done
At /r/netflix
Been with Netflix since 11/2012The latest price increase just made me realize it’s not worth it. I have other options and pay for other services now that weren’t available when I signed up with Netflix. Just feel like it’s time to say goodbye I’m sure I won’t miss it. Hell I or my family never really felt like there was anything we had to watch that wasn’t available somewhere else.
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 01:06AM by farudo
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why isn't Earth's atmosphere being sucked away by the vacuum of space
At /r/explainlikeimfive
If space is still expanding, shouldn't the vacuum of space be increasing as well? And if the vacuum of space does increase, how come it hasn't reached the threshold to overpower Earth's gravity that holds the atmosphere in place?
Submitted February 28, 2025 at 12:25AM by I_See_Electrons
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IFTTT General

“Zero Day” Proteus Plot Q
At /r/netflix
At one point in the series, Valerie tells the Mullen that he should avoid going back home because that may be where the Proteus is being used on him. He sleeps in his office for like one or two nights and then starts going back home again. Did I miss something where they concluded that possible threat no longer existed? 👀I know he found that bug in the bird feeder in the last episode that Valerie had checked out and told him was probably nothing. But that just made me even more confused. 😂
Submitted February 27, 2025 at 10:54PM by HotPinkTuesday
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IFTTT General

ELI5: In electric vehicles, how do the motors go from using electricity to generating electricity on the fly?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Edit: Just to clarify, I'm asking how the vehicle goes from "pixies go out" to "pixies go in" when the batteries are always connected. I understand how motors work in a nutshell lol
Submitted February 27, 2025 at 08:04PM by vlasktom2
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IFTTT General


「SAP ERP 6.0」の2027年サポート終了を受け、「SAP S/4HANA」へと移行した企業は多いだろう。だが、ここで新たな課題として、移行後の「定期的な ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5 How are the chinese languages mutually intelligible in writing only?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
i speak 0 chinese languages, obviously it baffles me that while cantonese, mandarin, shanghainese, etc are NOT mutually intelligible when spoken, they are in writing. how can this be? i understand not all chinese characters are pictographs, like mountain, sun, or person, so i cannot imagine how, with non-pictographs like “bright”, meanings just… converge into the same meaning? or what goes on really?
Submitted February 27, 2025 at 06:25PM by jchristsproctologist
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How does Microsoft’s discontinued support of windows 10 make it so unsafe?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
With Microsoft stopping their support of Windows 10 i’ve seen comments that discourage the use of the older OS while connected to the internet but no one ever explains why. Just wondering, what makes it so vulnerable to hackers and how does Microsoft prevent that with updates?
Submitted February 27, 2025 at 03:14PM by CottonTaco
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