Google Search Curitiba stuff
Shopping de Curitiba promove a Liquidá com descontos de até 70%
Além dos descontos de até 70%, o app PODI ainda oferece cupons de desconto especiais para os clientes”, afirma a gerente de marketing do Jockey Plaza ...
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Numen lança novo hub em Lisboa para impulsionar crescimento em Portugal
... SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) em Lisboa. Este investimento representa um passo significativo na expansão global da empresa, que terminou ...
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Numen lança novo hub em Lisboa para impulsionar crescimento em Portugal
... SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) em Lisboa. Este investimento representa um passo significativo na expansão global da empresa, que terminou ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Jockey Plaza Shopping promove a Liquidá com descontos de até 70% - Folha de Curitiba
... 70%. “É uma ótima oportunidade de renovar o guarda-roupas e aproveitar as peças de verão por um preço realmente imperdível. Além dos descontos de até ...
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YSK You don't look like your photos
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Cameras distort your face because they are made to capture in wide angles. Phone cameras are generally in the 24mm focal length. But our eyes have a focal length of about 50 to 85mm.So how do you look like? Take a mirror pic 5 to 6 feet away from the mirror with 2 to 2.5 x times the zoom. Check the details of the photo, in the EXIF data there will be equivalent focal length given if it's between 50 to 85mm you've got a pic of how people really perceive you more or less.Why YSK: because the amount of people who get their nose reconstructed just cuz it looks big in the photos would baffle you. Having this knowledge and sharing it would do some people good. :)
Submitted February 18, 2025 at 02:54PM by duckoftheocean
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Para 70% dos consumidores, SAC melhorou em dois anos - Diário de Curitiba
Para 70% dos consumidores, SAC melhorou em dois anos · Implementação de um sistema de agendamento on-line para facilitar o agendamento de serviços; ...
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ELI5: Ice cubes put in warm liquid will crack. Is that because they are expanding? or are they contracting?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I put a one ice cube in hot coffee because I like drinking coffee, but not waiting for coffee to cool. The cubes crack. Sometimes violently. Are they expanding? or contracting?
Submitted February 18, 2025 at 01:56PM by monsto
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Jovem cai do oitavo andar de prédio em construção no Centro de Curitiba - Bem Paraná
O acidente foi em uma obra na Avenida Visconde de Guarapuava, no Centro de Curitiba, entre as ruas Tibagi e Conselheiro Laurindo. O acidente teria ...
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SAP S/4 HANA wird digitaler Kern des Maschinenbauers Harro Höfliger -
Reengineering und Prozessoptimierung. Digitaler Kern des Familienunternehmens wird S/4HANA, das an allen deutschen Standorten bis zum Frühjahr 2027 ...
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LTS、SAP S/4HANA® Cloudの ERP導入コンサルティングサービス提供を本格開始 - PR TIMES
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Editionは、いわゆるFit to Standard(※2)での導入が前提であることから、現行業務を大きく変えることが求められます。LTSは創業より ...
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ELI5 Neurologically, when hearing music why do humans perceive major chords as ‘happy / pleasant’ and then minor or diminished chords as ‘sad / tense’ and also everything in between.
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’m stupidly thinking it’s to do with dissonant tones sounding objectively bad.A major triad contains nearly zero dissonance. But it’s slightly more unpleasant/dissonant to change the major note to minor to a bit more nasty with diminished and then to minor 2nd intervals just sounding terrible. But why do we react emotionally to these sounds ? Debussy sounds airy and light, a bit mysterious and ethereal. But then Chopin would be tender, melancholic. Obviously massive stereotypes here… just interested.
Submitted February 18, 2025 at 11:43AM by Alps-Helpful
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Ratinho Junior vence Gusttavo Lima, Ciro Gomes, Ronaldo Caiado, Eduardo Leite e ... - Bem Paraná
... 80% da sua gestão e da liderança na presidência do Cosud, consórcio de governadores do Sul e Sudeste. O governador do Paraná também praticamente ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Como a Governança 4.0 está transformando o sucesso das grandes empresas - Segs
A Mignow, por exemplo, utiliza tecnologia de ponta para auxiliar empresas na transição de sistemas legados para o SAP S/4HANA, reduzindo ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Corregedoria Geral da Polícia Penal realiza primeira reunião técnica
Conheça a SAP. História da SAP · Política Penitenciária · Relação de Autoridades · Organograma; Legislação. Resoluções - SAP · Legislações SAP ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Capacitação gratuita em SAP Customer Experience é promovida pela Altenburg e NTT Data
A empresa, com sede em Blumenau, está implementando o sistema SAP com a NTT Data para integrar todos os seus canais de atendimento B2B, proporcionando ...
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SAP anuncia pagamento integral do retroativo da ascensão funcional na folha de março
SAP anuncia pagamento integral do retroativo da ascensão funcional na folha de março. 18 de fevereiro de 2025 - 16:12. A Secretaria da Administração ...
