‘Wednesday’ Season 2 Wraps Production
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 04, 2024 at 11:20AM by misana123
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Eli5: if radio waves can be around 3m "tall", why can a radio smaller than that receive all the info embedded in that signal?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted December 04, 2024 at 09:16AM by MlKlBURGOS
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Inside Man - Grieff’s Wife
At /r/netflix
I might be a little late on this but after finally watching, here’s my take: Grieffs wife may have walked in on him cheating. That line, "If you love someone, don’t come home early," feels like a major hint. In a fit of rage, she strangles his mistress. Grieff, out of love or guilt, decides to take the blame. Since he’s a criminal psychology expert, he stages everything to make it look like he killed his wife in a moment of madness. She goes into hiding in the UK. It seems like the police simply accepted Grieff’s confession and didnt do any further investigating. All they focused on was finding the missing head - to bury her body whole. Grieff knows that if they were ever to find the head it would show that the woman they buried was not his wife ...Fast forward to when Janice bumps into Beth on the train. Although she'd been the one to publicly stand up for Beth, she is very reluctant to chat further and refused multiple times to be interviewed. She also mentioned not having Facebook. She had a very "loner" attitude and didn't want to be in the public eye. Beth then received the distress message from Janice and essentially starts the process of finding her "friend" with Grieff... after long debate. Although Grieff has insane resources at hand.. he seems to know just that little bit more about Janice as the investigation continues. He knew that she had a Skype call with her sister that she never misses... did he know that because he knew his wife would never abandon her sister... even if she was in hiding ... maybe the Skype call was to him every day. The matter of how he got that information before getting into her apartment is suspect. While Janice is trapped she is very strategic and understanding of her circumstances. Taking very tactical measures in attempt to escape... leading me to believe she has this knowledge from growing up with a mafia dad... she's not just a regular math tutor. As we all know, the Vicars wife is killed and he is arrested. Him and Grieff are shown on a call together. The Vicar argues to Grieff that he is not a murderer and he did not murder anyone. To which Grieff replies.. "Oh you didn't murder Janice - But if you hadn't have acted the way you did, would your wife still be alive?" He wants the Vicar to understand that it was solely his actions that resulted in someone's death.. just as his had resulted in the same. They're not so different after all. Now, let’s talk about the scene where Janice visits Grieff on death row. Their interaction feels... familiar, more than a mere acquaintance from the ordeal. Dillon’s grin when the guards leave the room shows that there is a mischievous atmosphere between them. When Janice says, "I understand you'll be dead in a week," Grieff replies with, "Do you? Personally, I'm having a little trouble with the fact of my execution." The way he emphasizes "fact of my" feels like he’s mocking her slightly. Janice explains why she’s meeting with them - her husband's murder. Dillon says "With all due respect, you do know your husband isn’t actually dead." His mannerisms seem like he's hinting towards an inside joke. Janice’s response, "No, but he deserves to be," obviously still holding on to a bit of cold blood and referring to his betrayal. She asks him why he seems surprised at this.. Grieff then says, "This is death row, Janice. We're all murderers here," and she grins knowingly... as, theoretically, there are 3 murderers in that room. It feels like Janice, after being saved by her husband for a second time, and hearing that he will be executed in a week (because he refused to give up the head/real story), had a change of heart and wanted to plan how they could get away with his "murder" and ultimately break him out. As for Janice’s father, his involvement in shady stuff—maybe CSAM— that might explain why Janice was so (annoyingly) triggered by what was on the flash drive.Maybe introducing an impulsive gangster of a father hints towards why she’s a bit of a psychopath herself.And…
ELI5: What happens if a person is in debt but they immigrate to another country? Can debt collectors find them?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted December 04, 2024 at 06:30AM by Jezzaq94
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Infosys Collaborates with Kardex to Transform Business Operations Using SAP S/4HANA
Infosys was selected by Kardex for its extensive experience in executing large-scale digital transformation projects with SAP S/4HANA and its deep ...