Mercado global de ERP deve atingir US$ 103,95 bi até 2029 | Criativa Online
... SAP há 18 anos e especialista na implantação do SAP Business One. Além da eficiência operacional, a automação de processos impacta diretamente a ...
ELI5: After 30+ years of consumer-accessible internet, why don't we have better ways to convey tone through text?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
The closest we come is still just a /s marker or selective use of very basic styles: bold, italics, underline. Why don't we have, say, left-slanting italics for sarcasm? A squiggly font style for, idk, speaking as if personifying an animal? Maybe a gradient style of bolding, or a style with irregular kerning. Are different font styles other than the THREE defaults really so difficult to create, disseminate, and standardize?ETA: in response to the first few replies, okay sure, I get that emojis do the same thing. But why? Why only three standard font styles?Edit #2: Wow, didn't anticipate this to be taken as such a dumb question - I've seen similar questions asked for decades (people REALLY seem to want a better way to convey sarcasm in particular). I understand all of the comments and agree with most of the reasoning... to a point. Yes, we've collectively figured out work-arounds, like tHiS AwFuL tHiNg, or meaningful use of italics, exclamation marks and punctuation, etc. What I'm really wondering is: Why did we stick with 3 font styles? Why aren't there more? Is it technically difficult? Were there originally more than three but some fell into disuse? Even the standard three don't have specific, universally-agreed-upon implications other than emphasis.
Submitted February 18, 2025 at 03:00PM by KillerSnowGoons
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Mercado global de ERP deve atingir US$ 103,95 bi até 2029 | Criativa Online
... SAP há 18 anos e especialista na implantação do SAP Business One. Além da eficiência operacional, a automação de processos impacta diretamente a ...
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Just Finished : Gabby Petito and I have so many questions
At /r/netflix
POS killed her & then stole her money to drive homeLegally speaking : when she went missing & Brian had her van in Florida, couldn’t cops pressure him to answer questions since he had a van he didn’t own ?! after the body was found & there was a FBI wanted for Brian, couldn’t by law the parents be forced to speak ?after Brian went “misssing” & FBI searched the entire area …. The parents went and “found him” within the hour.couldn’t the parents be criminally charged for aiding a murder?!
Submitted February 18, 2025 at 01:52PM by tekavi23
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Corregedoria Geral da Polícia Penal realiza primeira reunião técnica
Conheça a SAP. História da SAP · Política Penitenciária · Relação de Autoridades · Organograma; Legislação. Resoluções - SAP · Legislações SAP ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Balão cai em prédio de Curitiba e assusta moradores - Bem Paraná
Um balão caiu em um prédio na manhã desta terça-feira (18) na Rua São Januário, no bairro Jardim Botânico, em Curitiba. O incidente assustou moradores
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Downside to cancelling and restarting
At /r/netflix
I have a standard ad-free plan which I've had for a very long time. Due to less interesting content and price increases I want to cancel my account and restart it within 10 months to save money (but preserve watch history . I spoke to a friend and he said my plan has additional benefits grandfathered (old rules are extended) in and to not cancel. From what I can tell nothing is grandfathered for standard plans and my friend is wrong.Can someone confirm?Also do memberships still immediately restart if one logins it? Or do you need to explicitly enable restarting? It could be useful to check watching history, etc. during the cancelled time.
Submitted February 18, 2025 at 01:12PM by dont_frek_out
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Techwave – jó kérdésekre megnyugtató válaszok - ITBUSINESS
Ez a három trend az SAP S4/HANA megjelenése és a kötelező átállás; az elmozdulás a felhőalapú informatikai működés felé; és az általános digitalizáció ...
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SAP Webinar 25. Februar: S/4HANA einfach erweitern mit dem S/4HANA Extensibility Framework
In diesem Webinar zeigt Thomas Barleben, Teamleiter für SAP Development bei der Leverkusener Bitech AG, Ihnen, wie weit Sie S/4HANA als Key User ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Nos EUA, índice de atividade industrial Empire State avança a 5,7 em fevereiro - Bem Paraná
O resultado ficou bem acima da expectativa de analistas consultados pela FactSet, que previam alta do indicador a -0,5 neste mês. Apenas o subíndice ...
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The Laundrie Family are THE worst!
At /r/netflix
The way they just batted off the police and gave no cooperation at all, nothing to ease the minds of the Petito Family, it's disgusting! They should be charged with perverting the course of justice!
Submitted February 18, 2025 at 12:13PM by MassiveDexterFanGirl
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Comissão de Utentes de Benavente alerta para défice de médicos e atrasos - O Mirante
Além disso, o SAP tem estado sem médico em vários dias, agravando a falta de resposta no concelho. A CUCB denuncia ainda desigualdades na ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Visitante tenta entrar com ilícito no CDP de Mauá - Portal Opinião Pública
A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) informa sobre apreensões de ilícitos registradas em unidades prisionais da Região Metropolitana ...
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Como a Governança 4.0 está transformando o sucesso das grandes empresas - Segs
A Mignow, por exemplo, utiliza tecnologia de ponta para auxiliar empresas na transição de sistemas legados para o SAP S/4HANA, reduzindo ...