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Infosys partners with Kardex to revolutionize global business operations with SAP S/4HANA
... S/4HANA. Leveraging Infosys Cobalt, the collaboration aims to unify Kardex's ERP systems across more than 30 countries, enhancing operational ...
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Wie U.S. Sugar bei der S/4HANA-Migration SoD-Probleme löst [Case Study]
Dieses Kundenprojekt gibt einen umfassenden Einblick, wie das US-amerikanische Unternehmen die Sicherheit und Compliance während der S/4HANA ...
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GROW with SAP op AWS maakt Cloud ERP-implementatie eenvoudiger - Emerce
Amazon Web Services en SAP kondigen SAP op AWS aan. Deze gezamenlijke oplossing vereenvoudigt en versnelt de adoptie van SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public ...
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ELI5: Why are countries so desperate to join the European Union and what do they get for joining?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted December 04, 2024 at 06:31AM by Small-Habit-2987
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Europa antes do pregão: Futuros fracos antes das eleições na França — TradingView News
As ações da gigante alemã de software SAP SAP também podem estar em foco após resultados otimistas (link) do concorrente americano Salesforce CRM ...
ELI5: why does drinking cold water taste better than hot water?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted December 04, 2024 at 02:07AM by NateNandos21
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the snow sister
At /r/netflix
has anyone watched this?! what did you think?? need someone to talk to about it 😭😭😭knew it was gonna be sad and could also tell that twist was coming BUT it still broke heart...I cried so much 😭😭😭seeing how depression is expressed differently between the adults and children is so subtle but deeply moving. the ice skates scene...oof.
Submitted December 04, 2024 at 02:07AM by HeliumRhenium
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1h68f87/the_snow_sister/?utm_source=ifttt
YSK: Healthy relationships are based on respect. If you don’t respect yourself, you won’t respect anyone who's willing to be with you. If you do respect yourself, you won’t put up with anyone that doesn’t respect you.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: When a relationship's foundation is built of respect it allows us to grow individually together. You want to be better for them, because you respect them, so you are.
Submitted December 04, 2024 at 02:14AM by PussiesUseSlashS
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Unable to cast Netflix and only Netflix, other apps work fine
At /r/netflix
I can't cast from my laptop or my phone. This is the second time I've restarted my subscription and had this problem. I could really use some TV right now and would appreciate the help.I've updated my app/browser. I've made sure the chromecast has powered down and then turned back on. They are for sure on the same wifi - other apps work. I simply have no clue what the issue is
Submitted December 04, 2024 at 01:21AM by gumbo100
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1h67ljv/unable_to_cast_netflix_and_only_netflix_other/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP Brasil assina acordo de leniência com Estado - Diário do Comércio
... SAP Brasil Ltda. O acordo foi celebrado com a interveniência do Ministério Público do Estado de Minas Gerais (MPMG). Em 2022, após trabalho de ...
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Incorporadora pernambucana emite R$ 75 milhões para projeto | Diário de Curitiba
A empresa emitiu R$ 75 milhões, destinados ao empreendimento Max Tulum, localizado em Maragogi, Alagoas. O projeto já comercializou 80% das unidades.
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It seems that 'Quicksilver' romantasy adaptation is coming to Netflix, they won the bidding war with a massive 7-figure deal
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 04, 2024 at 09:39AM by S4v1r1enCh0r4k
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba tem Black Friday histórica e contabiliza resultados positivos em 2024 - Banda B
Com produtos desejados como a Air Fryer Barbecue Wap e cooktops da Brastemp com descontos de até 70%, podendo ser parcelados a perder de vista em ...
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ELI5- When do I put commas and what is an independent clause?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I noticed that my sentences have either no commas or an abundance of commas. I know that when you're listing 3 items or more you add commas for each item listed. Actually ELI5 would be greatly appreciated because I was never taught this in school.
Submitted December 04, 2024 at 07:46AM by Syrupthief07
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xSuite Invoice Workflow Obtains New Clean Core Certification from SAP - Morningstar
With the introduction of S/4HANA, SAP has changed its focus to cloud first and clean core, which is an operating approach where the SAP core is left ...
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Infosys Collaborates with Kardex to Transform Business Operations Using SAP S/4HANA
... S/4HANA. To help unify Kardex's ERP system in over 30 countries leveraging Infosys Cobalt. Bengaluru, India – December 04, 2024. Infosys (NSE, BSE ...
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Porsche schließt Umstellung auf SAP S/4HANA ab - CIO.de
Der Bereich Finanzen und Beschaffung von Porsche hat die SAP-Umgebung mit 13.000 Usern auf S/4HANA umgestellt.
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ELI5: why do soldiers do when there is no war ? Do officers work in offices like a regular 9-5 ?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
My brother is an officer and he basically work a 9-5, he has an office with a computer and a lot of paperwork.So what do military officers and ppl „do“ when there is no war ?
Submitted December 04, 2024 at 06:26AM by Cobralore
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Europa antes do pregão: Futuros fracos antes das eleições na França - TradingView
As ações da gigante alemã de software SAP SAP também podem estar em foco após resultados otimistas (link) do concorrente americano Salesforce CRM ...
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ELI5 Do teeth whitening strips actually help your teeth or just hide deeper problems?
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Submitted December 04, 2024 at 01:21AM by lsarge442
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Help Identifying the Song from "Dear Sa-chan" (Sacchan, Boku wa.) Episode 8
At /r/netflix
Hi everyone,I’m trying to find a specific song from Dear Sa-chan (Sacchan, Boku wa.) Episode 8, which aired in 2024. The track plays around the 11-minute mark, and I’ve tried using Shazam to identify it, but no luck so far. Does anyone happen to know the name of this song or the artist?It’s really sticking with me, and I’d love to add it to my playlist. I’ve checked online, but so far, I haven’t been able to find any details. If anyone has an idea or can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance for your help!
Submitted December 04, 2024 at 02:53AM by investorhalp
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The Hollow Season 2 sucks
At /r/netflix
Season one is possibly one of my favorite shows of all time. It was so engaging and intriguing and the characters felt authentic and well rounded the world building was interesting, and while I didn’t like how they went to real people at the end, I was so excited for season two. Season two, we start out extremely confused. It feels like season one was all for nothing, seeing as they are still in the game for some reason. Time passes, the characters keep doing the video game thing, but somethings off. Anyway, long story short, season two doesn’t have the main characters in it at all. These are clones, perfect copies yes but they aren’t the original MCs. The original characters are in the real world. I figured this out on episode three. Unlike with the original season one, I immediately knew what was going on pretty much from the get go. Iesperately want to know what happened from there? But I guess we will never know seeing as it got canceled. Not surprised how bad that season was. I would’ve loved it if we had gotten a take two almost. They are a team are they not? They would play hollow over and over again. I would’ve loved to see the same three characters in a different game of hollow. perhaps new sides of their characters and dynamics would show in different environments? Starting from scratch, no memories. Alternatively, I would’ve loved to see how their lives continued in the real world after the game. Their relationships, etc, etc. What we got was so boring and low stakes in comparison.apparently, a lot of people loved it. So happy for you. I am not there, I don’t think I will ever be there. please don’t yell at me for having a different opinion.
Submitted December 04, 2024 at 02:21AM by Best_Mammoth_9589
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Acusado de chefiar facção é morto em presídio por aliados | CIDADES - O Povo Mais
O POVO solicitou informações à SAP e o órgão informou que os policiais penais intervieram em um confronto de internos. Os profissionais de saúde ...
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FURG Santo Antônio da Patrulha presente na MPU - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
Acompanhados da vice-diretora do Campus FURG SAP, Darlene Webler e de técnicos, os estudantes fizeram uma longa viagem, da região metropolitana da ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
CGE, AGE e MPMG firmam acordo de leniência com SAP Brasil Ltda. - RCWTV
A SAP Brasil se comprometeu a pagar R$ 66.316.257,76, em parcela única, em até 30 dias. Esse valor inclui ressarcimento ao erário, multas ...
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